Divine works

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Indulgent Feminism :

Protecting women's rights more effectively is constructive.

Biological gender inequality is a fact . -
- The instincts of men push them to harassment and aggression.

However, the conscious intentions of the vast majority of men are opposed to such behavior.

Cooperation on finding ways to reduce the negative phenomena - fruitful pin p aggression.


( Posted by:

www.svoboda.org/a/30413897.html )







Abortion - «Solomon's» Solution:



On the 1st hand, the unborn child is the geometric part of the mother.

On the 2nd hand, the unborn child is already an independent being, it does not matter that he is conditionally, relatively dependent on his mother:

a . Mother is also 100% dependent on the environment - if you place her naked in space, she will also be unviable there.

b . Already have incubators since conception.


2nd starting position: The child is not the property of the parents.


Dilemma Solution:

A woman is 100% the owner of her body.

But another being inside her is not 100% her body.


Solution :

1. Public consent to the killing of an unborn child.

2. "Pay" by the mother for the killing of an unborn child.

a . The payment is not monetary, but by public charity.

b . Progressively variable fee for killing an unborn child:

- 0% - at the time of conception,

- 100% - at the time of "natural" viability - without incubators, etc.


If the pregnancy is due to rape,

then the “Fee” is removed from the mother, and transferred to the rapist.

That is, the rapist bears double punishment:

1. For rape,

2. For the murder.


The responsibility between the mother and the rapist is also divided progressively:

100% responsibility of the rapist - if sheer rape.

0% responsibility of the "rapist" - if pure seduction and deception by his woman.


Analog: Euthanasia:

Society also agrees to kill a person by turning off the life support apparatus - at the request of his relatives, if the person is in an unconscious state.


Informing people:

a . A “fetus” with a formed nervous system feels pain just like an adult.

b . Fashionable methods of abortion of a child, are crushing the head and biting the body into parts,

Widely informing people, for example, in the school curriculum, should reduce the number of abortions.

There is no instinct for the preservation of the fetus, similar to the instinct for preserving an already born baby, only because abortion was not in vogue during the period of anthropogenesis.


Euthanasia of the fetus:

A compromise may be fetal anesthesia before quartering.

Paradoxically, there is not even an EEG study of fetal pain