"What is the Ukrainian nationalism?" - Notes:

Press Service of the Lugansk regional organization "Svoboda

"The ideal of a Ukrainian nationalist Ukrainian Sobor of Independent States. That's what the soldiers fought the UPA and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - those who are today called "Bandera". "

Bandera said: "OUN fighting against the Bolshevik dictatorship, totalitarianism, anti-communist social oppression and exploitation. The Ukrainian State Ukrainian people must be free to choose its state and social system. The Ukrainian state will provide free development of all spheres of life - religion, culture, the economy, to ensure the full liberty and justice for all citizens of Ukraine. "
"Ukrainian nationalist movement has nothing to do with Nazism or fascism ... The designation" Ukrainian nationalists "in tune with the" Ukrainian patriot. "Ukrainian nationalism in opposition to the Bolshevik internationalism of the idea of independence and free development of every nation."

"We will not take into account the point of view of Soviet, German, Polish or any other promoters. Promoter - a profession incompatible with objectivity. And to us, this is the objective and need. "
1. Same Ukrainian promoter says
2. contrary to the name of Soviet propagandists sent

"Encyclopedia Britannica defines nationalism as" loyalty and commitment to the nation and the country, where national interests above personal or group interests. ""
Those Bolsheviks on this answer:
"It is the commitment of governments, rallied with the oligarchy.
Natural commitment - the group - the class. "
Another thing is that the last - also cheating - partocracy cover.

"Only by having an independent state, people can independently determine how to arrange his life. If State's own people do not have, then he will live as he ordered other people who all came together with the state. "

1. But what are the people? - The subjects of the government.
Sometimes - it is better to "live as he ordered other" government.
But in a particular situation, I think the residents of Donbass live better, how do you want the government of Ukraine, not Russia, that is, to have prospects that it will be almost no ordering.

2. "The people can determine their own" - "the people" are in the concept of "ethnicity".
Ethnicity and the state does not usually coincide, there is usually a state-forming ethnicity.
"Ukrainian people must be free to choose its state and social system."
Very often, the device selected state-forming ethnic group is not optimal for the other ethnic groups. A similar example of Turkey:
1905 - within the boundaries of modern Turkey, home to 30% of Turks,
1925 - within the boundaries of modern Turkey, home to 70% of Turks, the rest - of Greeks, Armenians and others - just progenotsidili, and the remaining - forcibly assimilated.
The behavior of the UPA-cans in the years 1942-1952 was similar in appearance to the behavior of the Turks.
To be fair it should be noted that the behavior of the Nazis was even worse, and no better than the Bolsheviks.
Error modern OUN-ant in no regrets, not to mention repentance. Although it is never too late to do so.
Naturally, the Russian Donbass could intimidate.
By the way, I do not remember - in a program of OUN declared whether equality and non-discrimination in the future of Ukraine?

To be fair it should be noted that the "internationalists" -bolsheviki also did not disdain almost genocide. However, the reason for the persecution was - the rule of non-Russian ethnic groups, and - the party: For the strength of the Soviet Union, it was not to be ethnic strife, and for this approach - the ethnic hierarchy. The primacy of the Russian Bolsheviks were simply inherited. But the "tyranny" Great Russian region with "developed" socialism more than the margin, - at the same Ukraine providing consumer goods was higher.

3. "The people can independently determine"
Here, the dominant ethnic group in the Donbass Russian independently and self-determined.

Another thing is that Russian ethnicity incapacitated - as a result of propaganda.
But formally, he is entitled, as the great Bandera.

Another thing is that the current situation much more humane - after Nazism and Stalinism itself compromised.
Another thing is that if the "maydaunam" managed to build a state, the Russian ethnic group it would be much freer than in the "native" Russia.

"Talk about" brotherhood "- nothing more than a smokescreen" - In fact, - ATU and punitive.

"In the Ukrainian national state there is a place for anyone who wants to build it together with the Ukrainians!"
What does "together"? T e "wants" big brother "- you will go, as pretty, is not an Orthodox church?"
- This I said niggles - the proposed draft Constitution is quite liberal.

Speaking of the church: the UOC is still not autocephalous? This reinforces the contention today.

"Not separated from the power business."
- That raises doubts about the enforceability of claims.

"The slogan" Ukraine for Ukrainians "means that the Ukrainian state should serve the interests of the Ukrainian people."
- Explanation unreliable. Goebbels, too, so explain.

"Just be faithful to the country and respect the Ukrainians"
- To what extent? And is not there a syndrome when a slave becomes a slave owner?

"Pana fight, at lackeys forelocks crack ..."
- I agree: the OUN leaders have taken power with Putin fighting, and ordinary Ukrainians - bones lie.

"In the Christian religious traditions catholicity is understood as the unity of the Christian church in love, faith and life. In the same social and public aspect of collegiality means solidarity unity. "
- Too well it said. Only the history of the Church differed little from the history of the state - the same struggle, hierarchy, lack of freedom and intolerance.

'Parable about how hard to break associated broom. "
- Is not it better to focus on what not to break brooms, or at least not provoke the use of nuclear weapons?

"What will be the Ukraine after separation from the Donbass? - Powerless and defenseless. "
- It depends on what kind of world: In medieval - yes, in the EU - not.

"After all, Ukraine - it is our common home. Never mind that he is still not fully equipped by. "
- Here and say first Organize, and then - invite.
And then the "arrangement" ATO these words appear "cynicism" "propagandists."
And then - even the "tolerance" and "freedom" of speech - at the "Freedom" - the complete absence of - even no place to put these remarks - remove all Ukrainian forums. Therefore confidence - naturally.

"The main thing that people were good, but not a part of the state to their region."
- 100% agree.

I'd add:
Need neither Kiev nor Moscow - in the sense of authoritarian states.
In the Internet age really drastic reduction in the role of the state.
Nonviolent economy may be more effective,
Even the control of crime can be effective - non-state.
Internet clerical direct diplomacy can be more efficient to abolish the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, unconstructive riots do worse.
Riot makes sense only as a defense build up better, but did not protest.
Example: "Dragon": In China, more than once won the peasant uprising leader began a new dynasty, and nothing has changed.