Divine works

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On Assignment and Disposal.
Open letter:

Liebes an Dr. Dieter Klein ( dieter.klein@rosalux.org )
"Gesprächskreis Friedens - und Sicherheitspolitik" (Round table "Peace and security policy") write: "Zur Mitarbeit im Gesprächskreis laden wir herzlich ein" ("we Invite you to participate in the discussion group").

Sorry if I'm taking up your time. - I don't have a degree.
On the 2nd hand, if the question of politics, I think propaganda dangerous today - the view that "Everyone should do their job", – worker – execution, chief – command.

I liked Your work " Kapital"-Logik und Transfomation".
And I want to Express my opinion about the word "Aneignung" (="Assignment").

You write
"Das Monopol ist die Form weiterer Verschärfung des Widerspruchs zwischen gesellschaftli-chem Character der Produktion und kapitalistischer Aneignung".
(Russian translation:
"Monopoly is a form of further aggravating the contradiction between the social character of production and capitalist appropriation.")

I think:
1. The concept of " Aneignung" (="Assignment") – was inaccurately used by K. Marx and his followers,
2. This concept was further distorted when translated, for example, into Russian, perhaps intentionally.
Wrote about "Assignment"– as an injustice, to attract supporters.
We talked about consumption, participation in profits, "eating" profits.
But "socialization", the centralization of the economy in the USSR not only caused more harm, but also threatened the existence of mankind.

I see a slightly different meaning In your phrase mentioned above, - profit orders, - "Management" (="Order"), "Anlageverwaltung" (="Investment").

the Concentration of capital was accompanied not only by an increase in labor productivity, but also by negative phenomena, in particular - a decrease in the efficiency of hierarchical management structures.
Today, in the information age:
1. There was a decrease in the dependence of labor productivity on the size of production;
2. Increased efficiency of 1-rank, "public" organizational structures optimizing investment.
However, these changes have not occurred in reality, but only potentially.
In this sense, the economy is unstable now.

In the 18th century, production in Britain, in particular, changed hundreds of times.
Today there is a similar situation.

However, it is not clear - what does "proletarian revolution" have to do with this.
- A new "production method" may well spread - without changing the political system.
That is, the decentralization of development and production can occur - while maintaining the concentration of capital and political centralization.
For example, in Moscow uber-taxis are controlled by one co-bandit Putin.
The Kremlin doctrine of "Managed democracy" can extend to "free" countries.
For example, in the US, too, has already ended freedom of speech:
- in 2017 from 10 - on 2 forums USA deleted my comments,
- in 2018 out of 10 - on 8.
No political "revolutions" at the same time will not happen, but there will be the death of humanity - 500 years from now.

In relation to freedom, democracy, human capabilities, and even property, the Communists are more of an ultra-right party than an ultra-left party.
A just society is impossible.
Although justice is possible to maximize. The greatest success was achieved by Scandinavians.
Relative justice is possible, but it cannot be a priority goal – today – in view of the threat of a " Political singularity."
This does not mean that communism is not needed, but that it is necessary to unite efforts for a common goal.

Sorry if I'm interrupting you. With great respect, Edil