Divine works

eng deu рус

Anti- blocking - Newsletter of questions :


Many thanks.

Your work is necessary for the survival of Civilization.



1. How to find lists of E - e s activists in the West who would like to help increase funding (government and non-government) your work to promote free Internet ?


2 . Can you arrange with all the main opposition websites to have direct links to Block bypass tools on their main web pages?


3 . Is it possible that links to download Block bypass tools ( for example: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bypass-censorship/gdbljocmlhlhlmlcakjmmjeledigpfdl ) were present directly in Google search results , that is, without having to open a page for example: www. bypasscensorship.org/en/tools/ ,

or were available at least using Translate.google.com ?


4 . How to maintain the confidentiality of traffic in a similar x forced the National th Kornevo th certificate in security ?


5 . How to avoid repression when using and tools to bypass blocking sites , anonymizers , etc. in the conditions of their ban ?


6 . How can one simply use the Internet of direct satellite broadcasting while banning the import of equipment for this ?


7 . What Tools work with opposition websites exist on the case first create a "sovereign Internet" ( isolated to the DNS , "White list sites" , etc. ) in the GRU n ne of some countries ?   


Newsletter :





" OneWeb Satellite System Not Given Frequencies"

Where can I see a discussion of options with different components?

And here the article is already under the ban?

Caught on VHF in the 1970s, is it really worse now?

Patriotism and hatred of "traitors" today is no more than then.


Fighting Satellite Internet Synopsis.docx




Golos-ameriki.ru - MY Offers :


1. Give a transcript of the video under the heading "Expertise", because listeners in the CIS do not have the opportunity to listen with headphones, as others have questions.

Automatic voice recognition is better than nothing, but it is almost free for you.

2. To offer more reliable recommendations in comparison with the Guide to the Safe Use of the Internet.


3. Increase the time for comments:

Articles Golos-ameriki.ru focused on Russia, but it does not work, that is to :

a. Trolls give very high-quality comments,

b. Troll comments interact well with the propaganda that readers from Russia are exposed to.

c. Those readers who can answer the trolls do not have time to do it, that is to trolls necessarily rapid response.

d. In the comments on Golos-ameriki.ru there are more trolls than ordinary readers.
And comments for readers are no less interesting than the articles themselves.


Proposal: Dismiss Golos-ameriki.ru, and transfer its funding to www.Svoboda.org