Divine works

eng deu рус

I am a Semitophile:

I like Jews.
  Maybe because they are persecuted by everyone. They fester as well as women and blacks. -
  - I have a sharp instinct of justice and sympathy.

Jews are the most intelligent people, and among them, the least number of racists.
  With their small numbers, they gave humanity more than any other nation.
  The ratio of Nobel laureates to their souls is abnormal.

Envy is the first reason for prejudice against Jews.
  Likewise, as the bourgeoisie drove out, they did not organize anything worthwhile, and they drove out the Jews ...
  Yes, Jews are often richer. But indigenous millionaires rarely excel them morally.

Jews gave Christianity. Christ was a Jew, and apostles.
  Crucified him, not Jews, but Pharisees.
  If the Nazis did not smother all Jews in Europe, perhaps a controlled democracy would not grow into a threat to humanity.