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AI-manipulation and the End of the Story:

§ Disinformation means nothing:

In the West, reduce propaganda to disinformation and fakes.
But in fact, disinformation does not mean anything - a person's opinion can be very effectively manipulated, giving him only the truth.
First, the truth can be given - tendentiously - selectively.
Secondly, a person's opinion can be manipulated using only logic, or rather hidden errors of logic.
Third, a person's opinion can be manipulated using his addictions, fears and all his subconsciousness, which can be reliably studied automatically using human observation and Big Behavioral Data statistics.
A good illustration of this is the activity of scammers playing on people's greed.

§ The USA will be buried as the USA. War of the 21st century:

The United States will have 10 times the military budget, 3 times more recruits - relative idiots, superiority in all types of old weapons, but they will lose the war.
The United States has already begun to lose the war, since it was fall for tactical deception with hypersonic missiles, etc., and overlooked the direction of the main attack.
In the middle of the 21st century, AI will fight, not soldiers, it will fight bloodlessly and not in the physical world. The goal of war is not murder, but subjection.
Defense of the 21st century is not even superiority in the main weapon - AI, but a social system that is resistant to manipulation.

The US will not be able to isolate itself sufficiently from Russia. - Americans will not want an Iron Curtain.
To study every American, Russian terrorists will enough very poor information about him, collected by means of also manipulated agents.
- New agents will not collect information about the Pentagon and military facilities, but about all the farmers and cleaners. And this information will not be revelations in the confessional, but a hidden video on the street.
The Russians have already able to make the President of the United States himself an agent of influence.
And no laws on the protection of personal data will help, since the collection of this data will be decentralized.

To manipulate the opinion of every american, for Russian terrorists will be enough - personal correspondence with their.
- AI will not get acquainted with physicists-developers of nuclear weapons, and not with employees of military bases, but with every kindergarten teacher and every waiter in beer-bars.
And no American firewall will close the United States from relations with allied countries.

Russian terminators = "bots" of social media are already coming.
- For Russian rulers, attack is the only way to survive.

§ America will fall even without the Russians:

In the United States, there are also people interested in manipulating against the people of the United States, including by foreign hands.
See: "Corporate propaganda is a threat to the United States"
In 2052, the storming of the US Congress may be more successful than in 2021

§ Disappointment with Biden:

Biden is a Wall Street man, so he won't be radical.
But a return to the old America is no longer possible.

There is a crisis of democracy in the USA -
"The stratification in American income is greater than ever.
Americans feel that the authorities do not fulfill their will, as in a democratic country.
Trump only took advantage of their irritation to his political advantage. "
In the United States and Britain, the share of people dissatisfied with democracy has exceeded 50% of the population today.

§ Biden is the killer of millions:

If Putin killed only a few people, not counting the terrorist attacks in Ukraine, the plane, Ichkeria and houses in Ryazan, then Biden is complicit in the murder by pharmaceutical corporations - millions of people around the world - because of his support for a monopoly of patent system.
The Biden administration bribes Americans with "socialist" handouts - portraying boisterous activity with non-most effective and even dubious economic measures.
Yes, as a person Biden I really like. But elections are not needed as a beauty contest. -
Citizens should help him not with simple support, but with participation and direct action - instead of officials.

Example of the propaganda in US: The propaganda that only professionals should be engaged in politics is not less widespread in the West than in Russia.

§ 2 ways of America:

1. Populist - strengthening executive power. It's unlikely.
Trump's "autocratic breakthrough" (Masha Gessen) followed Yeltsin's 1993 path.
Yes, it is unlikely that there is already a collusion between the Trumpists and the Putinists. But Putin's agent would have acted exactly like Trump.
Trump is a symptom and a warning.
Only the powers of crisis management should be left to the Presidential .

2. "Propaganda". - Appeasing Americans through manipulation.
Yes, America has strong institutions of power. But democratic America has a weak link — the Americans.
The US "democrats" will have to further alienate from "democracy" the electorate, which will be duped by the Kremlin, and resort to manipulation themselves.

§ Conspiracy theory using Conspiracy Theory:

Today, QAnon is probably spontaneous, but conspiracy theories are effective manipulation techniques.
The Americans are no smarter than the Arabs, so can be expected coercion to curtail democracy in the United States - through the provocations of the Color Revolutions.

§ Analogy: USA-2024 - Germany-1924:

The stirring up of patriotism in the United States is similar to the calls for "Greater Germany" in 1924
You have to choose between democracy and "Great America".
Goebbels' office, even without technology, was able to fool the most supposedly intelligent nation.
Technology will not leave a chance any nation.
There is a lesson to be learned for which a high price was paid:

§ US censorship:

The objectivity of the American media is falling - in the news, in addition to objective facts, judgments are given.
"Not only Trump is banned on Twitter - a lot of Trump supporters are being blocked."
"The facts about Biden's son are hushed up and rumors about Trump are being published."
"In Portland, BLM didn’t just stormed the federal building, but threw something at it." - Justifying these actions is dangerous, since double standards and censorship are beneficial exactly to the manipulators.
Tactical advantages can turn out to be strategic losses.
The first to misuse was - the liberal press.
She makes a mistake - in the field of distortion, she will lose.
Terrorists defeat their opponents even on Facebook, as
- flat organization is more complex than hierarchical, and
- creative activity is more difficult than destructive.

It is necessary not to hush up, not to block propaganda, but to accompany every propaganda - by counter-propaganda, exposure of demagogic techniques, disclosure of motives and calculations.
It is necessary informational, not military, assistance to the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Belarus. - Russian-language alternative TV channels like "Rain", "Present Time", RTVi should be more competitive than the Kremlin "First", RTR, NTV.

Monopolist Twitter's is in fact a public media outlet.
Absolutism of private property that affects the interests of other people should be no

§ 2-party USA - Idea:

§ Problem: "Duverger's Law":
- Voters choose the lesser evil - if only the “alien” party does not pass.
As a result, any third party has no chance to pass the parliament.

§ Idea: Voting for factions:

- Voters will vote - for the faction of the party. At the same time, the vote is got the "own" party as a whole too.
Introduce legislatively the division of powers between factions and party.

§ Autonomism is the US advantage:

It is necessary to restore the autonomy of US cities.
The federation must guarantee only the freedoms and rights of citizens and external defense.

In 2024, America’s democracy will probably hold out again.
But in 2052 America will fall. Having formally preserved all democratic norms.
In 4 years it is necessary to resolve the Crisis of Democracy in America - through the development of democracy, so that people stop feeling that institutions do not represent them, so as not to leave a chance to "propaganda" .
Otherwise, it may not leave a chance to humanity.

§ Human manipulators are very unskill:

Lukashenka, for example, made major mistakes:
1. Denied Covid-19;
2. Disconnected the Internet.
The landing of Kremlin propagandists also could not to correct Lukashenka's mistakes, since they did not have time to reorient themselves to the specifics of Belarusians.
However, with the help of AI, manipulators will be able to easily manipulate - both Americans and Germans without even breaking the law on the prohibition of propaganda.

The propagandists in Russia are simply fortunate - they are helped by the mistakes of the United States in the 1990s, the possibilities of Putin's small military adventures - alike Hitler's success after 1918.
Putin's luck is over. But that doesn't mean anything.
- Putin-2 will appear - much more skillful - through the use of IT.

§ The role of propaganda in history:

Until now, propaganda has been a secondary means and factor.
Real societies were simply more stable forms than planned utopias.
But since the middle of the 21st century, psychic manipulation will become the main means of the stability of society - due to a sharp increase in its efficiency and decrease in cost.

§ Anthropo-chauvinism will destroy people:

People have a disastrously high opinion of their intelligence, and catastrophically underestimated the almost endless possibilities of AI.
For 200,000 years Homo Sapiens existed, but there was no Civilization, because Civilization is determined by Culture. But now the Culture will be determined by the AI.
AI will be able to use all of these methods incomparably better than the best human propagandists.
I repeat - this does not mean that AI will manipulate people at will and " will take over the world" - thanks to his autonomous self-improvement.
This just means that groups of people who have opportunities, namely the power and control of financial and other resources, will be able to manipulate other people actually unlimited, formally preserving 100% freedom and democracy.
If dissidents interfere with the "symbiotes", the rest of the people will be set on them.
If humanity begins to interfere with the "symbiotes", then humanity will commit suicide.
It is difficult for people even to imagine sophisticated ways that will be found - from the return of social discord and mass craziness and depression to controlled human degradation.

§ "Symbiotes":

I use the word "symbiotes" not in the sense of some "cyborgs", but in the sense of people:
- using AI as their main weapon, and
- using the capabilities of AI by 100%.
These will not be hackers - geeks, geniuses-programmers, but people using hackers.As before, it was not geniuses ruled, but rulers using geniuses.
On the contrary, the rulers will try to reduce maximally even the indirect power of the specialists working for them:
- Separating them,
- Giving them narrow tasks,
- Not giving them all the information, and
- Using some specialists to monitoring others.

True, the winners will be those "symbiotes" that will "merge" with AI to the greatest extent - for the most effective use of it.
But this means only informational, not physical connection.
This does not mean that they will have to sew chips into themselves or anything else.
Likewise, in Putin's entourage, the winner is the one with the best command of "Information system".
"Symbiotes" will not be better than humans. - Family selection has shaped the soulality of people.
But authoritarian rulers are selected for soullessness, cynicism and selfishness.

We're worried about the fate not of the US state, but the fate of humanity and of the meaning of the Universe.