Divine works

eng deu рус

Survival of Civilization:

Progress is:

Despite the fact that they say that morals do not change, objective "divine" progress is obvious:

0 years from the birth of Christ:

Genocide, cannibalism are widespread.

Example: Germanic tribe Kimvrov:

- Exterminated completely. Those saved in the forest are eaten by animals.

In search of food, tribes are forced to wander. High mortality.
  Slavery, gladiators, regular famines, cannibalism. Continuous wars.

2017: Germany:

Social protection. Affordable medicine. Protection of human rights and even animals. Humanism. Protection of the environment. The growth of equality and equality.
  Mercy: The Germans give refuge to thousands of refugees.

The first factor of progress is economic. - Human genetics has not changed and even degraded.
  The second factor of progress was religion. But his role is declining now.

Of course, in Africa, and now - a lot of manifestations of cruelty and brutality.
  Example: Genocide of the people of Tootsi.
  But on the average on the planet - excesses decrease.

Hypothesis: If Civilization continues sustainable development, then progress will be global.

"Managed Democracy" is the main danger for the development of Civilization now:

1. On the one hand, outwardly human rights will be respected, like democratic principles, but bureaucratic obstacles will grow for them.
  2. Hidden degradation. - the concealment of violations will increase, for example in psychiatry.
  3. Risks increase. - Global degradation may begin, based on the stability of a separate authority.
  4. Degradation of morality and morality. - The main "divine" progress now is not in laws, but in culture. - People are incomparably more humane than 2000 years ago.
  Example: Russia: Despite the existence of formal laws to protect human rights, Russian people are characterized by anarchy and without spirituality.
  5. Biological basis: A sharp decline in the biological homogeneity of mankind with the appearance of a population of "immortals."

This danger is greatly underestimated. The reasons for this are:

1. This is a new danger. Before in the history of mankind it was not.
  2. Non-interest in responding to it - governments, even "democratic" countries.
  3. This is a hidden danger. - Outwardly, it almost does not appear.
  But when there are external negative manifestations, then they will already be irreversible.

Development of political technology:

Propaganda and political technologies are rapidly improving, but the reasonability of a person - his ability to resist propaganda does not change and even degrades.
  The advanced state in the development of propaganda .- Russia.
  It exports political technologies to other authoritarian states and to the third world, and even to "democratic" countries.

If before the culture, outlook and behavior of people were determined:
  1. Philosophers and writers,
  2. "Soul" and the mind of man, - internal processes, relatively independent,
  Now they are determined by propaganda.

Hypothesis: All other dangers are overcome, except for "Managed Democracy"

  "Peak oil": The more expensive oil, the greater it is.
  "Decreased fertility" (Malthus): New technologies are able to feed 1 trillion people.
  Natural hazards will decline - with the sustainable development of civilization, including: diseases, cataclysms.

The Paradox of Modern Survival:

The chances of survival Civilizations are higher - with joint survival, and not just groups at the expense of others - as it was traditionally.
  - Wars increase the risks, including for the winning side, now.

What should I do?:

The only chance of preserving Civilization and the "spiritual" self-determination of a person now is:
  1. Development of democracy, first of all - direct.
  The development of multiple parallel civilian public institutions.
  Creation of the "Advisory structure".
  2. Use of IT-technologies - to counter propaganda.
  Creating the appropriate tools.
  3. Continuation of qualitative economic development. Including:
  3.1. Creating a decentralized - Network economy. Including:
  ? Networking, and
  ? Network production.
  3.2. Reforming intellectual property.
  3.3. Increase of openness - first of all - economic.

For example, they are real:

1. Really - Elimination of the danger of major wars, - with the development of direct democracy and ancillary IT-technologies.
  2. Real - Elimination of hunger.
  3. Really - Multiple increase in life expectancy - for most people, not for an isolated group.