Divine works

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USA Election 2020 - My Comments


" Myth: " Money is far not all decide to " " :

" During the last presidential election, Trump had much less money than Hillary Clinton and won . "

- No, money is the main factor.

But so far, direct investments in propaganda are not working in the USA, as in Russia in the 1990s.

- In the US, Trump is supported by influential rich.

Paul Gregory also plays in favor of Trump, but in disguise.

The plot is really optional. Enough common interests and mutual understanding.


" Real incomes are growing, most rapidly among Americans with the lowest incomes . "

- They also grew up with Putin, until he consolidated power and launched the Propaganda to the fullest.

And then they began to decline - his support group returned the investments.

2. Trump learns from the Kremlin the manipulation of statistics:

" The Trump administration redefines poverty to reduce social protection benefits ."



Terrible is not economic polarization, but political.

“May the rich become richer.” To health.

But the nature of man is such that economic polarization creates power .

And in the 21st century, manipulation becomes the most effective method of increasing power and wealth .


" Manual Democratic Party is worried that Sanders will fail in the elections, where he will confront Trump ."

- This is not the 1st reason.


It is not clear whether Sanders is more a democrat or a socialist. - Will it increase the accessibility of education and medicine through their liberalization, so that the authors of textbooks and medicines are independent of intermediaries who “prevent them from rising above”, or by government measures ?


Tips for Biden:

Since Biden is "holy", which is rare in politics, you must persuade him to sacrifice himself, as it should be - namely, to become transparent, not to hide anything.

Today, people do not believe in Programs. But they will believe in spiritual qualities, aspirations , if they are sincere.

We must play in contrast with the insidious trump.

Biden must admit his "cute" flaws - forgetfulness , etc. , and ask people for help so that he can help them in turn.

America does not need a "strong" President today .


It must be announced that Biden is only a bearer of values, and all Dem will act . the consignment.

But for this, it is necessary to develop a structure that will help President Biden.


There is still a psycho effect, - the reason for tongue-tied tongue is an internal struggle.

The cure is responsibility, self-forgetfulness. Then Biden will easily defeat Trump in the debate.

2020 www.svoboda.org/a/usa-today-supertuesday/30474514.html




WikiLeaks , Assange - my opinion:


Freedom of speech - yes

No harm to people.


The authorities speculate, hiding behind the harm that Assange inflicted on specific people,

"Espionage" and any harm to the state is permissible.

But for harm to specific people should be responsible.

The charges should not be from the state, but from the affected people and their representatives.


But even if Assange harmed people:

1. This is not intentional, but by negligence.

2. This is a political issue, not a purely legal one. - The authorities with impunity do much more harm to people, justifying themselves with some strategic high goals and necessity.

That is, we must take into account the much greater benefit for society that WikiLeaks and Assange brought .

And the damage to officials-not to consider. - Their work is so harmful, they knew where they were going.


Regarding the fact that Assange took refuge from justice:

- This is a justifiable measure, since he was facing unjust non-justice in the United States.

The Great Britain court implies that their justice cannot be wrong.

That is, Assange was a political refugee, and now he is a political prisoner.