Divine works

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"Survival of Civilization and Artificial Intelligence"



Artificial intelligence is not a threat in itself.

However, the probability of the death of Civilization in the next 500 years as a result of the use of Artificial Intelligence as a manipulative "weapon" is high.

It outlines the measures necessary for the survival of Civilization.

The civilization of the Earth is not only unique in the Universe, but also gives it meaning.


Democratization and liberalization are the main factors of survival, but not the only ones.

Russia is the forward movement towards the death of Civilization today, but even if Russia had suddenly become advanced democracy, it would not have reduced the likelihood of death.




Totalitarian Convergence:

I was wrong when I exposed the main reason for the extinction of mankind - Russia.

The United States may be no less guilty.

On the first hand, Putinists may not be able to cope with control, and do not have time to implement manipulative AI before the traditional "transit".

On the 2nd hand, the USA is fundamentally different from Russia, the temptation and new opportunities may outweigh them.

IT allows effective and covert co-operation between trampists and Putinists , and the exchange of advanced political technologies.




The objectives of this article are:

1. Threat alert

2. The search for unanimous people, that is, people with similar value orientations,

Namely preoccupied with the threat.


The purpose of this article is, in the first turn, to describe the attitude to the problem - to search for people who already have close feelings,

That is, I can change my view of possible solutions to the problem as a result of criticism of the paths proposed here.

setting out views on a problem for finding people is a 2-second goal.

re-education and not persuading anyone is not the purpose of the article, since it is more efficient to do this after the creation of the corresponding organization.



3. Organizational activities.





The purpose of this essay is NOT academic:

The purpose of this essay is NOT an academic study of Liberalism, but the formulation of a platform, "manifesto" - for finding and uniting unanimous people - for the purpose of survival of Civilization - for realizing the meaning of the Universe.


This platform is not so much theoretical as ethical.

- Politics is offered only as hypotheses.


The terms "liberalism", etc. are used "utilitarianly" - for the indicated purpose, and not "academically".

The “theoretical” reasoning is applied here - for the same purpose, and therefore very superficially. -

Theoretical analysis - the task of the next stage - after the creation of the "Consultative structure" - is more effective for solving social and scientific problems than the academic structure.


The era of monographs has passed:

Monographs became ineffective in the age of the Internet.


On the first hand, the complexity and difficulty in collecting information on literary sources, which was an independent part of the scientific work, decreased.

On the 2 nd side, collectivism of work on any topic has grown, which is the flip side of narrowing specialization.

Horizontal self-coordination of work on a topic is more effective than fragmentation of the hierarchical management of scientific work.

However, the effectiveness of horizontal work remains potential and unrealized due to the weakness of IT services and tools.


Therefore, the purpose of this essay is the declaration of intentions, goals and values ​​- to collect those interested in the topic for its collective development.





I often give inappropriate headlines - in order to attract attention.

Example: Title of articles "Russian terminators are coming."

The title "On the dangers of the development of political technology " would attract an order of magnitude less attention, because of people's prejudice, because people already have their own assessment of this danger, and this assessment is very low.

See On the inertia of institutions and thinking.

Terminators are trolls.


Although the use of the word "terminators" still makes sense:

1. Not the predetermination of the future.

2. The impact of modeling the future on the present, - The formation of a virtual time loop.





I do not "prophesy"

I try not to “prophesy,” but simply analyze it on the basis of the obvious axiom of a sharp increase in the possibilities of mental manipulation of people in the middle of the 21st century.






Trying to model the future:

It is incorrect to say that " AI will replace people, and people will only become an obstacle for rulers."

- This is a great simplification.


Growth thanks to AI :

AI will have a beneficial effect on the economy.

- Tens of trillions of dollars are lost due to the fault of investors.

On the one hand, exchanges are a good mechanism for optimizing investment directions.

But, on the second hand, corporate management is not very optimal - investment development is not optimal.

AI primarily optimizes management, and will become a major factor in economic growth.


But AI can also replace humans - in all areas of work.

- AI will be able to emulate even the most "sincere" types of work - in the service sector, art, "manual work".

And this will only increase the growth of the economy.


AI will create a cycle of self-reproduction.


1. On a global economy scale, not in the form of “Gray slime”.

2. Fully controlled.


The resource problem does not exist, but only the inertia of growth:

1. Optimization of recycling, primarily in the form of a constructive orientation of all products to recycling.

2. The use of space resources - asteroids and Mercury.

3. Changing the ratio of resource use. - Indispensable resources do not exist, absolute deficits do not exist - all deficits are relative.


Nevertheless, the "Theory of labor value" will work for a very long time.

- Despite the replacement of man by AI , the value of things and services will be determined for a very long time by human participation in the economy.

- There will be no growth in “free time” - a person is greedy and envious, he will still work 8 hours a day.

- People will invent, with the help of AI , more and more perverted forms of “work”, primarily in the field of direct communication and “rest”, to replace people in AI as much as possible , but this process can take a very long time.

Demand will also grow for people who are the physical guides of the management policy. Mostly non-violent, but in fact a “police state”.


The problem is not in AI , but in man:

" Symbiots " will be similar to the Greek gods - having gained omnipotence, they will not lose the ancient human vices. They do not consider it necessary to lose them.

AI will be used, first of all - to control people, for mental manipulation.

AI will be used, first of all, as a psychic weapon for fighting competitors, for creating dependencies through inventing new rights and monopolies, like "Intellectual Property", and managing addicts.


Yes, the level of violence will decrease, or rather, physical violence will simply be replaced by mental.

The wars for resources will remain, they just become mental - outwardly invisible.

There will remain "wars" - for spheres of influence, for group interests.


AI itself does not replace a person in politics.

AI will not make a person unnecessary, unnecessary interference, requiring only additional resources to control him.

A person will be made an obstacle only by another person, or rather, a former person - a " symbiote ".

True, the time when people will become mostly a hindrance will come much later - 200 years later, after the "subjects" become fully manageable.


The economy of greed and envy is relative.

- We need those who are envious.

However, after a strong polarization of society and a strong narrowing of the circle of the "chosen ones", rivalry within the small former elite will decline.

By this time, the " symbiotes " will become, as it were, a new kind of non-humans , to which people really will become an alien hindrance.



This does not mean that there will be genocide.

More precisely, "genocide" will be, but not in the modern sense of the word.

- He will be completely invisible and "humane."


It would seem that this is a common phenomenon of replacing the old look with a new one.

The problem is that these will not be people. Although they will also have a physical representation in the form of people.


The loss of "divinity":

In the process of competition, the " symbiotes " will sacrifice their human, "divine" characteristics.

Competition favors not only economics and power, but vice as well, makes their selection.

Unfortunately, no social. an order for appropriate socio-psychological research.

Almost all civilizational values ​​will be lost. -

There will be no romantic desire for knowledge of the World.

There will be no compassion and mercy.

There will be no love and beauty. Which exist only in humans.


Purpose of this essay:

99% of people are indifferent to the described perspective for their children.

(Children - literally - after an increase in life expectancy).

The purpose of this essay is to search among 99% of people - a few "conservatives" (politically - anti-conservatives) who want to preserve civilizational, "divine" values.

This is a "divine enterprise", but not in the religious sense of the word.


Next, I set out my vision of ways to prevent an undesirable future.

- The future insidious by its invisibility against the background of the external growth of comfort and benefits.


Maybe I'm wrong.

The purpose of this essay is to search for critics.

But the critics are not simple, but unanimous - having the same desires, values ​​and aspirations with me.




Unlike citizens, political technology does not stand still, but develops rapidly and ahead of all other technologies, as it brings more profit than any other technology . ( With m example.  Pension monopoly )

The threat lies in the fact that in the West people are no smarter than Russians.

And in the West, rulers are tempted to import polit-fraud technologies, starting with populism.

The threat lies in the fact that if Western democracies also become “controlled”, then their further development is highly likely to lead to the death of Civilization, and even to the actual death of humanity.


There is only 1 threat:

The survival of mankind is threatened by only 1 threat - the development of political technology .

All other threats are void:

Nuclear war over the Kremlin’s bluff is very likely, but its transience and relatively little damage are also very likely. - Nuclear war is likely to break the record of the duration of the Great Britain’s war with Zanzibar.

People will easily adapt to global warming so that they do not suffer any loss.

Small volcanoes and other asteroids will simply not survive in a thousand years.

And if they survive to large ones - in millions of years, then they will be very easily prevented. - The United States today is going to supply a cost-effective and very powerful Yellowstone Geothermal Power Station.

Artificial intelligence is also an independent threat. -

Before the development of the “political threat”, even if AI surpasses human intelligence, the weak intelligence of people and their rulers will be enough to prevent any serious threats from AI .

And their desires, even emulated by AI in the same time frame, will not appear either.

Another thing is that the development of political technology today is, first of all, through the use of AI .

But, I repeat, this is not a threat from AI , as they describe it, but a threat from its ruler users.



The incentive of the Kremlin:

Now Russia is ahead of the rest in the development of political technologies .

But Russia is only ahead, since watered technology is central to the survival of its rulers.

Consciousness manipulation technologies are developing even in the USA.

But there it is less interesting to the government, including due to developed democratic institutions.

But it is used by corporations in a more innocuous area - advertising.


The chances of the Kremlin:

However, political technology is still not sufficiently intertwined with IT technology, and therefore not effective enough for a true “Managed Democracy”.

There is a good chance that Russian Putinism will NOT survive. -

Too many Kremlin makes classic mistakes on the path to democratic transit.

However, the possible fall of the Kremlin regime does not in the least reduce the general threat to humanity emanating from political technology .

Next in line is China, and even possibly the USA.



Manipulation is economically beneficial:

Investing in American deceit, corruption and political conspiracy is cost-effective.

But this only happened today - through the use of IT , Big Data and mental AI .

There was no secretive manipulation technology before.

Attempts at gross bribery or violence were quickly detected by competitors.

Competing groups had more transparency than collusion. Still.


And this is not about Russia, but about the United States.

Money manipulation increases "exploitation" in simplified terms.

Investments in Mani pulyatsii provide greater earnings growth than investment in physical production.


Russia here acts only as an exporter of advanced technologies.

Polit technology is the only technology in which Russia is ahead of the United States, and the whole world, even China.


The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty"

The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty" is to create research Communities in which there would be no demand for manipulation and propaganda.






Earth Threat:

What is surprising is the carelessness of many Americans who, at point blank range, do not notice the catastrophic threat looming over America and the Earth.


Bostrom Anthropomorphism :

In 01.2019, I sent an article “ Bostrom Anthropomorphism ” - to institutes that study Artificial Intelligence. The essence of this article:

Bostrom and him are being warned about the threat that super-AI can pose .

This threat is being investigated by institutions now.

But there are no noticeable studies of the most real threats and IT development scenarios :

1. The threat is not AI itself, but the use of information technology by the rulers of authoritarian countries,

2. Rulers do not even need Super-AI for a serious threat to humanity.


The threat is the manifold increase in the ability to manipulate the minds of people that IT provides .

For a serious threat, an AI that has consciousness and many other signs of human intelligence is not needed.


For example, Russia demonstrates:

1. Weak resistance of people to the effects of propaganda.

2. The possibilities of propaganda based on scientific psychology, in particular using cognitive distortions of the human psyche,

3. Opportunities to increase the effectiveness of this propaganda using Information Technology.


There are huge reserves to increase the efficiency of manipulating consciousness precisely through the use of IT , in particular the use of Big Data about people's behavior, and individualization of the impact on people.


The most realistic scenario for the development of IT manipulation leads to the death of Earth Civilization.

The probable time of the death of mankind is in a few hundred years.

However, the "point of no return" can be completed within 30 years.


Now there is a threat of the spread of AI-manipulation of consciousness technologies to China and even to such a democratic country as the United States.





Superhuman AGI is not needed:

For the politically meaningful manipulation of people using Artificial Intelligence, there is no need for a superhuman AGI.


At one end of the process was propaganda — the processing by one announcer of Central Television of the entire population of the USSR.

At the other end of the process will be the individual creation of the outside world - for each person.

But between these states there is an infinite number of intermediate variations, the interaction of the troll-man with Artificial Intelligence in order to increase human labor productivity.


Today's bots:

- Listen to all conversations on the phone, recognize speech, identify “keywords”, and even do an initial semantic analysis.

Corresponding work of people would require the cost of many $ trillion.

- View video recordings from millions of cameras, recognize faces and perform initial semantic analysis of human behavior.

- Maintain mental databases for each person, and issue information at the request of the troll-person in a form convenient for him.

- Monitor the training of people.

"Social lending" in Russia is no less developed than in China. It’s just that the Chinese failed to realize the secrecy of this political technology .


Today, the communication of trolls with people has switched to the Internet, in which the sucker does not see whether he communicates with a person or a bot.


An example of the FSB- AI semantic task - today:

Stripping posts that are not "compliant" with "law."

This function alone will save Putinists billions of dollars. -

This is not just a search for key phrases:

So far, the Human Censor has had to:

- Remember thousands of instructions, regulations and court decisions,

- To be able to associate the often “Aesopian” language of comments with the equally vague sense of by-laws, vague with a view to their applicability to any statement.

For example, the requirement of a "law" on "compliance" already implies a ban on everything that is not allowed.


This example illustrates that AI does not necessarily really "understand" the meaning of speech - just as Google translator does not necessarily understand the meaning of the phrases it translates. - Only the result is





Intelligence AI is not even necessary - to manipulate people:

1. Enough "Big Data and Feedback:

The behavior of people is statistically quite similar .

There is no need to know the mechanisms of psychology of decision making.

- Reliably enough, you can predict the behavior of a particular person purely statistically.


2. The reliability of the forecast will increase even more, if we add feedback, personal statistical information about this person.

In particular, his reactions to control actions



1. You need to be afraid not of AI, but of the political system:

≈ 2/3 of the ability of rulers to manipulate people gives a leap in the amount of information about people's behavior,

And only ≈ 1/3 - they will be able to give analytical - intellectual abilities of Super-AI .


2. Democracy ended with a jump in the amount of information about people's behavior.

The era of "Managed Democracy" has begun.



And before the AI, the Kremlin plays in Russian, like a balalaika.





Question: When will AI outperform humans?

This is a wrong question, or rather, a question leading to the side:

1. Intelligence is a multifaceted and the most complex phenomenon in nature. -

- IQ is an absolutely inadequate measure of political manipulability .

Personality tests fit better.

2. The superiority of AGI is NOT an instantaneous act, but a process stretched out for centuries, right up to the death of mankind. - Even then, AGI will not surpass a person in many spiritual qualities, mainly related to self-awareness.


Question: When will the AI ​​appear that will lead to the death of mankind - in the 22nd century or never?

Answer: In the 20th century, such an AI appeared.

1. The KGB of the USSR has already used Expert Systems, which are categorized as AI.

2. Future psychic AI will be a direct result of research already conducted by the KGB of the USSR.



It doesn't matter if the AI ​​that kills us is reasonable.

It matters - the threat itself.

People should be interested in the most likely threat, not the most spectacular.

The most likely threat of harm from AI is not spontaneous.

The most likely threat of harm from the use of AI is not through the creation of an effective weapon, but through the psychic manipulation of people, because manipulation is more profitable and effective for high-tech tools in a high-tech environment.


My goal is a social movement, not communication with scientists, the ultimate goal of which is to find the truth that tomorrow there will be extinction.





AI skepticism :

It is widely believed that:

1. It is unlikely to create a full-fledged superhuman AGI even before the end of the 21st century.

2. Even more unlikely that the AGI will cause significant harm to people on its own initiative.


However, a catastrophic misunderstanding of these people is that:

1. For the irreversibility of the death of mankind there is no need to create an AGI - today.

2. 100% is likely to cause significant harm to artificial people - as a tool, a mental weapon.


People are so accustomed to deception and intrigue among themselves that they do not perceive this as the main threat.





"Artificial Intelligence"

I use the term “Artificial Intelligence” very inaccurately, just like when they say about “a car driven by AI. ” - This AI does not smell in autopilot.

But even in the scientific community, the concept of AI is very vague when they talk about AI in completely different fields of application.

In the sphere of manipulating people, there is no need not only for Super AI , but even just for real intelligence, because people have even less intelligence.

In the area of ​​human manipulation , a specific " AI " is also needed .

- The laws of the psychology of manipulation are well studied, the manipulation algorithms that people trolls use are quite simple and quite amenable to automation.


On the one hand, the complexity of the problem of transport management is much less than the complexity of managing people. But

On the 2nd hand, the economy of human manipulation is orders of magnitude larger than the economy of transport, so the level and complexity of AI in it will also be an order of magnitude higher.

The main thing is that the AI as a whole will be able to cope with managing people better than with managing transport.


The idea of ​​an "egalitarian economy" consists precisely in reducing the economy of human manipulation.

Related to this are the other suggestions set forth here.






People carelessness:

Americans are amused by technological fantasies, scamper about insignificant occasions, at the same time, the United States is imperceptibly moving toward usurpation of power like Russia.

This is not a conspiracy theory in the United States - there is no conspiracy in the United States so far, unlike Russia in 1999.

Usurpation of power in the United States is being prepared only by the Russian special services, for now.


The catastrophic mistake of the Americans:

- This is the opinion that US democratic institutions, freedom of speech guarantee democracy.

- This will only happen until the appearance of psychic AI.

The mistake of the Americans is in a catastrophic underestimation of the enemy:

Russia is far behind economically and technologically, except for one technology - manipulation of consciousness.


Even if Trump and Putin’s propagandists haven’t yet collaborated, his risk will increase in the future, as the interests of Putinism and Trumpism are close in many areas.

And do not underestimate the Kremlin’s intelligence services — they will be able to establish such coordination with the trampists that the FBI will not be able to prove “outsourcing” - there will be no monetary or physical movements. -

Coordination can be non-personal and almost open, - If you do so, then we do.


The United States defeating the USSR itself will become USSR-2.0.


Now a rare case when panic is appropriate. -

The American media is extremely inadequate to the described threat.


Trumpism is, first of all, anti-liberalism, monopoly.

Trump's slogan on deregulation is the pinnacle of propaganda hypocrisy.


Is “Managed Democracy” Possible in the US?

Yes, it is possible:

Throughout history, rulers did not manage society, but only adapted to the situation.

Polit technology has changed little - for millennia.

Money could bribe the senator, hold an advertising campaign, but



However, this was only because of the autonomy of the minds of people.

But when Artificial Intelligence surpasses the natural, everything will radically change.

Outwardly, however, imperceptibly . - Dr. Procedure rulers-the people and polit-technologists is not so far from optimal today.

And the almighty rulers will not. At least not soon.

However, the effectiveness of political technology will begin to grow exponentially.


Democracy in America will remain democracy. All public institutions will continue to work:

Courts will remain independent, Senators will please voters, Media will write the truth.

However, people work everywhere. And people have a mind. Now, the mind becomes the main vulnerability of man.





Americans blithely and frivolously underestimate the power of the enemy’s main weapon - psychic technology:

Initially, the system of interaction between the state-society-citizens in Russia was identical to the systems in democratic countries.

As in the United States, the Russian Constitution provided for guarantees against government interference in public institutions and set strict limits on the restriction of citizens' rights.

Human rights and freedoms were declared the highest value, defining the goals and meaning of all the work of the state (application of laws, activities of local government, legislative and executive branches of government).

These norms were enshrined in the Constitution, not subject to amendment by Parliament.


The degradation of democratic constitutional and legal norms in Russia was a secondary, derivative phenomenon.

Primarily it was - public consciousness.

In turn, the best propaganda in the world was the main factor in the degradation of public consciousness.


Americans are fatally mistaken in their belief in historical laws:

This mistake will be worth the death of mankind.

Until now, all authoritarian regimes have been short-lived. - Internal contradictions inherent in them sooner or later led to their fall.

However, it is highly likely that the regime in Russia will be the first exception - due to a new and very significant factor - the use of mental Artificial Intelligence. "Mental" - in the sense of the object of influence.


If the Americans passively expect, only by limiting the harmful manifestations of the Kremlin regime, they will only wait for the regime to come to them themselves.





Threat calculation:

Yes, I'm bullying. - I write in a categorical tone in order to draw attention to the problem.

I do not propose to believe me. But I propose to calculate this threat.

All other threats are either more or less calculated or controlled.

- All dangerous asteroids have been found, the stability and reliability of nuclear safety systems has been improved, despite the panicky translation of the hands of “Loan Day Hours”.

However, the least calculated remains - the greatest threat.

I just urge you to give her adequate attention, to calculate it with adequate maximum accuracy.


Why is the greatest threat given the least attention ?:

1. Uncertainty of the threat:

With asteroids, everything is simple . - there is the orbit of the Earth, there are trajectories of asteroids.

The climate also obeys only a few simple laws of physics, although it requires a slightly longer estimated time.

History is the most complex phenomenon in nature.

- It is impossible to reliably predict not only for centuries, but even for the coming decades.


Moreover, modeling the development of propaganda shows its harmlessness in the near future - for 200 years.

The insidiousness of this threat lies in a very long latent period.

- A real threat to humanity will arise only after centuries.

The essence of the threat is that it will be impossible to prevent it, not only then, but even in the 21st century - after passing through the Point of No Return.


2. Habitual threats:

For example, the asteroid threat is relatively new; French science recently recently denied the possibility of stones falling from the sky.

Also a climate threat. - The climate was constant throughout the history of mankind, and suddenly began to change - in front of the 1st generation.

Propaganda, however, people amused themselves while not yet being humans.

It would seem that coexisting with propaganda throughout its history, mankind has also continuously adapted to it and has been in constant balance with it.

Unfortunately, this is an illusion.

- Everything changes the IT factor. - propaganda will become an order of magnitude smarter than people, and the historical balance will be overturned.


3. Non-entertainment, threat stealth:

Asteroids are striking - literally.

The main property of propaganda is invisibility, by definition.

The stronger the main threat, the more it will hide itself.

When the threat becomes visible - this will be an indicator of the real death of mankind.


Planning in the face of uncertainty:

Before modeling, the measures that I propose can be ignored.

It will be possible to draw conclusions and seek the necessary solutions - after increasing the confidence level of forecasts.


However, the measures that I propose are invariant. - They will be useful in any situation.

Therefore, those who wish not to wait for an accurate calculation of threats will not be mistaken in any case.


There is no evidence of the future death of humanity:

I can provide only indirect facts:

1. Numerous socio-psychological experiments ( Milgram experiment , Authority bias , Third Wave , Stanford prison experiment , Groupthink , Jonestown , etc.) have proved that people are highly susceptible to suggestion.

2. Most scientists involved in AI today recognize the inevitable multiple excess of the "intellectual" capabilities of software over people.


The variety of specific ways to implement the threat

On the 1st hand, this is a drawback. - It is very difficult to give a specific scenario.

From the 2nd side, this only increases the threat. - Even if individual scenarios are unlikely, their huge number makes the total probability great.

It will be correct to investigate all possible scenarios - since they are important.


An example scenario is for definiteness:

As long as rulers (owners of manipulation AI ) need people , they will protect their “subjects”, but attack the “subjects” of competitors.

As the rulers' dependence on "subjects" decreases, they will allow stratification and marginalization of "subjects". Marginals will not be protected.

More and more people will move into marginals, but the number of marginals will decrease.

In the end, there will be only a few " symbiotes " and a small population of pseudo-people.


Hypothesis of the "Age of Manipulation":

Goebbels and Soloviev achieved a great effect with almost no mechanization.

Historical situations when there is a great demand for manipulation are relatively rare.

The rationale for the hypothesis is that in an era of sharply increased manipulation capabilities - even low = normal demand for manipulation will have a big effect.

Consequently, the era of total manipulation in completely democratic conditions lies ahead.






"Theory of minimal intelligence":

Man is only capable of harassing unreasonable animals on Earth.

However, absolutely - he is rather unreasonable than rational.

That is, the artificial "" intellect does not need to be particularly intelligent in order to manipulate the "intelligent person".


Example: British:

Why did the Angles - “ Robinsons Crusoe” not synthesize fertilizers 5,000 years ago, did not even then make the “Great British Agricultural Revolution”?

1. The factor of cultural accumulation, and not just the accumulation of knowledge.

- This is the question of the value of Civilization.

2. " The theory of minimum necessary intelligence ":


The theory of minimum necessary intelligence ":

The most likely occurrence of technological civilization is in creatures of minimal rationality.

The higher the intelligence, the lower the probability of its occurrence in nature.

There is a level of rationality at which the probability of the appearance of Civilization is maximum, and it (level of rationality) is very low.


Moreover, only an insignificant part of humanity has reached the ability to create technological civilization.

"Lag in development" does not exist. -

If you suppress the capable part of humanity, then the rest of humanity will not develop anywhere, and will remain at the same "stage"






The profitability of mental AI:

The use of "Artificial Intelligence" to manipulate people is simply economically viable - today:


On the one hand, American top managers are also people. They love money, otherwise they would not have entered the top, they love influence, that is, power.

Today in Russia there are new technologies with which this can be achieved.

And these technologies are more effective than traditional management.

Today, investments in Polit-technologies are more profitable than traditional investments in the growth of labor productivity and production efficiency.


On the 2nd hand, ordinary people do not attach importance to politics, they show their intelligence in areas of vital activity that are significant for them - social self-affirmation and money-making.

Objectively, of course, the political sphere plays a leading role for this, but people do not understand this. In elections, people are lured with gifts and the creation of an "atmosphere" of entertainment.

That is, people at everyday activities simply do not think about whether they are told the truth on TV.

From school, people have been trained in the “reflex of the correct answer” - to the poll “Is the President Good?” - they always give the learned "right" answer.

The average "political intelligence" of a person, in particular Russian, is low. - A person is very suggestible, uncritical.

To process the average person, advanced intelligence is not needed.


On the 3rd hand, the inhabitants of Russia already live in an artificial information environment, and only its maintenance is required, which requires less intellectual difficulties.


On the 4th side, the science of psychology is quite developed today and makes it possible to do almost anything with a person.

However, the processing, brainwashing of each person is very expensive - it requires a lot of time of professional, well-paid trolls - in personal communication.


The bottom line is that this mental treatment of people lends itself to mechanization, automation. - Improving the productivity of professional trolls - through the use of computer technology.


Zombie Land :

Americans are not smarter than Russians.

They are so easy to fool.

This essay is useful if only because I am observing the possible future of the USA.

I am at the epicenter of the spread of infection.

- Around me, without exception, everything, 99% - zombies.

And mental contagion exists not only through propaganda.

- People themselves tend to spread Myths.

Manipulators only subtly use the natural features of the psyche and human vices.



Positive feedback:

Investments in propaganda technologies are profitable at the current level of IT development , they are more profitable than investments in traditional weapons, in particular.

There is a positive feedback:

The presidential administration, investing $ 1 billion in the processing of suckers, "earns" $ 2 billion due to their hassle-free robbery.


The continuity of improving mental AI:

20 years ago, the use of IT in political fraud was not yet profitable. - IT operations were expensive, only auxiliary services were mechanized, but not directly the process of mental processing.

Yesterday, brainwashing was carried out with direct communication of special political workers at enterprises. - Workers were left for 1 hour after the end of the shift for "political information", which told myths about cruel American cannibals.

The bottom line is:

1. The process of automating political technology is smooth. - That is, profitable investment in innovation at each subsequent stage.

2. The expansion of the degree of automation is inextricable from the mechanization of accounting "Troll factories" to the complete replacement of human trolls with psychic AI.


3 blows on democracy:

Or the political risks of AI.

1. Erasing the line between politics and business:

It’s more profitable not to improve the product, but to process the customers. -

2 ways to compete

1. Improving the product and reducing its cost,

2. handle customers.


2nd method is more profitable. - $ 1 investment in it will bring big profits, since the reserves of cheaper mental AI are much more than the ability to surpass the laws of physics.


2. Improving the profitability of the policy:

Investing in lobbying, in the psychology of senators will be more profitable than investing in production, since senators are also people, and mental AI will be significantly cheaper.


3. Replacing a person in production - without the possibility of retreat:

The fact that machines will be able to replace the last irreplaceable quality, an intellectual resource - the refuge of man - will be the distinction of the 4th industry . revolution. -

Simply put, AI will create far fewer jobs than select.

However, since the Law of constancy of working time will continue to be in force: "The duration of the working week will be determined not by the economy, but by psychology," then the 4th prom . the revolution will lead to a reduction in the cost of human labor, a company of inequality, and a fall in the political role of the people.


Humanity has 1 chance to survive - to make democracy overtake technology.

Pompously, Democracy is not needed by people; Democracy is needed by God.





Virtual Civil War in Russia:

Although the mafia clans after Putin will prefer to peacefully divide “territory”, and the war may not be visible from the outside, in any case there will be a “virtual arms race” for the possession of minds and, thus, for the support of the population.

Even the “black swans” in the apparatus struggle are objectively interested in finding allies among those who are now not close to power, but who can influence wide layers of voters.

And the most effective "weapon" for this is Psychic AI.

That is, its rapid development will occur with attempts to get AI technology in the United States. Including attempts to engage US officials in games.




Intelligent barter:

There will still be "barter" chains of ties with the Kremlin. -

The second guarantee of the survival of the Putin regime is the use of mental Artificial Intelligence to increase the effectiveness of mental manipulation of people.

And you don’t have to wait until AI becomes smarter than human propagandists. - The effectiveness of mental manipulation is enhanced by a simple increase in troll productivity.



1. The Kremlin may not have time to create its own AI.

2. Counterpropaganda will also use automation with AI.


Therefore, the Kremlin is very interested in receiving the mentioned technologies - in the West.

It will also be difficult for the FBI to prove intellectual technology sharing because:

1. This is not a physical exchange,

2. There are no financial ties.


The victory of the Kremlin will not only mean the preservation of Putinism in Russia.

It will mean the death of humanity in the literal sense. - After the radical polarization of mankind, several non-human AI- symbiots and a handful of problem-free semi-animals will remain in its place .

Moreover, the impending death will not be foreshadowed for a long time, however, if the Kremlin wins, the path to it will be irreversible.


How can social liberalism counteract this tendency?

Social liberalism is the increasing stability of democratic institutions in the West.

In the 21st century, the traditional political system in the West is no longer sustainable. -

It can degrade with direct impact on the electorate using deep psychic technologies.

The “saving triad” in the 21st century is not only a measure to counteract the degeneration of Russia and its salvation, but also to increase the sustainability of democratic institutions in the West:






Side effect of the Industrial Revolution:

The main side effect of the Industrial Revolution is its killing of humanity.

Specifically, as a result of using Artificial Intelligence to manipulate consciousness.

Until now, technology has only benefited people, I do not consider their military use.

But this was only because technology did not surpass man in intelligence.

Technology surpassed and replaced man in all his qualities - strength, speed, endurance.

One quality was indispensable - intelligence.


Replacing all the functions of man only increased the price of his main function - intelligence.

Technology owners were forced to pay a heavy price to workers released from the physical labor sectors.





The threat of Artificial Intelligence is not that it will make a person unemployed, but that it enslaves him and then leads to his extinction.






The highest paid employees:

The highest paid wage earners in the 21st century will be AI programmers psychologists.







The crisis of democracy:

If it is not urgently resolved, then it will lead to the catastrophe of democracy, - after 30 years - an irreversible process that will lead to the inevitable death of mankind.

It was on our generation that the responsibility of saving mankind fell, and, possibly, the meaning of the universe - because of the universal effect of the Great Filter.


On the second hand, “there is no silver lining”, as the Russians say, for the first time people have a real “meaning of life” and a “common cause”.



Problem: The emasculation of democratic processes in the West and the growing indifference of voters.

For 200 years, politicians have learned to manipulate Western democracy. Not completely, as in Russia. However , when they begin to apply mechanization, they will easily and far ahead of today's Russia.





Relativity of Democracy:

Admitting greater freedom than the Putintsy , the “democratic” rulers, however, also completely control the social, scientific, innovative, and political processes.

But today, freedom in the "free countries" is no longer enough to survive.






Why Democracy Loses War:

Rather effective measures are proposed to counter Kremlin propaganda.

For example:

1. Proactive Information:

- It is predominantly not to respond to the propaganda itself, but to prophylactically educate people on all topics that can be used by propaganda.

2. Immunity to manipulation:

- To educate people about the methods of manipulation, their signs and methods of counteraction.

3. Counteraction to the target effects of propaganda, and not propaganda itself:

- Improving democratic institutions and increasing their sustainability, - instead of verbal defense.

4. Competition:

- Support for the development of alternative ideas and opinions.


All of these methods would be quite effective.

However, "they" have one drawback. - Nobody will use them.

- People rely on professionals and their representatives, and professionals and representatives have their own interests, which in the worst case are closer to the interests of not the people of the United States, but their enemies.


Institutional Inertia:

We can say that the main threat is the “inertia” of Western institutions.

The speed of restructuring institutions will be completely inconsistent with the speed of technological change.

At the same time, it’s not right and un-constructive to blame politicians, since inertness is not to blame for their “thinking,” but for political institutions in the West.


For example, with an adequate approach, the Pentagon’s budget should be zeroed out - mothballed weapons are enough for military security today, which today is secondary.

All money allocated to the Pentagon should be directed to counter-propaganda.


But this is unrealistic due to the interest of the military.

That is why further democratization of societies is necessary, since civil movements have a much greater potential for reducing inertia.

See Public Expertise Project.docx


Inertia of American thinking:

The Americans lose the war because they are preparing for a physical war, while the war against them is waged from a completely different direction.

Even the "Information War" Americans think - physically - as a war of technology - cyber war , operations of computer networks - their shutdowns, taking control of them. 

The Kremlin, on the other hand, is focusing on more human aspects related to the use of information, including:   

- Analysis of social networks, 

- Analysis of decisions and   

- Human aspects of management and control. 


The irony is that capitalists are materialists, and "communists" are "idealists."


But even in the material, Americans show amazing inertia.

US Institutional Inertia Illustration - Aircraft Carriers:

Carriers do not pay off at all - for half a century . n e is beneficial not only to the construction of new aircraft carriers, but even the operation of existing ones.


The main mistake of the Americans is that they missed the onset of the Age of Non-Violence .


Not terrorism is the main threat to US security, but the Information War.





Victory of the Right:

In an interview with the Financial Times on the eve of the G20 2019 summit, Vladimir Putin announced the end of the era of liberalism.     




4 defeats of Liberalism:

1. The neo-liberalism of Friedman and Pinochet of the 1970s:

- Although the market was called "free," there were distortions in the interests of the monopolies, primarily the United States, but not the local population.

This greatly compromised the very idea of ​​Liberalism.


2. Russian conscious compromise of the liberalism of the 1990s:

" Part-nomenclature " knowingly created a scarecrow called his liberalism - to develop a population conditioned to " liberastov .

They did not carry out democratization; control over the power structures was reserved.

After developing a conditioned reflex in the population, in the 2000s they went on the counterattack.

Incidentally, they created a false- liberal false- democratic "LDPR", alienating the population from the idea of ​​"independent" parties.


3. The crisis of 2008:

Liberalism is again framed. -

When the population of Iceland wanted to liberalize their deposits, the UK government implemented the protectionism of fraudulent banks.


4. Multi- culturalism 2014-17:

Liberalism again compromised:

First :

a . Organized a pronounced protectionism "North-South", created neo- colonial "price scissors".

b . The policies of Neo-liberalism were imposed on African and Middle Eastern countries.

c . They organized wars in the interests of oil monopolies, primarily the United States.


Naturally, refugees and paupers poured into Europe.

Whether conscious compromise was present here, in Russian, and whether the Kremlin’s successful experience was used, is an open question.


a . There was a conflict of interest:

The policy of "liberalism" was carried out by anti-liberals = monopolists.

b . The crisis of liberalism ultimately played into the hands of the monopolists.


If in the 19th century the "capitalists" were interested in liberalism,

then in the 21st century, monopolists are NOT interested in liberalism.






Democracy - will be in the overwhelming minority:




earth population

9.7 billion

11 billion

in democratic countries




1 billion

1 billion


and then above all - cultural influence.



But the main thing is not this, but the degradation of Democracy in the Democratic countries themselves.






Sustainability of 21st Century Dictatorships:

1. Feedback, deep sociological monitoring.

2. Maintaining a balance — including to your own detriment — it’s better to lose 1 billion today than tomorrow because of loss of control — to lose everything.


The Russian “Managed Democracy” may turn out to be the 1st “immortal”.



Scarecrow was designed, called it "Democracy". Although there was no democracy in content.





Trumpism :

Apocalyptic Relay:

Until the end of Putin’s personalism, the Kremlin will not have time to use psychic AI.

After Putin, oligarchic democracy in Russia is likely.


1. In the new Russia, clans will be interested in manipulating people, and in influencing people in the United States.

2. By then, the GRU may have time to seduce some of the elite in the United States.

3. By that time, the stability of the regime in China is likely to worsen, and it will already be interested in mental AI. - As soon as economic growth stops, for example, due to the next global crisis, the Chinese political regime will also become unstable.


The Kremlin can pass the “apocalyptic baton", one way or another, the threat of a collapsing concentration of power in society with the help of manipulative AI will remain and will develop.


Trumpists - the hope of the Kremlin - today:

The stability of the authoritarian regime in Russia is declining. Factors of this:

1. "Absolute impoverishment" - a decrease in living standards,

2. Decrease in the effectiveness of old propaganda technologies,


The most important way to improve the stability of the authoritarian regime - decline of Western influence - economic and pin p propaganda.

How will the GRU do this? - By finding the "allies" and creating the "5th column" in the West.


The GRU will offer "socio-psychological" services:

1. Power-hungry politicians.

2. US business owners who are hampered by labor unions and civic activists.

3. Right activists - racists, sexists .


" Trumpists ":

The listed social groups have similar interests.

In the United States, it is beneficial for them to act in a coalition.

Often they are all rolled into one. The most striking example is Trump - the President of the United States.

Trumpism is a transitional stage to American Putinism .


Trump looks like Putin with the image of a simple guy with the same double bottom.


There are probably many large owners in America who are jealous of the success of their Russian colleagues in the final resolution of the issue of trade unions, democrats and Assange .

Surely they are interested in the experience of ultra-efficient use of polyt- "advertising" technologies.



1. Naturally, these services will not be offered on their own behalf.

2. This will not be pro-Russian propaganda. At least not direct .

3. Many services will be provided free of charge, that is, financial chains leading to the Kremlin will be broken. -

- The Kremlin’s more important strategic goal is not lobbying for a reduction in "aggression" against Russia, but "exporting Putinism ." - “Guided democracy” in Western countries is a guarantee of the immortality of the Putin regime in Russia.


Therefore, the FBI will be very difficult to prove a connection with the Russian special services.






Trump Manipulation:

Neither Trump nor Putin aspire to the described future.

They only allow "acceptable risks" to achieve tactical results.



Trump can consider himself not a traitor, but the main guide, but at the same time perform dangerous actions in an unfavorable direction.



Trump can not be left for the 2nd term:

- If in 2024 its unpredictability resonates with Putin’s election bluff, then an early warning system may work. - The Russians do not know the unreliability of their weapons.

And it is necessary to warn Putin of responsibility even for the accidental use of nuclear weapons, since they are used for blackmail.

Although the danger of nuclear war is greatly exaggerated. - It will last only a few hours, there will be no "nuclear winter", the radioactive contamination will be only Chernobyl level and for the Civilization of the Earth nuclear weapons pose a negligible threat compared to the threat from the use of mental AI, however, it could be a major disaster in the 21st century.






On the one hand, American students are "furious", as Russians say.

- Their standard of living is still an order of magnitude higher than in the 2nd world countries of the Managed Democracies. (See: Russian Depression of the 1990s )


On the second hand, there is indeed “absolute impoverishment” for many categories of US citizens. -

The ratio of income to the price of health care and higher education has declined markedly in the United States after defeating communism - for ≈ 50% of Americans.

There is economic growth under Trump, but poor Americans do not use its fruits.

One of the factors behind this is the disappearance of the competitor.

But the main factor is hidden monopoly.


On the 3rd hand, it’s not about the money, the Americans are far from starvation.

However, money gives power.

The polarization of society is not just a difference in income. This is a direct path to the inevitable global extinction of mankind, including the Americans.


Trumpism is a sweet death:

On the 1st side, opponents of Bernie Sanders use almost the same "brainwashing" as in Russia: Logical fraud, Substitution of concepts, NLP ( Neuro-linguistic programming ), Manipulation of instincts, etc. Less is just a direct lie.

Fortunately, this propaganda is generated only by party apparatchiks and lobbyists, for now.

But, after using AI, to usurp power by them state. special services will not be needed.

Propaganda technologies used by trampists lag behind those used in Moscow - temporarily.


On the 2nd side, socialist critics Bernie Sanders are right. - Free healthcare, higher education, etc. growth will require certain features of a - structures.

Increasing progressive taxation will require a stronger tax police due to increased resistance.

Bernie Sanders critics are right that the same effect can be achieved through liberalization of health care markets, higher education, etc.


Seduction trampistov :

The likelihood of seduction of trampists by Putinists is high:

The method of seduction is simple:

According to the results of mental intelligence , people with a suitable psyche are selected from trampists : extremely selfish , cynical, mean and cannibalistic in ties.

Selected people are offered a business plan: Investment in advocacy:

The Kremlin’s state-commercial secret is revealed to selected people:

"1. We get 50% of GNI (gross national income) of Russia.

2. Even after the absolute impoverishment of the Russians after the fall in oil prices, the ratings of kleptocrats among the Russians increased. - Thanks to the propaganda.


Due to this, you will get an overwhelming "competitive" advantage over those who disagree.


Will our technology work on the Americans? -

Yes, Americans are people like Russians.

American culture needs just a special approach. "

The results of psychic experiments on a representative sample of Americans will probably be demonstrated.


"If you accept our business offer, you will receive an additional $ 20-30 trillion.,

Moreover, get them - for nothing. “We will do outsourcing of propaganda for free, so that no one suspects you.”

As a bonus of our unity, the risk of losing your assets as a result of a nuclear war or the like will sharply decrease.

In response, you only give us the AI technology . "






Trump is an American likeness of Zhirinovsky:

Perhaps Trump's assistants also used the experience of such professionals - “unpredictable” political technologists as Zhirinovsky.

If Trump manages to manipulate the voters - today, then with the help of mental high - tech - a future trampists will be able to do this very easily. -

Civil activists in the West are people too.

That is, despite the stability of the democratic institutions of the United States today, tomorrow the United States may well repeat the path of Russia in the 1990s and turn into USSR-2.0.


The fact that America and Russia such as Russia is no reason to relax:

The path of degradation of US democracy will, of course, not coincide with the path of Russia.

If in Russia the “oligarchs” are political rulers who have appropriated assets,
then in the USA they are the owners of assets who usurped power through collusion with corrupt politicians.

Only psychic polit-technologies of fooling people will coincide .


We need to more closely study the experience of Russia, -

- Perhaps this is the future of the United States.

- This is the experience of maintaining social stability in the face of a decline in the quality of life.

When the promise to make Russia great again replaced oil and freedom.

Social segregation:

This is an experience of opacity, double standards and social segregation - when, so that people do not have unnecessary questions, people simply do not see the life of the ruling oligarchs.


Yes, the purpose of this article is also interference in the US presidential election, but this:

1. Conte p- intervention - "Intervention", is trying to prevent the intervention of the GRU, and its collusion with trampistami .

2. Open intervention

3. Intervention for the good of Americans and all people.


On the presumption of innocence:

Yes, Trump’s conspiracy with the GRU is not proven,

It has not been proven that Trump knew that his son went to meet with the GRU agent for dirt on Clinton.

However, one should not think about formal evidence, but about political interests.

- GRU and trampists are interested in cooperation.


In order to take political measures to prevent the consequences of a possible conspiracy, proof of someone’s guilt is not needed.

It is not necessary to find and punish those responsible for insurance against possible very large harm.



“Collaboration” in the FBI's instructions is associated with material benefits.

However, there will not be a direct material trace in the cooperation of the Trump team with Moscow. - Their cooperation is mutually beneficial, it involves only coordination and information exchange.

True, information may include IT applicable in political technology .

But Moscow has enough agents among programmers directly in Silicon Valley.






Judging objectively, according to the actions of Trump:

Trump's supply of arms to Ukraine is actually useful to Moscow. -

Continuation of the military conflict in the Donbass:

1. Worsens life in Ukraine, and thus strengthens its pin p example for Russian ..

2. Supports patriotic moods in Russia,

3. Canals active youth in Russia.


Comte p- promotion is the most effective response to Moscow:

It is more effective than sanctions, political and military pressure, and everything else - combined.

However, Trump avoids her, so only an accomplice of the Kremlin can avoid her.






Trump hurts Americans by selling US oil:

I have always said that oil will never end. - The more expensive it is, the more it becomes. - New production technologies will appear and become profitable.

However, there is no need to rush oil prices and fluctuations associated with the transition to the next technology.

There should be a policy to smooth out the growth of hydrocarbon prices.

It is especially dangerous if cheap shale oil "runs out" in the United States in 2024.


Destabilization in the hands of Moscow:

Trump himself is to blame for the "Iranian crisis."

In the 21st century, aggressiveness in international politics is dangerous. Especially from the superpower.


Podygryvanie Trump Moscow:

For all its natural aggressiveness, Trump does not implement the most effective initiative - " Briliant Pebbles "

40 years later, it is the cheapest Effect / Cost program.

Today, this program is capable of protecting America and the world not only from North Korean and Iranian missiles, but even from a massive attack by Moscow.

2. Moscow, the development of technology is not profitable. See: Raw-labor "curse" of Russia

3. The development of technology is not effective in the political system of Russia.





History reversibility:

In the USA, while hidden and muffled, there is everything that is bad in Russia.

150 years ago, corruption in the United States differed little from modern corruption in Russia.

The GRU does not need to create corruption.

- New technologies will revive all the disputes of decomposition.





American "democracy" is unstable:

The communists are right about the deep undemocratic nature of capitalism; they are right when they say that political inequality is born of economic inequality, inequality of control over property.

The fact that the so-called “people's democracies” turned out to be even less democratic
is not proof of the democratic nature of capitalism.


America does not need to be "stripped of democracy."

- There is no qualitative difference between Russia and America, but only a quantitative one .

- A little more corruption, a little less freedom.


I only defend America because it is relatively more democratic than Russia.

But I am not limited to this, but I am trying to create a movement towards more stable societies.






4 political groups in the USA:

1. "Capitalists " - monopolists and their top managers,

2. Bureaucrats

3. Small owners, self-employed and authors,

4. The "proletariat" represented by various NGOs, trade unions, etc.


Bureaucrats are interested in th with - socialism - social. provision through taxes, including in pensions, etc. for ourselves.

"The proletariat" has an objective interest in the Socialist -liberalizme, but does not understand it.

Small owners interested in Socialist -liberalizme.

"Capitalists " - monopolists are not interested in the Socialist -liberalizme.


Most interested in the Socialist -liberalizme and easier to understand all of it - the developers (programmers).

"Consultative structure" will help clarify and implement Social Liberalism.


The industry "capitalists " - monopolists are "tactically" interested in using psychic AI, but they are not objectively strategically interested in it, since 100% of them will die out, there will be 1 "industry" - psychic AI, which will also be post-Russian.

As a result, even former trampists will lose .

That is, 100% of Americans have a common interest in Soc -liberalizmu - survival.






Conservatism as a threat to humanity:

Trumpism is not as simple as it seems.

Small wars, cynicism and selfishness have a larger meaning, in addition to strengthening power through the rise of patriotism, and the " atomization of citizens" on the principle of "divide and conquer."

Humanism, ecologism , etc. the cultural achievements of Civilization - is the result of prosperity, democracy and the sustainability of the world only in recent decades.

However, the humanistic cultural layer is very thin.

- With any serious cataclysm, there will be a quick rollback of public morals in the Middle Ages.


With the growth of humanism and democracy, in turn, the way of life and values ​​of the former elite turns out to be “carried away by the wind” of history.

But, on the 2nd hand, the former elite is not interested in serious disasters either.

The best for her is Conservatism - conservation in society - cynicism, selfishness, hypocrisy, cruelty and xenophobia.


Violence is not so much causing damage as it is returning humanity to a more primitive stage of civilization.

Reason has limits



Trump is not as simple as it sounds:

Despite the apparent impulsiveness, Trump has never really been caught.

Despite the constantly risky game, Trump always manages not to make serious mistakes, or at least not leave traces. He quickly and thinks. He is a good player and actor.






The stability of democracy in the United States is overestimated, as a rule:

The difference between democracies in Russia and the USA is not so big:

In Russia, formally, there are all the same democratic institutions as the United States.


As a proof of the sustainability of democracy in the United States, a previous story is usually cited, which in fact is not evidence.

- After a sharp increase in the effectiveness of manipulation, the stability of democracy in the US will fall just as sharply.


Society for Scientific Consumption:

Unfortunately, it is this change in stability that is hardly analyzed or modeled.

Scientific research is funded entirely inadequately by their importance for the survival of Civilization.

Therefore, in the first place, civil organizations are needed not for lobbying for political decisions imposed by populists and propagandists, but for scientific consumption - for monitoring the topics of the scientific community.

See Public Expertise Project.docx






Trump's Arousal of Hate:

- to Koreans, to migrants, to women, to democrats.

Trump’s moral influence on Americans as an authority is worse than his political sabotage.





Selfishness and competition:

Monopoly spoils the culture.

The first reason for the "satanism" of modern Russian culture is monopoly.

- Democracy and competition directs people to care about the client, about the neighbor . n provokes the development of compassion in people.

- Corruption directs people to use their neighbors for themselves, creates an environment of a “wolf pack”, a war of all against all.


Trump insidiously seduces Americans to care only about themselves, stop spending money to help other nations.

However, he paves the way for America to the Putinists .

As a result, Americans can lose far more than money. -

Their descendants will simply die.





A ghost hangs over America, the ghost of Putinism .






The Americans created Putin themselves:

On June 17, 1992, the US Congress applauded President of Russia Yeltsin for 67 seconds.

At the same time, the US democratic analytical institutions did not work.

They suffered a complete fiasco, failing to predict the obvious restoration of authoritarianism in Russia, and even the role of the US military-industrial complex in it. -

Some cynical American politicians deliberately corrupt the Russian leadership in order to save the enemy for personal gain too:

"Putin inherited from Yeltsin a country in which there was already a high level of corruption, a merger of business and bureaucracy, criminality and law enforcement, and, most importantly, a merger of power and property ...

Puppet political parties set up fake civil society institutions. ”( Jensen Donald N, 2015 )

“Putin was a friend of the West until 2003, when his Plan for the Transnistrian conflict settlement was humiliatingly blocked by the West.” ( Belkovsky 28 04.17 )

Now Putin’s slogan is - Make Russia Great Again. ( Dawisha Karen )


Germany, after the 2nd World War, the American rulers wanted to democratize.

Probably, since there was competition in the person of the USSR-GDR.

In the late 1980s, despite the fact that many in the USA at first were afraid of the destabilization of the nuclear power, and, thanks, helped prevent the collapse of the USSR according to the Yugoslav scenario, however, after the collapse of the USSR, the American conservatives did not want to create a strong remaining nuclear Russia, and cultivate the 2nd Liberal Democratic Japan, a competitor within the democratic world that reduces the rate of return.





America created Putinism:

Now American experts ( David Satter ) talk about the mistakes they made when advising the post-communist government of Russia in the early 1990s.

This is a lie. - This was not a mistake, but a completely deliberate harm to the United States.

Vouchers were advertised with American money, which were then all taken from people.

It was the Americans who helped to transfer the property to the former "nomenclature" and bandits.

It is Americans who neglected ethics, the rule of law, and respect for human rights.

It is the Americans who accept the stolen money now.





Are the Americans themselves to blame ?:

There is a very reasonable opinion that the Americans dealt with the Russians after the end of the Cold War - as enemies. “They deliberately contributed to the killing of the Russian economy in order to weaken a potential enemy, like Germany after the 1st World War, because they were not allowed to intervene in Russia's domestic politics like they did in Germany after the 2nd World War.”

This explains the growth of revanchist sentiment in Russia today.


The Americans created Putinism:

The Americans themselves transferred power to Putinists , bribed corrupt officials themselves and created a system of kleptocracy - just to get rid of the Communists.

Putinists were only "dexterous" contractors.

The creation by the propaganda of Putinists from the Americans of the enemy for the Russians is justified. 

- Americans are largely guilty of Russian troubles in the 1990s.





Americans owe it to the Russians and their descendants:

In the 1980s, the world teetered on the brink of nuclear war.

Someone had to give in. It would be better if it was the USSR.

Soviet people sacrificed themselves. - Their standard of living has fallen not at interest, but at times.

In the 1990s, Russians felt life under " crap " and "freedom" - freedom from work and freedom from banditry.

This is the reason for Russian nostalgia for the USSR and Stalin.

The Russian depression of the 1990s (it far surpassed the Great Depression in the USA) occurred to a large extent artificially, in order to scare people away from democracy.

And the Americans participated in this. That is, they themselves raised an enemy.


Although the role of Putin personally is insignificant, Putin only skillfully uses the situation, but the role of the leading financial and political clans in Russia is constantly growing.

Fortunately, the Internet factor is also growing.

Today, another people can turn the unfavorable direction of development.






Russian depression of the 1990s :

I will give examples not of what I heard about, but of what I personally know.

Personally, I graduated from the university in the USSR for free, they underwent a free surgery, they treated my teeth for free, and I was in a free sanatorium 3 times.

In the 1980s, he constantly flew airplanes for thousands of kilometers, enjoyed free vacations on the Black Sea, on the Dnieper, on a cruise ship for the Arctic Circle - every year.


After 1990, I never flew an airplane, I never went on a "rest" - the price of "tourism" and the airplane became many times higher than my salary.

I could not buy a ticket for my daughter 1 time to move off a monopolized plastic slide 2 meters high, after which my daughter burst into tears.

I saved up money and drove my daughter to McDonald's, but I did not have enough money for a hamburger with an invested toy, after which my daughter burst into tears right at McDonald's.

I saved up money for a musical toy, but when I went to buy it, the police werewolves robbed me. My daughter never saw such a toy.

The programmer’s salary was not enough to buy bread, literally, so I had to grow potatoes.

In 1997, due to the cessation of financing, the heating plant at -20 ° Fahrenheit froze , there were cases of people freezing to death in apartment buildings.

Even now, when my salary has increased many times, it is $ 112 / month, plus $ 13 / month. allowance for the participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, despite the fact that many similar food products are more expensive than in the United States.


The debt of Americans is moral, and its payment must be - moral, too, - P 2 P - moral support, sympathy, - fear and hunger of saying is a feature of Russian culture now.

At the same time, this is the best way to save our own descendants and all of humanity.





Putinism Russia


Today's Russian Federation is more dangerous than the Islamic state.


What difference does it work - something doesn't work or something doesn't work somewhere in the year 2024 in Russia? -

- The result is important.





Russia is more interested in manipulation than China:

Ironically, in communist China, centralization is less than in anti-communist Russia.

More freedom of enterprise, more legal security.

The economic growth.





Raw-labor "curse" of Russia :

In rent- commodity Russia, power is more than anywhere independent of the people, and makes the people dependent on themselves.

The authorities do not need technology, because make people independent:

But it needs faster development - watered technology .

Raw materials are easiest to monopolize, centralize and control by force.


The authorities need the economy to depend on the state, first of all, to control the labor market. -

People advocate for "stability" because otherwise they will be left without earnings.





Trojan capitalism, shredding :

"Today, since there is no ideological threat, Russia is perceived not as an enemy, but as a difficult partner.

The Russian state is very successful in using the form of penetrating the West through money, investments, corruption, bribery, through corporate international introductions. "

"We have identified communism with state control over property. 

But most importantly, it was a false religion, replacing fundamental Western values. "( David Satter )

Today, the main drawback of capitalism is not “exploitation”, but instability to modern - IT-forms of corruption.

Therefore, the reform of capitalism is urgently needed today - its further liberalization, democratization, and an increase in openness and legality.

(see egalitarian liberalism)






Competition of 2 factors:

Yes, Russia is not doomed - "due to historical or cultural factors" ( Michael McFaul )

But in the 21st century a new factor appeared and gained the greatest weight - IT-manipulations of consciousness.

In the 20th century, Russia would inevitably democratize.

But in the 21st century its conservation is possible at a new political and technological level.


Repression in Russia is an indicator of the imperfection of “Managed Democracy” and a threat to the regime itself.

The decline in repression after 2024 will be an indicator of the victory of “Managed Democracy” in a single country, a prologue to its victory around the world and a harbinger of the beginning of the end of history.


Russia's elite is interested in maintaining a Personalized System:

"Now people who succeed as a result of the redistribution of property, they need just" Putin "in the Kremlin." ( Michael McFaul )

Manipulation of consciousness is the main pillar of the Personalized System in Russia.


Russia is most interested in IT manipulation:

"In Russia there is no serious political party or force capable of taking over the rule of the country within the framework of the existing system, as in China." ( Michael McFaul )

Russia is interested in "sinking" the whole world today.



Putin's interest in nuclear bluffing:

"Random incidents, stupid things can ... turn into a serious conflict." ( Michael McFaul )

The Kremlin is interested in the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow, in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, in the explosions of oil fields in Saudi Arabia.


Grants are personal, not to organizations:

1. The FSB is more difficult to deal with physical foreign agents than with legal

2. Intermediaries, hired bureaucrats - a fertile environment for special. services.


“The Jackson Foundation could give direct grants to activists in Russia.” ( Michael McFaul )






Pension Monopoly :

Why is the "growth" of pension savings below inflation in Russia?

After all, it would seem that there is a simple solution:

If you allow citizens to keep their retirement savings simply on deposits just at banks, then it will always grow.

The majority of citizens will want to quickly choose a bank with the maximum deposit growth for them - the Pension Fund selected by the citizen.

The state is interested in the fact that pensioners do not ask for bread

To this end, it will agree to give citizens and Pension Funds freedom by requiring only a mandatory minimum of pension contributions.

It will also be interested in protecting citizens from fraud.

In particular, the Pension Fund here is in quotation marks, since the citizen’s money will not pass through it.


A citizen will regularly receive reports with freedom of information, with evidence that the best bank has been selected for his savings.

The work of choosing a bank is not big , and insignificant commission for services should suit both parties.

The competition of "Pension funds" will reduce this commission for their services.

But banks are only intermediary-moneylenders - they give money to depositors in growth - mainly to large legal entities. persons.

It will be beneficial for the Pension Fund to "play on the stock exchange" itself, instead of a bank.

He will have more work, more commissions, but more will be the growth of citizen savings.

Thus, the majority of citizens will want the Pension Fund of their choice to quickly "play on the stock exchange" for them.


Here I repeated the idea of ​​retirement savings - the 19th century.

In the West, it worked like this.

Why didn't this work at all in Russia?

Indeed, the growth of deposits in authoritarian countries is higher.

- It did not work - because of authoritarianism, dictatorship. -

Under the "autocracy" of power, the government can take away not only direct and indirect "taxes" from citizens, or rather tribute, but also "pension savings".

"Pension savings" here is in quotation marks, since these words serve only the purpose of making citizens fools . ( to which they, by the way, had appeared before, since from the very beginning they had allowed the authorities to deceive themselves as they wished). -

All words related to "Pension savings" - "Pension funds", etc. do not correspond to similar social entities in the West.





Putinism as an image of the End of the World:

By the way, the era of Putin is a good image of the end of the world.

In the 2000s, there was an improvement in the life of Russians.

But during this same time, Putinism received absolute power.

And when, in 2015, the standard of living in Russia fell, there was no longer any opposition or independent media in it, so that an alternative to the official Kremlin could appear.






The meanness revolution:

Russia is losing a generation:

Morality, or rather immorality, is the main pillar of power in Russia.

- The meaner the people, the more stable the mean regime.


Young guys enter the National Guard and ruthlessly disperse the protesters, as they promise to give them an apartment in Moscow.

They don’t believe that the actions of the protesters will make the apartments more accessible, and, most importantly, they don’t give a damn about the fact that the protesters are trying to help the same young guys as well.

- Russian youth is brought up by egoists who are ready to "sell their mother" for the sake of a "career."


Moral harm to corruption:

The main educational environment in Russia is not a school, but a criminal "street".

The criminal "street" , like the Church in Russia, is taken under the full control of the authorities.


Young people dream of becoming not doctors and engineers, but “siloviks” - the FSB and the police, since this gives them power and false security.

The siloviki in Russia have become the new nobility that is outlawed for ordinary people.

Lawlessness has become the rule among security officials.

- They can rape and kill, and the “pocket court” will always cover them.

There is a massive falsification of criminal cases, instead of the true culprits, the innocent serve their sentences, confessions from which are obtained by torture.

This practice is not the result of connivance and unprofessionalism, but rather a high "educational" professionalism.

- The authorities are interested in the fact that young people become self-confident, hopeless, hypocritical, cynical and selfish, or rather only believe in deception and meanness.


Guided Meanness:

The worst thing is that, if before, in some Honduras, the processes of corruption, criminalization and the decline of morality in society took place spontaneously, then in Modern Russia these processes are becoming more and more controlled.

The threat is that these processes will become irreversible.


Localization of Civilization:

The Kremlin is trying to localize modern Western Civilization, based on relatively high moral standards, and to extend its "Guided Meanness" technology to the 3rd world.


The Kremlin will take over:

Today, the Kremlin bribes African dictators to rule the UN.

But tomorrow the Kremlin will take possession of 3/4 of the world, since from now on the ownership of the country is not the command of the occupation or colonial forces, but the application of "Manipulation Democracy" on the territory of this country.


Moral warfare:

In addition, the Kremlin is already starting an attack on the West . - he is now trying to rock his moral principles and values.







Nothing personal:

In vain, everyone was so fed up with Putin.

He is not the worst option yet. - Reasonable , predictable, moderately cowardly.

Ma CSW etc. av in this regard. - The matter is not in the President, but in the few “ruling class” of Russia, and more precisely - in the historical situation.

If they “throw off” Putin, then it is not a fact that the situation will become better.

Instead of focusing on the "democratic revolution", it is more expedient to work at the level of causes, rather than symptoms, to work on straightening out the situation itself and reducing the threat of " manipulative democracy."







The "communists" took revenge on people - they did not want to live under communism, so get "capitalism".






The economy in Russia is NOT a market economy:

If the resources of the USSR State Planning Committee and shared the CPSU Central Committee, today in Russia "resources" divides the ruling mafia through non-legal system, and the "concept" - mafia -hierarchical of class rank.

The “resources” in Russia are not production factors, but monopolistic “rights”, backed up by the power capabilities of the ruling criminal groups, and often not even formalized, since the “laws” are just a disguise for fools and Westerners.

That is, the production "resources" in Russia are medieval power structures.


Russia - "Center for a New Conservative World Order"

"Putin has a great opportunity to repeat the success of domestic ideology on the world stage.

The liberal West should be wary, as Putin openly proclaims the start of his "campaign", the purpose of which is to rally the conservative world powers. "

Christian Nitoyu ( Cristian Nitoiu )






"Satanism" and democracy:

Cultured soullessness:

American mentality described by Soviet propaganda:

The child at the conveyor falls from exhaustion and dies, he is dragged off by hooks and dumped into a garbage pit.

American workers are indifferent to this.


Indeed, according to the degree of sincerity and compassion, the Russian workers were ahead of the Americans - during World War II, despite greater atheism.

The main reason for this is the more difficult living conditions in the USSR at that time.


However, in the 1990s, Russians successfully surpassed Americans in the degree of heartlessness, cynicism, selfishness and meanness, despite the deterioration of life.

One of the signs - the criminal subculture has actually become the culture of the Russian people.

One of the reasons for this phenomenon, for example, was the above-described image of an American painted by Soviet propaganda. -

- The Russians reasoned like this: "Americans have an average income 10 times greater than ours, while Americans are ready to kill for the sake of money. The first is the consequence of the second."


However, the worst thing is that in the 21st century, for the first time in history, the culture of soullessness began to be cultivated artificially and scientifically - by special government agencies as part of propaganda .

The reason for the cultivation of soullessness is the ease of manipulation of atomized egoists.


Kremlin propaganda began to cultivate "Satanism" also in Europe and the United States.

Unfortunately, due to the growth of right-wing sentiments, researchers do not notice a spiritual shift.


It is "Satanism" that is the main threat to "Managed Democracy."





Putinism = Satanism:

The main threat to Putinism is the threat of a person losing humanity, "divine" qualities.

The national feature of Russian soulfulness is soullessness, cynicism and selfishness.

Paradoxically, before the Russians were really distinguished by sincerity.

All the merit of the Russian cultural revolution belongs only to Stalinism- Punism .

- The support of Puninism is not so much on atomization as satanization of society.

- People in Russia again consider fair - inequality, deceit, violence and corruption - even more so than the wild Germans 10,000 years ago.

Russians again consider the worship of power, hatred, hypocrisy, rudeness, murder, adultery, theft, perjury, envy - not faults, but only tools of success.

And now the GRU is successfully infecting all of these Americans - through trampism .


The cultural program of the Kremlin:

“Foreign politicians talk about Russia's interference in elections and referenda around the world. 

In fact, the matter is even more serious: Russia is interfering with your brains, we are changing your conscience, and there is nothing you can do about it. ”
- Vladislav Surkov, adviser to President Putin.


The main success of the Kremlin is a change in the distribution of adherents of political values ​​in the United States

See :



Pure evil:

There were still some controversial meaning and hope with the idea of ​​communism in the dictatorship:

- Marxism is largely right about "capitalism" - "exploitation", suppression and pseudo-democracy,

However, the Marxists were mistaken. - No matter what beautifully promised party bosses about intra-party and "working democracy", under a dictatorship they always degenerate into an ordinary dictatorship ..

The real monopoly partisan totalitarian "communism" did not solve the problems of capitalism, but only aggravated them.


The “capitalists " - anti-communists, in many respects were driven by the fear of losing assets, and not by concern for democracy.

Not only communists, but their opponents, and “democratic” governments were inclined to violence.

Communism was born in the 19th century, when the killing of workers in the USA and Europe as on the Maidan was the norm. That is, the "capitalists" themselves gave rise to retaliatory violence.


Today, there is no sense left in the naked false-patriotic Russian dictatorship.

- Pure selfishness.


The main argument of the Communists was "capitalist" violence.

- The fact that the content of the "capitalists" of the government precisely with the help of repression did not allow the workers' parties to power, to parliament.

On the one hand, this is not the case in the West today.

On the 2nd side, on the contrary, the “communists" were rapists.

We can say that what exactly nonviolence-liberalism correlate with the representation of the interests of workers.

On the 3rd side, it is the former "communists" who retain their power through violence.

Dictatorship is not the absence of "democracy", but the absence of freedoms.

On the 4th hand, technology will soon make it possible to maintain a dictatorship even in the presence of freedoms. This is the main threat.

- If in 50 years humanity does not have time to liquidate dictatorships, in 500 years it will be liquidated by itself.


The greatest harm to Soviet “communism” was done to communism itself.

True, communism could hardly take another form.

It is doubtful that "Trotskyism" is generally possible.

However, today this issue is not relevant - against the background of the existential.


Let the "capitalists" exploit health.

The problem is different. - The fact is that by exploiting, they gain in nothing unlimited power not only over nature, but also over other people, which will ultimately destroy the latter .






Irrelevance of historical problems:

On the 2nd hand, in the 21st century, the resolution of "class contradictions" becomes irrelevant, as all other social problems become irrelevant: national, gender, environmental and others.

They become irrelevant with respect to the 1st threat - the death of Civilization, and possibly humanity, along with the entire "ecology" as such - due to the use of IT to manipulate people.





Survival is more important than pleasure:

However, moral satisfaction is not an end in itself in research.

They are necessary only because they eliminate the economic basis of manipulation.

. See tkzhe : Survival is more important than justice



Survival is more important than justice :

It would be possible to suffer absolute impoverishment, and not run into a landing for reposts .

The problem is that robbed, with the use of violence, money is spent not only on parasites, but also on trolls who manipulate public consciousness.





My inconsistency and tolerance :

On the 1st hand, my worldview has narrowed extremely - to uniqueness.

On the 2nd hand, my inclination toward active unification has expanded tremendously - to a tolerant attitude towards racists and "capitalists". - The criterion for unification for me was the non-approval of the death of Civilization along with its "divine" properties.


The criterion of tolerance is simple - this is a question - what is more from the “union” - harm or benefit.







Playing on weaknesses and relationship management:

The creation of an informational “Artificial Reality" by itself is ineffective.

More effective is playing on human weaknesses.

- Making people feel mean too.

Then they agree to accept injustice - in relation to themselves,

But even more effective is managing relationships between people.

Playing on weaknesses and managing relationships is much more complicated than simple propaganda.

But AI will be able to execute them - masterly.





Economics of propaganda:

The benefit factor is more significant than the conditions:

Russian AI programmers are weaker than the US , Russia is economically weak.

But the Kremlin is very interested in using AI- manipulation.

The Kremlin is able to concentrate forces and organize advanced developments.



$ 0.1 trillion invested in AI manipulation will bring the Kremlin $ 0.1 qddr .

Moreover, the benefit of investing in AI manipulation in Russia is the highest in the world.


With the loss of power by the ruling group, they are likely to lose not only their fortunes, but also their lives.

The Kremlin is interested in defending itself to the last Russian.


Conditions in Russia today:

- High patriotism of Russians.

- High foolishness of Russians.

- Traditionally, the most highly developed political technology in the world, as the main support of the regime.

The Kremlin has discovered the high efficiency of troll propaganda of trolls who pretend to be ordinary people.

The Russians are accustomed to working without questions - in the "gray zone" of dubious morality; Russians brought up by conscientious performers.

- The presence of good AI programmers in Russia.


Power Concentration Factor:

American AI programmers are engaged in development in ≈ 100 directions, among which there is no propaganda.

Russian AI programmers are developing in the 1st direction - AI manipulation .


Example: Tu-104:

When the Tu-104 aircraft flew to London in 1956, the British felt it, because they believed that the Russians knew how to make aircraft only from plywood.

Example: P-7:

In May 1958, American satellites were 100 times inferior to Soviet satellites in mass.


Example: Russian concentration of forces "At any cost":

In 1946-47 there were many deaths from starvation in Russia.

At the same time, in the development and production of nuclear weapons, missiles, etc. techniques for the massacre of Americans, Russians invested more resources than Americans in the massacre of Russians.

Analogue: North Korea.


Analogue: Manipulation of public opinion through the management of circumstances - in the USA in 1941:

This is a conspiracy theory, but it has numerous confirmations.


The US military-industrial complex was interested in the tragedy of the Pearl Harbor naval base in 1941.

The military-industrial complex convinced and also interested President Roosevelt.

President Roosevelt lowered the strategic intelligence and defense of the Pearl Harbor and thus killed thousands of Americans.

After that, the patriotism of the Americans increased several times.


Management of circumstances is the most effective political and technological method:

Management of circumstances is more effective than direct propaganda.

The necessary opinions of people in this case arise naturally.

It is circumstance management that is the main method of psychological manipulation of the Kremlin.

This method proved extremely effective in the 1990s, when the Kremlin managed to turn the Russians against reforms, liberalism, and democracy.

The management of circumstances in the 1990s was not entirely controllable, but rather a coincidence. - The party nomenclature desperately clung to power, the ardent "communists" (which they never really were) in 1 night became ardent anti-communists.

The most disgusting man - a traitor Putin (by his definition, in an interview with the Financial Times ), Urco -chekist ( " Urca " - criminal in Russian), created the most insidious form of mafia, that never dreamed of Pablo Escobar , dreams of becoming president of Colombia.

The Kremlin’s orientation toward the management of circumstances was also facilitated by the fact that Putin headed the mafia - a weak, sneaky, and cowardly man.

And, now, having seen the effectiveness of the Circumstances Management method, the Kremlin will deepen and expand this direction in every way - to the "virtualization" of the outside world around the world.

However, this method is not only effective, but also very difficult - there are few prerequisites for a repetition of the situation in Russia in the 1990s.

Therefore, the Kremlin has justifiable hopes for the use of AI in political technology .


The weakest link in the US political system is the voter.

The main experience of Russia is that people can be persuaded to act irrationally - against their own interests.

Non-violently and completely democratically, people can be convinced that:

- arbitrariness is the right of the police,

- arbitrariness is the right of judges,

- monopoly is the right of power,

- hunger, the impossibility of treatment and the choice of education, crime - this is a natural inevitability for workers.

The axiom of rational behavior of people is one of the main mistakes of liberal democracy.


A conspiracy with Trump is not the main thing for the Kremlin:

In the USA, the same “class” interests are represented as in Russia.

On the 1st hand, in the crypto era it is naive to rely on Mueller’s investigation and 19th-century defense mechanisms.

On the 2nd hand, conspiracies are not an effective method in world politics. -

Putin openly seduces financiers in the Financial Times to take an example from Russia.


The Kremlin does not need direct intervention in the United States:

No, and there will be no direct Russian intervention in the United States, just as there is no direct Russian military intervention in Ukraine.

Now - this is just advice to the Trump team - on the effective use of populism, and tomorrow it will be pseudo-American media .


The red line of intervention itself is the subject of propaganda .-

Without hiding, Putin himself is campaigning on US middle class for Trump - in an interview with the Financial Times


"Mr. Trump very subtly feels that the voter expects him ... 

In the USA, the middle class did not receive any preferences from globalization; it remained aloof in dividing this pie.     

And the Trump team felt it precisely and clearly. - That's where you need to look for the reasons for Trump's victory in the elections, and not in mythical interference from the outside.             

He believes that the distribution of resources, the distribution of income from globalization, was unfair to the United States. " 

(The classic propaganda method -)

"Maybe this is precisely what his extraordinary behavior is."   



The problem is to jointly find political and technological opportunities.

But this problem is technical and extremely simple - when using AI .

There is no one direction of degradation of the US political system. -

- She, according to the experience of Russia, will degrade simultaneously in all its parts.


"Treason is the most serious crime, and traitors must be punished."

- This is a confession in a motive, who else has a motive for poisoning the Skripals ?


“We have no oligarchs. The oligarchs are those who use their proximity to power to make super profit. ”

- Yes, in Russia there are no independent oligarchs, since they were eliminated by the ruling oligarchs.

Putin is a 100% oligarch, since 100% is closer to power - nowhere is closer, and receives the largest superprofit, possibly in the world, and the most criminal, along with oligarchs-accomplices - heads of departments.



need to humiliate Latin American nations to impose them from outside or any form of government - the leaders?



Putin catches the US on non-right :


"offered missile defense collaboration 

with the definition of missile- hazardous directions, 

with the development of decision-making mechanisms. " 


"We need to talk now not about how to make North Korea disarm, but to think about how to ensure the security of North Korea."       

We need to think about guarantees, and on this basis to negotiate with North Korea.         



Ordinary American citizens say, Behold fellow man (Trump), anything - it does anything - it offers, looking for a solution.

And the carriers of the liberal idea do nothing . 



“We all live in a world based on biblical values. Even atheists   

In the shower, in the heart of what should be - the fundamental human right and moral values.     

"Traditional values ​​are more stable, more important for millions of people, than this liberal idea, which, in my opinion, ceases to exist." 


Polit-crook Putin, in an interview with the Financial Times, used the Kremlin’s traditional juggling of concepts. -

Moral values ​​supposedly rest only on the FSB-ROC, and the liberal idea, permissiveness means everything from the devil.

In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. -

The moral progress of Civilization is the merit of liberalism.

From Evil it is the substitutes of the FSB-ROC.

The Russians lost their spiritual foundations, mired in corruption, hypocrisy, cynicism, and indifference.

This is hidden paganism.

Are the priests of the ROC- FSB an example of selflessness, non-power-hungry, etc. on the list - what did Christ blame the priests of Israel for? No country has such a moral decline as in Russia.



"The dictatorship of the liberal idea has come everywhere: in the media and in real life."       

“On the contrary,” the liberal idea is the absence of a dictate.

There is no dictate, but victory in the free rivalry of ideas.

On the contrary, - in Russia - a dictatorship based on the lack of freedom of speech, mental violence, and physical intimidation, gagging, savage methods of brainwashing.



The Kremlin takes advantage of Americans' disunity over divide-and-conquer politics.

An individual mind was enough for the progress of society - only in the 19th century.

But not enough in the IT century.

Middle-class media reading is no longer enough.


Positive feedback:

Revenue polarization separates the interests of AI and media owners .

"Analysts" = political scammers will always be able to convince the middle class that black is white, and that money should not be with him, but with the owners of AI and media .

The middle class will not be able to pay analysts.

Analysts will only work for AI owners .


However, the time of degeneration has not yet come.

The Kremlin needs to hold out for 30 years.

The Kremlin backed in a corner - today.

IT is his hope for survival.

But having mastered AI , he will become stronger than everyone, stronger than the United States.

And then Putinism will take over the world.






How do Putinists deceive Russian suckers ?:

With the help of banal indirect "taxes".


In order that the suckers do not feel cheated, they suggest:

“Perhaps Putin’s aides are earning oil and gas revenues. But:

1. These revenues are right feodala- bosom -owners.

2. These revenues are relatively small.

They are fully consistent with the work that the government is doing, in particular to ensure security against the aggression of insidious Americans.

3. The rest of the economy is a market economy. That is, we earn - rightly so.

And the fact that our incomes fell is the fault of the 2014 World Crisis. "


This idea is not brought to the attention of the official media.

People come to these conclusions on their own. With the help of "Trojan" trolls from the people.


Indirect "taxes" are implemented with the help of monopolistic control over key production and economic factors:

- Controlled judicial and "law enforcement" systems,

- Licensing and certification of business,

- Fees

- Intellectual property",

- Taxes on "unpleasant" speculators and other market agents.

- Tenders.


In the USA, of course, the ratio of factors will be different.

The main methods of cheating in the USA:

The policy of further growth of pseudo o- "market" prices for health care, education and housing.

American suckers are perfectly “bought” by the growth of US GDP and the greatness of America.


Until the trampists have taken informal power in America, it is necessary to decide - are you with people or not?






Negative with t imulyatsiya:

This is the danger of "playing" on the negative instincts of people to manipulate them.

This is not necessarily incitement to racial hatred, religious fanaticism, etc.

The negative form with tons imulyatsiya can be very diverse and relatively soft.

Nevertheless, they can be quite destructive - in conditions when people turn into puppets.


Today, for the first time, it has become unprofitable for rulers to destroy rival rulers, since the risks of significant personal losses have greatly increased.

But at the same time, the possibilities of "soft", non-material destructive actions are growing significantly .

- Rulers can undermine the weakest link of the enemy - people.

And the easiest way to do this is with the help of a “game” on the negative instincts of the latter.


In addition, negative stimulation can be applied to their subjects - for :

- keeping them in good shape, and

- the direction of their activity in the right direction.





Russian falsification:

Many stupid American scientists believe official data from Russia.

However, the best falsification school in history has formed in Russia.

The USSR falsified reports to Moscow. Today falsified reports to the West.

The technologies for manipulating statistical data are one with the manipulative technologies for creating the future total artificial reality, and this unity helps the development of both.


Falsification is very deep. - They only make fun of objective criteria and audit mechanisms that work reliably in the West in Russia.

Manipulation is subjected not so much to statistics as to primary data, "metrology".

Not only official reports are falsified, but also the reports of oppositionists - such a “mentality” has been formed.

The “falsification mentality” is self-censored .





Legal impotence:

Manipulation is the most difficult legal formalizability and provability of all practices.

It will not be possible to fight it legally - even in the most legal democracies.






21st century - transitional:

The 21st century will be a transitional century between a historical process independent of man and truly controlled.


Many philosophers have expressed the idea that people-emperors and generals do not actually make history, and are NOT its subjects, but objects.


Friedrich von Hayek :

For example, Friedrich von Hayek wrote that “The evolution of society cannot be called progress, because it is not the fruit of the human mind.

It’s more correct to think of progress as a process of changing the human mentality, adaptation and learning, during which our values ​​and desires change. ”


And then Hayek wrote about the conventions of "rational" behavior, that is, its potential controllability:

"Our knowledge of how the world works is completely inadequate for rational action."

"The best rational ideas of the best minds of mankind easily turn out to be false."

However, everything that was beyond the power of an unarmed person becomes a force of a man armed with tools, everything, including the management of social processes.


Political technologists cannot yet significantly control the development of society.

But they can already successfully introduce entropy in sensitive places, thus significantly affecting objective processes.


Even in the economy , the Communists will turn out to be right , Hayek ’s theory that “as a result of incomplete information, a centrally controlled economy is fundamentally unworkable or at least inferior to a market economy”, unfortunately, this theory was valid only for ages BEFORE using sufficiently strong AI .

True, a "controlled economy" will have nothing to do with the economy of the USSR, and in form it will be similar to a market one .


Speaking about the importance of values, Hayek proposed "to see the will of" society "in an age when faith in supernatural forces is rejected as superstition. The survival of our civilization may depend on this."

Unfortunately, values ​​in a society of people will also be artificially formed.


Hayek also noted the benefits of Micro-communities:

“Within the framework of Religious Freedom, various micro-communities can arise and compete, which in turn brings success for the entire macro-community as a whole .”





Aggression of Russia


Russian economic intervention:

West = "Gray Zone":

"Russian harmful influence and illegal financing operate in the financial" Gray Zone " "

The United States, "Capitalism" is the entire "Gray Zone", unfortunately.


Good recommendations on the transparency of asset owners in the West - from the "revolutionary anarchists" Ruslan Stefanov , by Martin Vladimirov , Heather A . Conley , Donatienne Ruy - Utopian.

(Report www.CSIS.org/features/Kremlin-playbook-2 )

They are contrary to the interests of leading players in the West.

This advice to the main people in the West is worse than shooting yourself.

If these tips are implemented, then these will be ineffective half measures.



"This is a question - what does more damage to liberal democratic values:

- Russian interference in the choice, or

- Political trends in European societies themselves.

Moscow no longer needs to interfere in the elections in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy:

Their political elites believe in the superiority of economic interests over liberal democratic values, which makes them allies of the Kremlin, and

Their political culture is already conducive to Russian influence, "

(Anton Shekhovtsov - report “Russian intervention, and where it lives” )


But is the superiority of economic interests over liberal democratic values ​​- all the leading players in the West have no fact?


"Predatory capitalism is a threat to democracy," (Hilary Clinton)

"We foster authoritarianism by providing asset protection."

"Western institutions must also change" ( Daria Kaleniuk, Ukraine )


The myth of Russian competition with the United States:

He is one of the most dangerous.

Trumpists reassure Americans that Russian Putinism is not competitive.

This is a lie:

1. Russia may be 10 times weaker, but no less dangerous.

2. Putinism is more competitive than American democracy.

- Americans misjudge competitiveness based on macroeconomic indicators.

They evaluate - from the point of view of a united America, from the point of view of the American people.

But in the 21st century it is necessary to evaluate - from the point of view of "owners of factories, newspapers, ships".


America defeated communism? - But it would be better not to win:

It's a pyrrhic victory

- Capitalist Russia has become more dangerous than communist, since communism was less contagious for America than Putinism- Trampism .

China is less dangerous for the US than Russia, although much larger than it is.





Quality versus quantity:

In the 19th century - 1 machine gunner defeated 1,000 armored men.

In the 21st century, the quality factor became absolute. - It is more profitable to invest money not in the number of aircraft carriers, planes and tanks - they quickly become obsolete, but in advanced developments.

The most advanced field of development is Artificial Intelligence.

The most advanced field of Artificial Intelligence is the mental manipulation of the enemy.

In the 21st century, they won not by quantity, but by quality superiority.


Americans are dumber than Russians:

The Russians are cutting spending on weapons, transferring spending on Information weapons, IT , and psychic manipulation tools.

If Russians manipulate their population so easily, then they will be manipulated by stupid Americans even easier.





5th column in the USA:

" Mitch McConnell / Mitch McConnell , Senate Majority Leader has blocked consideration of bills aimed at improving election security."   

"Democratic members of Congress alluded to the lack of efforts to protect US elections from foreign interference as one of the grounds for impeachment." 

Anti-Democratic Alliance:

"There is evidence that President Trump, vice president of Mike Pence , US attorney general William Barr , and Trump's personal lawyer Giuliani have turned to [circles] in Ukraine, Australia, Italy, the UK and China for help in discrediting the policies of Trump’s opponents."     

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2020_United_States_elections - Background






The US conflict with the USSR, Russia is not an ideological conflict:

This is not a conflict of "Communism" and "Capitalism",

And this is a conflict between Democracy and Dictatorship.


Cheating americans

The Americans believed that their enemy of the USSR was his communist ideology, the economic basis of which was state ownership of the means of production.

But the Americans were wrong.

Communist ideology for the leadership of the USSR was a mental way of controlling its people.

The true incentive for the leadership of the USSR was not communism, but absolute group power.

In ownership, there was also no fundamental difference from "capitalism". - Property in the USSR actually belonged to the "shareholders" = the leaders of the corporation "USSR".

And when they re-exploited the communist ideology , they easily abandoned it.


Some experts mistakenly claim that the Putin regime has no ideology - unlike the USSR.

This is not true. - As such, there was no free party ideology in the USSR, but there was propaganda.

Today, the place of communist "ideology" has been taken by patriotism.


Error at Brookings Institution :

The vice president of the Brookings Institution ( Democracy and Disorder Project ) says that:

1. A new kind of rivalry, which is not limited to “spheres of interests”, but goes deeper - it concerns the influence that democracy has on the structure of the world, but

2. At the same time, China and Russia are states arranged fundamentally differently.

And, if the West ceases to be their common rival, their contradictions will return to full force.

3. They forgot about competition among themselves because of the weakness of the West. [Illogical statement].

4. Russia presents a much smaller challenge than China. "




1. Rivalry with democracy Russia inherited from the USSR.

2. The same absolutism of China and Russia is more important than the imaginary differences between their "capitalism" and "communism."

3. China and Russia have forgotten about competition among themselves, since for their ruling groups the threat from Taiwan and Ukraine is greater than their threat to each other.

The weakness of the West lies in the weakness, stagnation of its liberalism and democracy, and not in the insufficiency of traditional strength.

4. Russia is more dangerous than China:

- The survival of Putinism is more dependent on the funeral of Western democracy, the Kremlin is more inclined to take risks.

- She is more advanced politically-technologically. And quality excellence in the 21st century is more important than economic power. The cultural and psychological program of the Kremlin is much deeper than the Chinese .



The illusion of superiority:

The illusion is that, all previous experience showed that the one who has economic and military superiority won.

The paradox is that, despite economic and military superiority, Democracy loses.

Today, Democracy loses because of the new situation, - because the person ceases to be an absolute factor, and becomes an ordinary resource of the struggle - after the abrupt superiority of manipulative AI over him.

The struggle ceases to be the struggle of man against man, but becomes the struggle of AI against man.

Today, democracy loses - because of its weak link - man.


AI war:

The United States, of course, will also use AI to protect the electorate from the effects of enemy AI.

The problem is that in this case the “shield” is weaker than the “sword”.

- Including due to the fact that the US government also consists of people - with all the weaknesses inherent in people.

Defense in the 21st century should be built much wider - to include all areas of Civilization, in particular, to use alternative Micro-Communities.


The Kremlin is ruining Europe:

Today, the Kremlin is very successfully using the Butterfly Effect,

- exposure to the right place at the right time.

The difference in votes at the Brexit referendum was only 3%

The weak influence of the Kremlin gave precisely these 3%.

Kremlin propaganda was targeted most effectively - against migrants.

What will happen when the Kremlin moves from manual propaganda to AI manipulation?






Ukraine: Heavenly Hundred died in vain:

Putin didn’t succeed in plan “ A ” - to keep Yanukovych’s protege and plan “ B ” - to provide Ukraine in the person of Medvedchuk with friendly military assistance, like Czechoslovakia in 1968.

But it turned out plan " C " - to preserve the mafia system - with the help of agents of the GRU and the FSB.





Putin's revenge:

The Americans bribed the Secretary General of the USSR, now Putin bought the US President.

The Americans bankrupted the USSR with a bluff with SDI, now Putin is bluffing with the unreliable Petrel and another 10 types of super-weapons .

The Americans have corrupted the Soviet people by propagating the Voices; now Putin is corrupting the West with Troll Factories.





21st century war


The new Cold War and the 2024 threat:

The current military confrontation between Russia and the West is not a real Cold War, since the goal of the new Cold War is not a real victory in World War 3, and not even military superiority, but propaganda superiority.

That is, the new Cold War is a bluff, a farce serving deceit, and itself a deceit.

However, this does not reduce the threat from the new “Arms Race”, since bluffing requires credibility and really flying “Petrels”, to which ostentatious demands are overestimated at the cost of understating reliability.

And to launch a chain reaction of the apocalypse or the killing of a million people, one warhead is enough.


Deceiving Americans :

However, the opinion that today there is no longer an antagonism of systems, “the historical survival of one of which depends on the death of the other,” is not true, since the essence of the communist system was not state ownership of the means of production and not even Marxist ideology, but a monopoly of power, autocratic . t total control over the whole society - no matter - through violence or propaganda.


The era of the great wars has generally ended; the era of the Information Wars has come.


Is it stupidity or deceit within the USA ?:

Propaganda is more dangerous than weapons - today:

However, a significant part of the equipment for the in-depth analysis of Internet traffic in Russia is sold by American companies such as Cisco Systems and Procera Networks .


Propaganda in the USA:

I was banned in 8 out of 10 US political forums, despite my statements being in line with US official democratic politics .

At the same time, US censors allow Kremlin propagandists to influence Americans.

May be they just beneficial to manipulate Americans by proxy, as its propaganda is forbidden?

It is not for nothing that there is numerous evidence of a conspiracy of trampists with Putinists .


The United States may be lagging behind Russia for some 10 years.






"Fear of what it was, and remained so - the fear of Russian nuclear weapons.

And now they do not understand that the post-Soviet Kremlin has no task - to destroy the West.

It is enough for them to have the opportunity to keep capital in the West, to have property there, to settle their children there ...

And also - they need the West to be afraid of them ... "





Age of Non-Violence


Age of no war:

The Age of No War has come.

From now on, and for 200 years, political goals will be more effectively achieved by non-military means:

On the one hand, a big war today is not paying off for elites - potential losses are higher than potential acquisitions.

On the 2nd hand, the effectiveness of achieving the same goals by non-military means of warfare is rapidly increasing . In particular, using the means of the "Information War".


The future is today:

The beginning of the 21st century is unique in that it is the beginning of the future state of mankind - in it in a germinal state the basic properties and elements of the future are presented:

- The age of no-war

- Mental warfare,

- Using IT for manipulation,

- VNSA - Violent non - state actors - in a modern form,


Kremlin intervention in the 2016 presidential election is not an exception, but the 1st. small-scale use of the Mental War.


The end of the story:

The threat of the death of mankind is not the IT manipulations themselves , but the finiteness of the Age of Non-Violence. - After the "subjects" become an obstacle for the rulers, they will cease to support non-violence.

There will still be no big wars for people, but humanity will not only begin to shrink numerically - including due to increased violence, but also degrade mentally and physically , which in turn will increase violence.


The meaning of the Age of Non-Violence:

The main advantage of non-violence for mankind by and large is not a reduction in the number of victims and physical suffering, but in the possibility of creating alternative, primarily sustainable democratic Communities that are not subject to degradation due to IT manipulations.


Moreover, the basis of the "Communities for the Preservation of Civilization" should be not just democratic principles, but a psychologically deep social self-awareness, Social Constructionism .






The Age of Non-Violence - Causes:

- The disadvantage of war and violence:

The costs of the killings began to exceed the income from them - for the rulers.

In turn, this is due to a change in technology, culture, globalization.

- Satisfaction:

Vital resources have become less scarce, less related to Maslow’s needs .

For example, land has become less per person, but it has become even less needed.

- Enlightenment. Intelligence:

People began to know too much about people.



Stages of History:

1. The dictatorship of the minority - the monarch, the ruling clan,

2. The dictatorship of the majority.

Their contradiction:

On the 1st hand, - Freedom, the protection of human and minority rights,

On the 2nd hand, - Unified legislation, legal and law enforcement agencies.

And since the latter play a large role, Modern Western democracies are more likely the Dictatorships of the majority.


3. Multi-legal system. Community Union.

- A single legal system of rights and freedoms, but without executive authority.

Anarchy might also be a solution, but it is less stable.





The hot war era is over:

Wars were a popular way to solve political issues of rulers - by force.

Today, these issues are cheaper (including taking into account losses), and are more effectively resolved - by the methods of mental "war":

- tuning the population of the "enemy" to change its policy in the right direction,

- Configuring its population to support the authorities' policies so that they do not have to suppress riots - by military methods.


Bli c- "apocalypse":

For rulers, for example, Russia is beneficial to intimidate and blackmail the population with threats that the rulers themselves create or portray.

However, bluffing increases real risks.

- The probability of an accidental occurrence of a "hot" conflict remains quite high.

However, if such a war occurs by chance, it will die out after 20 minutes.

The impossibility of hot wars in the 21st century is expressed in their instability - in comparison, for example, with the 1st World War.






"Egalitarian liberalism" is:

Let me remind you briefly:

The idea of ​​" egalitarian liberalism" is that the IT- ideal market nullifies the social (average) "surplus value".


From liberalization of Intellectual far-fetched "property" authors-developers will only benefit:

a . IT allows you to reliably identify the fact of using the product.

b . The billing after-payment mechanism is well-established in the United States,


Physical tools are unique, unlike author's research.

Also, the 2nd survey is independent, as is the 2nd manufactured gun repeating the 1st.




Fiasco (failure) of the market / Market failure :

The main negative manifestation of the fiasco market is the distribution of income between investors and employees.

The communists are right - it is precisely the "class" interests that cause the distortion of the market before its fiasco - everywhere and always.

That is, the negative phenomena under "capitalism" can be explained through the fiasco of the market caused by "class" factors.

However, the recipes offered by the communists are not optimal for increasing the well-being of workers.


The main causes of market failures are:

1. Imperfect competition (monopoly, etc.);

2. The lack and asymmetry of information;

3. External effects.


Thus, the failure of the market is not to blame for the market itself, but its imperfection.

Accordingly, the answers to the question: How to "improve" the market ?:

1. The elimination of monopolies, especially intellectual .

2. Elimination of information asymmetry.

3. The elimination of external, primarily political negative factors.


1. Eliminate monopolies optimally - with a ban prohibit.

That is, through liberalization.

More precisely, if the criterion of optimality is the survival of Civilization, then the optimal ones are additional impacts.

At the same time, the optimal effects are not prohibitive, but encouraging.


2. Eliminating the asymmetry of information is also optimal - using Freedom of Information.

It also optimally encourages the creation of public and intelligent information tools.


3. Replace negative political factors with positive ones.

After all, there are characteristics associated with limited resources, such as the value of a person, of the environment.


"Class" factor:

Some economists see the failure of the government as a result of the problems of democracy and the influence of interest groups (seeking annuities) in both the private sector and the government bureaucracy. ( Milton Friedman from Chicago school )         


As a rule, there is no conspiracy of all owners of enterprises - in order to reduce the share of income of employees.

Business owners seek Barrier growth to enter the market - against each other - to increase their own profits.

But the result of their combined efforts is indirectly the growth of inequality.

And where the owners of enterprises have great political power, respectively, where there is less democracy, for example in Russia, there is higher inequality.


Ir-rationalization of small market agents:

The main reason and means of Market failures today is the manipulative effect of large market agents on small ones - for their own benefit.

The simplest example of this is the cult of consumerism .


Economists often distort the causes of Market Failures:

For example, the market power of a group of enterprises is indicated as a reason, but the group power of a group of all business owners is not singled out.

Or External factors indicate that the product or service is a Public good - as the causes of Market failures, while these factors often act in the opposite direction. 


Non-state mechanisms:

Economists also often analyze the effects of government intervention, but pay little attention to the mechanisms of work of non-governmental institutions.

Even the mechanisms of restrictions and protection, such as animal freedom, are more optimally connected not with the state, but only with free and non-violent civil institutions - today, including through IT .


The meaning of communism:

In communism, more precisely in its "popular democracy", it had the same meaning as in "bourgeois" democracy.

The Communists were right about the need to eliminate the state.

The Communists were right about the need for internationalism, feminism and minority equality.

However, real "communism" everywhere degenerated into a dictatorship, and did more harm than good to the prospect of survival of Civilization.


"Poverty of Philosophy":

Unfortunately, the theoretical tradition of communism was interrupted.

This is partly to blame for the suppression of free thinking by communist dictatorships.

But even liberal countries do not see thinkers of the scale of K. Marx rethinking communism.

After all, the 20th century gave much more experimental material than the one that K. Marx possessed .


In particular, the decrease in the effect of the scale of production and transaction costs as a result of the IT factor, the reduction of outsourcing costs and, accordingly, vertical production differentiation are inadequately analyzed.


The elimination of communism:

On the one hand, the problem of the welfare of workers is not relevant today.

On the 2nd hand, a decrease in the polarization of society is the main factor in the survival of Civilization today.

It is necessary to reduce polarization in all areas - economic, political, cultural, biological.

The many measures necessary for the survival of Civilization are broader in relation to communism, and eliminate the problems that gave rise to it.


The unity of the communists with the capitalists:

For the survival of Civilization, its unity is necessary today. - The absence of “classes” of those interested in manipulating other classes is necessary.

How to make capitalists and communists united? - Bury both.






"Neo-liberalism" is more correctly called "Retro-liberalism"



Monopoly has a 1st cause of monopoly Amazon s

That is, the actual monopoly of Amazon on the market is the result not only and not so much of Bezos's genius , but the result of a socio-political system that favors monopolies.

These same conditions, which favor monopolies, are not optimal for the development of society and even technology.


Market Equity:

Even an ideal market would not be “fair,” since market outcome and “fairness” are different concepts.

The market result is objective, and "justice" is subjective.

Yes, people often find it fair, for example, winning the lottery.

But in this case, what is recognized as “fair” is largely the result of propaganda.



Announcement of egalitarian liberalism:

Socialism or capitalism ?:

Is socialism social security provided by the state, and
capitalism is the growth of GDP and average living standards?

No, it is not. - There is no alternative:


The next luck of mankind is that there is no such choice. -

The problem lies not in the choice between "Socialism" and "Capitalism", but in the monopoly and unreasonableness of people.

Luck is that "Capitalism" is able to provide more social justice than state socialism;

And existing capitalism does not give the greatest growth in GDP and average living standards, because of the monopoly and unreasonableness of people.


The optimum is not the "golden mean" between "Socialism" and "Capitalism", but the improvement of "Capitalism" - its de-monopolization, an increase in liberalism.

In particular, the liberalization of Intellectual Property.


The mistake, or rather the deception of the “ neo- liberals,” is that people's behavior is not rational . That is, the "market" is not spontaneously optimized.

Optimization of the market with the help of the state cannot be optimal.

The best way to optimize the market is the civil “Public Expertise”.

With an optimal market, social justice is maximized - automatically, in particular - by reducing the average rate of profit.


Solidarity or Social Justice ?:

Even if Social Justice were reduced, social cohesion is more important.

But the main harm to social non-justice today is not in itself, but in the polarization of society and the growth of elite incentives and opportunities for manipulation.

The main harm social strife today too is the growth of manipulation.

That is, there is also no alternative here - either Unity or Social Justice.

And the point is not that Unity is Social Justice, and vice versa.

The bottom line is the survival of mankind.


Shiite is not a loving Sunni - a bad Shiite today. And vice versa.

A Muslim who is not a loving Jew is a bad Muslim.






The economic basis of egalitarian liberalism is petty labor:

The microprocessor revolution (but not only it) made small-scale production more cost- effective than large-scale production - again.

This effect is reinforced by logistics.

Particularly high logistics costs - in the 2nd world.

“Trading costs there are far superior to manufacturing.


The economic basis of authoritarian regimes is large-scale industry and monopolistic trade, mainly raw materials .

Their inevitable elimination will inevitably weaken authoritarianism, if not bury it.


Analogue: The myth that the Yankees fought against slavery.

Yankees killed South Americans - as competitors.

Slavery was just the economic basis of the Southern Confederation.


The saying “the market is more efficient than the planned economy” is incorrect.

True statement: People are smarter than bosses, top managers and investors. - Below, in every economic place - more visible.

This superiority will become absolute when using IT-tools for the collective development and organization of a collective mind ("Consultative structure").






Orientation to the "indifferent class", and to the "class of developers"

1. Today, the ethical factor is more significant than the “attitude to the means of production” or place in the political system.

Orientation to people who are not indifferent to the fate of their children.


2. Developers:

a . Interested in creating an organization that minimizes mediation and parasitism.

b . Developers themselves can develop software for such an organization.



An example of systemic demonopolization: Reduced honey prices . with a servant by liberalizing their market  :

Transfer of the center of gravity from state licensing, certification and state. control honey . for servants - to increase responsibility for the results of honey. services.

In particular:

1. Liberalization of pharmaceutical intellectual property. (See "Antitrust Initiative", "Liberalism of AI Ownership")

2. Creation of AI- information services that help consumers independently control the quality of services,

3. Mandatory recording of examinations, appointments, telemetry and video reports of services. 100% accessibility for patients.

4. Openness of stories, work honey . p abotnikov to potential customers. Independent Database of reviews and results.

5. Stimulation of the transfer of the center of gravity from treatment to prevention.

6. Institute and legislation of independent "bounty hunters of doctors" - honey . th district. professionals helping customers.

7. The elimination of taxes - on socially significant - medical services.



On increasing labor productivity as the goal of "Socialism":

Mises liberalism (“Liberalism” 1927) does not mean anything other than improving the material well-being of people.

His interpretation of liberalism is not at all based on the values ​​of liberalism.


On the second hand, roughly speaking, let mankind die better from starvation from a decrease in production efficiency or from economic inequality than degenerate into a handful of non- symbiotic people and idiots mentally deprived of choice.

But, so the question is not worth it. - In the Information Age, Social equality is strongly correlated with production efficiency.


In the digital age, democracy is unstable - Liberalism is more stable than Democracy.






“Sustainability of development” is usually understood not directly as sustainability of development, but such indicators as poverty, hunger, health, education, access to water, electricity, work, etc.

Numerous already programs on "Sustainable Development" pay insufficient attention to the first stage - a comparative analysis of threats to sustainable development.



Theoretical simplicity:

1. For maximum efficiency, you need an optimal recess.

Here I try to delve into the concepts only as necessary.

2. Truth is the simplest of theories for a given subject.

3. "Seed": The main goal - this essay is the basis for identifying and uniting people with the appropriate mental inclination, and not a theoretical study.


Social equality is not an end in itself:

Equality is not necessary as an end in itself today, but as a necessary condition for the survival of mankind.

The main threat to the survival of mankind is social stratification - henceforth.

Money gives power, and power gives money.

Social equality is a good indicator and a means of reducing this threat.


Accordingly, "Social Equality" has 2 aspects:

1. Equality of power

2. Economic equality.






The ideal economy of Adam Smith:

The ideal economy differs from the real one more than the ideal gas and real dirt differ.

Economies are complex, first of all, in that their "elements" - people, themselves carry in themselves difficult to predict and irrational "universes."

There are complex mathematical theories of economics, however, politicians are guided by very primitive models.

But even these models are no longer used for politics, but for demagogy - the same manipulation of parliamentarians.






Performance troubles:

2 new economic indicators are needed :

1. The degree of pleasure / trouble or stress- content of labor - by its types.

This is a fully measurable, objective, standardized psychological indicator - today.

2. Nuisance productivity / performance troubles.

- The amount of produced value per unit of labor trouble, - by type of product.


The growth of GDP per capita, of course, is consistent with the growth of labor productivity in conditions of labor time limited by law.

But high labor productivity is also a tension, a nuisance of labor.


In Western countries, the standard of living has grown enough to make you want to enjoy labor.

And they are trying to get it - unconsciously, in the absence of an appropriate science.


Analog: Conscious (Responsible) consumption:

- This is when people maximize - total moral pleasure, and not just from pride.

More precisely, they generally analyze, but do not work on the reflexes developed by advertising manipulation.


Negative cost:

The paradox is that labor, as a measure of trouble, can be a negative value.

That is, people can work - for nothing.


The problem is the distortion of relevant scientific topics, not only in economics, but even in psychology.

The reason for this, again - in the social. ordering.

Free labor is undermining the economic foundation of Neo-liberalism.

This is the 2nd nullification of "surplus value."




This is the 2nd US test after the Civil War.

And, this time, the United States is likely to lose.






Free labor:

What it is?:

Throughout history, the Customer determined the requirements, the Contractor complied with them, and the Customer paid him for the fulfillment of these requirements.

Free, independent, sovereign labor - when it is the other way around - the Worker does what is considered necessary, and the Consumer pays for the result if he considers it necessary.


Labor and consumer products:

On the one hand, despite the fact that almost all labor relations were dictates, the commodity market was and is “Free” - “Manufacturers” produced those goods that they considered necessary, and Consumers were forced to consume only what they were forced upon.

Of course, Manufacturers try to guess the wishes of Consumers, do market research , but this does not change the essence.


An exception to the forced labor was Free Artists:

They themselves completed the entire technological chain and produced the final product for the final consumer.

This is not about fulfilling the Order, but about finding a buyer for an already finished product.


Technological changes:

On the 2nd hand, today there is a technical opportunity to search for a consumer for any labor process.


On the 3rd hand, labor becomes difficult.

Work again ceases to be repeatable, predictable, and specialized in a narrow field.

The proportion of labor associated with development is growing relative to labor associated with direct production.


The idea of ​​“Free labor” is to expand the “employee dictatorship” into intermediate technological products.

The idea of ​​"Free labor" is that it will bring the Market closer to the ideal , and reduce the "Surplus Value".


The Importance of Free Labor:

On the 4th side, today manufacturers are growing psycho- manipulative, etc. the possibilities of demand formation and the imposition of goods convenient to them.

But any improvement in the technologies of imposition increases the threat of the death of Civilization today.

The very existence of a "class" of manipulative managers in the world of work increases the threat of the death of Civilization today.


Therefore, the growth of the share of “Free labor” serves not only the growth of the pleasure of labor and the growth of happiness, but is one of the ways of survival of Civilization.







Socialist mistake:

Most left-wing parties and movements are guided by the "Scandinavian model" - the redistribution of market profits.



1. An “ideal” economy is capable of providing a greater rate of economic growth than a “ redistributive ” economy.

Ineffective to give, then to select.

2. An “ideal” economy is able to provide the same income distribution result as a “ redistributive ” economy.



However, much more important than social justice, there is such a drawback of the " Redistributive " economy as maintaining the high political weight of economic elites.

a . Financial power, the ability to buy IT manipulators.

b . Separation of political interests.






Non-Coercion Factor:

Non-enforcement today is the main factor opposing IT manipulation.

Although Micro-Communities do not eliminate the threat of IT manipulation, but -

Today there is only 1 way to reduce democratic coercion. -

This is a downsizing of Communities.

Modern IT and developed markets eliminate the “economies of scale” and the advantage of large social entities.


Non-coercion is the basic value concept of anarchism and libertarianism .



Organization without coercion:

Is completely voluntary collective activity possible?

After all, there will not be 2 people completely agreeing with each other in everything.

And those volunteers who participate in joint activities simply agree to restrict their freedom.


However, it is possible and there is volunteering without restriction of freedom. -

Voluntary compromises are possible. -

For example, people come together to act together, disagreeing in 2-degree details.

See My Inconsistency and Tolerance


IT factor:

The IT factor became decisive - it made voluntary joint activities not only possible, but also more effective than with traditional coercion.

1. For the first time, people can effectively - find unanimous people to work together - on a global scale.

2. For the first time, people can effectively use AI assistants to concretize their opinions, disagreements and compromises.

3. People for the first time can more effectively - collaborate - horizontally, P 2 P , without hierarchical organization.

4. For the first time, people can effectively use AI assistants to combat “myths” and mental manipulations.


The contradiction of anarchism:

Anarchism eschews doctrinaire.

"Anarchism as an ideology does not act on the Positive models developed in the offices of theorists, it is an ideology directed against power, domination, against coercion and suppression by anyone of each individual person or any human community - except in cases of defense.

A single theory of anarchism, which reduces the infinite diversity of the world to one denominator, is obviously impossible.

A theoretical understanding is necessary only to ensure that our actions are not autonomous - both from our value orientations and from the real socio-political situation in which they are necessary. "



However, the theoretical underdevelopment of anarchism led to

1. His withering away,

2. Its inconsistent policies of anarchists.


Real "capitalism" really really restricts the freedom of ordinary people.

"Left anarchists" see the resolution of the contradiction in a simplified restriction of the freedom of capitalism.

However, Right-wing anarchism also goes to the restriction of freedom, already for the sake of capitalism, and merges with "capitalist" liberalism.


Here, "capitalism" means

- Private ownership of the means of production,

- Market exchange, and commodity-money relations.


"The freedom of man ends where the freedom of another begins." 

- This extremely abstract position has not been worked out for 150 years.


Resolution of the Controversy of Anarchism:

The irony is that all the costs of "capitalism" can be eliminated by increasing freedom, not limiting it.

- The elimination of monopoly is an expansion of freedom.


The sufficiency of anti-monopoly:

In the 21st century, IT allows you to get closer to the "Ideal Market" and eliminate any monopoly.

The main thesis of "egalitarian liberalism" is the assertion that the "ideal market" and the elimination of any monopoly is enough to eliminate all the contradictions of anarchism and achieve "class" harmony.


AI can replace all licenses and certificates.

However, the "human factor" remains decisive anyway - people's understanding of the importance and willingness to control their own Community - instead of a state, albeit extremely facilitated by IT .

Licenses and certificates may work in a democratic society , but in corrupt countries they do more harm than good.


You can criticize the anarchists for the lack of sophistication and unreadiness of their models.

However, the course towards anarchy is perhaps the best way out to solve the problems of authoritarian states - today.





Marx on the contrary:

According to Marx, the level of violence in society is determined by its relations to the means of production.

But the reverse model is also quite adequate:

The level of violence in society determines the relationship in it to the means of production.

" Voucherization " in the USSR could not follow the path of workers' self-government, due to the concentration of absolute power in the hands of the security forces.

And since the security forces could not monetize their power themselves , they resorted to the help of criminal groups.

Consequently, the path to "socialism" lies not through increasing power control over the means of production by "capitalists" or communists, but, on the contrary, through liberalization and a reduction in the power reinforcement of economic relations.







Market Efficiency:

A “planned economy” can in principle be more effective than a “market economy,” with its effects of a “market fiasco.”

However, the problem is not in the economy itself, but in freedom.






The market is fair:

If the average "proletarian" does not like to sell his labor, then he can take an average loan and organize his own enterprise, for example, a cooperative.

Injustice is not a market, but monopoly, which produces an average "capitalist", a non-market using its capital to n e "factor of production" of violence.

The direct rapist in this case is usually the state. -

The state provides for the patronage of non-market sales of gasoline to yellow vests, and scientific publications by online publishers .


Yes, entrepreneurship is different for people. But:

1. The market is no less fair than, for example, geographical injustice.

2. The market is not hindered by complementary mechanisms of redistribution of the "social" state - if redistribution occurs according to final consumption.

3. Equality is objective, and justice is subjective.







Labor creates all abstract value - according to Adam Smith and David Ricardo ,

But politics creates “Factors of production,” which determine real exchange prices.

Marxism has been popular as a theoretical basis for simplified desired solution - the expropriation Wed dstv etc. oizvodstva.

But Marx somewhat speculatively abstracted "surplus value" from politics. -

In fact, the reasons for the excess of the prices of goods over the costs of their production are diverse and complex.

Marxists are right about the existence of "exploitation", but, nevertheless, this concept -and skusstvennoe subjective.

It is more correct to formulate the goal as - Creation of the egalitarian political economy of Adam Smith, in which real prices come closer to labor .



It is necessary to distinguish between economic and political power.




Why inequality in freedom?

Why there was inequality in slavery is understandable.

But why is there inequality in freedom.

Why are workers' cooperatives uncompetitive, less common ?:

1. Inertia - the rich control power.

2. People are not able to negotiate effectively without coercion.

3. The economic efficiency of the concentration of production. - Large enterprises were much more competitive.


However, in the 21st century, 2 new factors appeared:

1. Microprocessor, etc. revolution:

She removed the dependence of profitability on the scale of production.

2. The age of non-violence:

Real "Capitalism" is far from liberalism. It is rather a hybrid of slavery and freedom.


Now, again, small economic communities can multiply.

- Which are not controlled by the rich;

- In which people's weaknesses are less significant.

The same AI can help people interact .


Racing with death:

The task - to realize new opportunities - very quickly. - Get ahead of the development of manipulation AI.






Verbiage about the terms:

To compete with unprincipled populists, for whom ideas are only a means of achieving power, you also have to engage in word marketing.

We have to separate questions about goals and values ​​from questions about the popularity of words and declarations.


What is the name of a survival ideology that will appeal to Americans?


Why are words important at all?

1. To bring people together.


2. For clarity and simplification of understanding, against verbal manipulation.


3. A strong social doctrine is needed to counter populism, which aims to deceive citizens.

The strength of populists, trampists is that they use directly as slogans and stew from superficial primitive opinions, myths and conflicting desires - ordinary inhabitants, whose brains are also washed by propaganda.


Such a doctrine may become "egalitarian liberalism."



- a bad goal, because it is easily manipulated since the 21st century.

"Democracy" is only a means of achieving the ultimate goal - equality and personal freedom.



the destruction of private property is also only a means of the same purpose.


" Libertariantstvo "

Unpopular term.

It can be carried out - private, corporate manipulation.



optimum: "egalitarian liberalism":

- this is egalitarianism with the help of liberalism,

Or liberalism with an intermediate goal of egalitarianism.


It is based on the hypothesis that:

1. An “ideal” market reduces economic inequality.

2. IT tools can ensure that the market approaches the “ideal”, in which the free market would bring results close to its theoretical potential.


1. Here the emphasis is not on funds that can be distorted, but on the ultimate goal.

2. However, the ultimate goal of "egalitarian liberalism" is also not egalitarianism, but the survival of civilization.

3. However, also, "egalitarian liberalism" is only a convenient label, but actually includes the theoretical elaborations of "Democracy" and " Libertarianism ."

4. Raising the standard of living of working Americans while lowering taxes.


The result of liberalism is not an average GDP growth, but an increase in the standard of living of the poorest category of citizens.



Faction within the Democratic Party



Unlike "egalitarian liberalism" from the List Social liberalism / social liberalism and so it dry :

1. Reducing the inequality in "unearned" income by improving free market mechanisms - with the help of IT tools.

2. Reducing income inequality through 100% economic transparency - with the help of IT tools.

2. Improving the mechanisms of collective, but with individual decision-making - with the help of IT tools.

3. The liberalization of the use of limited factors of production (subsoil, land, etc.) - using P 2 P- rent market (auction ) - defined payments - instead of taxes - using decentralized IT tools.


P2P "taxes":

This is the lack of material mediation.

This is a direct address transfer of funds to the final recipient.

Calculation and coordination is carried out using cheap distributed 100% transparent IT tools and voluntary transparent coordinators too.



The goal of "egalitarian liberalism":

- Not a reduction of economic inequality (intermediate goal-1), and
not egalitarianism (intermediate goal-2), but the
survival of civilization by reducing the economic polarization of society - to prevent the political use of economic opportunities.


Religion and Culture:

The main value is the cultural achievements of Civilization.

The values ​​she achieved largely coincide with the religious ones that make up the central part of the culture of Civilization, reflect and direct it.

Religion was the basis of culture. Christianity, in particular, was an important cause of the Industrial Revolution.

Religion is deeply woven into culture today.


Of course, religion is exploited for political purposes.

For example, highlighting the issue of faith as the main one serves to strengthen the power of church hierarchies, since it is associated with the representation of the divine on Earth.

Scholastic questions before did not make much sense.

But today, when the existence of Civilization was called into question, they became simply harmful and distracting. - The Shiite feud with the Sunnis is a direct harm - today.


On the 2 nd side, the role of religion in some regions even increases again due to the transfer of the main means of politics from the power sphere to the psychological one.


Religion today is an ineffective means of mental control of the population, an ineffective "opium for the people."

Perhaps that is why her role has declined.

But religion today can reorient itself toward the targeted creation of cultural immunity to mental manipulation, since manipulations primarily use human vices.

True, purity alone is not enough, powerful self-awareness is still necessary, the ability to recognize influences on the fly.



" Libertarian Distributionism "; "Liberalism for survival"; "Anti-manipulative liberalism":

Lack of terms:

Not optimal for the political unification of people:

The word " Libertarian " better reflects the meaning, but will cause less support in the electorate than the word "Liberal".


The terms "Libertarian economy" and " Distributism " are already widely used and have other meanings, as a rule.


DISTRIBUTISM / Distributism :

Surprisingly, papal advisers in the 19th century felt the danger of concentration of economic power.


The difference between “Distribution liberalism” and classical Distributionism is that it focuses not on small cooperatives and family enterprises, but on automatic servicing of distributed economic networks in real time.

Property can be distributed not in the form of small independent market agents, but in large horizontal, but highly organized conglomerates.


The term "egalitarian liberalism" is better than "distributional liberalism" reflects the goal, not the means.


The terms "Liberalism for survival", "Anti-manipulative liberalism" even more closely reflect the goal, but less reflect the urgent needs of voters.



The choice between the names "Distributive liberalism", "egalitarian liberalism" or others will be optimally made according to the results of a sociological study.


Solidarity / Solidarity :

If Catholic Solidarity is manifested primarily in charity, distribution of goods and remuneration for labor, then Solidarity should be based on unity in survival.


The gender, and not the individual, was a unit of natural selection of a person, -

Man is social, because the advantages of his rationality were manifested only in collective activity.

This is the biological cause of altruism and virtues.

(By the way, for Catholics, this does not cancel God, but only mediates him even more).


Today there is an abnormal situation:

The objective "kind" of survival is humanity - in its entirety.

On the 2nd hand, for collective activity - the social psychology of a person is flexible, and this gives ample opportunities for manipulating people.

In addition, under the temptation of prolonging life, a person’s spiritual biology can change.





Social liberalism / Social liberalism :

(Modern liberalism in USA and Left liberalism in Germany)

is an already taken term.

Denotes a regulated market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights.

Engaged in economic and social problems - only as a supplement.


Liberal socialism / Liberal socialism:

is an already taken term.

It supports a mixed economy, which includes both private property and public property.

That is, too, like Socialism, focuses on property.


" Socialist liberalism / Socialist liberalism"

Socialist values ​​do not contradict liberal ones .

Only specific means of achieving these values ​​contradict.

Immanent "Convergence":

Moreover, maximum liberalism inevitably leads to socialism.

Liberalism can and should accept Socialist values. This is the key to their survival and humanity.



1. The term "Socialist" is ambiguous, but includes social equality as a goal

2. The term "Social liberalism" is simpler than "egalitarian liberalism."


1. As a rule, by "Socialism" is meant public property.

The term "Socialist" has degraded as a result of distorting propaganda.

However, one must not follow the lead of Novoyaz, one must defend one's understanding of words.

2. The term is difficult to separate from " Social liberalism "






About "Communism":

"Communism" = work on demand + "Responsible consumption":

" Communism ... when labor ceases to be a burden and a burden, and the distribution of wealth does not require any other control than the control of education, public opinion." A fair amount of stupidity is needed to consider such a prospect “utopian”.

"Communism" is only - when the result of work in pleasure exceeds "responsible consumption".

Communist monasteries:

For example, monasteries can be considered "communist".

However, the joy of labor in them is mediated by religious feelings, and life activity is somewhat inferior - there are few children.


Utopianism of Communism:

The utopianism of Communism is associated with other factors - violence, deceit, etc.

The utopianism of Communism is associated with the instability of regimes - artificially accepting individual signs of communism, and not even signs, but their appearance.

His theoretical utopianism is also associated with the lack of concretization of this philosophy, insufficient evidence.

For example, the theory of the "proletarian revolution" is unscientific, and the fact that, by expropriating the "exploiters", it abolishes the bureaucratic apparatus and the police. - It’s unrealistic that “for a while everyone would become bureaucrats.”

Although, for example, the provision on the nationalization of property is only an unsuccessful specification of the "social nature of labor."


Democracy is possible to be only one.

- “Dictatorships of the proletariat”, “popular democracies” are either the same democracy or utopias.

However, there may be varying degrees of democracy.

And today, survival requires a rapid increase in the degree of democracy.


Violence and communism:

Marx did not associate violence with communism as such, but with the means to achieve it.

True, violence can therefore already be considered part of the philosophy of communism.


Democracy is more important than property:

It is possible to calculate numerically and scientifically - a comparison of the factors of "democracy" and ownership of the means of production - to influence the Gini coefficient.

- The means of the people’s power to conduct antitrust policy and the redistribution of income are more significant than the means of restricting property rights.


American "capitalism" is still buried:

But not Russian "communism" will bury him, but rather anti-communism ,

The problem is that after that, humanity will be buried.


"The inefficiency of nationalization" is propaganda:

I have not seen enough scientific evidence that national property is economically less efficient as such.

The problem is not in ownership, but in its monopoly. - In the lack of freedom of entrepreneurship, in the absence of competition, in securing suppliers to consumers.


I am not a supporter of the nationalization of property for other reasons:

1. I consider utopia a democratic disposition of national property.

- The number of "shareholders" is inversely proportional to their role.

2. Effective democratic governance is generally more difficult to build so far.


But, most importantly, I think the effectiveness itself is not relevant today.

Actually - survival. And for him, the only chance is to reduce inequality, including economic, through liberalization.


Planned Economy:

The idea of ​​"Socialist planned economy" was in the scientific management of the development of production, primarily technology.

The real "planned economy" turned out to be a primitive layout of tasks - in terms of production.

Complex products were not taken into account by physical units, but by value.

Manufacturers were, therefore, not interested in reducing costs, but in increasing them.

Soviet "planned economy" led to a total deficit. - Manufacturers were not interested in labor productivity, but in increasing production consumption.

Such a paradoxical system was stable, since it corresponded to the interests of the "class of bureaucracy."

However, the transformation of the bureaucracy into "capitalists" turned out to be even more profitable for them, which served as the reason for the "Russian counter-revolution".


The Soviet "Planned Economy" was born in conditions of extreme shortage of food and consumer goods - during the Civil War, and strengthened during the military production of World War II.

Just then it could not be "rebuilt", keeping the property "in the hands of the working people", since in fact the property was not "public".

Although in Yugoslavia and other "communist" countries there have been attempts.

But they were nipped on both sides.


However, even the primitive "Planned economy" could be viable - with market pricing and free enterprise.

It was possible, but not optimal . -

The purpose of the economy is to reduce costs.

To reduce costs, it is more efficient - simple competition.

The planning of commodity flows may be advisable only in rare cases, and not as a rule.


Another thing is technology development planning.

The myth that creativity is not planned is propaganda from interested parties.

- It is impossible to plan specific technical solutions, but the progress of technical norms and standards is planned everywhere.

Planning needs differentials, not integrals. Integrals are then maximized automatically.






Anti-communism harms Ukrainians:

1. Reduces European tolerance.

2. Helps anti-communists = former communists fighting “communism” with communist methods.


Do not interfere with the flies of Leninism with cutlets. -

Lenin is right about :

- operation

- The adequacy of the "Class approach."

- Liberation "With your own hand."

- "Proletarian Solidarity"

- Even about the cook and the board, Lenin is right.

Lenin is wrong about :

- Nationalization = monopolization Wed dstv etc. oizvodstva,

- "The issue of power." - That you can defeat the "class of capital" can only be by force.

This conclusion is a consequence of including hypertrophy of the Class factor.

The state is an independent entity, and not a secondary derivative of the Class struggle.


Operation is:

Although the "Theory of Surplus Value" is somewhat tense and inadequate, but by "exploitation" is meant the distribution of income not by labor contribution.

This is considered unfair.

Yes, the Labor Theory of Value is inadequate. - Equally significant weighting factors are capital and land. But:

1. Non-labor factors are determined by historical conditions, including the “ Non-labor theory of value”

2. The rationale for "exploitation" is not necessary at all.

Lack of exploitation is a subjective democratic agreement on the distribution of income - on labor contribution.



However, the "proletarian" would prefer that his children live poorly, but live.

That is, "Exploitation" is not a problem with democracy.


By the way, non-democracy itself is not a problem either.

- Putin is really happy with the Russians, in contrast to what they have experienced.

““ If only there was no war ”, the Russians say.

The only problem is that non-democracy is likely to lead to the death of humanity.



Kuharko direction :

By the cook-board, even Lenin meant replacing cooks not with professional brokers, but with "professional" rentiers.

Fortunately, the collective intelligence of cooks is superior to that of aristocrats. Before monopolizing the latest genetic medicine.

The distribution of genetic intelligence has been uniform until now.

"Cooks" are an order of magnitude greater than aristocrats.

Consequently, the smartest “cooks” are smarter than the smartest aristocrats.

IT allows you to effectively realize the mind of the most intelligent individuals in the form of a collective mind. See Advisory Framework.



"Lousy capitalists":

The "capitalist class" created for itself the political and economic conditions under which "surplus value" exists. And where this class is stronger, there is more "surplus value." For example, in Russia.

But among the "proletarians" the percentage of bad people is perhaps even greater than among the "capitalists".

Concrete "capitalists" are not responsible for History. In democracies, they did not necessarily become wealthy because of their meanness and cynicism.

It is significant that the richest people are at the same time the largest donors.

For example , Bill Gates / Bill Gates, Warren Buffett.


Elite Party:

The mob rarely defeated the elite, the elite always won - the other elite.

Bill Gates's charitable initiative is very noble, but he needs to understand that all his humane efforts can perish along with humanity.

It is necessary to unite the non-selfish elite primarily around survival.

She is a minority, but she may be more united than selfish people.



The kingdom of freedom. Freedom and democracy:

The "proletariat" is indeed more socially- moral than rulers today.

Although among the "proletarians" the percentage of bad people is perhaps even greater than among the "capitalists", however, in authoritarian societies the selection of rulers by the strength of their thirst for power prevails.

Throughout the previous story, people survived. And for the sake of survival, they were engaged in cannibalism, etc.

The advantage of modern Civilization is that for the first time, people have gained objective freedom of choice.

The value of mankind lies in the fact that, despite all the selfish and aggressive instincts, in conditions of freedom, people prefer "good" - humanism, etc.

However, this applies only to ordinary people - the "Proletariat" - not burdened by the delusion of power.

Maniacs always remain unfree. - They are not able to get enough.

Therefore, democracy is necessary for the survival of mankind today.



The Kremlin’s manipulative policy began - Lenin:

Kerensky claimed in 1964:

Lenin - the leader of the anti-Soviet coup:

"In the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, people said, - And what's the point of preparing a coup when the Constituent Assembly is convened in 2 weeks?   

Then Lenin replied that the Constituent Assembly would be against us, therefore we must seize power before this event ...   

Members of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks said, because tomorrow they will convene the 2nd Council. We have to wait.   

The answer was the same: "The Soviets are an instrument of seizing power, and then they will become a toy that nobody needs." This is in the collected works of Lenin in 1928. "       

The Bolshevik coup prevented the loss of their trump card - the world:

"A few days before the Bolshevik coup, we received through Sweden an offer from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Austrian Emperor Karl with a statement that they were ready to make peace without Germany.         

No one except us knew this, but Lenin knew.     

October 24 , he writes a hysterical letter: "This is the only moment when we can seize power" ...     

Stalin's article collected all the vileness . "

The Bolshevik conspiracy with the right to seize power:

Lenin was not a German spy, but concluded a secret protocol-agreement with Germany.

"A directive was given to all sympathetic Kornilov to sabotage all the orders of the Provisional Government to repel the blow of the Bolsheviks. 

So when I came to headquarters on the night of 25 , already more than half of the officers showed their “unpleasant” feelings for the Provisional Government.         

Russia died from the bow of two extreme enemies. 

Since they had a single enemy in the form of the Provisional Government. As long as the Provisional Government exists , until then Russian democracy cannot be destroyed.         

My deepest conviction is based on what is happening in Russia now.   

The ideas of freedom, equality, social justice, respect for the human person, the right of every person to independent thought and work. This idea has not died. And it will be. "       


Communists are an ultra-right party, not an ultra-left.

Newspeak has changed the historical meaning of the words "left" and "right."

"Left" sector:

Freedom, equality, justice.

"Right sector:

Monopolism, violence, racism, sexism.


In the USSR, “patriotism” was a form of nationalism.

And women were represented in the Central Committee of the CPSU only formally.


"Newspeak" - a brake of Ukraine:

Communist propaganda inspired Ukrainians that European values ​​are right-wing values.

This is the reason for the cynicism culture of the 1990s.

This is the reason for " ukro- fascism", in which Ukrainians are now blamed by those who inspired this ideology with them.



The defeat of communism is one of the reasons for Putinism :

It is believed that Putinism is not an ideology,

It is believed that there were no communists in the leadership of the USSR,

And there were only - careerists and demagogues.

However, it is not. -

Fanaticism, auto-suggestion destroyed the USSR:

Communism was ruined by religious faith in communism. -

The Communists relied on the strength, power of communism. -

They were let down by the belief that History was on their side, the belief that communism would inevitably bury capitalism.

This faith was non-rational , not based on scientific research.


The belief that violence and cruelty are the necessary driving forces of history is another matter.

This belief was part of the belief in communism.


However, the Communist fanatics suffered an ideological defeat.

But they won the leadership of the USSR — not the “capitalists" —they simply weren't there, but the careerists and demagogues won. And most of the latter were in the leadership precisely - the KGB.

On the one hand, careerists were "above" ideology - they easily, in 1 night, went over to the "ideology" of anti-communism . 

But, on the 2nd hand, they still had an ideology. - A person’s soul is arranged in such a way that it always has faith, ideology even with a cannibal.


There is a “God” of careerists - cynicism, hypocrisy, meanness and deceit, that is, “evil” in its purest form.

Therefore, Putin’s spiritual qualities cannot be ascribed to the Communists.

And Gundya is also His accomplice.

Better a Shaman.





Theory is more expensive than practice:

The price of Marx's little mistake:

1.1.1 billion deaths in China and Russia.

2. The death of mankind in 500 years.

3. A unique decline in morality. -

The communists were highly moral people.

The practice of monopoly state capitalism in the USSR completely discredited not only communism, but also ethics.



The goal of the Communists was the same egalitarianism, that is, the intentions were very useful .

Unfortunately, the Communists adopted from the “capitalists" an inadequate means of achieving this goal - restrictions and monopolism instead of developing freedom.


The reason for communism is the lack of education of workers:

The 2nd factor - the culture of violence - in the 19th century.

- It was easier for the workers to imagine "expropriation" - the same as applied to them.


But in the 21st century:

1. The education of the "proletariat" has increased.

2. Information systems of the collective mind.

3. The "experimental" results of communism.


In the 21st century, egalitarian liberalism may be available

In the 21st century, egalitarian liberalism may well be understood by the "proletariat."

Paradoxically, the main problem is the absence of the “Marxes" of liberalism.

- Monopolistic demagogues successfully suppress free liberal thought - already at the level of theory.


The anti-manipulative united front of the communists and capitalists:

I still like the ideals of communism.

I still don't like abuse of ownership.

However, it is impossible to combat the abuse of property - the abuse of power.

I am for "communism" as a goal, - for "communism" non-violent.

And such can only be through liberalization, democratization and openness.

- It is impossible to reduce the abuse of property otherwise - without coercion and deception.


But much more than abuse of property, I do not like the prospect of the destruction of Civilization values.

However, what helps the survival of Civilization, at the same time reduces property abuse.


Egalitarian liberalism is communism minus coercion and deceit.






Socialism and liberalism in spirit are one and the same:

The mistake of identifying socialism with non-freedom was worth many sacrifices.

As well as the mistake of the "right" deformation of liberalism into " neo- liberalism".






Communism is not state. property , and state. moral:

Gos. morality is the basis by which the state could only exist . property . - Contrary to the theoretical statement of communism about the secondary morality.

The lack of state. morality lies in depriving people of responsibility, in their infantilisms.

- The boss tells me how to live, what is good and evil. Therefore, I have neither inner freedom nor morality associated with it.

This is the reason for the " lawlessness " of the 1990s - the paradoxical universal brutality of people who were just a model of discipline and pseudo-morality.


The Threat of Communism:

Civilization is the accumulated moral values.

Thus, the main harm of Communism is to create a threat to Civilization.

- The fall of morality has inertia.

And the fall of Communism occurred on the eve of the growth of IT- capabilities for manipulation.






Marxist error:

Marxists made a mistake - they turned right, instead of turning left.

It is the Marxists who must admit this mistake, not so much because this mistake has already cost 100 million victims, but because its consequences will cost 10 billion.





Communism is 19th-century populism, in the spirit of Trump.







How to save the earth? Rescue triplet:

1. The "shunting" of democracy:

Elimination of intermediary links.

See  Online «Game» «Democracy»

IT gives rise to a problem, but they also provide its solution.

The optimal solution is not Direct democracy, but democracy using:

a . 100 % people-dependent "servants" experts who offer solutions to people and justify them,

b . "Advisory structure"


2. The " professionalization " of democracy:

- Improving the sustainability of society through organizational enhancement of the effectiveness of the natural mind.

- Decreasing the importance of the principle of popular voting - due to its manipulation , and

shifting emphasis on pluralism, and a balanced and expert way of making political decisions.

Improving the education of people.

See: Advisory Structure


Important, of course, is the political education of people.

But it has a limit, it is a constant, in simple terms.

But the organizational factor has large reserves for increasing the "professionalism" of political decisions made.

IT gives rise to a problem, but they also provide its solution.


3. Creation of concentrated communities of psychic resistance,

which will simultaneously increase political competition and will be a kind of "ark" of sustainability.

See: Micro-communities.


Online "Game" "Democracy" :






The "saving triad" :

1. "Consultative structure":

This is a social structure that raises awareness of the political actions of civil society and the electorate as a whole.


This is a project of the Institute of Folk Modeling. Its functions:

a . Resistance to propaganda, counter-propaganda,

b . Political education

A “deliberative structure” is a political entity through structured discussion.

c . Preparation for "professional political consumption."

d . Development of draft legal standards.


2. "Democracy":

It is the direction of increasing the sustainability of democracy by:

a . The reduction of its indirect links,

b . Increasing the dependence of the political system on the electorate.

This is not "Direct Democracy." “Direct democracy” is not optimal for sustainability.


"Guided Revolution":

Today, watered-down technologies can imitate the change of rulers and even the "revolution".

Democracy is not a change of power, but its control by people.



3. Alternative Micro-communities:

The challenge is to create a local government incubator in a “protected form”.


a . Political competition to authoritarian regimes,

b . Accelerating democratic development through social experimentation. - Acceleration of democratic development is necessary because ≈ 30 years are left to the “point of no return” .

c . Finally, this is the “final solution” to the problem of political migration to Western countries.


AI democracy versus AI monopoly:

The leading factor in the effectiveness of the “Consultative Structure”, “Democracy” and Alternative Micro-communities is the use of IT , in particular, the same AI.


So, the “Consultative structure” has very developed analogues in the form of computer games of p- “Strategies”.


"Democracy" can even be implemented in the form of onlay n "game."


For Alternative Micro-communities, the use of IT is simply a prerequisite for existence. - The leading factor in the effectiveness of the Micro-community is the unanimity of its participants. Unanimous people can only find each other using IT .







Throughout the history of mankind, there has been a movement towards freedom, equality and democracy.

The meaning of this movement is deeper than the satisfaction of the instincts of pride and freedom.

The meaning of this movement is in the survival of Civilization, today.

For example, male instincts are more consistent with violence, aggression and power than female ones.

And the threat to the survival of Civilization from the authorities is more than military, asteroid and all other threats combined.


However, from the beginning of the 21st century, this "progressive" movement has reversed, precisely when its fruits became necessary.

Is this a harbinger of the coming victory of human manipulation, the beginning of the end?


The decisive time is approaching.

The Russians say, "Before you die, you will not breathe." -

Today it is too late and not optimal to give the fight for human rights a first priority. -

The time has come for tactics.


Today it is advisable to yield in 2-degree sectors, to tolerate something, to make compromises:

Racist compromise

"Class" compromise

Sexist compromise

Homophobic compromise



The Death Knights :

Philosophers do not investigate the most important and relevant topic today - the Movement for Withering away. Yes, it has not yet taken shape organizationally, but it has many followers, and it is extremely important.

A taboo on this subject arose after the heyday of "white" racism, which ended with World War II.

However, the ostrich policy is perhaps even more dangerous.

Moreover , “white” racism today is losing to “cybernetic” - obviously, that is, even in a marginal environment.


The currents in this movement of the " Death Knights ":

Layer of "Evolutionism":

- Man is only a stage of evolution.

Most followers do not analyze the question - what will become of Man = stage of evolution?

1. Trans-humanists :

Most people will find new opportunities.

2. The " deaths " of all mankind:

People will die, there will be AI instead.

3. " Social Darwinists"

Most people will die out, a minority will gain new opportunities.


Volunteer Layer:

1. Genocide.

2. Voluntary refusal of procreation.


The historical reason for the judgments is the fact that the subsequent stage of evolution gives rise to only 1, a species, a tribe, an organism.

Examples of facts:

- All living things not on Earth came from 1 organism,

- Mitochondrial Eve, genetic Adam.

- The proportion of “Belys” and “Blacks” has changed 1 million times - over the past 30,000 years, until the beginning of the 20th century.

- The English tribe stood out 5,000 years ago. since then, the number of native speakers has increased 1 million times. This example, however, is not successful, from a genetic point of view.


More often than not, “philosophers” believe that they will become the founders of super-people .

They consider aspects of competitiveness, power, but not humane human characteristics.


The main thing is that the taboo prevents the consideration of the most realistic scenarios:

Today's "evolution" is not genetically d- "eugenics" and - political.

The ancestors of the next evolutionary stage will be not the “best” individuals, inclined to sympathize with their fellow tribesmen, and subtle mental organization, but the “worst” individuals who have undergone corporate selection for meanness, cynicism, and hypocrisy.

They do not consider aspects of skilled choice - whether such an “evolution” is needed.


Racism and Eugenics:

Medical care "unfit" reduced the average "fitness".


1. The meaning of "fitness" is precisely in the struggle, that is, a semantic vicious circle arises.

2. The meaning of Earth Civilization is cultural.

3. Today, what matters is not the struggle of races among themselves, but the struggle for the existence of these races.

The theory of racial struggle is more inadequate than the theory of class struggle, although it is consistent with the latter,
and the proponents of “forced euthanasia of the insane” are insane.

Even in the “wildest” societies (although perhaps less wild than the society of 1939–45), children cared for their elderly parents.

4. Genetic medicine completely solves the problem of "inferiority" today.

Paradoxically, the problem is not in imposing “racial hygiene” on parents, but in restraining the genetic fashion today, for “progressive” characters are reinforced not only in cultures, but also genetically.

5. Cultural and mental diversity is itself beneficial for survival, “cultural mutations” and cultural progress today.

6. If fitness is not taken as a criterion in the “struggle,” then “Mental disorders are a special mode of being” (Ronald Laing )   

"Morality and culture are created by the sick.

Mental illness is a unique emotional experience.

Mentally ill give us a chance to break out of the patterns of life.

Crime is much higher among the mentally healthy .

The mentally ill are the face of society. "

7. Venus is able to feed 0.1 kWh . of people.


Racist compromise :

Optimal for the survival of Civilization is a " racist compromise" - today.

Encouraging the economic migration of “blacks” strengthens the right-wing sentiments, and tolerance for the political polarization of society, which is the main danger today.

The reality is that xenophobia has a significant genetic basis in humans.

The economic migration of "blacks" is by and large harmful even to the "blacks" themselves.


On the 2nd hand, there is no need for a "racist compromise". -

- There is a very effective solution to the problem of migrants:


A “marine” solution to the problem of migrants:

1. The value of the territory as an economic resource has fallen today.

2. Alternative - democratic migrant communities are highly valuable for the survival of Civilization today.

3. Migrant communities can be economically sustainable. - Information support is incomparably more valuable than cash subsidies.

At the very least, all basic human needs can be met.

4. "Natural selection":

The fate of a migrant should not be chosen by the state. official , and the migrant himself. - If in the former homeland there was a threat to the life of him and his relatives, the migrant would prefer to live in the center of Greenland, because modern technology allows this.


Location of refugee camps:

Today , refugee camps are located in :

1. In countries adjacent to conflict zones from where refugees flee,

2. In European countries.


The disadvantages of these options are:

1. Governments of countries neighboring conflict zones often:

a . They hinder the movement of refugees through their territory,

b . They don’t respect human rights themselves,

c . Support one of the parties to the conflict.


2. European countries:

a . They create an obstacle for refugees, to reduce their flow, and thus increase the sacrifice and suffering of people.

b . If a person entered the territory of Europe, then it is already difficult to deport him, even if he is not a refugee.


"Marine" location of refugee camps - the best option

"+" At sea, refugees can long wait for a decision of their fate.

"+" They are safe.




Solving the problem of migrants:

In authoritarian states, people are purposefully supported "in good shape"
- for people purposefully created problems as an incentive to work.

Migrants strive to Europe not for a rich life, but from an authoritarian system.

Migrants do not seek easy life, but democratic security.

They are not “Economic Migrants”, but “Political Refugees”. - Refugees are not in the sense of a threat to their lives, but in the sense of unbearable political conditions for life.

If Europeans and Americans do not want an influx of immigrants to themselves, then they just need to give Political Refugees - political protection - in neutral territory.

“They only need to teach refugees public life in their own democratic Communities.”





Refugee immigrants:

Kremlin propaganda inspires Europeans that immigrants — labor people — are coming to them.

In fact, most migrants seek more - security.

Otherwise, they would not have risked their children in the Mediterranean.

Therefore, the "migrants" will agree to stay at sea.

But we need to study in detail the causes of migration, and what is needed for migrants to remain at sea.


Speaking of Greenland:

The salvation of 7700 Jews by the Danes is a double miracle:

1. In the conditions of occupation.

2. The Danes themselves were supposed to be racists.


Miracles happened to individuals, but not to whole people.

Therefore, a repeat of the miracle is possible - already with Greenland.





Selfish Altruism:

It is a righteous business to save refugees.

But saving refugees, you increase the risk of the death of humanity, as you heat up the racist instincts of most other people, and play into the hands of manipulators.


However, there is a solution "and the sheep are safe and the wolves are full"

- These are settlements in the sea and on the islands.


Principles of refugee settlements:

1. There is no state. subsidized, P 2 P- help:

Do not force sadists to support refugees.

Only the Samaritans will be able to feed all refugees.

Modern IT can provide effective P 2 P assistance to millions of Samaritans - millions of refugees.

It is necessary to create a World Database of refugees and those in need .

2. Self-financing:

Refugees should be helped primarily, not by food, etc., but by the organization of jobs.

a . Mentally more useful.

b . Useful against racists.


World Database of Refugees and Needy :

The basis can be taken State databases. subsidies.

But supplement them with psychological information, including the results of objective tests:

1. Psychological.

2. Educational.


You can use the Wiki validation engine.






"Class" compromise :

On the one hand, absolute impoverishment is declining in the world today. Hunger is declining.

On the second hand, the "class " - political polarization of society is the main threat to the existence of mankind today, and it also creates economic inequality.

On the 3rd hand, egalitarian liberalism is able to reduce not only the "class " - political polarization, but also economic inequality.

On the 4th side, paternalistic socialism is not only harmful today, but also ineffective for reducing economic inequality.


Sexist compromise :

For women, for gender equality, democracy and non-violence are beneficial.

That is why the Kremlin supports patriarchal foundations.

That is why the Kremlin "factories of lies" create a repulsive image of feminists as crazy extremists who are ready to destroy male babies.

With the growing effectiveness of propaganda, radical feminists harm feminism.


Feminists achieved a lot in the 20th century.

In the 21st century, it is advisable for them to reorient their struggle to a deeper threat - a change in which the gender issue simply loses its meaning, possibly even with the disappearance of gender along with humanity.


Homophobic compromise :

The Kremlin does not fight against gays , but against the freedom they preach.

My sodomy is also disgusting, but I can tolerate it, because freedom is dearer to me, and even more dear, dearest to me - Earth Civilization, which is probably unique in the Universe.

But gays could also tolerate - today. - The Kremlin successfully exposes their struggle for their rights to the Russians as propaganda of debauchery and corruption of children.

The inhabitants of "Christiania" selfishly enjoy freedom, while interfering with the freedom of other people.


The world has become global.

If you think only within the framework of your country, it will harm your country.

The Kremlin triumphed in promoting traditionalism in Russia, thanks in part to the shortsightedness of European movements.

After he creates a successful system of AI- manipulation of consciousness in Russia, he will be able to win both in Europe and throughout the Earth.


Islamic State

On the one hand, it is no more terrorist than, for example, the Russian state.

Islamists have the right to live by the rules.

But Shariah is not only the norms of behavior, but also the laws and methods of ensuring this behavior.

And these laws are also very traditionalistic . -

They are also based on violence and hierarchy, on the restriction of freedoms and human rights.


On the 2nd hand, terrorists are fighting among themselves - for power, - for control over people.


On the 3rd hand, the combination of non-violence, freedom, equality and Sharia norms is possible.

Moreover, it is more in line with the spiritual foundations of Sharia.

- Voluntary rejection of everything vile, internal uncompromisingness is much more valuable.





The centers of mental resistance of natural intelligence:

- Israel

- Germany,

- Japan

- California.


- They have a high concentration of natural intelligence and the culture accompanying it.

Science centers in China and Russia have anti-centers. - It is just the psychic AI that is being created in them.


There are 2 more to be added to these foci:

- Marine communities,

- Greenland communities.


Roasted Rooster Effect :

Why not envisage measures to prevent the threat until they have created a strong mental AI?

- Because of the important property of natural intelligence - carelessness.


For globalization:

Euro-skepticism is Poly t- skepticism -

- in relation to the political system, from which the mechanism of the opposition is excluded.

The more questions people start to solve on their own on the basis of local self-government, the more useful it will be to have a common legal framework.






What to do for the survival of civilization?

1. A society’s resilience to degradation is only possible today by using the mechanisms of collective reason — instead of the media.

Using the same AI , but - AI- democracy, which in 1990 I called the "Consultative Structure".


2. Short-circuit democracy:

Analysts must pay the middle class - directly, without intermediaries.

"Servants of the people" must be servants - literally - individually among specific citizens, and not depend on anyone else.


How much do Financial Times analysts earn ? Millions of USD / year? And they can earn billions - on commissions - if they give the Russians a high-quality algorithm - how to confiscate and monetize ( effective voucherization ) the property of the mafia.

At the same time, save humanity. Although, now, after the successful inversion of traditional moral values ​​by Putin, this is no longer an incentive, unfortunately.


3. Similar survival reforms are unrealistic in the United States.

Therefore, the creation of visa-free "pirate" marine experimental micro-communities is necessary. And, above all - "Southern Russia".





"Game" "People's diplomacy" :

You need to start:

- Americans, not Russians, because Russians were opposed to Americans,

- Women, not men,

- From common values ​​and concerns, and not from disputes,

- From domestic problems.


Put off disputes, try to find solutions that work out,

To build a chain of consent - from point to point.

It’s not so much to expose the double bottom of Putin’s proposals, how much unbiased, from the position of the interlocutor, to discuss their own constructive ideas, without repeating the statements of Western politicians as well. - The discussion itself and mutual understanding are valuable.

To be interested in the opinion about the read (listened) sources of information.


To use in the "Game" - not mediators-politicians, but 100% of assistants dependent on the citizen.

It’s good if volunteer programmers would make special tools.

It will save democracy in the USA too.

While it is possible to communicate via social .c hildren , to invite Russian in Facebook .






Discovery analytics:

The use of "Servants of the People" is sabotaged by the interests of the media of the 19th century.

Therefore, it is necessary to create free independent software for Sharing - P 2 P - using press analytics - when 1 person buys a newspaper, and 1 million people use it together with it, like Torrents in real time, or the Independent Media Center .





Measures against irreversible creeping into disaster:

1. Conduct theoretical research on monopoly and social liberalism.

Carry out an independent socio-economic simulation using a distributed network of computers.

The results of the research set forth on a special site on Social Liberalism.


2. Develop a deep Program of Social Liberalism:

2.1. The importance of the political directions of the democratic Program should be proportional to the significance of the socio-economic directions for the Americans.

Objectively, the main problem of the Americans is not even "impoverishment", but the fact that the intensification of demagogic trampism in America increases the global threat to the survival of mankind.


For example, Trump is right - global warming is not a threat at all.

Money for it will be wasted.

An increase in the aridity of some areas is more efficiently countered by other measures.


2.2. It is necessary to shift the center of gravity from criticism of the chaotic, so far, initiatives of the trampists to constructive, well-grounded proposals.


In the 19th century, uneducated workers understood the "Capital" of K. Marx .

In the 21st century, American students will understand social and economic calculations all the more.

See: An example of systemic demonopolization: Lower honey prices . a servant with the help of liberalization of the honey market. of services


In addition, the course towards market liberalization will cause less opposition from trampists .

They even welcome liberalism - in the anti-liberal sense, the truth.


2.3. Surviving together:

The US Presidential Administration symmetrically plays along with blackmailers.

But once the weapons of the blackmailers may work. Especially among Russians.

In the era of the Internet, external threats are more effectively eliminated not by an arms race, but by People’s Diplomacy. (See: "Game" "People's Diplomacy" )

When humanists save 10 people somewhere, they must remember that it is more important to prevent the deaths of 10 million people, and then 10 billion.


Support is needed for autonomous alternative, detached Micro-Communities of political migrants. (See: Micro-State Communities Project.docx  )


3. Transfer the struggle to "your field":

To contrast demagogy, populism and the artistry of trampists - a scientific approach - is essentially the subject.

Refuse the Trump debate in real time.

Instead, offer voters discussions that are mounted from a discrete-record exchange. -

The strength of Trump in his acting ability to issue effective, populist, unreasonable slogans, hang labels and spectacularly insult opponents.

Instead of a lively debate, discuss with Trump:

1. Separately for each his thesis,

2. With the help of prepared deep and constructive rebuttals, not improvisations .


4. To work out an agreement on the cooperation of democrats:

Instead of 2 dozen, choose the 1st highly moral, smart, young, poor consensus candidate for president.

Run the election campaign in a cycle: Program> Crowdfunding > Program.






Elections 2020



The next step in the US presidential election in 2020 will be a major achievement for all of humanity.





Bloomberg :

Democrats need to promote Bloomberg .

Showing his competence and responsibility is the opposite of Trump's absurdity.





America's Choice:

Americans need to be explained that they are not choosing between Trump and a democratic candidate.

- Americans choose between Civilization and New Totalitarianism, they choose between the meaning of the Universe and the death of the Earth.





The USA is the bastion of democracy:

Despite the fact that democracy in the United States is far from perfect, the United States is the bastion of democracy in the world today. “The United States is the main goal of Putin’s aggression to turn them into“ Guided Democracy, ”as it will be easier to deal with Europe’s diversity than vice versa.



US Social Liberal Party:

For the sustainability of US Earth Civilization, it is useful to create a Social Liberal Party in the USA.

In the scenario [Social Liberals, Democrats, Trumpists , other Republicans], the chances of collusion with the Kremlin will be less than in the scenario [Democrats, Trumpists , other Republicans].







Why is the United States losing the information war in Russia if Russia spends $ 60 billion on defense and the United States $ 700 billion?

- Because Russia spends on the information war, and the USA spends on the future scrap metal.

The USA and Russia are in different weight categories, but a large mass is useless if there is no head on top.



The main goal of the Putinists is not the Americans, but the Russians.

The functions of Americans are only:

- Scarecrow,

- An enemy requiring rallying around the Kremlin.

In addition, the Americans must be neutralized so that they do not seduce the Russians.


Do Americans not believe that Putinists will be able to further deceive the people of all of Russia?

People-trolls against people-will not prevail.

But an army of psychologists armed with artificial intelligence . - about to be added.

However, the "army" itself may be unreliable.

It will also have to be divided and reduced, increasing the share of artificial intelligence.

Over time, the main pillar will be not the owners of industrial assets, but the few owners of AI.


Anti-Troll Factories:

It would seem that the most logical response of the West to interferences in the political processes would be the organization of counter - propaganda , including directed inside Russia.

Here, the economic weight category can play a decisive role.

Involuntarily there is a suspicion that the victory of the Putinists is beneficial to influential forces in the West .

- They will receive additional power and money - by the wrong hands.




America Defense Strategy:

It is necessary to nullify the militaristic budget that is selfish for the military-industrial complex (military-industrial complex) and transfer it to counter-manipulation .

No matter how Trump lied, there is no military threat to America. - It is not profitable for Putinists to lose their assets, including for the time being their mental slaves.

However, there is a terrible mental threat to America, which will bury it in the literal - physical sense, but not by the hands of Russians.

Yes, it is beneficial for Putinists to intimidate and bluff by real balancing on the verge of undermining the American hostages, but the answer to the blackmail should not be tuning nuclear machines, but the development of P 2 P contacts between Americans and Russians, joint solving problems at the level of ordinary people.


Counter-manipulation should be not just counter-propaganda, but mainly - joint direct action, joint venture.

Today, the main war is being waged - not physical, but in the minds, not on the ground, but in the "clouds" - in the cloud servers.




4. Polit . s ALOGIA against populism:

In 1987, I proposed the most painless and effective solution to problems.

People were unhappy with the bosses of the CPSU - the " party nomenclature ."

People said: our life is not improving, and they have arranged for themselves "communism".

That is, people were not dissatisfied not with the fact that the "nomenclature" lives better than them, but with the fact that they live undeservedly.

People said: "Let the capitalist take a lot of money for himself, but he does provide good earnings for his workers."


I suggested in my leaflet:
Raise the salary of party bosses to $ 1 billion, but make it “piecework”.

- If the gene. the secretary fulfilled his promise to overtake the United States in terms of the actual salaries of people, then he gets $ 1 billion, if not, he goes to jail. - Like the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.


In 1993, I repeated this proposal in the elections in Ukraine. But the critics did not hear him.

Today it is even simpler - no one needs to be put in jail anymore. - The leaders of the state are no longer ideological “ silver-plots ”.

Democracy is not working today. But watered . The tax will work today:

- Let the team of any conditional oligarch Poroshenko undertake to manage the country's economy. Or Zhirinovsky. Or Trump. - Secured by all team assets.

Competitors' lawyers will take care of the uniqueness of their promises.



Separate rulers from deceived:

Sanctions against dictatorial states strike not so much on dictators as on their subjects. - Dictators will always shift difficulties to people dependent on them.

Sanctions must be personal.

Counter-propaganda is more effective than any sanctions and cheaper.

Sanctions also affect people in the "free world."


Terrorist Victims:

Many terrorists themselves are victims of deception and manipulation of consciousness.

Any person "throwing stones" at terrorists himself would very likely become a terrorist himself if he lived his life and were in their conditions.

The enemy is not so much “terrorists” as a system of manipulation of consciousness.

“Terrorists” must not be killed, but saved, first of all, psychologically.


Functional approach to AI:

Anthropomorphic AI is not needed for the multiple increase in the effectiveness of manipulating people with the help of IT .

To manipulate consciousness today and in the near future, it is more efficient not an automatic AI, but an automated information system that increases the productivity of trolls.





Anti-manipulative education:

The main educational subject in the 21st century is not physics, not economics, but Anti-manipulative education.

The survival of man depends on it.

Students in the 2020s by 2050 will form the basis of the electorate and the intellectual elite.

From their resistance to the effects of And And- "weapons" will depend on whether people can withstand the main threat, or humanity will be doomed to extinction.


The main directions of Anti-manipulative education:

- Self-awareness training;

- Knowledge of methods of psychological manipulation;

- Knowledge of political governance mechanisms;

- Ability to use informational political tools;

- "Scientific thinking" - criticality, distrust;

- Curiosity and general knowledge as immunity to misinformation;

- Education of a humanistic, liberal and democratic culture - a tendency to compassion, peacefulness, justice, equality and equality;

- Ability to build economically independent Communities with unanimous people.


Democracy is the solution to all problems:

It is necessary to show people that democracy can provide a solution to all their everyday problems.

It is necessary to collect all the complaints of people in Russia and authoritarian countries and in each case to show how this problem can be effectively solved by the people themselves with the help of IT and the "servants of the people."

It is necessary to analyze solutions to similar problems in democratic countries - Finland, Norway and inform the Russians about this. (By the way, genetically Finns are closest to Russians)

We need to explain to people that protesting is ineffective - effectively solving all problems - on their own.

It is necessary to prove to people that only the terrorist power interferes with the solution of the problems, and that the main problem is the lack of a popular militia that impedes all decisions.

Problem solving - playfully:

Fortunately, there is no need to kill terrorists today. -

A network of non-lethal micro-missiles is much more effective than lethal weapons and a professional army.

Almost all young people have the skills to play computer games N- " shooter ".

IT and satellite Internet reduce the cost and simplify the internationalist assistance of volunteers.

Armed forces of the Russian Federation are useless against a billion network volunteers.

However, counterpropaganda is even more effective. - It is necessary to prove to military professionals that protecting the interests of the people, their relatives and neighbors is more profitable for them.





Education and sustainability:

Reducing uneducation is more important than reducing poverty today. -

The "immunity" of the population to methods of manipulating consciousness is a significant factor in survival today.

That is necessary, above all, education - psychological, pin p propaganda.


In 2, ignorance is the most significant factor in poverty and economic - the "Malthusian" sustainability of development today.

Poverty reduction methods are inadequate today. - As a rule, they overestimate the role of finance and political "assistance", and underestimate the information component.

- Beggars can more effectively - independently seek micro-loans, trading opportunities and collective and political support for this, - without corrupt intermediaries


Satellite Internet + AI reduces education costs by several orders of magnitude.

A sufficient number of free courses have already been accumulated.


Adequacy of course content:

However, the relationship between the content of these courses and the growth of well-being — by country — is not sufficiently studied. -

- Most courses are created on the basis of - the authors' speculative ideas about the educational needs of people in the 3rd world.


As a rule, not enough information is given for "artisanal" production - about using the same Internet - for :

- For collective political support of favorable economic conditions.

- To search for legal information, partners and work on exchanges.

- For independent study of the capabilities of CNC equipment

- For sales of products.





Offering th tsya also " zapretitelskie " measures:

1. Disconnect exposure channels.
2. Economic barriers - in the form of sanctions and fines.
The disadvantages of these approaches are:

This is not only a limitation of Freedom of speech, recognition of defeat and action by non-democratic methods.

More important - the content side:

Disable channels of exposure to people will also be people.

These people have weaknesses that can be exploited.

Mechanisms of civilian control over disconnected propaganda are needed .

It turns out a closed, complex and insufficiently effective mechanism.


Economic barriers are milder, but also associated with bureaucratic procedures:

- Inert,

- "Leaky"

- Subject to corruption.

- Inoperative in the global information environment. - Sanctions against Russia often only help its propaganda.




Real support:

Counter-propaganda must also be active:

If the goal of Kremlin manipulation is to deteriorate cultures by changing social ties according to Nicholas A. Christakis , using AI, then Counterpropaganda should also use AI , but in the opposite direction.

But this is not enough - changes are needed in real communities that will support the Counterpropaganda, and, in turn, will be supported by it.

However, it’s more efficient to do this not so much with historical communities as by creating new ones.





Positivism and Constructivism:

"The Russian strategy is not to convince the value of their system, but to ensure that people do not believe in anything."

- Accordingly, the best answer and immunity should be positive ideas, values ​​and goals.

Unfortunately, the traditional weakness of "capitalism" and liberalism is a "tolerant" lack of support for ideological movements and searches, since such ideological trends as communism created problems.


1. This time has passed.

2. It is necessary to learn non-trivial approaches, rather than simplified problem solving.

It is necessary not only to defend and analyze threats, but to encourage the development of social ideas, even of the same communism. - After the accumulated experimental experience of the 20th century, communism will no longer be dangerous.

The problems that Islamism can cause are more efficiently solved not by protection from Islamism, but on a theoretical level - by helping the internal development of Islamism itself. - In the 21st century there are all the prerequisites and conditions for Islamism not to take medieval forms.


The answer to the " half-truth " of Putinism :

the myth “And it’s everywhere like that” (Like, “real” democratic institutions do not exist anywhere. They are deceit everywhere) - it is strong semi-truth.

Indeed, deception is everywhere.

But the degree of deception is very different - thanks to the work of democratic institutions - in Europe.

True, the effectiveness of these institutions, although very different from the completely fictitious Russian ones, is also far from 100%.

Of course, you can expose this Kremlin lie.

However, a better answer would be to increase the effectiveness of democratic institutions.

The best way is to build, by numerous opponents of Putinism , the real Communities of “Free Russia” with 100% democracy.





Counterstrike :

Although the Right has won, the “war” for Civilization has not yet been lost.


The liberals will no longer be able to defeat the Right with the methods of the 19th century - until the right uses the mental AI, after which the final victory of the Right and the death of Civilization will become irreversible.


Myth: Crisis:

Kremlin propaganda has successfully convinced Russians that there is a crisis not only in Russia but throughout the world.

And the fact that the Kremlin is not to blame for the crisis in Russia, but, on the contrary, its opponents are “ liberalists, ” etc.

After a triumph in Russia, Kremlin propaganda took on Europeans and Americans.

And they are trying not only to convince of the crisis, but also to cause it.


Journalists and politicians in the West respond inappropriately to info-aggression - not understanding the reasons for this propaganda.


There is a crisis of liberalism, but Kremlin propaganda distorts it greatly.


Myth: Crisis of Liberalism:

"Over the past 10 years, customs tariffs in the world have fallen by an average of 10 times.




European quasi-taxes (various fees to the EU budget)

535 billion .e BPO

400 billion .e BPO


10 years ago, 80% of laws were passed by the European Commission in Brussels.

Now 50% of European legislation is adopted at the national level. "


Myth: Militant parasitism of migrants:

“The number of taxes paid by immigrants in Germany is orders of magnitude greater than the amount of benefits they receive.


Recent migrants are the most educated men of active ages, much more entrepreneurial than the average Germans themselves.

1/3 of new startups in Germany are owned by immigrants. "



LGBT and Multiculturalism are some of the main successes of the Kremlin:

It is not clear only - what is more - provocation, or stupidity:


Straightforward, vulgar Liberalism, as well as the inconsistent “Liberalism” of double standards, are the main enemies of Liberalism.

1. Liberalism is also freedom from encroachment, where the freedom of another person begins, negative freedom.

2. Liberalism is also freedom from protectionism, freedom from customs, which make Arab countries poorer than Europe.

3. Impossible liberalism in a single Europe. - Liberalism must be militant.

4. Lesbians and refugee advocates could send their energy not against the left, where the Kremlin is pushing them, but to create conditions of protection - in Russia and in countries where the threat of LGBT people and the environment (life) as such comes.


In the variety of possibilities of the world there will always be solutions that are much more effective than trivial.

The best solution, perhaps, is Solomon’s - in which egoists-racists and refugees whose relatives lost their lives, namely, Sea and island Micro-communities, will be satisfied.

1. Technically, they are able to accept 100% of refugees to Europe.

2. They are the best method for building a rich "Europe" in the homeland of refugees, and thus the best solution to the issue of migration.





The best help to the Russians is counter-manipulation .

Virtue should not be defensive, but offensive.

It is necessary to explain to Americans and Russians that the cause of all the inconveniences and troubles in the life of Russians is the monopoly and the lack of influence of citizens on the dictates of employees.

Employees depend only on their superiors.

No matter how the autocrat was fooled by the caring baptized father of Russia, when descending into a multi-stage and confused Russian hierarchy, all caring whim takes the form of extreme egoism and hidden sadism.


It is necessary not only to open the eyes of Russians and Americans, as the different Voices of America try to do in an inadequate news and entertainment form, but it is mainly necessary to constructively and positively suggest and help the Russians create alternative forms of their life.

Unfortunately, traitor Trump is even cutting back on such little-useful counter - propaganda.





counter propaganda

Issue price

What is the constitution worth?

You will not spread freedom for bread

Calculate - how much money each reform will give, constitution norm

And how it will work




Cheaper and more efficient pin p action is not against the Russian energy system, but against the blocking of the Internet - for example, support the free VPN -server.





Coordination instead of subordination:

100 years only talk about it, but today survival depends on it:

Political, public organizations should not lead activists, but only coordinate their activities.

Activists should only P 2 P -Works.

Organizations should only help them. IT allows you to do this very effectively today.


"Personal meetings with Russian democratic activists are important" ( Michael McFaul )



Pinochet is not necessary in the era of IT- technologies:

Only allies of the Kremlin in the USA are interested in Pinochet


"That economic reforms cannot be implemented without resorting to autocratic methods was a fatal fallacy of many analysts." ( Michael McFaul )




About the benefits of democracy:

With political stability, the demand for propaganda is low.





Democracy and liberalism:

Democracy can be manipulated, while liberalism is the foundation of democracy.

(Although this is a simplified formulation, the values ​​of democracy and liberalism are intertwined.)

Democracy can degenerate into non-liberalism, while liberalism will give rise to democracy even with psychic AI.

Orientation directly on the fundamental values ​​of liberalism will give better stability from the degeneration of society into polarization than democracy.






Putin is the best security officer of all time.

It is a pity that in the service of the Evil One.

But one cannot hope that his successor will be less artfully crafty.

By unfortunately mistaken are those who hope for a split of elites in Russia and ideologically weak leader.



If Russia itself cannot create a psychic AI, it will try to seduce owners in the West to buy or share these technologies.







On the one hand, Lukashenko (President of Belarus) is a serial killer and dictator.

On the 2nd hand, he cares about people much better than Putin. -

He no longer relies on henchmen and special services, but on the people.

If we proceed from the interests of the survival of mankind, the best thing is “trade” with Lukashenko: “If you break with the Russian Federation and move to Europe, we will not personally pursue you.

At the same time, Lukashenko must be protected from persecution by the opposition in the event of a democratic transit.

Unfortunately, you have to choose - justice in relation to the 1st, or reducing the threat to very many.


No need to repeat the mistakes of the 1990s, - No need to consider liberal democracy as an end in itself.

Even with respect only to Belarusians, a straightforward approach can do much harm.

It is necessary to collect sufficient information, and to qualitatively model the results of the proposed impacts - with high confidence.





US-Russia War , Battle of New Delhi:

Africa is already lost, but part of Asia can still be saved.

Much depends on "informational" help.







I love women. Not only in a sexual sense.

- When they say "man", by default they mean "man."

However, a woman reflects more “human” than a man.

Look - women make up the majority - in the humanities, in medicine, in animal welfare societies, in ecology and pacifism.

"Yin" and " yang " - a man is a destroyer, a woman is a protector of life. - Today in a global sense.

- In the Age of Non-Violence - a woman is the hope of mankind in its survival.


Most of all I hope to "pinch off" the participants of the Survival Movement - from Feminism.

However, "pinch off" - the word is inappropriate - these movements are very organically combined.



Trusted Assistants:

Mechanisms for protecting personal information against political persecution - through trusted assistants.


Volunteer database in Samaritan:

Goal: Volunteer Interaction Efficiency

Anonymity option.





Most of all in society, I rejoice in the success of blacks:

Even more than the successes of women.

But not out of love for blacks, unfortunately, but because of concern over the polarization of society. -

- The greater the success of blacks, the more united the society, and the greater the likelihood of its survival today.





Advisory structure:


Advisory structure: Surplus of critics:

A new idea arises in 1 person.

Favorable conditions are necessary for its maturation. Insofar as:

1. Thousands of critics fall on 1 carrier of a new idea. Especially in a single global information space.

2. The costs of interested states on strangler trolls are disproportionate to the capabilities of the author.


Therefore, for the period of ripening of the idea, protection from destructive criticism is necessary.

The main destructive harm comes from personal criticism affecting self-esteem.


The idea of ​​the advisory structure lies in the critics' elimination right - the author of the idea, that is, in "Censorship only from below."

If the author is interested in developing an idea, then he will accept constructive criticism of people who are unanimous with the author on the purpose of the question, even if they doubt the proposed Decision,

"Natural selection" will select authors interested precisely in resolving the issue.


For 1 promising idea, there are 10 delusional , and another 20 unpromising.

However, for the end result - survival through the development of promising ideas, the "maturation" of delirium is not an obstacle.

Example: Heresy:

The “harm” of heresy is that they have reduced one's power.

But today it is rather useful.



The main principle of the Consultative Structure is censorship from below.

Censorship from below is the best defense against propaganda.

True, this is not a simple logic - people will succumb to propaganda and vice versa to " censor " counter-propaganda .

The main benefit of censorship from below is not for the majority, but for the "survival" of the minority.

And in general, with this, humanity will win.



Research Funding:

Research funding is more or less proportional to their importance to people.

But the importance that people attach to different things is extremely NOT proportional to their significance for the sustainability of the development of Civilization.

Yes, psychologically the meanings were formed adequate for the survival of the primitive clans.

But the cultural process greatly distorted primitive meanings.

Modern people in particular attach great importance to various entertainments and perversions.

Research funding policies are determined by corporate executives and politicians who have come to power.


As a result, the most important studies - the influence of competition between power groups on the development of political technology - are not funded at all.






"Consultative structure" :

In 1990, I proposed a “deliberative structure”


Unfortunately, Russia has taken exactly that path - the manipulative "democracy" that I feared.






Expert consumer societies:

Today, governments spend billions of dollars on expert research - on thousands of topics: politics, the environment, etc.


1. The interests of governments are different from the interests of people even in "democracies", and there is a threat of their further estrangement.

2. Even civic activists are incompetent in vital issues.

Existing NGOs and NPOs are poorly oriented towards scientific expertise.


Intermediate organizations of civilian experts are needed.

1. There is no need to conduct parallel studies. Optimal:

a . Recycle research results for government orders.

b . Collaborate-dictate to governments - deeply and broadly on research subjects.

2. IT greatly reduced the cost of information processing and horizontal "paperwork".



Liberalism, in contrast to socialism, requires a much greater qualification of people, their greater involvement in social processes, and a special organization.


Civil "paternalism":

Liberalization must be preceded by the development of voluntary public assistance organizations.

The main thing is the decoupling of paternalism from the authorities. - Destruction of justification of power by something, destruction of motivation for the desire for power.






"Consultative structure":

If there was an effective institution of civilian advisers, then we would not have to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

The best solution to the problem of migrants is the solution to political problems in the homeland of migrants.

The best solution to political problems in the homeland of migrants can only be under the direct control of civic activist advisers:

1. Without intermediaries, state diplomats,

2. Help is not financial, but - informational - political " Know - how ".


The best obstacle to Kremlin aggression is the civil consultation of Ukrainians. -

If there are prosperous Ukrainians, then there will be no Kremlin.


Interstate "assistance" is "interference in internal affairs", since it often pursues the interests of politicians not in the interests of people.

In the same civil consultation people themselves need.






The democratization of immortality:

The threat is precisely the contrast and narrowness of the allocation of elite groups.

In particular, the goal of survival is not immortality for all people, but the broadness and moderation of the elites, and the absence of leaps, social boundaries separating the elites.


A multiple increase in life expectancy is one of the leading aspects of the allocation of elites.

- Relative immortality will in turn be one of the factors in the accumulation of personal development, the “wisdom” of “immortals,” which gives them an advantage.


In the context of the ongoing population explosion, problems of overpopulation and an increase in the number of pensioners, the party of opponents of the widespread spread of immortality will be strong

However, the threat of elitist immortality is incomparably greater than the harm from the democratization of immortality:

1. Immortality will contribute an insignificant share in population growth and without hindering it.

2. Possible very effective measures to counter the negative effects of population growth.


The goal of survival is sustainable, smooth development. -

Radical solutions to the problems of mankind do not exist.

Any extreme solutions have disadvantages that are not comparable with the advantages they provide.

For example, the “blacks” genocide method today will irreversibly throw back culture, which is actually a self- development goal .


It will be necessary to redirect the zeal of opponents of the democratization of immortality to

1. Improving the mental health of the "immortals." -

Life expectancy will and should increase, first of all, among high-level specialists.

The benefit from such specialists "retired" is only growing.

Such specialists are usually more socially responsible.

2. Advancement of technological development - population growth.

In particular, the cost reduction of space transport (see Project "Whip Selena").

3. The development of legal norms of "immortality".


Project "Venus" and immortality:

One of the legal directions may be "cosmic pension", or life in heaven is the field of life on Earth. -

In a simplified wording - "want to live" - ​​fly into space.

It will also reduce the predominance of the “immortals” in resolving Earth issues.


However, the relocation to Venus must be started today.

If the Earth is able to feed only 0.1 trillion. people (see. Project Closed Agro-Automata), then Venus is able to feed 0.1 kvdrln . of people.





Immortality and Social Liberalism:

People are selfish, most of them are indifferent to the death of their great-grandchildren.

But people with a 500-year life expectancy will already be interested in personal survival.

The democratization of immortality and the acceleration of lower prices to increase life expectancy will increase the chances of human survival too.

But only Social Liberalism will quickly enough lower prices for a multiple increase in life expectancy.


It’s not about all 10 billion people becoming immortal right away.

The point is that instead of 10 billion people there are no 10 symbiotic non- humans left and a handful of problem-free semi-animals.

The democratization of immortality will only slightly affect the demography of humanity.

In addition, demography is a 10-power factor for sustainable development today.





Genetic medicine:

There will be a high demand for the "beauty" of children - in the view of parents, health, increased life expectancy.

But more important for survival is an increase in self-awareness, to reduce manipulability , to control provocations and to clearly see the effects on one's own psyche.





The Ark of Liberty


The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty":

The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty" is to separate the "eggs".

Perhaps the liberal order will survive, in particular in the United States.

Now it is difficult to calculate the probability of the death of Civilization.

But the value of Civilization is infinite.

Therefore, even with a low probability of the death of Civilization, it is necessary to take measures to reduce this probability - to the maximum.


The idea of ​​the "Ark of Liberty" is to separate individuals of little malleable manipulation.

Among the "crazy" sober-minded will be exposed to:

1. Obstruction.

2. The mental influence of the crowd.


Opposition Group:

The 1st measure is to gather people for whom the value of Civilization is infinite.

Then it is necessary to increase the reliability of the calculation of probabilities.

Necessary "independent" modeling.

That is, a forecast is needed made by people who are not connected with engaged politicians.

It is necessary to create an opposition group - to discuss the problem , including with existing political groups.

And only after that decide whether the "Arks of Liberty" are needed.





The "Ark of Liberty" is the germ of the new 1st world:

There is a likelihood of degradation of existing Democracies in the 2nd world of "Managed Democracy."


1st End of story option:

Humanity is divided into 2 classes = types:

3. The world of trouble-free degradants .

2. The world of 10 omnipotent " Symbiotes ", also past the natural selection for degradation - in the human sense,


Unfortunately,> 90% of people today are satisfied with the role of pets - they have a comfortable enough life, and they are indifferent to the fate of divinity, moral, humane and liberal values.

A jump in the effectiveness of AI manipulation is only half the threat.

The second half of the threat is the willingness of the vast majority of people to succumb to manipulation.


2nd End of story option:

Humanity is divided into 3 classes = types:

3. The world of the guardians of Civilization.


But the creation of the first humanity is necessary today, and immediately - because:

1. This is a long process, you need to have time to take advantage of the Age of Non-Violence.

2. There will be opposition from the "Friends of Satan."


It is necessary to begin this process with the search for people who are carriers of the above values. This opus serves this purpose.

Galileo is wrong . But the value of the Earth is subjective.





Offshore II:

Possible scenario for the development of the threat:

Today, accomplices of political leaders, for example, of Russia, are withdrawing from it into the "Panamanian" offshore zones - capital - away from the political risks that may arise within Russia.

Tomorrow they can develop in convenient jurisdictions - IT .


Benefits that it gives them:

1. There are no problems with the population. After all, they will not need the population - its economic role will be reduced to zero.

2. Independence. - You can change political allies.


That is, the authorities themselves can also “move” to the islands.

Therefore, it is necessary to hurry with the creation of an "island" alternative, competitive social reality - so that the political role of the people can grow irreversibly to its decline in the economy.





The Ark of Liberty:

The Kremlin has already won.

Not only Russia and China, but also the 3rd world, and possibly even the USA, are doomed to “Manipulatory democracy” and accelerating social degradation.

Perhaps they can no longer be saved.

The creation of Micro-Communities, perhaps, is the main, and even the only way to save Civilization.





Musk is wrong :

Fly to Mars prematurely - for 200 years.

To create the "Ark of Freedom" is necessary - on Earth.





"Ark of Liberty" - scientific laboratory:

These studies are not so much psychological as sociological.

And they are one of the goals of the "Ark of Liberty."

And there is something to investigate. - This is a very difficult topic - in all respects.

This is a reorientation of all production, the entire economy - for pleasure.





Freedom School:

The 3rd function of the “Ark of Liberty” is to be a Freedom School for representatives of Russian culture, the creation of a free Russian culture.

Indeed, in the world there is none. - In Europe, Russian people find themselves in a different cultural environment.

Kremlin propaganda even claims that paternalism is an integral part of Russian culture.

The school of freedom, in turn, will be a counter-propaganda tool - effective due to its reality.


GRU provocateurs:

True, it is necessary to come up with mechanisms to protect free Russian culture from the destructive effects of provocateurs and trolls.

Theoretical construction will be important, and the "Ark of Liberty" itself, perhaps, should not be completely free.


In Sweden, for example, drug gangsters are the most effective hand of Moscow.






Conscious consumption:

Non-participation in rivalry, lack of boasting, is the most effective criterion of “Conscious consumption”.

Self-esteem is the main target of advertising manipulation today.

Without awareness of their own motives - “Conscious consumption" will constantly lose in the fight against advertising - if not in one place, then in another.

At the same time, it is unrealistic to struggle with pride.

It is more efficient to direct pride not on the rivalry in consumption, but on contempt for coolness, showing off and meaninglessness.

The experience of religious movements may be helpful here.





Micro communities:


"The egalitarian initiative":

For 5 years I have been looking for social movements aimed at creating an egalitarian alternative community, waiting for them to appear.

Unfortunately, these do not appear.

There are close organizations, but their theoretical basis is still somewhat different.

Therefore, I decided to set forth my vision of the “platform” for creating the “Survival of Civilization” movement, which is extremely important today.


In order for humanity to survive, it is necessary that people do not control power

So that power is not controlled by people - people must control power.





Micro communities:

Analog: 18th century USA:

The United States has created progressive and liberal communities of immigrants from Conservative Europe.

In the 21st century, the United States is about to turn into USSR-2.0.


Salvation is in the creation of USA-2.0 - a community of egalitarian-liberal Micro-communities.


Since there is no 2nd America for US-1 immigrants, US-2.0 can be created as maritime “pirate” communities.


Social Experiment: Socialism through Liberalism:

Is it possible to reduce economic inequality by reducing social inequality, primarily through anti-monopoly policies and the “ideal market”?


Social experiment: Libertarianism vs Liberalism:

Micro-communities will allow experimental testing of the hypothesis:
"In a spiritually homogeneous Community, compulsory taxes can be dispensed with ." -

- Experimentally resolve the dispute between Nozik 's Libertarianism and Isaiah Berlin's liberalism.

Libertarians talk a lot, but do little to replace the state.


Social experiment: Civilian Social Security:

Is it possible social. protection without coercion and taxes?


IT factor without tax community:

A significant factor in the existence of the state was the impossibility of P 2 P mutual assistance between people.

IT makes transparent horizontal assistance more convenient and beneficial than through mediation.

Aid transparency will increase confidence in the Community, reduce fraud, that is, improve the characteristics of culture and Civilization.



"Society is a structure of competing groups, therefore Representative democracy cannot be completely replaced by Peer- management."

(Michel Bauvens / Michel Bauwens )

However, freely assembled micro-communities can be fully Peer- driven.









The 3rd function of “Free Russia” is to “run-in” legislation and social services. institutes for "Northern Russia".


The main reason for the falsification of democracy in the 1990s is that it is watered . n egramotnost population and Russian civil society activists.


It will be interesting for the population and activists to watch documentary popular science films about the functioning of the socio-legal mechanisms of "Southern Russia", using a living example of which it will be easier for them to understand the reasons for the "non-work" of Putinist polit . with the system, and those changes that will be enough to make to improve people's living standards and solve many of the problems they complain about.


Analog: Advertising:

In the West, tourists are familiar with fraud when street vendors, taking advantage of the fact that the tourist is poorly versed in technology, try to sell him a fake thing that does not at all correspond to the functionality and contents of the gadget that dealers call the thing to be sold.


Example: LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia)

a populist, a demagogue, a political swindler and an agent of the special service - Zhirinovsky.




Community anti-trolls. Battle in the clouds:






"Functional Union" of marine communities:

With the complete independence of the participants and the absence of an internal government, the unification of external interests and the nomination of single representatives for joint defense against the rulers of land states.

That is, "unification" occurs - for specific functions, and not for the traditional collection of tribute from participants.






The idea of ​​the Union of Small Communities:

In a large state, creating an undemocratic majority is easy today.

But among a large number of Communities, there will certainly be Communities with varying degrees of democracy, and accordingly among them there will be more stable ones.






The Need for Alternative Survival Communities :

The difference between the IT- manipulative threat is its long latent period.

- For centuries, people's lives in traditional societies will only improve.
"Life will be better, life will be more fun."

The lack of rationality of a person will manifest itself in the fact that the manipulation of tranquility will be stronger than all warnings.

However, human rationality may be sufficient to discourage violence against alternative Communities.

That is, a long period of peaceful coexistence of traditional states with communities in which IT manipulation is minimized is likely .

True, a very active counter-propaganda of non-violence will be necessary for peaceful coexistence.

A period of peaceful coexistence may be enough to prepare alternative Communities for cataclysms.


Martian Colony Mask and Survival:

Thus, the Mask approach with the urgent creation of a colony on Mars seems erroneous.

- The margin of time will be for the creation of - democratic, sustainable, economically independent Communities on Mars, etc.

But there will be a margin of time - if we focus not on relocation, but on the counter-propaganda of the war.

- Without it, the siloviki can easily get on Mars - with the sharp reduction in the cost of space transport in the 21st century.





Social Darwinism and Survival:

This is not about racist genetic selection:

1. The genetic factor is insignificant in the social conditions of the 21st century, if you do not take into account the isolation of the elite by the methods of genetic medicine.

2. Racism in itself is extremely harmful today.


Here we are talking about socio-cultural selection.

- A variety of forms of social structure is the key to the survival of Civilization.


Utopia for Utopians and Soul Search :

On the 2nd hand, one of the leading reasons for the failure of various social experiments was weak individual selection.

However, here we are talking about free "selection", or rather the search for accomplices - "bottom" - with the maximum use of IT capabilities .

An important factor in the sustainability of alternative Communities is cultural unanimity.

Moreover, project participants simultaneously owe it to developers who deeply understand all the mechanisms for their implementation and sustainability.


Social Engineering:

The difference between modern "Social Selection" (and similarity with Eugenics) is its "artificiality".

- This should not be “selection” in the traditional sense, but - the creation of Communities based on in-depth scientific analysis and modeling.






Future, which is not yet:

Perhaps most of humanity can no longer be saved.

But there is a considerable chance to save his "egalitarian" part.

The "egalitarian" part of humanity is not the current "democratic" states, like the United States. - There is a considerable probability of their degradation, too.

True "egalitarian communities", with the goal of survival of traditional culture, do not exist yet.

They urgently need to be created.


Peaceful Coexistence, Project 2 - Alternative Humanity:

On the one hand, “Managed Democracies” are interested in the existence of Democratic communities, as in a “cesspool” for dissidents.

On the 2nd hand, Democratic communities may well limit themselves to anti-military counter - propaganda. That is, do not interfere with “Managed Democracies”.

Especially powerful people can reset after 200 years - when they become unnecessary, and would be more of a problem for the elite N- " symbiote ".



Perhaps the probability of the death of mankind is small.

- At the stage when there are significant support groups symbiote village m- "electorate" - the competition between the symbiote probably will not take the form of the destruction of "flora" competitors - like the destruction of the US Army in Vietnam agriculture.

But it will be the most dangerous period, and if it will be held safely, the life of the old mankind becomes stable.


However, the most accurate forecast is needed. - With minimization of an admissible error.

Further, based on research, measures are needed that maximize the likelihood of a successful outcome.


Speaking about the threat of the death of mankind, I somewhat exaggerate - in order to draw attention to this most important problem today.

Moreover, the threat really exists . ( with m: "The reserve of mankind")






Communities and "Communism":

The idea of ​​Micro-Communities is the possibility of the existence of Communities in which factors of violence, deception, etc. unimportant.

The idea is to be able to find each other by unanimous people for such Communities using modern IT .






Dominions Catalonia and Scotland:

The sovereignty of Catalonia is favorable for the survival of democracy.

In southern Europe in general:

- Weak democratic institutions and "mentality",

- The Kremlin’s propaganda potential is high.


Compromise sovereignty:

A compromise is possible, in which Catalonia will nominally remain part of the Kingdom of Spain, but will have independent legislation, possibly with some restrictions on foreign policy.

Analog: Balfour Declaration .


To preserve a united Europe, its division is necessary.






Values ​​of Earth Civilization and its sustainability:

Values ​​of Civilization:


Humanism, pacifism, feminism, liberalism, ecologism , love of animals;


Tolerance for minorities is important for the existence of alternative Communities, including the “Ark of Liberty”.

Homosexuality itself can be debatable.

But the indisputable value is that homosexuals are not executed, as in the Middle Ages.


Democracy. “She is a greater value than Sharia.”

Sharia is a tool of humanism - for the Middle Ages.

In the 21st century, it is inadequate .

It is not necessary to refuse it, but it must correspond to the achievements of social culture in the 21st century.


The values ​​of Civilization are not religious scholasticism, but the real achievements of social culture.

Culture is not the sight and entertainment of bored loafers, but social psychology and morality.


The values ​​of Civilization are valuable by the seeming inadequacy of human instincts - hatred, aggression, xenophobia, egoism.

The values ​​of Civilization, on the one hand, are unstable, and are a very thin cultural layer of only the last decades, which is very quickly lost in any serious social disasters, and in particular in an authoritarian and corrupt environment.

Therefore, the Sustainable Development of Civilization is a necessary condition for the preservation and development of the Values ​​of Civilization.

And therefore the Sustainable Development of Civilization is itself the greatest value.


The values ​​of Civilization are at the same time "European values."

Perhaps the Europeans were more aggressive, racists, colonialists.

However, more important is the paradoxical end result.


The unique growth of the social role of young romantics and women - on the 1st hand, there is itself a cultural achievement and the value of civilization

On the 2nd hand, young romantics and women themselves are the main driving force behind the development of the Values ​​of Civilization - in the 21st century.


Perhaps the material factor in the development of the Values ​​of Civilization is the main one.

And it is a paradoxical result of human greed.

However, the final result is important - a decrease in social greed, an increase in mercy.

Therefore, the sustainability of economic growth is itself a value.


A high probability of uniqueness of the cultural achievements of the civilization of the Earth, and not only in H Asha universe.

In this respect, Galileo was wrong.

This uniqueness further increases the value of the Earth Civilization and the sustainability of its development - to infinity.


From the 2nd side, the middle of the 21st century will be decisive in the question - to be or not to be the Civilization of the Earth.

Therefore, the generation of the middle of the 21st century may have the greatest responsibility not only in the history of the earth, but also in the universe.





Personal preferences and collaboration:

Personally, the left - most anti-capitalist movement is most appealing to me :

fraternity, internationalism, feminism, justice, equality, non-discrimination, environmental protection, freedom, openness, etc.

However, I have a hierarchy of values.

- The most important thing for me is the survival of Civilization and the sustainable development of its "divine" properties.


The concept of “egalitarian liberalism” presented here is not the one that I’m most “ liking ”, but the one that I think is the most real and effective for the sustainability of the development of civilization, and not degenerating it into a polarized, manipulative society that threatens the death of not only civilization , but also to the Earth as such.


The existing anti-capitalist movement unfortunately:

1. Not very popular .

2. Authoritarian, as a rule.


Accordingly, I am inclined to 2 types of cooperation:

1. With unanimous. - small;

2. With helpful people.


Cooperation with nationalists:

My compromise spectrum is very wide. - For the survival of civilization, you can even collaborate with ultra a- "right" - if they are in favor of a zero role of corporations and the state.

There is no contradiction here, since the "capitalist newspeak" has shifted the concept of "right" from "capitalism" to nationalism.

You can work with nationalists, because nationalism can only be internationalism - today.

- Today, ethnic groups can only survive together, working against the elite polarization.

By the way, one more “newspeak” is the transfer of the concept of “nation” - from an ethnic group to state substandard neoplasms.


“Democratic” newspeak: “Right is not nationalistic.

Anarchists are usually called right-wing anarchists, for whom anti-statehood is more important than the idea of ​​anti-capitalism.

The left, respectively - those with anti-statehood and anti-capitalism are approximately balanced . "

( Towarizh Kan )


Cooperation with the "capitalists":

You can also cooperate with the "capitalists."

99.99% of the "capitalists" will not survive either.

“Newspeak has increased the“ ruling class ”of“ capitalists ”a million times.


Let economic inequality grow.

- If survival is more important than welfare here and now, then cooperation will be more important.


In the first, 99.99% of the "capitalists" are the "middle class" today,

In 2, 99% of even large "capitalists" are separated from the direct disposal of their capital, separated from the power over physical assets.