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Anti-monopoly and Networked economy:

as a child, I wondered: Why are workers hired by the capitalist, if he is mercilessly exploiting them? - Why not cooperate with them, and create the same enterprise, but without a capitalist?
Then I learned that such enterprises exist in the West, and even very common. Just the Communists carefully concealed information about them.

the Reality of Working self-government and Economic democracy:

in the years of Perestroika in the USSR I became a follower of self-managed enterprises such as:
- TOZ-y and cooperatives at NEP-e in the USSR, created by" anti-Communist " Lenin, who was poisoned by Stalin.
- Self-government in Poland in 1981, blessed by the "Communist" Pope.
- "Mondragon "in Spain, allowed by" Communist " Franco.
- ESOP (Employee stock ownership plan), adopted by the "Communist" us Congress and the "Communist" Margaret Thatcher.
- SAIC (Science Applications). - In Hi-Tec, the advantages of Economic democracy are more pronounced.

All of them surpassed in competitiveness traditional private enterprises, and very quickly forced out them, disproving myth that crowd of workers isn't capable to operate effectively the enterprise, even by means of the same managers.
Development of the specified enterprises allowed for increase of stability of capitalism, but with falling of communism slowed down, - confirming the revolutionary theory of the same Lenin.

unfortunately, in the USSR workers really didn't cope with management.
Example: Bankruptcy of "self-governing" enterprises after the collapse of the USSR.
Although for this was many below-listed external causes, but, in this case applies the Russian saying about bad dancer.

Factors of the failure of "Perestroika":

1. Dementia of Russian (more precisely, soveticus), not genetic, but educated, Communist party of the KGB. -
Non-criticality of thinking, inability to self-organization.
2. Indirect - but no less powerful, but more dangerous - the dictatorship of power structures, the presidential administration and the "regulatory authorities" - replacing the direct dictatorship of the Communist party.

I also had a Soviet "Idealistic illness", a consequence of the ideologization of "social consciousness". - The tendency to be a fan of some theory, in my case-Self.
Perhaps I am still, to some extent, a fan of The anti-monopoly theory.

self – government is a good thing, but more important is the socio – political conditions for It.
If the Cohabitation of employees of the enterprise - highly-competitive, eliminates unemployment, and gives high earnings, it is more important to engage not in the organization of such enterprises, and the organization of the conditions for them:

1st condition: Anti-monopoly. -

- Elimination of artificial, political advantages of the state and corporations, based on propaganda and violence.
Anti – monopolism is necessary, first of all, political, expressed in the centralization and concentration of power. - Political monopolism is the biggest obstacle and threat.
"Capitalism" also rests on monopolism-information monopoly, monopoly on intellectual "property", artificial advantages for large businesses.

Workers do not need to ban private ownership of means of production and monopolize them by the state, but, on the contrary, complete de-monopolization and competition.
100% competition = 0% surplus value.
With the elimination of monopolies and progressive property tax will not be needed.

by and large to the worker even without a difference – exploit it or not, - if only welfare grew it.
As the "great" Mao said: "It does not matter what color the cat, if only to catch mice."
  It would seem that there is a contradiction - exploit - that means, they take away a part of the well-being.
  However, the maximum welfare often does not account for 0% of "exploitation."
  The main thing is maximum political competition of various forms for the maximum incomes of employees.

Nevertheless, with anti-monopoly competition for salaries and living conditions, liberal enterprises are doomed to extinction, as the liberals themselves prove mathematically.

Although. -

Anti-monopoly is not liberalism. Liberalism - is scam:

Optimization by the "Invisible hand" of the market assumes reasonableness of participants-actors of the market.
An organized minority of scammers is able to arbitrarily reject the market from the optimum with the help of information in every sense of manipulation, especially today.
For this, they also even more important to be more arrogant and unprincipled than reasonable.

Competition and "Deliberative Structure":

Political competition is more economic:
The harm of the centralized economy of the USSR was not so much in its nationalization as in the non-democracy of this state.
And, again, it is not simple political competition that is needed, its information organization is in the form of an "Advisory structure".

"Voluntary economy" is an economy without violence:

The main aspect of the "Gift Economy" is not the absence of specific award agreements, but the absence of violence as a guarantor of the implementation of agreements.
That is, the absence of a mediator that ensures the implementation of agreements, - OPG, or OPGG (organized criminal gang), including the court as an institution of compulsion.
To differentiate, it may be advisable to introduce a different term, for example, "Voluntary Economics".

2nd condition: global self-organization-Network economy:

an on – premises enterprise requires a global organization.

The competitive potential of a crowd of workers today is higher than that of specialized owners, but in order to realize this potential, an effective global Information system is a prerequisite.
Such an Information system would simplify management while improving its efficiency and, simply put, replace managers before workers.
Example: Legal tech.
Top-managers already use similar systems, but at the modern level of IT, one-rank system will be more effective. – I will not repeat the factors of absolute non-competitiveness of hierarchical schemes.

Such Information system, first of all and it is necessary to be engaged.
- Unfortunately, workers don't understand it, "scientists" work for enemies of the people, process develops – spontaneously.
Example: the Uber-ization.

"Deliberative structure" - the salvation of mankind:

Chance one is the development of the "Advisory structure" - a mechanism for developing solutions more competitive than any hierarchical "Board of Directors" and random "Startups."

The "consultative structure" is capable of creating a "Network Economy" that will transform the alliance of nano-producers from the "crowd of Christians before the lion with fangs" into a highly-organized and intelligent flock of flexible nano-Langoliers that will deprive food and swallow any blunt and clumsy transnational dinosaur .

Thanks to democracy, the alliance of small producers will be more just than "monopoly capitalism." True, NOT-much.
  But more important is not justice, but openness and reduction of contradictions between social groups that are necessary for the survival of mankind in the transition period.

Chance for Ukraine:

"in the USSR in Perestroika, too, there were people who tried to create enterprises with the property of workers, but with the arrival of Yeltsin to power - nomenclature [anti]-Communists all their attempts were suppressed." 

Survival is more important than social justice:

This thesis will distort in the propaganda of eliminating "social discord", but its correct understanding is the following:
Survival of Civilization is more important than those in power, VIP, and their property.

"Arizona-Arrieta "opened" in practice a new social order that gives humanity a chance to avoid suicide":

it would seem – let it be a little slower – it's okay.
But the fact of the matter is that there are terrible. -
- The "networked economy" is a significant deterrent to" Managed democracy", for example, able to isolate the Kremlin from (crypto-p2p-) financial flows more effectively than any sanctions.
That is, it is necessary, first of all, for the countries of the 2nd authoritarian world, and, by and large-for the survival of mankind. Time is of the essence.