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- philosophy, water the movement of immortality.

Political immortality:

In 2012, political parties for the extension of life have been created - in Russia, the United States, Israel and the Netherlands.


• Political support for scientific research in the field of life extension and
  • Ensuring a rapid and painless transition of society to a radical increase in life expectancy, stopping aging and rejuvenation.

50% of US scientists believe in the possibility of personal immortality of a person - in 1997 (poll)

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(Strategies for engineered negligible senescence, "The strategy of achieving negligible aging by engineering methods").
  The developer of the SENS-concept is Aubrey de Gray, author of the book "Ending Aging" (Ending Aging), in which the victory over aging is considered medicine in the next few decades.
  Chairman of the SENS Foundation

The Foundation awards prizes to researchers who have achieved an increase in the lifespan of a laboratory mouse (for 2007 - $ 4.2 million).

Immortal cells:

In the body of an ordinary person, there are two types of immortal cells: & nbsp; stem cells & nbsp; and & nbsp; primary sex cells.
  En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological Moring

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Loading consciousness, Transferring consciousness - unbearable?:

Lamont believes that personality is the same integral quality of the brain as red color is an integral quality of the red rose.