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Networked economy and Liberal socialism:

the Maximum increase in people's well-being lies outside the plane:
{More taxes for the unemployed} & lt;= & gt; {more corporate benefits}
Since both policies imply inefficient public administration, and in the 2nd case in the interests of corporations.

Liberalism-there is a utopia even greater than communism:

there Are always distorting power-factor and "class"-factor.
For example:
Social liberalism only reinforces the power factor, like communism, however.
Neo-liberalism reinforces the "class" factor, namely corporations.
The maximum increase in the welfare of workers is achieved with their self – organization, but not protest, and-economic, in the form of a Network economy.

all movements of workers still carried out a passive role, - revolt, influences.
The world social forum, for example, plays the role of a little dog barking at a camel that continues to go.
Instead, the Social forum, or rather the Deliberative structure, should organize its own Network economy.

the Networked economy can take care of itself without any external regulation, which will only hinder it.

the Networked economy is the most effective self – organization for the participants.
IT-technologies + Network organization make small business entities again more competitive than large hierarchical corporations.

the Networked economy is capable of enabling everyone:
+ Do what you love,
+ To change a thing, love is changeable.

Of course, "market" earnings will vary,
But a person will have a choice undistorted by coercion, restrictions.
It will be his choice – cheap Amateur or expensive work on Arctic platforms.
Moreover, it is the favorite thing is usually the most profitable.

Corporations will be uncompetitive for the 2nd reason-decrease in profit rate. -
With a perfect economy, the market-profit tends to zero.

Unemployment disappears - for any case there is a demand – in a perfect information network. The only question is price.

Returns will be leveled – both globally and locally. -
- There's no need for help.


the Need for taxes disappears. – Enough trust direct payments on actual, not demagogic tiered Public contracts.
Examples of target allocations:
* Environmental,
• Power.
• For people with disabilities.

Targeted direct payments - directly to recipients, without intermediaries.
Public contracts-multi-level:
- Planetary, - General
- Regional,
Communal – specific.

but even Communal contracts prescribe only the total amount of deductions, and to whom to transfer – the person decides.

a blast furnace how?

and generally expensive means of production? -
1. Large cranes will be rented for short periods. - this scheme is most advantageous in a perfect information network.
2. The blast furnaces will flash again. – For example, there are more chemical reactions to a biological cell than at a large chemical plant.
Moreover, expensive high temperatures and pressures are optional.
3. The share of expensive means of production will decline.
4. Their profitability will decline.

Therefore, their owners they will not have a political role, as the owners of land and other resources.
Paradoxically, in a Deliberative democracy, it may be necessary to accept resources for public administration, as they will not be profitable for anyone.

Major projects and Network economy:

it is the Networked economy that is able to most effectively plan and implement natural large projects - using the tools of the Deliberative structure.

Long live the pirates:

the Networked economy will develop more or less without a collective intelligent organization.
More importantly, unnatural intellectual "property"should not be strengthened.
Efforts should focus on the elimination of non-liberal non-market parasitic mediation in the field of copyright.


But the goal of a Networked economy is not economic equality, not social justice, but the survival of a Civilization that demands social homogeneity in the modern age.

Reasons - why "capitalists" are richer than "proletarians":

1. organization
2. Monopoly.


it is only natural that a small group of people capable of organizing production is more capable of organizing themselves politically.
The 1st method of monetization of their political organization is monopolization:


of course, we need statistics, but I am convinced that the 1st factor of profit for the richest people now is intellectual property.

Myth-that freedom is more useful for "predators",

that liberalism raises the rate of return.
- Freedom from non – market, intermediary "intellectual" and so on rights will lower the rate of profit-more.
Why, as in Sweden, - first to allow to cash in, and then to select?
The harm of this method of" redistribution "is not in its questionable legitimacy, nor is it difficult to implement it in all other countries, but in the fact that" redistribution " requires officials.
And officials-more dangerous "capitalists". More dangerous-not for the "proletarians", and for Civilization as a whole.
Officials are even more capable of organizing, officials easily engage in monopolistic and corrupt collusion with "capitalists."

of IT: the Differences of a new stage:

it improves the ability of people unable to organize.
IT allows you to bypass monopolies without entering into a political confrontation.
The advantage of the information stage of production is that the "intellectual" does not need to be selected, unlike the material factors of production - slaves, land, equipment.

Purpose of this article:

This article is abstract, unprocessed and very raw. – Its purpose-to serve as" seed " for development in Advisory structure.