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Trump and Medium Range Missiles.

Russian terminators are coming - 4:

Trump's determination is a very necessary trait of character, and at the right time. -
Earth Civilization is stands before a fork of history:
- The path of democracy is life, the path of the Kremlin is death.

Trump's determination is good character trait. -
But it must be accompanied by insight, the ability to calculate the game.
It must be balanced by judgment.

Trump can really make America great again, but he can also destroy it.
At his level, as the Russians say, you need to think 7 times, weigh everything before making decisions that affect the fate of the world.

The Kremlin is violating the Medium-Range Missile Agreement, provoking, to achieve the following goals:
1. Propaganda. - To present of the US as aggressor, rally Russians around the Kremlin.
2. "Turbid up the water" policy, in which the Kremlin will beat Trump, who is already called the "Manchu candidate."

The expansion of the Kremlin is multi-planned and un-limited, if only there is no simple and obvious evidence. -
- Let the CIA see, the main thing that the Russian people did not see.
Rockets are a red herring.
The direction of the main strike is - "hybrid" attack.

But Trump is not wise, like a puppet, being led by the rocket provocation, plays along for it.

The resumption of the nuclear arms race, especially the most dangerous - medium-range missiles - is not the best move.
The main danger of medium-range missiles is a short reaction time to escalation.
- The "red line" of intergovernmental communication may simply not have time to react.
The earth was very fortunate that in the 1980s, Petrovs ("the man who saved the world") parried the mistakes of machines and management.
But, in the 2020s, this luck may not be repeated.
In Russian technology is still characterized by unreliability.
Bottom rockets in Chukotka will be even less reliable.

There is no demand from the Kremlin - it survives. Perhaps in the physical sense.
But US citizens must be accountable. - Today it depends on them - to be or not to be a civilization.

Trump needs help. To overcome their own shortcomings - above all.
1. Trump needs help to work on his goals.
2. Trump needs help finding the best deal.
One person cannot do this, and the institute of “advisers” is far from being optimal.

The American entrepreneurial spirit is finding the best = most cost-effective solutions.
Building up a nuclear weapon is not a profitable solution - today:
1. The United States has an arsenal of more than enough for a "Pyrrhic victory".
2. Medium-range missiles will create a high risk of nuclear war.
3. Nuclear weapons are already outdated - expensive and inefficient.
4. Nuclear weapons are more convenient - for centralized use, that is, for the Kremlin.
5. It will only help the Kremlin — by Trump’s hands — to eliminate the main problem — a dangerous and disturbing people.

Optimal - the following moves:
1. OneWeb - "Heavenly Internet", which Ros-Cosmos is trying to take control of.
2. ZeroNet instead of DNS. - Using P2P networks for .bit links to variable IP sites. - 5 orders of magnitude cheaper, but more effective solution.
3. The project of the Commonwealth micro-states "Free Russia". - Precedent of political demonopolization and competition.
4. Briliant Pebbles. - Defense arms race - more sustainable.
5. Network Micro rocket. - Non-lethal "weapon" of an individual level that can solve the problem of high mortality from firearms in the United States.
6. The competitive system of inter-national, without intermediaries communication and elaboration:
a. Search for unanimous people
b. Easy creation of "forums" with the disabling of trolls - from below.

The development of technology at the same time will reduce the severity of the crisis of 2020, also caused by the populist actions of Trump:
1. Trump partially spoiled the financial sustainability mechanisms adopted after the 2008 crisis.
2. Trump saved America $ 100 billion, but would take away $ 10 trillion from her, bringing down the economy. -
In trade, Beijing is losing, but Trump will force him to change the US state debt for gold, purely out of necessity due to the crisis.

If resuming the arms race, then - adequate:
1. Democratic-oriented cybernetic. -
At the same time to classify research on artificial intelligence like as the nuclear weapons.
2. Democratic-oriented genetic. -
Increased life expectancy and health of citizens.

Because such an "arms race" corresponds to:
1. To the Kremlin defiance.
2. To the time, - technologies,
3. To the threat, problem.
4. Is more effective.

North Korea is not the reason for withdrawing from the treaty, since the blackmailer who has taken hostages does not care how many weapons the police have.
Demagogues MIC understand that only 1 million micro-headphones that I offered can effectively influence the rulers.