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Consumerism and happiness:


Paradox "Law and the preservation of happiness":

When satisfying the basic needs of the " Maslow Pyramid ", the level of happiness is almost not growing. - Urgent needs are replaced by new unmet needs.

For example, it is almost impossible to satisfy the needs associated with pride.



Conscious consumption:

The goal of informed consumption is to maintain levels of satisfaction in meeting needs.



The problem is that with the growth of satisfaction of individual needs, the level of satisfaction decreases.


The idea is to meet the optimal amount of needs.

That is, in restraining instincts that push to the maximum satisfaction of an infinite number of needs, and maintaining maximum happiness from satisfying each need.


The problem is not the difficulty of containing instincts, but their awareness and cultural self-determination.

The main obstacle to awareness is external factors - advertising, and propaganda - especially in authoritarian countries.

The model of consumption is suggested - from the manger

Moreover, in the process of growing up, basic instincts are replaced by artificial pseudo-cultural reflexes. - Pseudo-cultural, since they are not the result of the natural evolution of culture, but are brought up purposefully with the help of propaganda.


Happiness versus Mental Totalitarianism :

Cultural self-determination is more effective - group. - Through the search for unanimous people and the joint construction of a subculture.

It’s optimal to get out of the influence of propaganda altogether - not to watch television, but to communicate only in a chosen circle and only be self-controlled .







Happiness is not in money, but in power over oneself, in the "Maidan":

“There is a significant correlation between a sense of control over one’s own life and a level of happiness.”

“Democracy and federalism bring well-being to people:

First, a more active role of citizens allows for better control of professional politicians - citizens, which leads to greater satisfaction with the results of the government.

Secondly, the ability of citizens to independently control the political process enhances well-being . ”
en.wikipedia.org/ wiki / Happiness_economics

https : // habr . com / ru / post / 444654 / # comment _20456529

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