Divine works

eng deu рус

Deliberative structure, "Self-overcoming" and Transhumanism:

Sri Chinmoy's yoga has a concept of "self-Indulgence".
I understand it is somewhat broader, as a condition of creation.

" Purpose " of the mind:

at the dawn of humanity, in the wild, the mind proved to be the most significant adaptive agent in nature.
But, when a man subjugated nature, freed from its dangers, that there was a kind of "auto-immune" phenomenon. - The mind itself has caused mental and social problems:

Pyrrhic victory:

the Mind is given freedom, and with it, the spiritual discomfort of the meaninglessness of life.
In the wild, man did not suffer from the meaninglessness of life. - His reason was his Family.
The mind gave pleasures unthinkable in the wild, but also consciousness of sinfulness.

the Mind is the cause of the mass illness of the shower:
In the wild man did not suffer from mental illness. - Organic lesions of the brain can not be considered an intra-mental illness. -
People don't go crazy from boredom, not hung from the lack of the narrowness of his waist.

the Mind made man even worse than the beast. -
Animals are not able no reason to torture the fellow and find pleasure in it.

to get rid of mental discomfort, a person becomes a drop on destructive ideas, becomes an easy prey to ideologues-manipulators.
So said Erich Fromm about the harm of the mind in the " Anatomy of human destructiveness."

For getting rid of problems of the mind came up with Russian vodka, American – shopping, Arabs – Islam, and German – sadism (just kidding).

the Mind has created new problems, but only he can solve them:

Problems are solved not by killing the mind with drugs or with new artificial problems, but by further self-awareness training.
Only self-awareness is able to understand the causes of all mental discomfort and eliminate them.
Non-aberrated mind, in turn, is resistant to manipulation, and is able to adequately address social problems.


in" Man for himself " Erich Fromm spoke of the bankruptcy of humanism. -
Only man cannot be" the measure of all things", human life has meaning only when there is a transcendent, Supreme, TRANS-personal, superpersonal, divine ideal that transcends the social and domestic fuss.

actually, I considered this idea as my own. – Little looking for. )
Not man at all is superior value, and only his "the divine" part of.

A person does not exist at all. - Person:
1. Multidimensional,
2. A variety of
3. Historical.

Problem of the right to self-determination and free will:

Who decides that there is a "divine" part in"Normative humanism"?
- And don't need anyone or anything to select. -
The " divine "part of a person is conditional just like the"humanism" itself.
Nevertheless, the concept of "humanism" as an ethical stance is perfectly used not only in philosophy and politics, but even in law.
And it is necessary only to separate freedom of the person from its value.


ironically, there is no term for such an important area of philosophy.

option 1: Use the 2nd, parallel meaning of "Transhumanism"
"?"Is engaged in a different sense:
"The use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical capabilities."
The authorities of the USSR-Russia, however, observed for targeted changes (not just distortion) terms.

2 option: "Divine humanism".
"?"Purely religious connotation.

"Bike" is not needed:

there is no need to invent or even seek some "divine" meaning of existence.
The problem of survival, for which the mind was "intended", is natural and adequate - has not gone away, unfortunately.
It only transformed, complicated. -
The isolation of the interests of the ruling establishment, the growth of political technologies and propaganda is a much greater threat to Civilization than hunger and disease, lions and competitors.

State and drug addiction:

Though the 1st reason of drug addiction - not social, and – spiritual:
And, on the 1st hand, the state keeps drug abuse violence,
But on the 2nd hand, the state itself creates the addiction. -
Power is not beneficial to the natural direction of the mind, -
The authorities are profitable instead-shopping and Islamism. – The Fuckers didn't play, if only did not climb into politics.


it is Precisely because of the more complex challenges of today that the "natural" mind is not enough. - Today we need:
1. Personal self-awareness training,
2. The social organization allowing to solve effectively modern problems.

far-fetched, whether the Advisory body?:

even in democracies, officials are not interested in creating effective Advisory structures for citizens.
However, such structures are developing – but-among users of social networks, and-not directly to address social issues.
But this development:
1. It lags far behind the growth of IT and Internet capabilities in particular.
2. By "natural" means, the Advisory structure will simply not have time to be created before the formation of the 2nd Nonfree Internet-in the mid - 2020s - in the authoritarian countries in which it is most needed.


speaking of modern effeminacy and perversion:
1. "A lot of bukaf" lazy to read now. We have to Express ourselves-succinctly, and strongly structure the text.
2. The Internet and, in particular, the Deliberative structure will make collective search more effective than individual search.
2.1. Monographs should be measured.
2.2. There is no point in chewing the thesis. -
2.2.1. Found using the search engine Soul like-minded people will understand "verbatim",
2.2.2. The development of faster chewing.

about racists:

Even if racists were right, they are wrong already because of these monkeys with an uncontrollable xenophobic instinct everyone can die today.