Divine works

eng deu рус

Coronavirus - Mine :


" The incubation period of coronavirus ranges from two to 10 days " 

5 days ago there were 500 cases

Of these, 100 died today.

True, there were not 500 officially ill , but 1000.

Mortality is up to 1 0% - like the Spanish in 1918

This despite the fact that 3/4 of the mortality of the Spanish woman gave complications - pneumonia, etc.

Today, in China, complications are removed with antibiotics - with a small number of patients.

Deaths from the virus so. On . - in a few times higher than 100 years ago.


"The coronavirus was contagious. "

They could NOT localize it - it is already on all continents.

= > up to 100 million people can die.

The Chinese are successfully restraining him. This creates the illusion of little infectivity.

In the CIS, they are especially frivolous:

- In 1918, against the backdrop of a shootout and and fever "Spanish flu" did not notice.

- In 2009, the CIS “bypassed swine flu”, it was very weak and strengthened the “maybe ” attitude.


The vaccine for coronavirus has not yet been done. For its manufacture, you need ≈ 2 months.

Production capacity ≈ 10%

In the CIS, the vaccine will be even worse , + it will get only "their own."

Other medicines are ineffective.

= > you can hope not for medicines, but only for mechanical means - masks and minimization of your family’s contacts.


" Coronavirus is contagious during the incubation period ."

= > it will be too late when there will be manifestations of the disease in others.

The increase in mortality from the "Spaniard" was 5 times in 1 week - in New York.

After another 1 week, mortality fell again 5 times - due to panic.

"For ext ... grown 1.5 times"

26.01 + 3000 * 1.5 ^ 10 = 0.2 million to 5.02.2020 .


"All that is dead is old."

It is believed that this is a means of solving retirement, etc. problems.


What to do?:

1. Buy 40 wt o to,

2. Take a vacation at work.

3. Do not put your hand on the door handle in incl . at home.

4. From 5 .02 to 5 .03 do not approach people by 2 meters even in a mask .

5. Buy broad-spectrum antibiotics. - Hospitals will guarantee infection.

6. Buy food for 1 month. Light, etc. will not disconnect

7 . Do not let the elderly out of the house, teach them hygiene.

27 September 2020

2020  www.radiosvoboda.org/a/news-koronavirus-kytaj-zahybli-zrostannya/30398894.html



Coronavirus - typical mortality and mortality statistics ( Actual)

the probability for < 24 years is <1%. 25-44 years old - up to 6%, 44-64 years old - up to 15%, ≥ 65 years old -> 55%.

"Scientists have found a very high infectiousness of the virus"

" It is better to use gas masks . X Ota would have respirators. Ordinary masks are ineffective ."




at 30 ° C the virus does not spread

at 20 ° C and an absolute humidity of 14 g / m3 (relative humidity 80%), the influenza virus does not spread at all.



UV 253 ... 267 nm most effectively destroys microorganisms. Activity 290 nm -30% of it, 300 nm - 6%, 400 nm , - 0.01%



Bactericidal lamp - Try to leave only 253.7 nm

www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Bactericidal lamp


the ozone- forming line is 185 nm .

27 September 2020

2020  www . radiosvoboda . org / a / news - koronavirus - kytaj - zahybli - zrostannya / 30398894. html


Coronavirus :

Vzhe Zroby Podarunok .

Benefits of infection:

+ Emergency, quarantine, sanitary and epidemiological measures require strong power,

+ The people will not be up to rallies.


The effectiveness of small victorious wars has fallen. Yes, and they are expensive.

"Satan" spuskaє 1st vershnika proti nevgamovnogo people .

27 September 2020

2020  www . radiosvoboda . org / a / news - koronavirus - kytaj - zahybli - zrostannya / 30398894. html



Dog vaccine :

In January, I didn’t find out if anyone had examined the benefits of dog vaccination and asked at habr .

But there no one answered (

2020  www . svoboda . org / a / 30538727. html


"The vaccine claims to reduce the likelihood of infection and reduce the
severity of clinical signs in infected dogs, but there have been no public statements about its effect on the incidence of disease in humans."

www . wsava . org / WSAVA / media / the Documents / Guidelines / WSAVA - vaccination - guidelines -2015- Russian . pdf

So does a dog vaccine affect people or not? analogue is smallpox.

January 29, 2020

https : // habr . com / ru / post / 485962 / # comment _21206256


"Which URTI virus interferes with COVID -19?"

Hypothesis: Children are less sick because they are often infected with the upper respiratory tract.

COVID -19 does not penetrate the lungs immediately, and it overcomes the upper mucous membranes for a long time.

"The enzyme necessary for reproduction is found in the lungs"

( https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-04-food-safety-covid-outbreak.html )

On the topic " Statistics of coronavirus in the presence of URTI" I found only 1 work :

" Mixed viral infections circulating ... " (https : //europepmc.org/article/PMC/4423027)





























2020  www . svoboda . org / a / 30538727. html



Remedies for coronavirus :

1. Wire grip - for door handles, handrails, etc. (2019-nCoV is distributed predominantly by drip (hands), and not by airborne droplets).

2. A bag on the head.

Dressed under the collar. Air infiltrates through clothes.

PET is optimal for T melt , decomposition , mechanical, chemical properties - from cheap plastics.

- washes: 5% - NaClO ("White"), 30% acetic acid . ( At Biwa viruses).

3. A bottle for hands with them in your pocket.

4. E-work.


Fire fighting equipment :

A bag on the head is also an optimal individual fire fighting vehicle for evacuation.

("We take up the front chain, the strong near the weak . N went")


Coronavirus - forever:

The Spaniard of 1918 lasted half a month . (80%)

2019-nCoV will be half a year - due to successful containment. The peak is in the summer.

It will be seasonal, like flu - because immunity nedolog + mutations + > Ro .


factor of "strong power", lower rallies and pensions.

The work of Dubyansky is classified

01/30/2020 "WHO risk assessments: The Global Risk About ry high (Extraordinary)"





http: //who.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html ...

www.google.com/maps/d/viewer ...


: //www.thelancet.com/.../PIIS0140-6736 (20) 30211-7 / fulltext








Are tourists right? - The best disinfectant 2019-nCoV is ethanol, the main route of infection is oral.

7.02. 2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30422485.html


02/11/2020 the head of WHO said:

1. "The virus th Covid-19 (2019-nCoV) can get up to 60% of the population" (4,3 billion people) " .
4.3 billion * 2.36% = 101 million.
But the true mortality lies midway between the relations of the dead and cured (19%) diseased and x and deaths x (2.36%) - due to the high incubation period.

2. "The first vaccine can be ready in 18 months"

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30422485.html

2020  www.radiosvoboda.org/a/news-koronavirus-kytaj-zahybli-zrostannya/30398894.html


Clarifications :

1. "only those who went to the hospital."

- are registered on the order of>% than with the flu

a. The severity of the disease is greater

b. The attitude to the disease is more serious.

2.2% - mortality rate.

- Mortality is important , but it is ≈5%. In influenza 0.1-0.2%, and is responsible for pertinent and hsya their health = 0.0% rounding. For Covid-19, liability helps little:

a. > infectiousness.

b. Healthy lifestyle doesn't help much

c. there is no medicine.

3. "people over eighty."

Mortality > 80 years = 14.8%.

http://weekly.chinacdc.cn/en/article/id/e53946e2-c6c4-41e9-9a9b-fea8db1a8f51 TABLE 1


Mortality can be estimated as 14.8%. * 2.5 = 37%

By the way, not a single child <10 years in the world has died .

Mortality <4 0 years = 0 , 2% - as with influenza.

The whole problem of Covid-19 is that:

a . People’s suffering from empathy with their loved ones > personal suffering, as a rule.

b . Young people - a very good s transfer chik virus as well .

4. Ro (index of infectiousness) = 2-3 - thanks to the "draconian m " measures am Chinese.

In countries like Iran, it is ≈ 4.08. This is much more than the previous SARS and any flu.

5. In Iran " - 61 cases of the disease"

- Deception is almost an order of magnitude. - Iran is competing with South Korea.

CIS countries are like Iran.

6.Http: //virological.org/t/tackling-rumors-of-a-suspicious-origin-of-ncov2019/384

"All 19 are mutations ... of their codons."

"mutagenesis .. 0.95% per decade."

“Not proof of natural origin.”

But if you are to blame, then not the United States.

2020 www.svoboda.org/a/30451499.html



" The speed of the test is the 1st factor in reducing the death toll":

Separate quarantine is also required - a maximum of 2 people . It will pay off reduction in the total number being quarantined.

2020  www.nur.kz/1844399-razrabotana-test-sistema-vyavlausaa-koronavirus-za-29-minut.html

If you want to save the life of p on d and telyam then - demand procurement rapid test kits :

e.birtanov@dsm.gov.kz - Minister.



(deleted )


Soon the vaccine will not work .

2020  www.nur.kz/1844399-razrabotana-test-sistema-vyavlausaa-koronavirus-za-29-minut.html



Butchers - a liar:

Explicit state . Akaz .

He said about 1-2% of mortality, which his elderly viewers took as a chance to die from infection. 


Mortality can be counted - after victory - when Deaths / Closed cases and Deaths / Total cases converge.

In Hubei, COVID -19 won

Mortality in Hubei = 4.8%

https : // github . com / CSSEGISandData / COVID -19 / blob / master / csse _ covid _19_ data / csse _ covid _19_ time _ series / time _ series _19- covid - Confirmed . csv


However, in China, learned and well -treat whether in incl . due to low infection, and reduced mortality every 5 times.

In the rest of the world -

On the one hand, they won’t be able to treat so well,

On the 2nd hand, they use the experience of China.


Lethal and gathering disease and ( Outcome of Cases ( Death )) 03/03/20 reduced to 5.64% - due to China, but by 20.03.20 it again exceeded 10%



The vaccine will not play a role, other radical methods of treatment are unlikely to be found.

In Moscow, they “treat” mainly paracetamol and antibiotics, especially in the CIS.

=> In the CIS, ado expect mortality > 5%


About the elderly:

On the one hand, Total cases recorded are much less than actual infection - especially with a large infection.

With 2nd hand, almost all the cases of the aged E noticeable.

=> Lower real Deaths / of Total cases only increases the contrast in mortality paragraph of age, but not real mortality rate > 80 years, which is 14.8 % * 2.5 ≈ 37% in CIS (2.5 - mortality / death rate) .   

Take care of your parents.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/30497270.html



Number of infected :

" Among those who contact us without any symptoms, 5% are infected. "

1. " I would add 5% to the official numbers.

2. " The population is about 10.5 million . We take 5% of this figure , we get 525,000 ."

Both are wrong:

With reference th tsya - contact, and those who still have symptoms, but not certainly not expressed.

The falsity of the number of infected depends on the stage of spread, first of all:

At the 1st stage, they try to hunt for all contacts of visitors.

At the 2nd stage there is an internal chain reaction.

Russia today - at the 2nd stage. With the desire to hide, a small coverage of tests, and the features of national indifference , officialdom really underestimates every 10 times.

2020 www.svoboda.org /a/30525376.html




 Winter will be famine in some countries.
But even in our country it is not superfluous to plant too much, taking into account the growth in world prices.
2020 www.nur.kz/1851951-hudsee-ese-vperedi-voz-sprognozirovala-situaciu-s-koronavirusom.html

At the dachas, summer residents are less likely to contact than staying in the entrances. But if they are starving. that will be even tougher.
2020 www.nur.kz/1852567-dacniki-tolpami-osazdaut-kooperativy-dla-polucenia-propuskov-v-temirtau-foto.html

"Disinfection" of sidewalks:

"Disinfection" of sidewalks is a cynical "cut" of money with the threat of hunger.
It would be better if the sanitizers were hanged in stores.
2020 www.nur.kz/1852659-samye-lucsie-i-hudsie-uslovia-dla-rasprostranenia-koronavirusa-nazval-ucenyj.html


Whether to handle packaging:

1. Not all products are packed by robots or expired.
2. Packaging regulations do not work.
So I keep the products on a separate shelf of the refrigerator in a package for 3 days, - 1 day, viability is maintained.
Labeled masks, etc., also hang in the sun for 5 days without treatment.
2020 www.nur.kz/1852868-nuzno-li-obrabatyvat-odezdu-i-upakovki-ot-produktov-ot-koronavirusa.html


"The consequences will be terrifying !!! There will be a big war":

- Do not exaggerate. - The fact that for the German is the end of the world, for us is the romance of candles and the nostalgia of the 90s. The Second World War survived, but there were more victims, and less food incomparably.
It is quite possible to go between 2 lights:
1st — War, riot — if there is a high mortality rate, incl. due to hunger;
2nd - Economy collapse.
You can combine the work of the economy with the inhibition of infection.
Only needed:
1. Detailed and differentiated dignity. rules for production.
2. Rapid health improvement.

"It is as if there is a relationship between seedlings and coronovirus."
- Agriculture can work at 110%, - without hunger and rebellion there will be no.
Entertainment may not work before the vaccine in the fall - they give a bubble to GDP.
The Chinese option is a month of strict quarantine, and there is no infection inside — we won’t succeed.

"Do not get cheaper"
“We can buy the same for an hour of labor.”
Labor will move from offline entertainment to the Internet.
But proactive restructuring without congestion depends on the "Marchenkos".

"By the grace of the Most High"
- This is blasphemy. - Reason is given with responsibility, and not then, to drive by the hand.

"Mass deaths will lead to a worsening of the economy. People will hide in their homes."
- A scientific open economical study is needed on the reprofiling of typical service enterprises, which will:
- The basis for legislative changes, and
- A guideline for business. No more practical than a good theory.
Including reorientation to delivery, processing after each client, to the dignity. scope, redevelopment.
Offline service will decrease itself due to rising cost.
We must not think about business, but about the amount of jobs.
There will be work - there will be taxes under the conservation law, and social stability.
And whoever does not rebuild is a bad businessman.

2020 www.nur.kz/1852937-posledstvia-budut-uzasnymi-marcenko-o-vlianii-koronavirusa-na-ekonomiku.html





Average age of deaths = 75 (48 to 89) years.




Ro for 2019-nCoV = 4.08             


02/01/20  to Tatyana Ostapenko, ...