Divine works

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Deliberative structure and TOR:

there is only one vertical of power In authoritarian States.
"Legislative power", judicial, etc. "branches" are completely dependent on "Executive" (which is not Executive, but - governing).
More precisely, at the top of the hierarchy – pure leadership;
The lower the level, the less management and more execution of commands of higher levels.

chiefs use "Advisors, experts, and Meetings To develop teams.
The chiefs make the team on the development of more extensive orders in the form of the statement of work (Technical specifications) on the development of bills, regulations and management decisions.

Idea "Advisory structure":

the Idea behind the "Advisory structure" is to organize the development of TK in a parallel hierarchical structure.
Internet and AI (Artificial intelligence) allow:
1. Involve large groups of people in the production of TK,
2. Implement "flat" production of TK.
(Properties "Advisory structure").

Hypothesis "Advisory structure"

the Hypothesis of the "Deliberative structure" is that:
- It is possible to create a structure with these properties, which will be more competitive and effective than the traditional hierarchical structure.
Or, to put it another way:
- The highest possible efficiency with the Internet and AI falls on the structure with these properties.

Confederation of micro-States:

"the Deliberative structure" should run parallel to the hierarchical structure not so much within existing authoritarian States as in relatively independent micro"States.
At the same time, residents of authoritarian States can not physically leave their countries, but work in micro-States – remotely.

Cloning of micro-States:

the Modern economy requires complex management.
The idea of cloning micro-States is the free copy the systems that are the best at the bottom.
At the same time, Micro-States are also free to integrate aspects of governance.

Cheaper control for micro-States is due to:
- Automation, use of AI;
- Openness;
- Simplification of management – primarily due to the lack of a terrorist component – the security forces, replacing them with collective self-defense structures;
- Institutional superiority of "flat" structures over hierarchical - in terms of widespread use of AI.

Social franchising:

the Optimal economic system of micro-States is social entrepreneurship in the form of franchising - free ready-made electronic economic and legal templates. – AI"autopilot" assume 90% of analytical work in competition with traditional businesses.

Free "execution":

Competition between the desires of billions of people makes optimal the free implementation of TK.
It also enhances the competitiveness of the "flat"structure in competition with the hierarchical.

"time Pressure":

Even if "the Deliberative structure" cannot surpass the hierarchical one, every effort must be made to realize its potential as quickly as possible, because the survival of humanity depends on it. -
The development of a hierarchical structure in the information revolution (singularity) will inevitably lead to the death of mankind.

The survival of mankind requires the maximum acceleration of the organization "Advisory structure", since the rivalry of structures is accelerating exponentially - today.

Open implementation:

it is Better to implement the "Advisory structure" not with the help of a secret community, but – openly - first of all - because of the time pressure - needed "inflationary" – very rapid growth of new structures.

the management Structure of the authoritarian States are not well suited for open confrontation. –
1. "Natural career selection" does not target bosses at abstract "threats".
2. Neither open nor secret terrorist teams are effective,





Questions-"seed" for testing "body structure"

1. Economic Programme:

confiscation Of property - if not proved its legitimacy. Statute of limitations =1990.
But who to sell confiscated? – assets depreciate?
- Checking various fines, confiscate the organization delivers assets. Maximize competition, so that "businessmen" worked at a loss, once argue that business is more important to them than bread.
Put the earnings of "bailiffs" in dependence on economic efficiency.
Checking various fines, confiscate the organization – a political counterweight to the presidential Administration?
- Political competition and "the Balance of the branches of government".

Modeling of wage growth:




People rent.
I can't afford my own place.

People buy property.
The business rents the asset. Expensive assets are too expensive.

2. Spread counter-propaganda -:

Promotion is not politicians, media ideas, and ideas directly?
Promotion of the developed Economic Program.


Growth strategies

Select and divide
power ratio

utopian subordination

motivation -1st strategy, and fooling – from the 2nd

2nd strategy – retarded -
poor consumers and uneducated workers are the brake.

1st strategy – better for survival. If it is peaceful.