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Racism: Nazism was a "flower":

Varieties of racism:

The frontier, after which begins racism, I think - actions or public utterances.

A person can profess "steep" racism, but not be a racist. And vice versa.
  A person can keep thoughts to himself, not insult anyone. - Why? - This is a separate issue. - For example, he may not be an amateur to offend even animals.

Word of the insults is, of course, bad, but conventional morality places assault on a separate - a higher level of unacceptability.

Even more unacceptable is mutilation, harm to health.

And, finally, the last step is murder.

The discreteness of criminal articles fully reflects the discreteness of the moral norms prevailing in society.

These norms can change - very fast.
  For example, in Nazi Germany total murders of women and children were considered noble and kind - for the Great German cause.

Civilization Progress:

Genetically, a person has not changed, and even degraded a little.
  But culture, "Civilization" has changed uniquely and strongly. -
  Morals, especially in the "democratic" countries have changed very much over the last 1000 years. - Why? - This is a separate issue. - There is a significant factor, for example, Christianity.

And racism changed non-linearly. - In the ancient world it was irrelevant.
  Instead of him, there was hatred for neighboring tribes. And then not always.
  Neighbors, as a rule, were not considered animals, and, in general, less theorized, simply genocidal - to take away land, women, wealth.

The peak of racism fell on a completely "cultural" era - the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
  1. At this time, the greatest gap between the "white" world and the others, which were mostly still in their original state, fell.
  2. Non-education of "full-fledged" people. Science was not primarily a science, dominated by far-fetched theories, such as Freudianism, Marxism.

In the 21st century, one can be touched by the prevailing racial harmony, political correctness and, in general, "unnatural" tolerance. -
  - Public morality prohibits even completely scientific - anthropological studies that can call into question racial equality.

& nbsp;


In the 21st century, the "renaissance" of racism is very real.
  And it will be completely scientific, and probably forever.
  - Genetic medicine is unlikely to be democratic, especially on a global scale.
  It is likely the emergence of a race of immortal "superhumans".

Optional "immortals" will restore the caste system.
  They will be able to "vampire" in the formal framework of "democracy" - "Managed democracy". -
  - Ordinary people are really unreasonable, easily lend themselves to the influence of propaganda, political technologies.

The process will begin, probably in China. - There for the first time there will be a new class.
  However, there will not be any unpleasant manifestations of racism yet, they are in agreement with the ideology of communism.
  Ideology is not necessary to change. - Privileges fit perfectly into the existing nomenclature system.

Worse - the transfer of technology and "totalitarian democracy" to other countries of the 2nd (authoritarian) and third world.
  For example, to Russia, India, Nigeria.
  Over-niggers will manipulate under-whites if the latter fail to develop democracy adequately to the challenges of the 21st century.

And, the worst thing that can happen is the latent export of "Managed Democracy" to "democratic" countries.
  Attempts have already begun - for example, the Kremlin recruiting American politicians before the presidential elections in the US in 2016.

It's amazing how the most reasonable representatives of the "free" world do not notice the danger.
  - Discuss all sorts of asteroids, volcanoes, techno-"singularities", nano-stupidity.
  True, the cause of this blindness is probably already the influence of influential groups.