Divine works

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Soul Science:

This, the most important science is not, surprisingly enough.

There are fragments in psychology, in religions, especially in Hinduism, but there is no integral science.

Although psychology translates as "Science and Soul", but it is about anything, just not about the soul.

The same as what is taught in seminaries, is not science.
  And to spirituality it has a very indirect relationship. - Churches do little in the soul, more - purely religious issues.

"Culture", by the way, also has very little relation to culture - in its main sense. - It's entertainment, entertainment.

In psychology, in particular, in spite of the developed psycho-diagnostics, there is no system for measuring spiritual qualities.


This has significant and very dangerous social consequences. -

The greatest danger to humanity:

"Totalitarian (managed) democracy" is the greatest danger for the Civilization now.
  Formally, it remains a democracy - the government pursues a policy that does not contradict the opinion of the majority of the population.
  The difference between Managed Democracy is that the government itself shapes the opinion, the world outlook of the population.
  It is more effective to form not the views of people, but their causes - feelings, spiritual qualities, which until now were formed spontaneously - the soul of people.

"Special Spirituality" of Russians:

The lack of a science about the soul, and, in particular, spiritual indicators, allows, for example, Kremlin propaganda to inspire Russians with the myth of the special spirituality of Russians.
  While their difference is in special heartlessness, cynicism, indifference, unceremoniousness, the principle of "insolence is the second happiness."
  Russian culture developed in the 1930s, when the friends were put under terrible torture - to save their skins, stepped over the heaps of dying starving peasants in the streets, - you will not overstep - you will get into Oymyakon.
  Russian differences, in turn, are one of the main foundations of "Totalitarian democracy."
  At the same time, the Kremlin itself continues to educate these people in people.

Russian infection:

Worse, this political technology, Putinism infects the democratic world. -
  US President Trump, for example, also began to use the base instincts of people.

Spirituality is the basis of everything:

For the sustainable development of civilization, spirituality is more important than education and intelligence.
  - The technical capabilities of mankind have severed themselves from the spiritual qualities of man, genetics, in particular, which only degrades.
  Nuclear, for example, and mn technologies are becoming more accessible.

The power of Islamism can not be defeated:

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Islamist organizations is precisely the violation of the development of human spirituality in a rapidly changing social environment.
  - Without eliminating the reasons, it will not be possible to destroy radical Islamism.

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What could be the country's spiritual indicators?:

Before analyzing the causes, factors and ways of changing spirituality, objective indicators are needed.
  More indispensable are country comparison indices.

Examples of mental indicators:

These could be, for example:
  • Polls. - Attitudes towards bribes, executions, abortions, migrants, negroes, meat.
  • The number and structure of abandoned children, the elderly, pets - per capita.
  • Number and structure - specific donations, donation.
  • Number and structure of actions of volunteers.
  • Number and structure - corruption (= abuse of power, not just bribery), violence,

Qualitative indicators - the methodology already exists:

It's harder to measure quality indicators - love of children, levels of aggression in society,
  However, to solve these problems in psychological science has developed a fairly effective methodology.
  In particular, they allow you to separate motives, for example, donations.

Happiness indicators:

There are numerous indicators of happiness. For example:
  • Satisfaction with Life Index (Index of Satisfaction with Life)
  • Happy Planet Index (
)   • Gross National Wellness (GNW)
  • Bhutan GNH Index (Bhutan NNS-Index)
  • Gross National Happiness (GNH) (Gross National Happiness (SNC))
  • Gross national happiness
  • Subjective satisfaction with life

The state benefits - the body, not the soul:

However, they measure only contentment with life.
  Governments can easily give people a swinish contentment.
  In this case, the spiritual qualities of people with their help will degrade.

Positive desires are not inferior to negative ones:

The desire for immortality, health, happiness and health of children - almost not inferior to envy and selfishness in man.
  Therefore, the development of genetic medicine is inevitable.
  There will be an opportunity to change the genetic basis of the soul.
  The devil usurps power not only over the soul, but over the human body.
  - State control over genetic medicine is deadly for humanity.

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Self-awareness and search for loopholes:

Thinking usually follows standard ways:
  Instinct causes = & gt; Thought-1 causes = & gt; Thought-2 ...

Almost only variations of external conditions introduce some variations in thinking.

Incredibly more opportunities are provided by self-awareness. - change of thoughts by thoughts - in real time.
  With the help of self-awareness is achieved:
  1. Independence of thinking from instincts.
  2. Independence of thinking from external conditions.
  3. Optimization of thinking in order to find the optimal result.