Divine works

eng deu рус

My differences from the Humanist Manifesto:

"we strive for a good life, here and now"

- First of all, I want to preserve life in the future.
Not to the "bright Communist future", but before the existence of this tomorrow.

" People should be allowed to Express their sexual desires ...
The right to birth control, abortion and divorce."
- I too am an opponent of the state restrictions which are based on violence.
But on the 2nd hand, morally, I oppose abortion – the murder of the child's mother. -
- The human nervous system develops already at the 5th month of pregnancy.
I'm also a monogamist, I don't like homosexuality.
But even more, I do not like the use of Putinism's good for the purpose of evil - inciting LGBT people to survive the regime at the expense of THE non-survival of mankind.

the Church is also against abortion? - let him fight-in short, without contacting the state.

"Humanist Manifesto-3" is a true Manifesto.

is a Declaration of aspiration, not technology.

on the 2nd hand, the "Humanist Manifesto-3" does not Express:
- concerns about threats and political situation,
- aspiration to preservation of mankind.

"the Humanistic Manifesto is a trademark".

- could mention GNU, at least, and
Aspiration to the accessibility of knowledge.


file: about the unnatural nature of humanism:

human history is the history of genocide.
For example, a tribe of Slavs in the beginning of our era occupied a negligible area.
For 2 000 years, it has increased by half a million times.
The same thing-with the angels, Saxons, Germans.
Where did the locals go? -
- Partially, - assimilated, - through the raped women.
Half of those same, for example, German tribes, was carved clean.

is cannibalism, sadism and genocide Pleasant? -
This is a different issue. -
The question is, what is needed now is a moratorium on non-tolerance. -
- Human potential is too big now for the old "good" conservatism.

Suppose the Germans successfully cut out all the other people on earth. -
They with no less enthusiasm would have continued to kill each other.
Fortunately, for unknown reasons tolerance began to spread-new religions.
But religions are not enough – now-to survive Civilization and humanity in General.
The necessary counter-propaganda, "Advisory body" - the collective consciousness.
Fortunately, IT just allowed it.


file: My attitude to the execution of the Royal family - Russian Tsar Nicholas-2:

They-Nikolay-2-brought Russia"to the handle".
They plunged Russia into world war II.
They were a state terrorist.
They caused the death of 1 million children - because they were autocrats.
They were her own, for the fun of killing hundreds of cats and birds.
For this they were shot. - Rightly so.

but under distribution killed innocent Imperial children.
This is a bad thing.
However, the Royal children at least lived a short but happy life.
At the same time a Martyr's death he died 1 million poor children.
Russian propaganda focuses on Royal children, but it is silent about the suffering of millions of other children.

however to Nikolay-2 hundreds much more cruel tyrants safely lived? -
Yes, Nikolay-2 wasn't lucky, - he lived at the beginning of an era of democratization. -
This era was a necessity. -
The period of instability of the existence of Civilization was approaching.


file: why I love the Earth:

personal liability:

I do not understand - how most people can only be concerned with selfish goals and momentary desires - while the threat hangs not only over their children, but also over the whole Earth.
- Probably from an infantile position:
"Since the rulers deprive me of my rights, I also take away my responsibility – let them take it."
The problem is that the rulers need only power - without responsibility.
They talk about responsibility only for propaganda and manipulation.

a person's Capabilities are growing very fast now.
Including-on destruction of the Earth by means of the creations.
Of course, we can shift responsibility to the rulers.
But with the rapid growth of the average responsibility and complexity of society now, they could not accept it even if they wanted to.

but why do we need Land at all?

why I love Earth:
- At least because run for her animals.
To take at least one cat,
- Compare it to the robot cat that you just managed to make.

a Live cat is able to:
+ Maintain your own life with the easiest nutrition,
+ Learn the techniques of food production,
+ Adapts to rain and snow, wind and frost.
+ Multiply.

at the same time it still:
+ Market. - Affectionate, trusting, shares with family members (people) – mice.
+ Worried about his family, licking his wounds, and just one is comforting.


file: I am an ultra-conservative = ultra-radical:

To save the necessary changes:

Circumstances on Earth have changed dramatically, ancient social institutions are inadequate. - LIH useless; from him of evil more, than good.


I am a conservative and traditionalist-spiritually:
I don't like most of the cultural innovations:
Sexual revolution, sexual liberation,
Homosexuality makes me disgusted,
The collapse of the family, hidden bezottsovschina,
Drug addiction, drunkenness, gambling, generally meaningless burning of life,
Lies, demagoguery, political slander and propaganda,
Robbery, theft, murder, even – animals, in General – violence, especially – from "authorities".

I, too, support the strengthening of security, also allow the use of force, however – in the opposite direction – compared to traditional conservatives, and as an exception.
I am for liberalism, which requires economic freedoms, and for socialism, for social equality. In this sense, I am an anti – conservative and anti-Communist, the Communists did not give equality of power, or rather, powerlessness.
I emphasize theabsence of value of the existing state order.
I see nothing wrong with radically changing the political system in order to reduce mental suffering, humanization and happiness.

But I am the opponent of revolt – senseless and merciless, the opponent of destructiveness.
Safety, no suffering for me, the priority "of liberty, equality and fraternity".

I am a liberal socialist. - I believe that social equality is achievable not through restrictions and prohibitions, but through full freedom and openness, through organization and education, excluding monopolization of all spheres of public life and social hierarchy.