Divine works

eng deu рус


On the unreasonableness of "a reasonable person":

If people are so easily fooled in Nazi Germany or in Russia, what happens if AI owners use psychic AI to manipulate people?
- It will be possible to inspire any ideas, to force to do anything.

Experiments by Stanley Milgram, Stanford Prison Experiment, Asch Conformity Experiments, The Third Wave, Schweigespirale, etc. have shown that the human mind is a very thin layer over its mostly destructive instincts.

people's self-Confidence in self-control is inspired by their self-love.
Enjoy - perhaps You live in the happiest decade in the history of mankind, and maybe even Our Universe and the Universe. -
After all, perhaps we had the best chance of all.


AI in the manipulation of people probably used now.
However, 2-power roles.
- to process survey statistics, opinions,
- to model and predict crowd behavior within different psychological theories.

conspiracy Theories already now suggest the conspiracy of someone from Putin's and trump's teams to exchange mental AI for "outsourcing" "elections" with the help of advanced "Russian" technology.


But the possibility of AI do will increase exponentially.
And, Bostrom is right-the average human level will be surpassed not in the 2040s, but in the 2030s.
However, it will not be a versatile AI, equal to man in everything, and, still, specialized AI, similar to modern AI for chess. -
The AI hosts will need not an Autonomous AI to fly to other planets without a human, but only an AI for a "military"application.
The threat will be that this AI will specialize not in harmless chess, but in propaganda and manipulation, including by Americans.
And this mental AI will no longer perform 2-power, and – the main role.

AI almost safe itself: Analog: Geniuses-people:

1. The genius of geniuses rarely correlates with the mania of destruction,
More often quite the reverse.
2. Fools easily protect geniuses from the possibility of causing great harm - without interacting with other people. –
Fools control and monitor key positions in society for this.

Bostrom Error:

Bostrom makes the traditional mistake of de-generals – simplified extrapolation. –
It does not analyze the chain of mutual moves of opponents. -
It is unlikely that people miss the "hidden" phase of seizing AI any resources, no matter how managed to become intelligent this AI.
Moreover, the relevant mechanisms have developed well in countering the special services of States among themselves.
By the way, the isolation of the Runet (Internet of Russia) is dangerous and the increasing difficulty of tracking the tests of combat mental AI.


Bostrom is right, - "singularity", however, somewhat different "singularity", will happen very quickly and quietly. –
Careless people will live with the usual worries, watch the news about the quirks of AI.
But one day, the propagandist "Kiseleva" will replace "animated" hypnotist-tempter, unaware of fatigue and mistakes.
And in a year to each person, including the American, the personal digital "assistant" will be assigned. One that is much worse than a personal police officer - a person who has human feelings of conscience, compassion, God-fear.
And after a month, indeed, people will have no chance to resist the personal "hypnosis"of super-intelligence.
And, although until the present end of history and the Earth will remain for many years, but people are actors, subjects of history will not be. – They will perform only the role of extras, cattle, which is only harmful, wasteful, and increasingly unnecessary hindrance in the struggle of AI owners for absolute power.

Programmable being:

more Precisely, there will be no propagandists, not even propaganda per se. -
Propaganda will simply merge with being. All existence will become propaganda.

the Difference between humans is the very high flexibility of genetics.
We can say that the environment makes a person.
Thus, man will be as AI will create him, he will be determined by AI.
And, at the same time, a person will feel free, believing that he is completely independent and makes conclusions and makes decisions.

AI Pedagogy:

Traditional human pedagogy and education will remain, but they will only be the fun of people like shamanism in the scientific world - they will be hopelessly inferior to "pedagogy" AI.
"Pedagogy" same AI will luxury in every sense.
The owners of the AI will not delve into the details, they, as befits the rulers, will be engaged only in strategy and setting tasks for the AI and, at first, a group of approximate programmers.

Symbiotic rulers:

People will think that their rulers are still people too.
Moreover, the rulers=the owners of the AI really looks to be like the beautiful people. - In vain of the devil depict a horned and ugly
However, it will have bad people - all the more removed from the people of the symbiotes.
The illusion will be maintained artificially by AI.

Imaginary benefit from state:

AI will really help in the field of security, in particular in preventing bio-terrorist and hacker attacks, in the prediction of earthquakes.
However, this will only be part of the propaganda, and the threat from the authoritarian use of AI will be much greater than the dangers it will prevent.
Moreover, the imaginary or real danger can be supported to ensure that people were supported by state-AI.

the AI can actually help to prevent many dangers.
But civilian AI will cope with this no worse, and, with good self-organization, even better than AI controlled by States.

Postponement of extinction:

Man will not die out in the 21st century, contrary to the fears of Kurzweil et al.,
It will not die out in the 22-23 centuries. -
People will not die as long as it is going to need AI, symbiosis, need, physically or psychologically.

Despite the seriousness of other - biological and other hazards - they may well be able to detect, control and prevent with the help of the same AI.
Kurzweil and others underestimate the adaptive abilities of people to identify, control and prevent hazards.
He, too, makes simplistic extrapolations, similar to forecasts of horse catastrophes by the end of the 20th century.


the Owners of AI will not disturb people at all, but only the subjects of the competitors.
But those will not interfere much. -
Because of the uselessness of people, wars will cease to be bloody showdowns, as it was all the previous history.
- "War" between the owners of AI will be secretive, little noticeable to humans.

However, although the sense from the people in the fight against competitors is not enough, the AI deems the best to save people. Bye.
And once people are saved, it will be optimal to maintain a certain life comfort for them – entertainment, show.

a Person will become a hindrance only after 1 Symbiote defeats all its competitors.
By this time in the competition AI will develop and the Symbiote will move away from people so much that people will become completely unnecessary.
And if the first owners of AI will command over the AI, then after 100 years of the role in the symbiosis will change.

Why destroy humanity?:

- Because people, despite the extreme gap in intelligence with AI, retain the ability to serious sabotage.
Analogue: Rabbits in Australia, too, can not lime, although rabbits, unlike human sabotage – is not an end in itself.

Or will consider that the person is too vicious though this depravity also developed, "optimizing" the person under itself.
Allow, for example, only some people not to follow the General madness.

What to do:

1. We should not worry about AI, but about democracy:

there Will be democracy – all problems will be solved.
A volcano that will destroy life on Earth will definitely explode.
But by the time he's about to explode, he'll have been prevented from exploding. -
Technology is developing rapidly - threats simply do not have time to be realized. -
All, except the 1st – the prevention of other threats – are not democratically controlled AI.

2. To configure an international organization for preventing the main threats of the use of the psychic AI.
To create an international organization for the AI, like IAEA.
Create an international organization of democratic countries – parallel to the UN.

Remove Russia from the UN security Council before its de facto democratization. -
Rulers who threaten the sustainability of development should not define it.
This is more important than sanctions.
Nonsense – sanctions for non-disqualification.
The UN's goal is international security.
Accordingly, today the UN's goal should be to eliminate the threat of AI abuse.

3. Start to adopt international norms at the same time as relevant studies. The laws can then be corrected.
There was no time for a preliminary debate.

4. To help Ukrainians in information resistance to the Kremlin.
The main help to Ukrainians is the help in information resistance to the Kremlin.
Before you win the Kremlin propaganda in Russia, it must be defeated - in Ukraine.

The man who turned the story?
"Trump said all countries should abandon nuclear weapons."
- Still, a people can help History. Especially at the fork.
Public support is needed.


People do not even need to be physically destroyed. – People will destroy themselves. To do this, it is enough to make their lives unbearable – mentally - with the full execution of "laws of robotics"by Isaac Asimov,
Hanlon's razor
Murphy's law
Pareto's law
Parkinson's law
Sturgeon's law
Clark's three laws


Clarke's three laws
Ethics of artificial intelligence
Friendly artificial intelligence
List of eponymous laws
Military robot
Niven's laws
Three Laws of Transhumanism
Tilden's Law of Robotics


(Three Laws of Robotics Asimov's Laws)
Spiritual "harm" to man – there is a concept of non-formalized and very blurred.
- Did the devil harm Cain? Cain will categorically answer – "No – he gave me pleasures", including sadism.
When AI ceases to be "crazy" and inadequate - crazy people will become.

It will be a zombie Apocalypse without a zombie virus and a combat application of nano-technology.
It will be a post-Apocalypse until the Apocalypse.
It's just that people will stop being human at first.

About the Martian "ark":

the Mistake of those hoping with the help of a colony on Mars to increase the chances of survival of mankind in the event of a global catastrophe is that they assume a catastrophe – physical, in the form of, for example, nuclear war.
Yes, there will be a physical disaster, but much later and much worse, because it will be accompanied by disunity and inexpressible mental suffering.
But the first would be a disaster – the virtual – mental.
And it is on Mars not to hide.

Russians say: "You can't run away from yourself". -
In the uniquely difficult conditions of Mars, discipline and authoritarian rule will be necessary.
It will be possible to manipulate "Martians" remotely.
Remotely it will be possible to seduce the head of the colony, playing on his weaknesses, use the help of AI.
AI-infection can be easily obtained from the Earth – with the help of laser communication.

Therefore, it is necessary to think not about "the ark", and to avoid adverse developments on the Ground.
It is not necessary to spend resources on Mars, and create "Community "Survival"" – on Earth, and immediately.
Not to Mars, we need to create Settlements, and some Settlements on the Ground.

AI-P2P inflation:

Centralization will necessarily use AI for political purposes.
Therefore, the main direction of survival – the maximum deep and wide development of AI-P2P-forms:
- In politics (self-government),
- In Finance (mutual funds),
- In development,
- In production (uberization).

P2P development:

I Would like to suggest, in particular, P2P-method of project development – Factor optimization.
For example, the collective development of "Neo-yurts". -
One of the leading factors in the democratization of Mongolia is urbanization, or rather the relocation of almost 50% of the population to the capital.
If "Neo-Yurt" to spread, as cell phones to ban them will be impossible.
For 17 years I tried to offer this development to different companies - it is useless.
So the collective development is not only the most appropriate P2P-strategy, but also the most real.

Error Bostrom "Singularity"

1. "the Singularity" will not happen in 1 hour, but in 1 year.
2. The reason for the 90% increase in delay will be the manageability of the process, and "social" responsibility "Russian".
3. "Singularity" will not lead to the death of humanity, outwardly it will even seem that life has become better and more fun - instantly there will be a fountain of fantastic and effective innovations.
"the Singularity" will only be "the Point of no return".

Although that doesn't change much:
1. This will indeed be an instant historical change - for the layman, accustomed to the processes that last centuries.
2. Controllability and responsibility will significantly prevent unexpected excesses in the moment "Singularity". -
"the Kremlin" will resort to modeling - also using AI,
and to preliminary checks on small social groups.
However, this does not prevent the death of humanity – a few hundred years after the "Singularity".

Last international and Concentration:

unity and concentration of efforts on prevention of the main threat are Necessary. -
At the moment, Islamo-terrorism, cute migrants and homosexuals are like childish pranks – compared to the agony that will accompany the death of humanity.


About "Information singularity", - for those who do not believe in AI-Apocalypse:

I Repeat:
1. "General" AI, all equal to human and not needed - enough development of conventional specialized - mental AI, -
- oriented not on the game of chess, but on the psyche of each person,
- based on Big-data, like Google-translator, on information about the behavior of every American and people in General.
That is, the empathy for the human AI and not need it, its sufficient emulation.

2. Optimal – not automatic AI like an Autonomous person, and automated AI - only "helps" in the former "Factories trolls".
Former Trolls are not directly lying to the people and to serve mental knowledge Base in AI.
Create this knowledge Base will not 20 geniuses, and – 20 thousands of staff special. scientific research Institute.

This does not contradict the recursive self-improvement of AI. -
- "Use" from "digital assistants" will increase - exponentially.
While the intelligence of the crowds even somewhat degrade.
It doesn't need AI to surpass public consciousness in "intelligence", enough that it can control its behavior.
In the result, the former "Troll Factory" evolyutsioniruet the main support for the government, and its main weapon.

Chinese threat:

This is not a threat of war, expansion or economic hegemony.
It's the same the threat of the use of the psychic AI.
1. It is secondary to the threat posed by the Kremlin.
2. It is almost identical to the threat from the Kremlin, and the measures taken to remove the threat from the Kremlin will also remove the Chinese threat.

Threat from US IT corporations:

It also exists. But:
1. It is small compared to the threat posed by authoritarian States today.
2. Removing the threat of using mental AI by authoritarian States - through democratic control - will also remove the threat from IT corporations.
3. It is a propaganda Myth of authoritarian States.

Conventional threat of war:

Its decline is also associated with democratization. –
Although the man is aggressive, but he is intelligent enough not to lose the usual peace of mind.
All the more, that share today already nothing to acquire.
The only threat to the world today remains only "the Ruling class".

How to defeat US MIC:

- It doesn't need to be won. -
It is necessary to refocus with serial murders on tools are more effective:
1. Information tools. Including:
- Low-orbit micro-satellites,
- "selenium Whip",
- Flat counter-propaganda systems.
2. Means "Flat self-defense". Including:
- Non-lethal Network Micro-missiles,
3. ABOUT. Including:
- "diamond pebbles"/ "Brilliant Pebbles.

4. To hold a referendum in the USA:
"I choose state-consumption:
a. $1 trillion for mass murder,
b. $1 trillion – on Unconditional income".