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Social Coronavirus Comments My:



"Maybe in the face of danger, people will become kinder to each other."

They will become more natural - the Russians will be:
- part - as in "New Sanjars", + features of the national policy of " satanization "; - part - to help another friend.


2020 www.svoboda.org/a/30451499.html


" The more democracy there is in the state, the faster the infection spreads . " - Public opinion.

The goal is achieved.

2020 www.svoboda.org/a/30451499.html



"We hold to perform state it dry lana ":

“In Russia, to die from a disease that has long been learned to treat in a normal world, this is not an anomaly. Not getting medicine, not getting to the doctor, not waiting for an ambulance, not being taken to the hospital and dying to the corridor is all normal.
And even if reaches the doctor, then the chances that the doctor will conduct a test for coronavirus tend to zero, or prescribe, but the patient does not have enough money.

The authorities will not even have to hide statistics - no one will sound the alarm because the relative has died. "


2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30471478.html

"One-sided ... at the airport we checked our temperatures":


- perhaps not everything is bad. - there are no mating conscientious workers themselves in harm.

But who does not agree that polyclinics are more concerned not with patients, but with formal reporting?


The reason for all the shortcomings is the lack of dependence of all services on citizens. - Let through deputies of sovereign authority dependent only on them, incl . in taxes. And this is precisely "democracy." So don’t complain.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30471478.html



"The authorities propose isolating homeless animals."

- They will kill. “We need to temporarily take them to me.” X hile to those who want to save.

www.dw.com/en/as-Germans- save- homeless- animals/a-51595322

"Scientists have conducted a study ... pets, although they may become infected with the coronavirus , are not able to transmit it."


2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30471478.html


Pets :

"Pets, although they can become infected with a coronavirus , they are not able to transmit it."


2020  www.nur.kz/1847591-koska-zarazilas-koronavirusom-v-belgii.html



"In our country, unlike in the USA, toilet paper is not considered a means of first necessity. "

- Thanks to the wise Stalin for his Spartan upbringing - we do not care about any difficulties.


Freely selected porn actresses " unable to foresee the consequences of their decisions":

The main theme of propaganda is the advantage of authoritarianism vs liberalism:

- In the West, they respected the rights of an incapacitated person - they dragged with the introduction of an emergency ,
As a result, the USA, Italy, Spain, and soon the rest of the West are still forced to kill their citizens - disconnect patients from artificial respiration.

But paternalistic China and the Russian Federation with the help of the rigor of their subjects protect.

And if one of them became infected, then it was his own fault - he was not obedient enough.


Interviewed by false political scientists completely failed to cope with this topic.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30513774.html



1st opinion: The official death toll is several times overstated, since all patients who died in the hospital with a positive test for Covid-19 are included in the statistics, which does not mean that Covid-19 caused their death.

2nd opinion: Official figures are underestimated 3-4 times. - Thousands infected with the virus die without a test.

Fact: 446 people died in Bergamo from March 1 to 24, which is 4.5 times more than the average over the past 5 years.

Correct 2nd opinion , tk. it is necessary to add indirect mortality. - Health care choked and stopped saving ordinary patients.

2020  https://habr.com/en/post/492946/#comment_21448232


"Deputies did not control"

- Only commentators are guilty of this.

2020 www.nur.kz/1853575-neuverennost-i-neobdumannye-dejstvia-deputaty-ukazali-na-osibki-ministerstv-v-period-cp.html