Divine works

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I am the "Kindererist":

Tell me, please, what is the name of the movement and the ideology of the equality of children and adults, or I did not find such a term - an analogue of feminism - the ideology of equality between women and men.
  The absence of a term is also an indicator of adult egoism.

As a child, I instinctively respected adults.
  Later - completely disappointed.
  I thought that only teenagers are interested in singers and stage music.
  It turned out that most "monkeys" are grandmothers and grandfathers.
  And they have the same audience.

Cares of the most authoritative adults if not "stole, drunk, in prison", then mental sadism towards children.
  Toys are the same - cars, football, war.

"Caring for a child" is, as a rule, a demagogy of the egoism of adults.
  - The world is designed for the convenience of adults. Often at the expense of children.

Children's feelings and desires are incomparably more acute than those who are satiated, disappointed and stupefied by the propaganda of adults.
  However, adult toys cost thousands of dollars, while children have pennies.
  The adult museum is like a sushi sushi, the child's impressions are pure and spontaneous.

From a patriarchal culture, children suffer much more than women, today.
  Childhood is a period of violence:
  - Compulsory education,
  - Submission to the elders,
  - Total prohibitions and rules of life.

No, I'm not opposed to education.
  On the contrary, the school will atrophy the strongest cognitive instinct.
  I am for voluntary education. - Let the adults adjust.
  And, most importantly, the prohibition of the state school to 18 years should be the first paragraph of the law on education. - Propaganda and spiritual violence and children are worse than physical violence.
  The culture of dominance of seniority is purposefully developed and imposed by special services.
  It is the main cause of child suicide, juvenile delinquency.

Causes of juvenile delinquency:
  - Protest,
  - Alternative culture as a lesser evil,
  - Impression of hierarchical values.

There is more harm from Russian education than good.
  Harmful are not only "humanitarian" items.
  Imposed mathematics, physics and chemistry are not needed either.
  They were needed by the leaders of the relevant state groupings for the training of manufacturers of means of serial murder of Americans.

The best culture of relations between children and adults is European, especially Scandinavian.

The worst despot is a former slave.
  Feminists often act out on children.
  They deprive them of even the right to live, defending abortions.
  - A child is not a property, not a part of a woman.

Of course, the prohibition of abortion is part of patriarchal culture.
  But we must separate "flies and cutlets".
  - At a minimum, feminists must recognize the immorality of abortion.
  And help avoid it.
  For example, do not put under any horrors the supporters of the patriarchate, indifferent to their own geeks, irresponsibly forgetting the dominant role of women in the Cultural selection.