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Life after the Sun:

p>Pessimists say: in 500 million years, life on Earth will die anyway, so is it worth worrying so much about surviving in 500 years?

- Life on Earth will not die in 50 million, but in 500 billion years, if it does not die in 500 years.
- Even at the current technological level, people are able to shield the Earth from excessive sunlight.
1-I'm a threat - after 500 million years and completely ridiculous is the disappearance of CO2 from the atmosphere.
After 7 billion years, the Earth will not be absorbed by the Red giant, as by that time its orbit will move away. – People won't even need to move.

But all this will happen only if there is a person.
Not about these distant threats need to to think today, and about survival – today.

Colonization of Venus and immortality:

the Colonization of Venus is useful for the survival of earth Civilization not only "shifting eggs in the 2nd basket":

the democratization of immortality is necessary For the survival of earth Civilization. -
And universal immortality is not necessary. -
It is only necessary that there is no boundary between the elite and the pre-elite.
But this will give a large population growth.
However, the share of immortality in population growth will be insignificant 100 years after its occurrence.
On the other hand, it will take the same 100 years to prepare for the big Exodus to Venus.

Thanks to CO2, Venus's potential to sustain life is even greater than Earth's.
Hydrogen (water) will first be transported mainly from the Earth, and then – from asteroids.

In our fast time when the bill goes to the race of the year - the worrying about what Venus is all the same not to save 7 billion years – is a mental illness. – not Venus need to maintain, and – humanity. And not in the vaguely distant future, but – here and now.