Divine works

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Western mistakes in relation to Russia:


Western politicians selfishly dealt with the USSR after the Cold War, similar to Germany after the 1st World War:

1. Destroyed the military potential of the USSR,

2. weaken the economy of the former enemy, with provotsirova in corruption and inflation to prevent the return of communism.


The more that Western politicians understood the danger of revanchist sentiments. See Warning George a Kennan a .

But the Russians had a great hope for democracy and had a very good attitude towards Western people.


What did Western politicians have to do?

1. Refrain, perhaps, from the expansion of NATO to the east. - The threat to NATO countries disappeared then.

Only the Baltic republics could be admitted to NATO .

Or to accept Russia into NATO, however difficult it may be. - Putin himself wanted to join NATO.


2. Help in raising the standard of living - with the help of democratic institutions as an instrument, and not as an end in itself as the 5th leg of a mare .

Chubais were self-taught and adventurers, and they worked out people only disappointment in democratic hopes.


Advisers from the United States did not work with then- numerous civil society, but with former partocrats , helping to destroy, not destroy.

Apparently, the Russians were right about the hypocrisy of American politicians.

Although, perhaps, there was still a factor of conscientious stupidity on the part of the "Harvard Group" of advisers Chubais and Gaidar, not taking into account the peculiarities of national soulfulness.

Harvard is a brand of unprofessionalism and non-scientific.


In what danger of error :

1. a . Occasionally the first exchange of nuclear bubbled blows .

b . Russian geneticists will sacrifice themselves to create secretive encephalitis flu, which sharply reduces intelligence, with an accumulated "antidote" for their relatives, which American geneticists will not have time to find and synthesize. -

The Russians are convinced that the United States deceived by forcing the USSR to destroy chemical weapons.

And no one can prove that the Russians were to blame.

True, neither a limited nuclear war nor flu will yet lead to the death of mankind.

Maximum, - kill 0.5 billion people, or do. Zombie - is already complete.

“Berries” will be ahead.


2. The corruption of Western politicians by the Russian special services. -

Western politicians are people too, and it will be easier to corrupt them than highly moral Soviet communists.

As a result, the United States will become USSR-2.0.


The United States lost the war of propaganda , not even realizing that they participated in the war . - You can’t convince Russians anymore that they were seduced by democracy, only for insidious deception, in order to destroy the enemy.

It is useless to clean Putin. - The United States does not even confront its clan, but simple trolls and programmers , convinced of their rightness.

Before the battle of artificial intelligence there will be a battle of natural intelligence.

And in it, neither economic nor obsolete military superiority will help the Americans.


What to do today ?

1. Acknowledge errors:

First you need to make a film-comparison of Russian life in the 1980s and 1990s. - The heyday of banditry, blackouts, unemployment, the re-education of police in "werewolves . "

For example, the example of Togliatti.

- So that Western politicians understand their mistake. And did not interfere, did not harm further .


Do not get involved in a losing information war.

Do not give in to false self-conceit about your strength. - Without AI, Russians cannot be defeated.


2. "Consultative structure":

The Russians themselves must come to what is best for them . - Without the "insidious clues" of Western politicians.

Today, Russians will listen - only ordinary people in the West , NGO activists.


3. Online n- "Democracy game":

Now she cannot seduce the Russians into a simple European semi-democracy .

Today it will be effective for them - only radical democracy.


4 . "South Russia":

To demonstrate the possibility of a better life for the Russians - not in words that they will perceive as another deception, but in practice.


Hurry up. -

After using AI Russian special services of all the proposed measures will be already useless s .







Opposition to the Kremlin:


"The real punishment would be the" non-recognition of legitimacy "by the leaders of world powers." 

Defeat transgressed n ika rights have necessarily called Nosta law.

It is illegitimate because it holds power by deceiving voters.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/usa-today-coronavirus-putin/30500740.html


“I’m more worried if Russian intelligence services provoke social friction on the eve of the US presidential election.”

And I'm worried that we are doing more harm . - Mr and our only warning the Kremlin reacts.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/usa-today-coronavirus-putin/30500740.html


"Several thousand users of social networks , introducing the idea that coronavirus is an American biological weapon"

There must be several million social network volunteers who have introduced the likely truth that coronavirus is the Kremlin’s biological weapon . - " Coronavirus for 2 made in more than a month, than the Kremlin for many years."   

It is cheaper, more efficient and safer than a conventional arms race, and can save humanity.

2020  www.svoboda.org/a/usa-today-coronavirus-putin/30500740.html