Divine works

eng deu рус

Threat of Manipulation Technologies :


The goal of technology is profit.

While watered technology was imperfect, it was more profitable to invest in conventional technology.

In an authoritarian country, the development of conventional technologies:

1. Uncompetitive due to cut, etc.

2. Unprofitable, as they increase the independence of people. -

- When the majority works in the public sector, then in order not to lose a job, it votes correctly.

When cars become smarter than people, then watered technology will become the most cost-effective technology.

Conventional technologies will also develop, but watered technology will be faster and faster.

Unfortunately, the author of the article did not specify the development of the threat he mentioned.

2019 www.svoboda.org/a/30129282.html

[ not posted - comments closed ]




the myth of Collectivism and individualism, atomization :


Since the 1980s, propaganda has been cultivating among Russians the myth that Americans are individualists and Russians are collectivists, and that this is one of the reasons why Americans are successful compared to Russians.


This is a lie. - On the contrary, Americans are distinguished by a much greater degree of collectivism compared to Russians.

It is necessary to distinguish between a controlled "herd" and true collectivism, initiated exclusively from below.

Yes, in the USSR it was distinguished by false "collectivism." Starting from the diaper, a person was a member of a mass of organizations, total control of his personal life was carried out.

At the same time the Soviet Union was different - " atomization her " - uncoupling of people, prevention of individual, uncontrolled life.

The purpose of this deception, myth is - " Atomization " of Russian.


Yes, in the USSR there was true collectivism — joint voluntary action on the initiative of the people themselves.

But he was observed - in the 1910-20s

The Bolsheviks used this collectivism to seize power and victory in the Civil War.

But in the 1920s, this collectivism ended. This process is well described, for example, by Trotsky.


In 1991, spontaneous collectivism again led to the fall of the next regime.

However, they managed to head it again, and not the oppositionists of the “bureaucrats- gebists ”, but the “bureaucrats- gebists ” themselves , who created the “Popular Front” and popular hatred of the Caucasians , Dungans and other “enemies”.


On the one hand, today it is possible to create IT tools that greatly help self-organization.

On the 2nd hand, today their existence depends on the ability of people to self-organize.


Posted in:

2020 www.svoboda.org/a/30435907.html







Myth : Professionalism and the Servants of the people :


Myth : Professionals should do anything.

- No, not by any business. - Professionals should not be engaged in theft, terrorism and fraud.

But the most dangerous are the professionals of “Managed Democracy”.

- If a professional gangster kills 20 people, Stalin - 20 million, then post-Putin can kill all of humanity.


Selection of formalists:

"Professionals " - managers in authoritarian states are not professionals - due to personnel selection for formalism, diligence and conformism.

Personal loyalty and the availability of compromising material are secondary - it is more important that the subordinate is indifferent to the matter and does not interfere.


"Professionals " - managers in authoritarian states are oriented not for the benefit of subjects, but for the rulers - for the stability of the rulers' power, i.e. to control them, i.e. for reporting.

The benefit is not for the subjects is minimized - only in order not to cause social tension.


Imaginary professionalism:

Covid-19 showed the inadequacy of existing state mechanisms and rulers:

- Departure for 12 days in a suburban residence in the midst of an epidemic - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

- Denial of deaths from Covid-19 - President of Belarus Lukashenko.

- Statements about the nature of the coronavirus and its danger - US President Trump.

What to do:

1. "Servants of the people" - professionals who depend solely on people.

"Servants of the people" is an optimal way out, because people are already deceived by this myth.


2. Professional consumers:

The owner-people themselves must be able to manage.

In all, not only in a successful venture investors control managers


3. "Consultative structure"

- A framework that helps multiple managers manage in a coherent and efficient manner.

Artificial intelligence can dramatically increase the effectiveness of collective management.


4. Constructive counter-propaganda.




" Inform- Vinaigrette" - Propaganda Method:

It is necessary to be able to separate apolitical knowledge from political. - One of the methods of malicious deception of the people is " inform- vinaigrette" : One message gives 2 information - apolitical and political.

1st — easy to verify and always true.

2nd — hard to verify and always turns out to be a hoax.

But, since the 1st is often true, then the suckers take for the truth and the 2nd part.


Revision of the worldview:

It is necessary to check - 100% of their knowledge , first of all - school knowledge .

Old knowledge is an anchor for current deception. - The new fakes are in good agreement with the false picture of the world that was invested by criminal imbreeding - minor children.


Rape of 100% of children in Russia:

How do you feel about the fact that your child’s kindergarten is insidiously raped 5 hours a day?

But spiritual abuse of children is incomparably more dangerous than physical.

Moreover, this violence is systematic.

Kindergartens are not licensed if they do not comply with state. educational standards.


Solution to the problem:

1. Alter kindergartens.

2. The settlement "Family community".