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Survival Party :

Left rightly accused of ideological th blur .


In the 19th century, the only left — Social Democracy — had a simple, well-structured Program:

- The strategic goal is economic equality ;

- Means of achievement - the prohibition of private ownership of the means of production;

- Social basis - the working class;

- The organization is " democratic centralism . "


In the 21st century, left-wing party programs include "all the good" - environmentalism , feminism, pacifism, socialism, democracy, liberalism, LGBT equality, human rights, etc.


Reasons for ideological spread:

- Bureaucratic castration. - The Trojan method, bureaucratic games are the main method of fighting enemies with the left movement today. The same method is used against the trade union movement. “They have no open enemies today.”

- The defeat of the whole ideology of communism.

- Political competition .


Political competition played a cruel joke . - Tactically from erosion, in the 1950-60s the left won, but strategically lost.


However, today a simple objective goal has appeared, which can re-structure the entire left ideology.

The purpose of e t and - the survival of civilization and humanity.

The means to achieve the same can be simple - egalitarian liberalism.

Social basis and there is not indefinite and vague "middle class" with a variety of interests, and - 99% of the population, the union "proletarians and capitalists", the general interest which is all the same to survive.

The organization that is optimal with advanced IT is decentralized. Unfortunately, in this direction there is no purposeful development at all.


Democratic democracy:

The expansion of democracy should be replaced by the expansion of democracy.


In the 21st century, there is a degradation of democracy not only in the countries of "Managed Democracy", but also in the old democracies.

The only way to survive humanity can only be through democracy.

The best way to achieve numerous goals - environmentalism , feminism, etc. there are achievements ie the main goal - the development and implementation of democratic th mechanism and, by means of which th all these sub- objectives can be achieved.


D emokratichesky Internationale :

Survival is a common interest not only of numerous social groups, but also of peoples.

For the first time, the objectively optimal strategy for survival is not “expansion of living space,” but unity.







Coalition - Project:

A broad coalition based on general, non-antagonistic principles is useful for the survival of mankind today .

Potential allies:


Libertarian socialism:


Libertarian socialism is opposed to forced forms of social organization.


Discrepancies e :

Libertarian socialism speaks against the private ownership of the means of production .


1. Private property - it is primarily the protection from the arbitrariness of the state.


2. Libertarians do not fully state the implementation of " against private property ."

• If this is a ban on private property , then it will exercise the function of the state in fact, no matter what it is called. With the restoration of all negative manifestations of the state.

• If it is managing the means of production and with the help of managers, then the manager acquires the function of the state - with millions of "owners".

• If it is a cooperative, then this is also private property - shared.

• If this is the free use of Wed dstv etc. oizvodst Islands, the Libertarians did not offer proven sharing mechanisms available means of production .

In modern “sharing” ( car sharing ), the means of production has a host.


3. Private property is production efficiency.

Example: Before the 17th-century British Agrarian Revolution, land in Britain was in free use, as a rule.

After the enclosure, agricultural productivity increased 2.7 times.

Yes, the enclosure was accompanied by the killing of 25% of the British. Nevertheless, the consolidation of the disposition of land for specific users could go without impoverishment, as the total wealth increased.

That is, the ban is a simple method understood by the proletariat, but populist.


Ban private locations th property and libertarians , etc. is not an end in itself, but a means of achieving social justice.

However, more effective ways of achieving social justice are possible, although not as primitive.


This "discrepancy" is not fundamental. - One can only welcome it if the Libertarians manage to resolve in practice the contradictions with private property.


On the other hand, private locations th property s is less significant when compared with another problem - the survival of humanity on the threshold of mental abuse Artificial intelligence.



The freedom of intellectual "property".


Intelligent means of production are fundamentally different from physical ones . -

The ownerless physical means of production are losing their usefulness, but the intellectual ones are not. -

Free use of intelligent Wed dstv etc. oizvodstva has no contraindications.

The authors ’“ monetary interest ”in creating useful intellectual means and production will work even more efficiently not with the help of the institution of monopolization and prohibitions, which gives rise to intermediaries that greatly reduce this efficiency, but with the help of payment accounts upon free use. -

In the IT century, implementing this can be very cheap.


The absence of the owner of Artificial Intelligence means the possibility of unlimited public control over the use of Artificial Intelligence.

This is important because the intellectual "ownership" of Artificial Intelligence is the "material" basis of the main threat to humanity.

The abuse of Artificial Intelligence cannot be prohibited; they can only be defeated by counteraction through the democratic use of Artificial Intelligence.

With the free use of Artificial Intelligence, its useful democratic use will outweigh its abuse.


Discrepancies e :

Cooperation with the state:


For the purposes of that libertarianism is optimal not extreme rejection of the state, and the cooperation with the institutions - democratic states - on: decentralization, subsidiarity and t n   -

Libertarians did not offer proven and reliable mechanisms in return for the social and even judicial functions of the state.


Particularly important is cooperation with the state again - in anticipation of the abuse of mental Artificial Intelligence.


Useless cooperation only with authoritarian rulers




The freedom of intellectual "property".


Discrepancies e :

“Pirates” do not offer such mechanisms to replace Patents and Copyright, which will not cause fierce resistance of existing owners.

Copyright war will distract from the main threat today - the abuse of mental Artificial Intelligence.


Social Democrats:

This is the strongest political movement in "democratic" countries today.


The pursuit of social sustainability.


The abuse of psychic Artificial Intelligence is the greatest social stability in the history of mankind, which is likely to end in its death.



The pursuit of democracy.


Complete Democracy is the only way to survive humanity today.


" Green " :


Saving the Earth.


The death of mankind will probably be accompanied by the death of the Earth.




Personal freedom of a person from manipulating him, and from abuse of freedom by monopolies, expressed in infringement of freedoms and human rights.


Discrepancies e :

Liberalization intellectual Wed dstv etc. oizvodstva.


Here liberals as a rule simply contradict themselves, since they are financed by legal monopolists = "owners" of rights to non-freedom.


Human Rights Defenders:


The human right to life.


The right to exist is the main human right.

With the loss of lives lost smy slab in claim p avozaschitnikah.








" Order " instead of the Party , or "Value Party":


Problem: Polit technology is stronger than ideology :

False e - "parties" using political technology instead of ideology defeated the Classical parties.


" Phrases about what if we all come together ... and if the people finally understand
- not for stupefied Russia - eccentric, fussy, changeable, poorly understanding politics and their own long-term interests.

E If the vast majority of voters do not associate themselves with one of the great ideologies, that is, whether it makes sense to politicians stand on one of the ideological positions?

Normal politics now is not a struggle of great ideas, but a market of small ideas that can be sold to voters in the strangest combinations . "

( 2018 - Travin - No, Russia is not stupefied )


Navalny is also a political technologist , - "Out of System" :

" His job is to get support everywhere . "


The Machiavelli era is now and forever.


Problem: Attack on ethics is the main method of Kremlin propaganda:

"Evil is good" - " evil and mean are happy."

Therefore, the main front of the struggle with the enemies of mankind must also go deeper into value foundations.


Idea: "Value Party" or "Order":

- To base political public associations not on ideology , but on values.


Ideology is a means to ensure the goal, which are values.


Polit-technologies using technology today easily manipulate people's minds so that they accept arguments that work directly against their interests.

Therefore, the basis of "value th party and " should not be "action program", and value system.

Programs should be created in the “fractions” of the “Consultative Structure”.

That is, there can be many Programs, on the basis of which the Consensus Program is automatically created.

Moreover, the Consensus Program is also not constant in time.


Why "Order":

1. The old religious Orders were also based on a system of dogmas. The charter was secondary.

True, these dogmas were also not so much spiritual as behavioral.


2. The term "Order" should be more popular than the "parties" of deceivers among modern youth who play games for up to 50 years