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Project: Peaceful Islamic State:

How to defeat the terrorist "Islamic state"?
  - Create a Peaceful Islamic State.

One of the causes of terrorism of the Islamic state is the suppression of the latter.
  Hypothesis: & gt; 50% of the followers of the Islamic state would agree not to impose their understanding of Islam on other people - by force.
  The notion that most of the followers of the Islamic state are terrorists is propaganda.
  2. On the surface - the most active followers, and they are - more radical.


1. Offer to followers of the Islamic state a place for living and missionary work - peaceful, non-violent, including without violation of human rights.
  This will make a split, and undermine the authority of militant radicals.

2. Ensure protection to peaceful Islamists.
  However, in Islamic countries there is no state in which such an independent zone could be provided.
  Option: Greenland

3. Organize counter propaganda, including the explanation of the proposal, its greater compliance with Islam.
  Appropriate explanations are also needed among potential recruits, for example, in Uzbekistan.

This project should be promoted - not through state institutions:
  1. Terrorist states, such as Uzbekistan, are not interested in a successful alternative.
  2. To the Western governments, the Islamic state is indifferent, if only it did not organize terrorist attacks.