Divine works

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Freedom and organization:

see "The Truth and the Mistakes of Marx."

Marx's communism implied "the emancipation of labor."
  The communism of the USSR was hardened. - The US defeated the USSR - the freedom of entrepreneurship.

Supporters of unfree communism justified paternalism by the fact that in conditions of unlimited freedom, supposedly the rich get richer at the expense of the poor.

1. A significant factor in "capitalist exploitation" was precisely the limitations of freedom:
  1.1. "Class" political advantages to big capital, - this is Marx's right,
  1.2. Monopoly trade and production,
  1.3. Monopolistic property - Although the very development of production greatly reduces the weight factor of this "factor of production" - capitalism began with a relative reduction in the cost of land. Now oil is getting cheaper.
  Monopolization of machines is more difficult, but still there - in this, Marx is also right.
  1.4. "Intellectual property". - It has now become the main source of inequality, profit, a brake on progress.

In an ideal market, without "friction" - restrictions, - "exploitation" should disappear, and profits tend to zero.
  It is difficult to prove experimentally - the interested parties will not give it. But it's more or less possible to model.

In the "free democratic world" there is plenty of lack of freedom, and democracy is very imperfect, and these "class" groups use this imperfection for their power and enrichment.

2. The second factor of inequality and stagnation is disorganization:
  Rulers and corporations retain power and wealth - through their organization and "clouding" the environment - with the help of:
  2.1. Interference of alternative organization, including legal,
  2.2. Hiding information,
  2.3. Distractions of people for consumer and personal, individual life,
  2.4. Propaganda in "mass culture."
  2.5. The use of "monetary resources" in politics, in particular in elections.

The element of the market is the source of crises, ruin, unpredictability, which helps speculators, but it hinders producers and developers.
  Market instruments are imperfect.
  This does not mean that you have to limit something. On the contrary, it is necessary to develop alternatives, - more perfect mechanisms, in particular, organizations.

The mistake of communism is in restricting the freedom of entrepreneurship, instead of favoring its collective forms.
  It is because of this that the "socialist system" lost economically.
  Instead of improving the "capitalist" mechanisms, they were banally banned.
  Command methods were able to increase, for example, steelmaking, but - a high price. GDP was not growing, there was no technological progress.
  The theoreticians of Marxism "honestly" were mistaken, themselves having shown inertia of thinking - after all the whole previous history of politics was negative, - kept on bans and violence, and not on work on conditions.
  And to convince uneducated workers of the effectiveness of "simple" solutions was even easier.
  It took decades of deprivation and a river of blood so that they understood the error.
  More precisely, they understood only the fallacy of communism, but they did not understand its alternative - Liberal Socialism.

Stalin's Apology:

Even Stalin was in good faith erring.
  - He did not conduct terror for personal power.
  By this he was radically different from all other dictators.
  The subconscious does not count. - In Islam, for example, judged not only by fruits, but also by conscious intentions.

On the importance of botany, that is, the theory, that is, the "Advisory structure":

Marx theoretically proved that there is no other way to communism, except for the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  The error at the design stage is more than an order of magnitude.
  Requires "revisionism" - continuous, - as soon as the experimental data are received.
  We need a variety of experimental conditions, that is, the diversity of the Communities.

"Advisory structure":

In 1990, I tried to create an "Advisory structure".
  Her goals were:
  1. Economic self-organization .
  2. Perfect Democracy .
  3. Avoiding destructive destruction. I warned that the destruction of the economic mechanisms of the USSR, without outrunning the positive creation of alternative mechanisms, will cause a prolonged decline.

Economic self-organization :

The collective farms of the USSR were more likely state-feudal structures in the style of the Russian "Arakcheyevsky", the 19th century.
  In the United States there are "People's Enterprises" - in which the industrial property is evenly divided between employees. However, management in them, as a rule, is still hierarchical.
  The hierarchical control mechanism is not bad because it prevents everyone from doing anything and imposing something on others.
  Just its capabilities are limited. - Information when moving up and down is distorted, simplified in a bad way, again hides, creating a favorable environment for all sorts of intrigues.
  Not its effectiveness is the main source of hierarchical management, but its historicity. - In former militaristic, predatory societies, hierarchical management was indeed most effective.
  Now, with the Internet, much more effective management mechanisms are possible.
  - "Consultative structure", - as an experimental version of that, I proposed three times to the most famous activists of the USSR.
  True, it was based in 1990, not on the Internet, but on the postal service.
  For example, I manually cataloged the communications departments of the whole USSR.

Industrial democracy - has greater reserves of economic efficiency than the hierarchical method, it is in intellectual production, whose role now exceeds not only the factor of "land", but also "machines."

Corruption in the second world - dictatorships - are crumbs from the master's table.
  - The power rests on total licensing of any activity
  Corruption - is the inevitable and ineradicable costs of unfreedom.

Perfect Democracy :

Civilization of the Earth is threatened by the impasse of "Managed Democracy". -
  - Disparate townsfolk, busy with everyday worries easily subjected to ideological treatment.
  And in ideological competition money and "imperious resource" win. -
  - The money is bought by talented journalists and leading popular TV programs.
  The ideological minority will never be able to collect the majority of people's votes - not only for their proposals, but even for the adequacy of modern technologies - the mechanisms of freedom of speech,
  In particular, the process of limiting and controlling the Internet goes not only in the 2nd, but also in the 1st world.

Anarchy really is the mother of order. "In the sense that freedom is required to develop a more perfect organization."

"Consultative structure" is a tool that allows constructively, efficiently and fruitfully solving the most complicated issues to billions of simultaneous participants, without losing valuable and useful suggestions and arguments, combining 100% freedom of speech and information, selection and development Best schools and directions.

Protection and Aggression:

Despite the fact that the dictatorial regime does not leave room for peaceful protest, destroying all freedoms - words, associations, freedom of conscience, etc., while shooting unarmed rallies, pursues a policy of terror and suppression of unauthorized organizations, and does not go to Negotiations.
  - Nevertheless, the forced armed oppositionists remain the aggressors.
  It's another matter if they, after pursuing a policy of non-recognition, installed an oil drilling rig, and defended it, responded by shooting, then the aggressors would already be rabid, illegitimate state terrorists.
  Although, the rulers will not tolerate even an independent farm in the mountains on their territory.


The soldiers of the "Army of the liberation of the Kh-stan" - the heroes - according to all the standards:
  To death, and they went to certain death, - they do not go on from hypocrisy and hypocrisy.
  It happens, when they die for paying relatives, but in their country this option is almost not real.
  That is, the heroes sincerely perished for their ideals.

They are not terrorists. - The brink of terrorism, also according to generally accepted standards, is determined by the death of peaceful people.
  - "Left" killed only 1-2, - by accident. - In Zhanaozen, those killed much more.
  The fighters did not take hostages, - the passengers of the captured bus were simply thrown out.
  Security guards of the arms store do not attract ordinary citizens - they guarded the weapons and were not unarmed themselves.
  Fatalities for the military - professional killers - can not be called peaceful civilians.

Fighters attacked 1000-fold superior forces.
  They were not captured, but brutally shot almost unarmed, they did not manage to get an equal "serious" weapon.
  Only a few were captured - for interrogation and torture.

Of course, and even quite likely - organizers and sponsors of fighters do not have such pure intentions.
  But this does not detract from the dignity of the characters themselves.

Vain victims:

Unfortunately, the victims of heroes, like the "Heavenly One hundred" Maidan - almost vain.
  "Not because of the impossibility of an overthrow of the dictatorship." But:
  1. The overthrow of one dictatorship in no way relieves its replacement by another dictatorship. -
  - Dictatorship is born in conditions in the country.
  2. Banal blood. "Violence is not only ineffective to uselessness, but also immoral. It rolls back such difficult achievements of civilization. Violence gives birth to violence.

The state is based on violence:

Suppose the subordinate, out of humane motives in relation to the third person - did not obey the order or the Order.
  The boss will naturally insult the subordinate, wishing violence against his mother.
  The subordinate, of course, will fill the boss with the muzzle.
  The boss, of course, will call for protection.
  The subordinate will just beat the guard.
  Guard, will naturally call the police
  Protester, rightly, will resist.
  The police, of course, will try to coerce under the threat of using weapons.
  If the protester will still resist, for example, with the help of adequate special means, the police will kill him.
  Is it logical for the protestor to immediately apply adequate funds to aggressive state terrorists?

- Still more logical - the subordinate from the very beginning does not go to 100% risk, and not to contact the authorities.
  However, the laws are set to limit and suppress free activity, and to coerce people to interact with their superiors.
  At the same time, actions violating the Law may be more moral than its execution.
  Moreover, disobedience, as such, is already moral.

Civil Society:

The only and optimal way is parallel structures.
  Democratic structures will have to be created - sooner or later. - Better - before. - Then, simultaneously, non-violently killed the second dog - the dictatorship.
  The "advisory structure" is not only the best start, but also the germ of a democratic society in general.
  The main necessity of the "Advisory structure" is not democracy as such, but efficiency and security.

Parallel structures are the most solid and effective - in the economy.
  "Divine enterprise" is not only the best organizational form in modern conditions, but, indeed, simply "divine" - the most consistent with, fortunately, a strong yet religious morality.

Freedom vs social justice?

On the contrary, - Democracy is not accidentally correlated with welfare.
  - People use their rights for their welfare.
  The interests of the paternalist are antagonistic to them.

Why did the first German killed near Moscow account for 10 Russians?

I think the main factor is not genetic inferiority, but about greater freedom.
  More precisely, more effective system of rights and responsibilities, in particular, initiatives.

About the leader:

The current President of the country, by the way, is not the worst. - Apparently, he is really a patriot and vain.
  A small serial killer is his surroundings, which, in the struggle for power, go through corpses-this is what the "natural selection" acting in the hierarchical environment directs them.
  The main fault of the leader of the nation is the creation of such an authoritarian system. - He should have been aware of its fruits from the very beginning.

The meaning of the collapse of the USSR was the building of a democratic society.
  In the 1990s, the processes of democratization went on. But the secret services successfully compromised them.
  And the "Leader" contributed to this. "He did not fulfill his purpose." On the contrary, he basically restored the former totalitarian society. - The deprivation of the people in the 1990s was in vain.

The absence of the "Iron Curtain" now is the merit of not the leaders, but - the technological situation:
  A. "Jammers" are useless now. They are replaced by propaganda - forcedly.
  B. State monopoly in production is also unrealistic. - She destroyed the USSR.

The "leader" of the x-camp, is generally busy no longer building the system, but, habitual to him - voluntarism, - decides when to hold the tenge, and when to let go.