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The Refugees Project:

the refugee Problem.

History: about Jews:

modern Western policy towards refugees is largely the result of the history of 20th century Jews.
Millions of European Jews paid with their lives to change this policy.

a Powerful Zionist movement among Jews for the return to their historical homeland appeared at the end of the 19th century.
But neither the Turkish authorities, nor the British administration of TRANS-Jordan after the 1st world war, nor other States before the 2nd world war did not want to let the Jewish refugees.
In the beginning, the German Nazis planned to deport all Jews, but the policies of Western countries that refused to accept or even let Jews into Madagascar forced the Nazis to kill Jews.

European refugee policy:

After the 2nd world war, Western policy towards refugees has changed radically. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, Western countries received many refugees from Eastern Europe and other non-democratic countries.
They were, as a rule, highly educated, culturally close people with a democratic Outlook.
In addition, after the 2nd world war in Europe there was a shortage of manpower.
At the beginning of the 21st century, taking advantage of the liberal attitude towards refugees in Europe, the flow of economic "refugees" from the Muslim countries of North Africa and the Middle East increased there.
The new refugees were less educated and more culturally distant.
This has led to a crisis and a review of European policy on refugees.

what to do?:

the Ideal option would be to create a "Europe" - in the homeland of refugees.
But European politicians are unable to help make even a European Ukraine, which has a unanimous desire of the people to do so, a European democracy.

solving the refugee problem:

1. Redirecting the flow of refugees from Europe to the regions:
* less economically secure, and
* more tolerant towards refugees.
Decisions in this case will be made not by European bureaucrats, but by refugees themselves and, for example, the climate. -
- The refugees themselves will compare the deadly risk in their homeland, and the risks and inconveniences of life somewhere, for example, in Antarctica.

Reducing the decision-making barrier, in particular, will improve the efficiency of resettlement. - Many lives were lost because of the difficulties of people leaving the places of genocide quickly.

2. Replacement of bureaucratic mechanisms of social assistance to refugees by civil ones.
- By building an appropriate non-governmental structure.


Donbass-Greenland Project:

It can be pilot – experimental.
Greenland is a unique country. – This is the only European country whose residents favor political immigration.


the Greenland Project can solve the Donbass problem more effectively than the Minsk agreements. -
Instead of conflicts in Ukraine, those who are unhappy and fear for their lives can simply emigrate, and on both sides of the conflict. -
• Now may migrate dissatisfied with the Russian occupation,
* Later Pro-Russian rebels will be able to migrate.


Jewish aid:

the Help is required not so much material, how many – organizational.