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the climate Warming:


" the Doctrine of Global warming is... ideology.» (Latin)
"among the population, politicians, the idea that warming is widespread... falsification "
- The authors seems not stupid => pretend => they are paid, which they say Latynina. -
The population of concern is not idle and Botanical issues - are there any warming and any human contribution, and
How dangerous is it?
Please give me links to simulations with the consequences for 1000 years.

Chances that Civilization will survive > 500 years ?50/50. But it is quite different, much Bolshie, threats. So it is more important not to waste energy on climate models & gt; 500 years.

In en.wikipedia.org - dozens of articles about existential threats.
If to enumerate, then this will be not on topic.
You can start with Doomsday_argument, and then "See also" - Artificial intelligence * manipulation (of the RF, by the way - leader), class immortality ...
From there, it turns out - 500 years.


Petition by 31,000 scientists :" there is no conclusive scientific evidence that CO2 emissions could lead to excessive warming of the earth's atmosphere "
A) Scientists know that CO2 emissions can't be brought, but middlemen prevent to bring knowledge to the population, or
(B) Scientists are prevented from learning with high reliability.

the Population repeats only qualitative arguments:
- CO2 happened and 90 times more,
- Yield increases disproportionately the end of CO2
- Agricultural land in Siberia is growing disproportionately to their reduction in the Sahel.
- "What we observe is an ordinary non-critical oscillation"
Real - interglacial end of another 1,000 years of global-golodaniem already at 2 and 20 degrees.
- "The problem - namely, a sharp rise of temperature", 2nd derivative
- Do not take into account the selection in sharp warming: 1. of methane from permafrost and 2. CO2 in the oceans, in t h in carbonates.

But quantitative modeling of the effects of hiding? (not found qualitative quantitative ) ) =>Latin right.
"Wikileaks has published documents about data manipulation."
"most will never see objective data."

could you please Tell me where they are discussing the creation of independent analytical organizations of professional consumers?
And under option (a) and option (B), is volunteer assistance needed for scientists, without intermediaries?
And in the age of the Internet and distributed computing is very real to do without intermediaries, and even without super-computers..
The only question is in the structure of the organization.

anyway it's better to understand a little bit of yourself, than not to understand and just listen to the advocates for the various parties?
"Problems begin when questionable theories are put into practice."

even in a purely climate model with an accuracy of ±1 per cent, the political economy of ±100 per cent must be taken into account. - For example:
- Reducing the cost of solar panels
- Perspective with \ ' s hermetic machines,
- Cost-effectiveness of counter-measures.
– And, importantly-politics.

"one thing is Clear: if humanity does not unite (without...competition of intermediaries), the chances of surviving are less".

what is important is not purely climate models, but impact models - polit-economic - taking into account adaptations to local climate change.

See also