Divine works

eng deu рус



Trying to model the future:

It is incorrect to say that " AI will replace people, and people will only become an obstacle for rulers."

- This is a great simplification.


Growth thanks to AI :

AI will have a beneficial effect on the economy.

- Tens of trillions of dollars are lost due to the fault of investors.

On the one hand, exchanges are a good mechanism for optimizing investment directions.

But, on the second hand, corporate management is not very optimal - investment development is not optimal.

AI primarily optimizes management, and will become a major factor in economic growth.


But AI can also replace humans - in all areas of work.

- AI will be able to emulate even the most "sincere" types of work - in the service sector, art, "manual work".

And this will only increase the growth of the economy.


AI will create a cycle of self-reproduction.


1. On a global economy scale, not in the form of “Gray slime”.

2. Fully controlled.


The resource problem does not exist, but only the inertia of growth:

1. Optimization of recycling, primarily in the form of a constructive orientation of all products to recycling.

2. The use of space resources - asteroids and Mercury.

3. Changing the ratio of resource use. - Indispensable resources do not exist, absolute deficits do not exist - all deficits are relative.


Nevertheless, the "Theory of labor value" will work for a very long time.

- Despite the replacement of man by AI , the value of things and services will be determined for a very long time by human participation in the economy.

- There will be no growth in “free time” - a person is greedy and envious, he will still work 8 hours a day.

- People will invent, with the help of AI , more and more perverted forms of “work”, primarily in the field of direct communication and “rest”, to replace people in AI as much as possible , but this process can take a very long time.

Demand will also grow for people who are the physical guides of the management policy. Mostly non-violent, but in fact a “police state”.


The problem is not in AI , but in man:

" Symbiots " will be similar to the Greek gods - having gained omnipotence, they will not lose the ancient human vices. They do not consider it necessary to lose them.

AI will be used, first of all - to control people, for mental manipulation.

AI will be used, first of all, as a psychic weapon for fighting competitors, for creating dependencies through inventing new rights and monopolies, like "Intellectual Property", and managing addicts.


Yes, the level of violence will decrease, or rather, physical violence will simply be replaced by mental.

The wars for resources will remain, they just become mental - outwardly invisible.

There will remain "wars" - for spheres of influence, for group interests.


AI itself does not replace a person in politics.

AI will not make a person unnecessary, unnecessary interference, requiring only additional resources to control him.

A person will be made an obstacle only by another person, or rather, a former person - a " symbiote ".

True, the time when people will become mostly a hindrance will come much later - 200 years later, after the "subjects" become fully manageable.


The economy of greed and envy is relative.

- We need those who are envious.

However, after a strong polarization of society and a strong narrowing of the circle of the "chosen ones", rivalry within the small former elite will decline.

By this time, the " symbiotes " will become, as it were, a new kind of non-humans , to which people really will become an alien hindrance.



This does not mean that there will be genocide.

More precisely, "genocide" will be, but not in the modern sense of the word.

- He will be completely invisible and "humane."


It would seem that this is a common phenomenon of replacing the old look with a new one.

The problem is that these will not be people. Although they will also have a physical representation in the form of people.


The loss of "divinity":

In the process of competition, the " symbiotes " will sacrifice their human, "divine" characteristics.

Competition favors not only economics and power, but vice as well, makes their selection.

Unfortunately, no social. an order for appropriate socio-psychological research.

Almost all civilizational values ​​will be lost. -

There will be no romantic desire for knowledge of the World.

There will be no compassion and mercy.

There will be no love and beauty. Which exist only in humans.


Purpose of this essay:

99% of people are indifferent to the described perspective for their children.

(Children - literally - after an increase in life expectancy).

The purpose of this essay is to search among 99% of people - a few "conservatives" (politically - anti-conservatives) who want to preserve civilizational, "divine" values.

This is a "divine enterprise", but not in the religious sense of the word.


Next, I set out my vision of ways to prevent an undesirable future.

- The future insidious by its invisibility against the background of the external growth of comfort and benefits.


Maybe I'm wrong.

The purpose of this essay is to search for critics.

But the critics are not simple, but unanimous - having the same desires, values ​​and aspirations with me.




Unlike citizens, political technology does not stand still, but develops rapidly and ahead of all other technologies, as it brings more profit than any other technology. (see example:   Pension Monopoly  )

The threat lies in the fact that in the West people are no smarter than Russians.

And in the West, rulers are tempted to import polit-fraud technologies, starting with populism.

The threat lies in the fact that if Western democracies also become “controlled”, then their further development is highly likely to lead to the death of Civilization, and even to the actual death of humanity.


There is only 1 threat:

The survival of mankind is threatened by only 1 threat - the development of political technology.

All other threats are void:

Nuclear war over the Kremlin’s bluff is very likely, but its transience and relatively little damage are also very likely. - Nuclear war is likely to break the record of the duration of the Great Britain’s war with Zanzibar.

People will easily adapt to global warming so that they do not suffer any loss.

Small volcanoes and other asteroids will simply not survive in a thousand years.

And if they survive to large ones - in millions of years, then they will be very easily prevented. - The United States today is going to supply a cost-effective and very powerful Yellowstone Geothermal Power Station.

Artificial intelligence is also an independent threat. -

Before the development of the “political threat”, even if AI surpasses human intelligence, the weak intelligence of people and their rulers will be enough to prevent any serious threats from AI .

And their desires, even emulated by AI in the same time frame, will not appear either.

Another thing is that the development of political technology today is, first of all, through the use of AI .

But, I repeat, this is not a threat from AI , as they describe it, but a threat from its ruler users.



The incentive of the Kremlin:

Now Russia is ahead of the rest in the development of political technologies.

But Russia is only ahead, since watered technology is central to the survival of its rulers.

Consciousness manipulation technologies are developing even in the USA.

But there it is less interesting to the government, including due to developed democratic institutions.

But it is used by corporations in a more innocuous area - advertising.


The chances of the Kremlin:

However, political technology is still not sufficiently intertwined with IT technology, and therefore not effective enough for a true “Managed Democracy”.

There is a good chance that Russian Putinism will NOT survive. -

Too many Kremlin makes classic mistakes on the path to democratic transit.

However, the possible fall of the Kremlin regime does not in the least reduce the general threat to humanity emanating from political technology.

Next in line is China, and even possibly the USA.



Manipulation is economically beneficial:

Investing in American deceit, corruption and political conspiracy is cost-effective.

But this only happened today - through the use of IT , Big Data and mental AI .

There was no secretive manipulation technology before.

Attempts at gross bribery or violence were quickly detected by competitors.

Competing groups had more transparency than collusion. Still.


And this is not about Russia, but about the United States.

Money manipulation increases "exploitation" in simplified terms.

Investments in Mani pulyatsii provide greater earnings growth than investment in physical production.


Russia here acts only as an exporter of advanced technologies .

Polit - technology is the only technology in which Russia is ahead of the United States, and the whole world, even China.


The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty"

The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty" is to create research Communities in which there would be no demand for manipulation and propaganda.


Manipulation of the environment:

The manipulation of human behavior - it is not primarily the promotion, no suggestion, and - the creation of circumstances in which each person is acting quite rationally, actually acts to his own detriment, - just because of the fact that he :

1. Do not split enough information,

2. Without wishing is possible sufficiently Ch at the lateral analyze,

3. It is guided by its own instincts , however, characteristic of most people .

4. Not able to organize with other people .


It is Manipulation of the environment more characteristic of "democratic" states.

In addition, its share is growing compared with propaganda.

1 example: FSB informant:

He informs the dissident, despite the fact that :

He can understand that the dissident wishes him well,

He admits that the dissident is even able to help him.

But all this is very vague,

As a result, the instinct outweighs the prize - here and now.

And do not risk your safety, showing doubts about loyalty.

2 example: Troll , programmer, psychologist of the FSB:

The authorities are alien, but they pay money to the families of workers .

A deceived fuckers - also strangers, and never Pomo gut .

Of course, in principle, you can work for an opposition organization with a view to a future salary, probably even more.

However, so far the authorities have this power . And you can change power only by teaming up with other colleagues.

But this is precisely what the authorities will never allow.

Today it is much smarter , and will no longer allow a situation where the right workers will have nothing to lose.


Trumpists are not as simple as they seem:

Propaganda in the USA :

Propaganda is prohibited in the USA, but it is there .

- In the USA there is propaganda , slander against communism and other left movements.

Propaganda in the USA is more subtle, hidden than in Russia.

Propaganda in the USA is spontaneous. - There are no propaganda bodies and institutions , unlike Russia. Propaganda in the United States eats only a "class" social order.

Semantic propaganda , not limited to fakes , misinformation is difficult to prove.

Cooperation of American social "experts" with the Kremlin's "science" is very profitable on and seducer s n of both .



The separation of " flies from cutlets " of communism and the reorientation of the latter :

Yes, the people rebelled against the "communists".

But it was not the Communists who were overthrown, but his traitors.

The traitors themselves led the overthrow and slander of communism.

Yes, there were "true communists," "Trotskyists." For example, Peter Siuda .


Another question: Is possible even communism without bureaucratization?

- There are no historical examples of this.

Of course, this is not proof, but today this issue is not - actual FIW do a new threat is incomparably more terrible than the "human exploitation", etc.


Yes, Marxism is theoretically far from 100% scientific. Requires revision.

Yes, the reason for the success of communism in the 20th century was not the genius of s Lenin,
and that his ideas most approached the desires of workers at that time.

And it’s not in Lenin ’s lack of thoughtfulness of ideas,
but in the fact that thoughtfulness was not interesting to anyone then.


Yes, a new threat is connected with the old one, generated by it .

Yes, new threats and personalized in the old militant "parasites."

Yes, communism is probably the most integral, noble and fascinating of the entire left spectrum.

Yes, " true " neo - communism could be most useful against the new threat - more useful than democracy, liberalism, feminism, etc.

Perhaps “Inverse democracy” is possible, in which workers have political advantages, just as in the most democratic countries, representatives of indigenous peoples and women have advantages .

If Marx was mistaken, then in good faith. - He did not plan to bureaucratize the Communist Party.


But , nevertheless, a change of reference is necessary. -

- The fight against predatory "exploitation" of man, nature, etc. - must be secondary.

Solidarity is not necessary , not communist, but on the platform of human survival .


Let the communists head the united front and if they can.

At the very least, including this front in their Program will help both.


A “planned economy ” is not “communism":

Even if the “Planned” economy can be more effective than the “Market” one, the market is better than it because it does not need state management. Which is more important.

Moreover, the "planned" economy was only an unsuccessful means of "communism", and not its necessary attribute. The term “planned economy ” is “newspeak”.

The first ideologists of "communism" did not specify the "plan", did not prescribe non-freedom of the buyer , the dictatorship of the manufacturer .

It was invented by the "bureaucrats" - for their control of the economy.


Scientific pla n ation:

What is unequivocally cost-effective is the planning of scientific discoveries and developments.

However, it became possible only in the 21st century :

- With the development of science of science,

- With the transformation of science into the main production process,
in which the greatest value is created,
in which the greatest working time is spent, and
which combines all disparate technologies.



The personification of capitalism:

This is a kind of psychic phenomenon - personification of the forces of nature,

But not in the form of deities, and - attribution over - capacity - people belonging to a particular " class " .

This is an accusation of people belonging to the "class" of capitalists of inequality in society.


The capitalists are not to blame for capitalism e :

But the capitalist people are not to blame. - "Guilty" social, and I am the element.

There has been no conspiracy of capitalists against workers , until now.

Each capitalist simply used the current circumstances to his advantage, as any worker takes advantage of them.

From the total effort , an advantage arose in society for the rich.

But in democracies, these benefits for the rich are balanced by trade unions and other democratic institutions.


Distribution of responsibility:

The shareholder dealt with immoral figures, but he didn’t see what kind of “ pastries ” the workers were eating .

Broker, serving their first on Wall-street had an affair - with the profits - the same figures.

The overseer at the Chicago factory and the police killers had direct contact with the workers, but their salaries and hard work did not differ much from those of the worker.


Limitation of violence and equality :

The reduction of violence acceptable to workers - in the 20th century played no less a role in the growth of justice and equality in the Western world than the social system . security and other attributes of the West Noah democracy.


The capitalists defeated the communists with democracy:

Communism may have been the solution - in the 19th century unlimited violence.

But in the 20th century, capitalists preferred to give the “proletarians” part of the power so as not to lose it at all.

However, the Communists themselves played up the capitalists , unable to cope with the management.


However, in the 21st century, it became possible to completely control the crowd without any violence with complete formal democracy.

In the 21st century, the emergence of a small " sub - class" of rulers is possible , which will cultivate inequality and "Satanism" already quite consciously and scientifically.


Capitalists are fighters against the negativity of capitalism:

Despite the separation of "classes", many capitalists by desire to help in the fight for the survival of humanity - contrary are proper m Current m interest s .

Moreover, on average, the aristocrats seem really " noble ," " lumpen " by virtue of the circumstances of his upbringing.


For the survival of the human need to gain equilibrium authorities , that is, all the same democracy.

It is necessary to further reduce social polarization in all its manifestations.

A p avenstvo is one of the most powerful of their conditions.

The fact that most capitalists ready to help the fighters for equality - against unjust acts of the circumstances - the most in azhn th factor of survival today .


Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialism :

On the one hand, “socialism” means free healthcare and education , etc. - Sanders plans to provide with the help of - state power.

On the second hand, Sanders declares a weakening of the political influence of the "richest population."

Perhaps the strengthening of the role of the state in a working democracy is not dangerous. - Hard to say.

But the problem is that the work osposobnost former institutions , mechanisms of democracy decreasing a camping.


However, it is possible to reduce economic inequality - while at the same time reducing the role of the state - through the development of mechanisms of direct civil democracy, primarily through the development of IT .

Accessibility of healthcare, for example, can be increased by an order of magnitude NOT with the help of "dictate", but rather with the help of further liberalization.

- People using E - democracy, for example, must discover the benefits of liberalizing Intellectual "property".

Accessibility of education can also be increased many times - with :

- Substitutions of licensing law, licensing - punitive law,

- Growth binding I business rights with responsibility yu ,

- Financial openness and entrepreneurship ,

- Development of E-competition.


If there were a “ Liberal Socialist ” that could explain and promote such a liberal socialist program, then perhaps he would have even more supporters than Bernie Sanders .

More is at stake here than election victory. “The existence of humanity is at stake.”


Liberalism - there is salvation from the "Imperial Presidency":

The state-socialist inclinations of Democratic Presidential candidates only strengthen the Executive in America.

"Trump supporters consider him the defender of Liberal democracy, if only because, on the other hand, socialism is a threat to democracy."



I am for United Russia, but with a small condition :

I recognize any party, any United Russia, if it recognizes the need to confiscate the property of the sponsors of Putinism .

Only this means will break the vicious circle - power - money - power.

This is not a sweeping "class" approach - only 0.0% of the population sponsors the enemies of the people.

And this is not “nationalization” —the confiscated is not handed over to state administrators, that is, back to power, but at an auction , to which only those who have proved the legitimacy of their capital are allowed, starting in the 1990s .



About the correctness of the Nazis - Eugenics:

Genocides (serial killers of millions of people, lovers of genocide) are formally right - one of the factors for the success of their propaganda was a certain mental inferiority of the “Aryans”.

Another thing is that their selection of people is unscientific because it is connected with them.

- Voluntary , open and free from propaganda genetic medicine is much more effective, not to mention ethical aspects.


However, moral psychology:

1. the importance of intellectual ,

2. It is difficult for studying , as well as for genetic medical s .


If we talk about the meaning of Eugenics, then the useless genocide is more necessary for the soulless “Aryans” than for the conditional “Papuans”.



Democracy is the main threat to humanity:

Democracy is that politicians in the US and Europe are oriented towards public opinion.

And public opinion is created in the Kremlin - the farther, the more.

In the 21st century, democracy will cease to be sustainable in the sense that its institutions - separation of powers, political competition, etc., which resulted in the progress of humanism and pluralism, these institutions will no longer provide such progress.

The improvement of political technologies will allow, with the formal preservation of all attributes of democracy , to make it "manageable."


If in the 20th century to preserve the dictatorship of the authorities needed a dictatorship as the methods in the 1st half of the 21 th century, the Kremlin in Russia already uses to save the dictatorship - "hybrid" methods.

However, at the end of the 21 th century regimes can do completely without power, etc. methods to maintain their power.


However, the worst thing is that the technology "controlled" Dem Atia are increasingly using the camping and the "free" world.

Politicians in the US and Europe understand the changes , but they are happy with this situation.

Some politicians even take advantage of Kremlin propaganda to their advantage.


Nevertheless, the threat of democracy can be overcome only by democracy itself, or rather the further development of democracy .

And since political technology is developing with acceleration, thanks to the use of IT , then I must develop democracy with acceleration .

“ Even to stay put, you must run.”


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