Divine works

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The information war in the United States is limited by the prohibition of propaganda.

The US is losing the information war in Russia.

But God himself ordered the Baltic people to help:

+ Small population - ma Lenka budget ;

+ Ask for help themselves ;

+ Laboratory for testing technologies, many Russians with a Russian mentality;

+ Reduce associated risks and apartheid .

No need to restrict freedom of speech. Help is needed to counter propaganda.


"Television programs that enhance the sense of Latvia's belonging to the European cultural space"

- This is not enough.

It is necessary to create a volunteer Network of anti-trolls.

The superiority of anti-trolls over trolls in Russia is a guarantee of Baltic security.


How to resist the hose of lies - see :


I recall:

- Proactive information . Exposing myths;

- Immunity to manipulation , psychological education;

- Focus on countering the effects of propaganda, and not on the n ropagande ;   

- not directed be flow in response to information itself lies ;

- Competition in ideologies . Offer alternatives . Political education ;

- the Use acce technical means ;

- American subsidies Qual e -OPERATION "Freedom", "Rain", and sanctions, fines, - instead of bans.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30432766.html



"The victory of the Kremlin propaganda is natural ":

"Providing access to the TV - program, which strengthens accesso spine to European culture" ( the president of Latvia Egils Levits ) .

- It remains a good wish.


Latvians act extremely unprofessionally :

" At 11.19 Nat. The Latvian E-Media Council has banned the relay of 9 Russian channels, including, for example: “Time: far and near”, “Beaver”, “Cinema House”, “Music of the First”, “Oh!”, “Let's go "" Telecafe "and" 5th channel " , the TV series " Conditional ment " , etc.

May be jeopardized, for example, "Rain" , " .

In this case , n and the period (?), PE " State rotated 180 ° " .

( www.bbc.com/russian/news-50492768 )


" What to do: Russian in form, European in content":

It must be prohibited to ban without providing an alternative.

- Instead of the Kremlin of "Time" should rather be European, higher quality viola p - " Time".

In Latvia - 500 thousand Russians. . 50 thousand is due s to work on :

- alter- " 5th channel" ;

- alter - “Let's go” - through the slums of Russia;

- Alter - " Streets of Broken Lights " - about the FSB - trash ;

- alter - " Oh!" - the most dangerous part of the " crazy violence. " In Lohostane - over children mi ;

- Svoboda.org .

You can also remove the “Watch out for the car” remakes , etc. 


Not passive inform is needed . defense, and "Active actions".

- The best price / quality ratio is for the offensive - here.

Alter- " 5th channel" should be so Russian, so all had a desire to see the Kremlin's " 5th channel" .

It is necessary to identify this - psychological sociology.


I repeat: the US security today it is necessary to reset the Pentagon's funding and give it alter- " 5 th channel Am " (even no examples).

This radicalism is due to inertial neglect.

This should show a comparative factor safety analysis :

- Accumulated weapons - sufficient for military security;

- Inform . safety is critical.

50 thousand * 12 thousand $ / year = 600 million $ / year = 5% of the floating coffin " Gerald R. Ford ", instead of which it is necessary to modernize the USS " Enterprise ".


There should be more anti-troll volunteers than a US soldier.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30525770.html


Guns are not needed if there is a Svoboda . org :

Not a word here - what kind of suffering the Germans suffered.

"Guilty themselves" is the same controversial statement as "Russians are guilty of the crimes of the Putin regime."

It is more correct to raise the question not about fault, but about reasons.

The main factor that led to the war is propaganda.

If the Germans did not listen to Goebbels, but the American counter-propaganda , then the Germans would be Americans. And was not about whatever the Lend-Lease and or 27 million. Stalin died for.

But for that time, this is a 100% utopian alt story.

However, today it is already a reality that Washington does not want to understand.

- Cannons are not needed today , if there is Svoboda.org/

True, with funding for the same $ 0.7 trillion


Nobody expected a relatively s spendest to and and benefits :

- Creation of an ideological alternative to Islamism , the persuasion of jihadists , and the construction of the Alt-Islamic state - on the first hand, and

- Tracking both the Americans and counter-terrorism operations, - from the 2nd side

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30538060.html



Prohibition of propaganda:

Investing in drugs yields billions, and investment in propaganda brings trillions,

Drugs kill the body, propaganda kill the soul

Drugs kill the unworthy, propaganda will kill humanity.


Propaganda Act: Freedom of Speech and Prohibition of Propaganda :

1. The prohibition of propaganda is advisable not through censorship, but through the prohibition of state. financing propaganda - primarily in authoritarian countries .

Sanctions should demand, first of all, the absence of internal propaganda, since it is more dangerous than war and affects the security of other countries - today.

2. Facebook should fight propaganda not by blocking, but by the law on the insertion of counter-propaganda into every dubious text. To do this, it is advisable to use AI

Analog - Cigarette Advertising .

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30551022.html



Journalists should be fined:

Journalists need not pay, but fine them. - Take the table data and instead Thu simply copy - spoil them often - distorting.

It is likely that only poets and artist writers are trained at universities , not pirates.

There wasn’t even a link here http://www.levada.ru/indikatory/otnoshenie-k-stranam/

The benefit here is open information, but often it is from reports priced at $ 20,000

2019 www.golos-ameriki.ru/a/vv-levada-us/5210647.html




Economics and Democracy :


It is necessary to reset the Pentagon’s budget and give it to Freedom.

Otherwise, do not survive. - Today, the main threat is not military, - the Kremlin is bluffing - it is not profitable for him to lose assets.

Recognition is needed that the Information War is in full swing.

Counter-propaganda should outperform Kremlin propaganda.

Although Freedom is the main body of counter-propaganda today, it has narrow powers.

Counter-propaganda should be active, constructive and offensive, not passively exposing fakes .


The main direction of counter-propaganda should be showing the connection of the economy and social. inconvenience - with democracy.

Popular Political Economy is Needed. (Newspeak even canceled the word "political economy").

Why Russian income is 10 times less than in Switzerland?

- Thieves and crooks in omnipotence customize the economy for themselves.

They are very good managers, but without a master, whom the people are only fictitious.

(To this we need to add specifics).


Exposure of individual corrupt officials to Navalny does not explain the mechanism, and does not offer alternatives and road routes. And they are focused on replacing Putin with Navalny.

"The Russian economy is in a coma" - not from that view. She is the most effective in the world for her purposes.

No one ever deceived the "stupid" - more skillfully.

2019 www.svoboda.org/a/30290713.html







Father Sergius :


"I do not see the moral right to speak Russian society, tired of indiscreet anywhere presence of the church, that - in the moralizing tone".     

And do not need to be taught, but Russian society needs:

1. Letting oneself see itself — how it morally fell under the influence of total manipulation.

After all, "learned helplessness acts in my compatriots."

2. Give the atomized society a center of crystallization.

3. Prompt - What to do? - not as a cleric, but as a citizen with deep spiritual purity.


"I want to create a community around me, with which I will be comfortable communicating, and not a bunch of strange people."

The salvation of the world depends more on you than on others, precisely today.

People need you more than any politician. Do not throw people, please, into the power of the Evil One.

You are not in vain "for the sake of people and their ideas that I want to - to do something and take risks."     


The regimes of Putin and Hitler are democratic in the sense that they reflect the mood of the people.

But Putin’s regime is developing a much more effective management of this mood.

Although he orders of magnitude less bloody today, but it is much more successful corrupts the spiritual, and it will lead to in the orders of magnitude greater victims than Hitlerism - in the future.

It is necessary to create alternative moods before it is too late.


If so, there are already 17 trolls here, so Sergios K - nidis is dangerous for them.

2019 www.svoboda.org/a/30227918.html