Divine works

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The "Black" threat:

This is a threat:

1. Migration pressure on Europe,
2. Demographic - related to unlimited growth of the population of "black" Africa.

this threat is less of a "Managed democracy" threat, but:
1. Closely related,
2. Above all the" natural " threats combined.

What exactly is the threat:

on the 1st hand, modern technology can feed 1 billion Nigerians, for example.
The threat lies in poverty and ignorance, which are favorable for the development of "Managed democracy". And, of course, in the migration pressure that is favorable for racism and other factors that reduce the sustainability of Civilization.

to the dismay of racists, niggers, pardons, Nigerians are not stupid enough to be able to arrange Armageddon without the help of whites, more precisely, without the help of whites, that is, if whites continue to remain unreasonably careless and rely on their disinterested governments, rather than use their power to prevent the threat.

the Development of the 3rd world can have a significant impact on the sustainability of civilization, either by increasing or decreasing It.
Rapid development, and in particular rapid population growth, can make Black Africa a zone and a source of instability if left to itself.
On the 2nd hand, the implementation of the below-mentioned "parallel" technologies may be easier - "from scratch" than in the existing authoritarian regimes.
And, if the" Black perspective "does not deal with civil society, the" Black threat " will create the GRU of Russia.

the 2nd meaning of education. Mechanism:

economic interest of parents:
1. If jobs in society require education, parents have to:
a. To spend money on the education of children,
b. To have children all the time of their formation.
2. If the society has little high-income work that requires education, the children work with their parents from an early age.
Therefore, in the 1st case, the fertility in society is reduced.

a Natural "Demographic transition" where the demographic explosion is followed by a decline in fertility in" Black Africa " may not work – because:
1. Interest in the birth rate of "Managed democracy," and
2. Other factors distinguishing Black Africa from Europe and East Asia.

" Chinese "birth control" 1 family – 1 child " - in Nigeria is not effective, due to a completely different culture and other different mechanisms.

the Governments of the Black African States themselves and of the 1st world are not interested in an effective solution to the problem.

what to do:

an NGO (non-Governmental organization) Should be established.
Such NGOs have existed for a long time, but it is necessary to create an entirely different NGO – an adequate and effective structure. -
- Such an organization should be a subsection of the non-hierarchical "Deliberative structure" (see).

the Basic directions of work of such a "Black organization":

1. Free higher education:

Modern information technologies make free higher education not only real but inevitable.
Artificial intelligence can even be more effective than traditional teaching systems involving human lecturers.
The main obstacle is unnatural "intellectual property".
With good organization, especially the encouragement of Africans themselves, nearly universal higher education can be achieved in Africa in 30 years.

2. Divine venture:

Divine enterprise (sm) is a 1 - rank global network of small independent producers. This is a free network "franchising".
Modern information technologies make not only real, but also inevitable the death of economic "dinosaurs".
The main obstacle-political - "Managed democracy" developing in the 2nd-authoritarian world.

Corruption, the non-democratic nature of political systems, high interest rates and other economic factors make a "parallel economy" almost the only option for sustainable development.

the Employment of local rulers by personal enrichment and retention of power, as well as the traditional political passivity of the population, may paradoxically favour genetic medicine in particular.

Hypotheses of the main directions of "Divine franchising":

1. "Glass (African) road" (cm):

the Transport network is one of the most important factors of economic growth.
And this factor is again political-the Customs Union of Africa.
"Glass road" is the best transport - for Africa and the present.
In addition to economic optimality, a small "Glass" transport network is favorable for de-centralized management.

2. Small industry (see about de-concentration of industry):

the Contents and delivery in remote lease of universal production machines.

3. Bio-technologies using sunlight:

Standard small area agricultural machines (cm).

4. "Legal" subsection of the "Deliberative framework":

a. Non-violent economic relations,
b. Network self-defense, 100% open (cm), and using, in particular, micro-missiles