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Autonomous micro-production, Small cycles. - Project :

These are closed full production cycles of small sizes.


Analog: Bacteria:

In 2006, a synthetic bacterium was already created .

However, bacteria are not optimal for the production of consumer goods, just as different "nano-3 D printers" are not optimal, and they will not be optimal for a long time.



Development of intermediate-scale production between the bacterium and the "national economy" of the state. That is, weighing about tens of tons.


Triple purpose :

1. Survival of Civilization in the event of a nuclear war,

2. Survival of Civilization by preventing Political Singularity - through the political competition of micro-states and micro-industries.

3. Survival of Civilization through colonization of Venus, etc. -

Different 3 D printers, etc. non-optimal and unrealistic for these purposes ;

Closed micro-production is optimal.


The reasons why such s productions and not essentially u t:

1. The rulers of states are interested in the fact that the size of production of states is equal to the size of states - for maximum control by the rulers of states.

2. Greed, profitability. -

Global production is the most profitable, although least sustainable and most irresponsible .


Masks Agitation :

There are many billionaires, etc. perhaps truly preoccupied with the sustainability of Civilization.

For them, it is necessary to calculate the comparative ratio of Costs / Increase-sustainability - for projects, for example :

a . Colonization of Mars , and

b . Creating autonomous 's micro- enterprises


Earth's advantage over Mars:

Even after the full-scale nuclear war, the conditions of life on Earth bud in tons better than on Mars:

1. Radiation on Earth will be the same as on Mars, but much more uneven .

As on Earth on Mars in the se same on the surface will not be able to live.

2. The atmosphere on Earth - O 2 , 1 bar will not go anywhere.

"Nuclear winter" will not lower the temperature to Martian , and lower it only by a few years.



Food vending machines :

The development of pressurized machines for the production of food is necessary.

Moreover, this does not require large investments and developments. -

Such "machines" have been working for a long time - these are greenhouses with hydroponic tomato cultivation, etc.

It is only necessary to make them :

1. More autonomous ,

2. More versatile , including for growing high-calorie foods.

See: Project Food- automatic .


It will also require the development of “Dark” “chemical” Food- vending machines - for the production of food substances chemically, and not using photo-synthesis.

Such processes are also partially developed. It:


Triple appointment

Food vending machines are also needed for Mars.







Autonomous Food Production - Project :


Idea Initiative :

Civil engineering micro food production.



1. Rulers underestimate the sustainability of society and the threat of, for example, an unauthorized nuclear conflict.

2. The rulers took care of themselves, especially authoritarian ones - the Zhdanovs in the besieged Leningrad will not die of hunger


Therefore, insurance of citizens in case of disasters should be the business of the citizens themselves.



In disasters, the price of food increases up to 20 times. But:

1. The cost of producing food is very low under normal conditions.

2. The cost of micro-food production compared with large-scale ≈ 2-3 - at present.


That is, the cost of micro-production of food can be an order of magnitude ( ≈ 10 times) lower than its price during a disaster.

The only problem is the lack of development of micro-food production.

The reason for the lack of development of micro-food production is the disinterest of rulers.


The cost of micro-food production compared to large-scale :

Factors: Cost and autonomous 's ( small-scale s ) of production :

Production - Electricity :

Including cost:

- Solar panels.

- Wave power plants (see. Wave Power Plant Project )

- Wind- generators (see Project WIND-SNAKE )


Production - Food - Using photosynthesis:

Food production in pressurized "Agro-machines" (see. Agro-machine project )


Production - Food - Without the use of photosynthesis:

Chemical synthesis of carbohydrates.

Enzymatic synthesis of amino acids . ( with m. Amino Acids Synthesis Abstract.docx  )

Chemical synthesis of fats.


Probable environmental conditions during disasters:

Nuclear war:

In the future, a limited nuclear war is likely to be short-lived, striking mainly against military targets.

Radiation contamination is of the order of the Chernobyl disaster.

Relatively rapid decline in radiation background. A large proportion of short-lived radioactive isotopes.

The likelihood of a "Nuclear Winter" is low.


However, massive contamination of agricultural land will cause a multiple rise in price of food.


Likely to th place, the location of the "micro-states" - in the relative distance from the places of nuclear strikes.


Directions developm of a micro-production of food :







Artificial meat - Project :



GMO plants with animal proteins.

50% of meat is deeply processed, that is, you need not meat, but substances in the meat.


The 1st can be produced today expensive amino acids and substances. For example, the components of black caviar.



Google does not provide relevant links for the query: "GMO plants with animal proteins"

That is, this direction is not developing.