Divine works

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Introducing the Problem:

People are constantly intimidated by the ends of the bill. Scared so often that the wolves stopped paying attention.
It would be grateful if you express skepticism about the threat that we will tell you about.

Threat refers to a threat from Artificial Intelligence (AI).
But this is not a threat from Robot Rise. or even from the AI ​​itself. - We consider it not real.
The threat comes from the person himself.
30,000 years ago, people could kill other people with a club,
3000 years ago - from a bow,
300 years ago - from a rifle,
30 years ago - a nuclear missile,
Progress will accelerate - in 30 years, AI will become the most dangerous weapon. And in 300 years, with the help of AI, a few people will be able to kill everyone else.
But along with the progress of methods of murder, the complication of these methods also occurs.
- The death of humanity from the use of AI will not be similar to previous disasters. It won't be murder at all. But as a result, humanity will probably be left with a small group of `` happy vegetables '', which can only be called people at a stretch.
Murders as such will not be optimal - you can do anything with people without violence - using only one manipulative AI.

Throughout history, people have manipulated people, but - on equal terms, so they had to resort to violence.
With the help of AI, people can be manipulated so effectively that violence is no longer needed.
Yes, with the help of AI it will also be possible to protect against manipulation.
The problem is the parallel accelerating social polarization of people. - 99% of people will not have the ability to defend themselves.