Divine works

eng deu рус

My Comments:

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− "and China's Economic dominance will never mean the victory of the Chinese political model, which"

Optimist, however./ Loho-technology instability can overtake./ http://kz-эксперт / ru / materials/mirovaya_praktika / 815_rastushee_vliyanie_kitaya_i_budushee_demokratii< / p>

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You do not take into account that the loot is exported to the West and illuminates it.< / h5>

you don't think that stolen goods are exported to the West and illuminates it.< / p>

Authoritarian regimes overestimate GDP growth rates of 15-30%, < br /> Comparing the official GDP growth figures with the growth of night lighting in satellite photos"./ University of Chicago-Irving B. Harris
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3093296< / p>

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Duzhe Garni analiz

Hence more, please, with references to monographs, NGOs and figures.< / p>

& quot;Cannot be migrated .. After all, it is the result of pressure"
Conclusion: it is necessary to understand and press. No one will help us, only his hand./ www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/articles/2018/07/19/7084337 / < / p>

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" post-Apocalypse": Tales of chaos:

"Disappearance of the state"
- It's about a civilized state./ The same example Russia 1917:
in Those who joined the white or red gangs – shot, and survivalists, cat-e changed portraits of atamans and buried grain – survived.< / p>

"the Bandits will sooner or later be caught and shot."/ - nobody caught Zhdanov in Leningrad./ The only mistake haositov – speed growth of gangs./ on "the Supplier has objectivesa to tears, talking about mountains of gold, diamonds and other valuables, which he bartered for bread! The bread he burned, if you do not have time to exchange../ His wife was so fed up with the & quot;blockade " that she could not get out of bed./ (B)" as there Is no fact of starvation of representatives of district committees, city Committee, regional Committee of the CPSU;
And, Yes, it is advantageous to inspire that with the loss of power of the ruling GOPG will be chaos.< / p>

Illusion of patronage of power:

Verkhoturov right in saying that the government is not going anywhere – in the event of a disaster./ But it is not right that the government will coddle "tributaries & quot;. -/ Now she nurses, only for avoidance of revolts, - full life, and for the maximum profit it is not favorable to take away much./ However satiety this – quite unstable – quite the 1st nuclear or other winter, 1-just missed the harvest, and the famine, which was, however, more recently, in 1921, 1933, 1946, and
Yes, looters of government, as then, will be shot, but only as competitors, hindering recovery and Dani./ That power will govern the correctness of the burial "and dependents of the Ascorutin But if food is scarce,; - like the king of England during the plague.< / p> It is easier for Survivalists to prevent disasters than to train to shoot hungry children./ This is Something the powers that be have no time to do - they have enough worries about how to stay in power when it is so profitable for competitors. / On the contrary, the more profitable the power, the greater the risk will go holding it.< / p>

On the 1st side, technological sustainability has increased today:
Ah. Increased productivity of food production,
b. Reducing the cost of transport allows you to transfer food to where demand.< / p>

But, on the 2nd side, new instability factors appeared, increased: < br / > - New types of weapons, including nuclear -<, < br / > Man - made
- Political,
Political, for example, were and above, but they not were capable, for example, destroy Civilization, reducing, for example, subjects mad.< / p>

the Best way to improve sustainability:
1. Reducing the power of attraction./ 2. Openness, transparency, controllability, etc./ In short: Democracy, either death./ https://topwar.ru/145529-postapokalipsis-skazki-o-haose.html< / p>

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the Main property of the browser in the 2nd world - anti-censorship./ Turbo-Opera Proxy proxy < br /> The main property of the browser in the 2nd world is anti-censorship./ Turbo-Opera has given a proxy
https://qsurvey.mozilla.com/s3/FirefoxInput / < / p>

 < / p>

About consumerism:

As Lenin said: where do not go - everywhere at the heart - politics./ The mills are Not to blame. / Cause "mental & quot; propaganda with a clear objective - the absolute power./ "and This opinion is supported by people who may be considered guilty of poor living conditions and poverty of people with"./ T e to effectively combat KPOJ, it is necessary either to emigrate or to engage in politics.< / p>

"and It is possible that we will see attempts to implement the scenarios described in paragraph 3, and when that happens, it will be too late to determine./ ... Struggle for resources./ The fragmentation of large groups into smaller ones, the spread of aggressive ideologies and violence, as well as the decline of areas requiring a high level of education and mental abilities"./ - Malthus secondary, and unlikely to tolerate Aggressiveness and the decline is also Askorutin;flowers"./ - Approaching a much greater threat: Cm DW2020.narod.ru

In General, thank you for your concern./ "and It all depends on us & quot;./ Information curtain too: e-mail-s,
Minimally active: Place Your article on a foreign free hosting without censorship. Then it will be much more useful. / Not as a lightning rod./ 2017 Antonov's annon
http://ednml10.ru/stop-consumption-conveyor / < / p>

 < / p>

27 Euro / MW (Pellet Pix Pellet Nordic, foex indices Ltd) < br / > Why not sold in pellets Denmark?/ - Lack of organization - PNO has not changed its export policy. / - Putin over Askorutin laughs;Heavenly hundred" and fools./ http://cripo.info/?p=234681< / p>

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the opinion of the author - a deep researcher about the prospects of using AI in propaganda is Very important. What he thinks about the warnings: CSER center for the study of existential risk, FLI, the Institute for the future of life, SU Singularity University, research Institute Miri machine intelligence (Previously: favor of SIAI (Singularity Institute for artificial intelligence)) in AI2, the Allen Institute for the study of AI, AAAI, the Association for the development of AI, OpenAI, which is engaged in the organization and conduct of the Institute for the future / Institute for the future ?/ https://zn.ua/SOCIUM/propagande-ty-ne-skazhesh-do-svidanya-propaganda-ne-proschaetsya-s-toboy-303711_.html

Sergei Khrapunov 8 Zhovtnya "Well, Anyone can say what is the meaning of this article?"
- An example of the above itself came: the Troll makes the brains of the opinion that the article is about anything, all and quot it is more important though;yellow" in the media./ The meaning of the article in that people will not need. The AI will be instructed to get rid of them so that no one will understand. / What is needed, And fear that will push us into action, to rescue the situation./ https://zn.ua/SOCIUM/ukraina-stoit-pered-dveryu-v-buduschee-k-kotoroy-u-nee-net-klyucha-296407_.html#_=_

- " Urgently need to create software (AI) to distinguish truth from lies"
− Urgently create SOFTWARE (AI), NOT allowing to distinguish truth from lies. INF - revolution will give absolute power. After what ordinary people will become not need./ https://zn.ua/SOCIUM/zhit-radi-laykov-300438_.html< / p>

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zn.ua - one of the best popular analytical resources.< / p>

Dubrovsky and Boyarchuk offer to go to the people, but in this, the most interesting place to stay./ My suggestion is to "structure" as an Advisory; - parallel construction on "fishing Rods" by. - People should be convinced in practice, instead of watching fight of activists with allies of the Kremlin./ the Bait of the reform of the System with open access Abstract.docx< / a >

is the parliamentary Republic the power of the clan?: < / h4>

Is it not more reliable and easier to prevent the monopolization of Parliament by one clan, using the counterbalances of the multi-clan nature of Ukraine, thus changing the law on Parliament?< / p>

There is much more at stake than the future of Ukraine, but it turned out to be dependent on the future of Ukraine./ Between Scylla and Charybdis - Ukraine Abstract.docx< / a >
2019 https://zn.ua/internal/dlya-teh-kto-v-tanke-2-mezhdu-scilloy-i-haribdoy-314007_.html< / p>

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