Divine works

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Cosmos makes sense:

What is Mars for?

To leave our tracks in the dust of distant planets?
  - No problem, but only at own expense. - Hire a company, make a rocket and fly.
  - There are more important problems on Earth even without Mars. For example, the usurpation of power through manipulation.
  Science astronomy, of course useful, but not comparable to the same sociology.
  In addition, it can be made automatic machines - cheaper by orders of magnitude.

However, the cosmos still makes sense:

Space is the most effective tool for solving the problem of manipulation of power.
  Space is:
  1. The Internet, independent of usurpers.
  1.1. Freedom of speech.
  1.2. Freedom of organization.
  2. Security from the nuclear games of usurpers.
  2.1. Freedom of self-defense.

Space is a rare-earth metal, the deficit of which is more powerful than energy.

Space is the solution to the problem of Earth's overpopulation - with the help of Venus.

The survival of cosmic colonies in the event of the death of Earth's Civilization is not an argument. -
  1. The death of Earth's civilization can not be tolerated.
  2. Space colonies able to independently preserve the Civilization will not appear soon.