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ISIS and the "Ark of Liberty" :


Advocates necessarily associate the "Ark of Liberty" with ISIS.

5 years ago, trolls already paraphrased my name on " Isil ".



1. I am an agnostic.

2. I am a supporter of non-violence.

3. The " Ecopolis of the world " in which I participated in the USSR was simply "dispersed", and activists were imprisoned for 15 days.

Since then, I have not changed ideological preferences.

Islamism as a phenomenon appeared 10 years later than a surge in social movements in the USSR during the Perestroika era.

If that is what influenced them, then rather civil movements in the West.

4. I personally do not know anyone close to ISIS .


I never managed to get ISIL programmatic, non-propaganda documents .

I would be grateful if they correct me.

Open sources connect the ideas of ISIS - with the Shariah and with medieval norms of behavior, relationships and social structure.

That is, they are associated with opacity, undemocracy, inequality and coercion.


I am not an ISIS lawyer, but, on the 2nd hand, those authoritarian regimes that fight ISIS are not better, and in some ways even worse than ISIS.

ISIS more often only responded with violence to violence, propaganda to propaganda.


Differences of the "Ark of Liberty" from ISIS:

1.100 % openness, non-coercion.

2. The development of not Islam, but of Western humanism.

3. Location - in the 1st world, and not in the 2nd or 3rd.

4. The goal of the "Ark of Liberty" is not religious, not selfish, not romantic, but the survival of Civilization in the context of "Manipulation Democracy."


Yes, in the " Ecopolis world" condemned about camping is the same behavior that condemned about camping in the LIH, but the absolute non-coercion. - “Sinned” was only morally condemned, and that is “ P 2 P ”, individually by each, that is, there was not even a collective obstruction .


About the words:

In the name Ecopolis of the World, the word peace means non-violence.

But it also notes the importance of this movement - for the fate of the world.


Positive alternative:

In addition, the "Ark of Liberty" will be a positive alternative to ISIS .

It is extremely inefficient to rely only on law enforcement agencies in the fight against terrorism.

And not only not effective, but also harmful.


There is a great dissonance between ideology and politics LIH managers , and e of rank and file members.

It can be said that the majority of ISIS participants were deceived . “They were looking for an alternative to modern societies that really have so many vices .”

However, ISIS ideologists took advantage of people's discontent - for brainwashing , more often - in their interests.

It is much more effective NOT to fight the ISIS ideology, but to create an alternative ideology in a peaceful way.







Kurds Syria Turkey :


The criterion is simple : The desire of local residents, not rulers.

The Vietnamese did not ask the US to “help” them.

The Kurds want to be protected.

If Trump does not want, then UN peacekeepers had to be introduced.

2019  www.svoboda.org/a/usa-today-us-kurds-trump/30224757.html