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Democracy and the �Consultative structures�:

Now all the bad things people hands:
Spin doctors "free world" learned it from the Communists, -
- The repression in the Soviet Union carried out with the approval of the people.

Some Western politicians are looking for solutions to the problem of refugees, - to strengthen nationalism, xenophobic instinct in people.

Ukrainian oligarchs are heated ultra-patriotism to expand the activity of the people back in the direction of dictatorship.

The main tool of political consultants, both in Russia and in the West - propaganda. Only in the West, it is - a hidden, subtle.

Finding solutions should be the one who needs them - the people.
But this requires finding solutions to tool - "consultative structures."

General issues:

Cheating that must be dealt with only themselves and their loved ones.
The decision of individual questions is impossible without solving common.
Common questions are repeated at all.
Why did everyone decide the same question, if effectively solve them together.?

�invention Bike�:

Why deal with common issues, if their decisions have long found?
1. Find solutions - only an insignificant part of the question,
2. There are new questions - as the old solutions.

There are professional "solvers" issues, such as scientists? - But researchers in the social sciences is usually false.
Example: articles of the Uzbek "scientists" on Yuldashev's teachings.
Their "professionalism" worse dilettantism, because it is not aimed at the search for truth, and deception.

Thus, the "reinventing the wheel" in the social sciences there.
Another question on the 8 billion people have a lot smarter than me. - Yes: that's why I do not search for the answers, and - organization - "consultative structures."

Smart people have a lot, but:
1. They are difficult to find,
2. Their mind works socially inefficient. - On peripheral issues, on unproductive debates.

There are lots of things that for some reason no one invents.

�Minority� Democracy:

- Minimization of the minority, instead of maximizing the majority:
Safety is more important than democracy.
However, it maximizes the safety of democracy.
More specifically, the optimum - for the safety of the next form of democracy:
Vanquish is not the decisions that supported the majority, and those who rejected the minority.