Divine works

eng deu рус

Second, Denunciation:

Is the order of the chief to the executor a denunciation?
Is the salary of the chief to the executor a robbery of the chief or a bribe from his side?

the"Tax" from which the salary is paid to the security forces is not a tribute - in Europe.
But in Russia there is a tax to give.
- Because in Europe – citizens=chiefs, and in Russia, on the contrary, – robbers="servants of the people".

Denunciation is an order to the executor "to take measures", - in Europe, - a noble and highly moral act of a responsible citizen=owner.
But in Russia, the denunciation is the informer, is an immoral act vilest of Dushenko.
Noble souls in Russia - plant thieves and swindlers=propagandists in prison with confiscation.



About panic:


I Read that in war people's heads are turned off. and, they are able to perform only the simplest reflex, trained actions.

I Think it's good that the subconscious mind is more important than consciousness, no wonder a person can not control his heartbeat, no wonder there is laziness.

Propaganda from the manger suggests that it is necessary to develop "willpower", to overcome their desires.
The perverse desires of man arise not because of the bad natural inclinations of man, but because of his aberration by propaganda, "education".
Mentally not disfigured person will work actively without any violence.
Needs in the sense of love for loved ones, passion, hard work – a person has enough for useful work.

the Subconscious of man is wiser than his consciousness so far.
The subconscious stopping only to kill, to work and to consume in the interests of the manipulators.


Che Guevara and Fidel Castro:

I Want to share my attitude towards communism and Communists:
I dislike "Communists"- anti-Communist careerists who remained in power in the CIS after the collapse of the USSR.
But I have great respect for Communists like Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. At least on the basis of what I know about them.
Yes, the "socialist" dictatorship in Cuba had similarities with neighboring Latin American. Yes, Cuba's economic success has been mediocre.
But as individuals, the leaders of Cuba were radically different from the neighboring power lovers, money-grubbers and sadists. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro were extremely ideological, mentally clean to selflessness, people who were not spoiled by any power.
If they were wrong, it was in good faith.
They say that God judges by intentions. -
The mistakes of Cuba's leaders are not their mistakes, but those of Communist theorists.