Divine works

eng deu рус

About police and micro-Rockets:

If the police had disappeared, it would have been better. That would be the police.
However, this requires more – self-organization.
That is, crime would not have grown.

Police do more harm than good:

From bandits and swindlers never protected.

But themselves – extorted:
Searched, if you found something what you can complain enough alcohol, then extorted the money.
Humiliated in public. – If he swore, then would carry out the plan for disclosure. They can plant something, fabricate something.
- From the criminal will take a bribe, and instead of it will put casual.
Yes, there are Laws, but:
1. The laws are deliberately ambiguous.
2. Mutual responsibility, disenfranchisement, mass violation of the Law, arbitrariness and arbitrariness.

the Militia is a national self-defense.

And it is necessary, first of all - against a crime source.
And security officers are a support of the power.

by the way, There was no police in the USSR. And was the professional service of the regime.

About professionalism:

1. An unprofessional criminal is better than a professional one.
2. "Citizenship" – should be the 2nd profession of every citizen, if not the 1st. –
"Profession" is what you earn.
"Citizenship" same citizen just profitable. -
- Fool-performer he will earn $ 1, the owner of life - $ 2.
3. "Everyone should do their own thing":
This statement is propaganda:
This statement is true – not for political studies.
This statement implies the effectiveness of the lesson.
Effectiveness is measured by the result for people.
The hierarchical power system is inefficient, that is, "non-professional".
IT and AI make a network of shooters, even volunteers - more efficient, that is "professionals"




Micro-missiles and child terrorists:

Addressing the problem of terrorist children is the most effective way to introduce Micro-missiles.

let me Remind You That Networked Micro-missiles are aircraft firing needles with a paralyzing substance.

50-100 g


50-100 m/s


5-10 km


Advantages of Micro-rockets:

"+" Democratization – civil self-defense,
"+" a Sharp decline in violence.

Micro-missiles will take away the murder weapon from inadequate Americans, of which 10-20 million, but will give Americans a more effective means of self-defense.

Drawbacks of lethal weapons:

"−" Violence, terrorism – is the justification for the existence of an authoritarian state.
"−" Introduction of Micro-missiles also counteract – lobbyists MIC (Military-industrial complex).

Problem of children with weapons:

However, the military has a much-debated but unresolved problem - terrorist children. -
Terrorists love to use children:
- Children are easier to fool,
- The us military can rightly be accused of killing children who cannot be held responsible under US law.


the Idea is to introduce Micro-missiles to start - with "counterterrorism" organizations.





Why Jews?

1. In a real aggressive environment, Jews are objectively interested in internal democracy, equality and unity, they benefit from the use of AI not to strengthen power over each other, but for joint security. That is, it is the democratic AI tools that benefit them.
2. The Jews are quite intelligent:
to understand the threat, and
to win "AI-arms race" with the Kremlin.

So the Kremlin objectively benefits from provocations against Israel and anti-Semitism now.

Use of Jews, repeat:

1. Best modern successful experience of building a micro-state (at first) in a hostile environment.
2. A culture of survival that has evolved over 2000 years.
3. Culture of self-organization.
4. Intelligence.


Palestine Israel:

option 1: Palestinians do not live according to Islam - they work off the money received from rich Arabs, engaged in robbery, terror. Their children remain uneducated, ill.
Option 2: Palestinians receive an education no worse than Jews, enjoy the same health care as Jews. They receive no less money than from the Arabs, but it's not about money - the Palestinians are paving the way for a new life – without conflicts and the use of some people of others.