Network Micro-rockets - Project:
Remind: This is a single-ranked network of civil self-defense. - Starting containers, etc.
Let me remind you: Personal small arms are one of the foundations of democracy.
However, high mortality from it leads to an increase in the controlling functions of power structures.
Optimal - the replacement of firearms - more efficient Network Micro-rocket.
Firearm crowding out:
Weapons can not be banned. - It can only be replaced by a more effective means of self-defense.
Fortunately, a more effective remedy is non-lethal - today.
Civil control:
Micro-rocket containers are controlled using a 1-rank computer network, for example, overlay via the Internet.
Communities that control Micro rocket networks can be created on the basis of parent committees, territorial associations, shooter game club, and hobby societies.
Community Duty member monitors Community members' video cameras, alarms, and controls Launcher containers.
Personal property:
Containers, like video cameras, are also private, more precisely personal, individual — just like small arms — are not corporate. And most importantly - not state.
Micro rocket:
This is not a "drone" - a micro-rocket is not capable of hovering, and is fired only from the launch tube.
The protected launch tube is fixed near private video cameras.
A micro-rocket carries a penetrating needle / s with a paralyzing non-lethal substance. "Striking" - from the unprotected "rear".
Micro-rockets are controlled - at public radio frequencies - PMR, GMRS - at the beginning.
The control of micro-rockets is intellectually capable of self-targeting, and performing “maneuvers of moths.”
weight of 5-10 grams
speed 30-50 m/s
length is 5-10 cm
total distance 300-500 m
Used solid-fuel, but not a rocket engine.
Offshore development:
On the territory of even "free" states, laws will be adopted that prevent the use of the "means of the proletariat".
Therefore, the development and production of optimal - in the "micro-states" (see).
Community lawmaking:
It’s necessary, however, to start with the development of NOT "hardware", but - the legal basis, - with discussion and "lobbying" of NGOs and NGOs.
Israel's micro rocket:
Idea: Suggest a Project to the Jews:
1. They are most interested in implementation,
2. They are the most - able to implement.
3. Israel is the 1st experience similar to the Micro-states.
4. The army of Israel is one of the most democratic. There is a high probability that the Jews will create exactly the 1-rank system, as the most effective.
Advertising for Jews:
Termination of terrorist attacks. -
Micro-rockets — non-lethal — paralyze a person just before the arrival of the remotely operated too Evacuators.
1. In the Gaza Strip are placed in addition to video cameras, - launch containers of Micro-rockets.
2. "Solar" flying unmanned patrols. - If you "stake out" will not work.
Project Benefits:
“+” Lack of human losses on both sides.
"+" Elimination of the terrorist threat.
"+" Cheap.
Assimilation priority:
The proposed solution (Micro-rockets) is NOT the main, but the auxiliary one.
Basic solution:
Privileged-conditional position in the society of Israel:
Using all the benefits enjoyed by high-status Jews - medical, educational.
But with the universal signing of the deportation agreement, in the case of participation in terrorist organizations.
Deportation is made with payment of compensation to the micro-state selected by the "terrorist" with the provision of housing (the Autonomous Housing Project).
Buy / build islands, help them in economic development
Objective of the project:
Democratization is the only chance to avoid turning towards “political singularity” - in the middle of the 21st century.
Micro-rockets are the most effective non-lethality means of maintaining a democratic path of development.
Jews are most interested in its implementation.
Developed in Israel, the 1-rank Micro Missile Network will be able to:
2. To solve the problem of mass executions by madmen in the USA. -
Because for the self-defense of US citizens, the Micro Missiles Network will be more efficient than a firearm.
3. To be used for the necessary self-defense against the rapists regimes, - with the help of remote volunteers from around the world.
15 years not published, but forced - due to the threat of medium-range missiles.