Divine works

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" Bogomolov's manipulation " ;:

(Bogomolov - " Abduction of Europa 2.0 ")

I don't like homosexuality either.
But `` training like dogs to hate other things '' I don't like it anymore.
However, I do not like the Putinists' course on the `` Manipulation of Bogomolov '' even more. -
manipulation of a person, using contradictions in the person himself, and the cultivation of social schizophrenia.
Example: Promoting the romantic selfishness, cynicism, and brutality of boomers (Boomer movie), propaganda of careerism, money-grubbing, hypocrisy, deceit and hatred of dissent.

Targets of this manipulation:

1. Unanimity with the Putinists:
- A person with the qualities of the Devil will approve of people who have passed social natural selection to possess these qualities.
2. Atomization of society:
- In a society in which `` man is a wolf to man '' the people will squabble among themselves, and not united - with the enemies of the people and the human race.

Exposing Bogomolov's demagogy:

Subtle Logical Errors Method:
`` But where there is a war against death as a divine given, as a mystical outcome, a war against life is inevitable. For life is as unpredictable as death. ''

Information distortion method:
“The model of the modern Western world described by Bogomolov is, to put it mildly, very simplified and one-sided.”

Mytho-creation method:
- It follows from the previous method.
- Propagandists like Bogomolov invent myths - false theories aimed at confusing an uninformed layman.
"Having freed itself from Nazism, the West decided to insure itself against a" nuclear accident "

The method of playing on vices:
“In the New Ethical Reich, people are coached to love and deprived of the right to hate freely.”
Like, Satanism is more seductive.

Stop the Thief Method:
“Man is being led to self-castration as the only way to survive in this new Orwellian state.”
- " Self-castration " free moral choice is better than propaganda-imposed "choice" in the absence of choice.

The method of leading the opposition:
“Are you being called to Europe? - we are also for Europe, but in our `` pre-war '' understanding - Germany 1938. " (paraphrased).

Method of hypocrisy:
`` Puts social control by making gender irrelevant. ''
The threat is not moral public control, but state control - the fight against pornography and homosexuality, a deceitful concern for `` divine purpose. '' - They are only a cover for the manipulation of people.

Method of imposing your company:
“We are in the tail ... we need to build our own world.”
- This is also a classic method of demagoguery - the imposition of your gangster company.

" Dissidents " and today it is not difficult to hide in Northern Russia, but it is difficult to hide from the latter in Salisbury, or simply leave it, having received politically motivated fines,

“The new ethical empire wants to unify societies.”
- Yes, the unification of real freedom, instead of the freedom of `` patriotism. ''
“All happy families are equally happy, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

An alternative to voluntary self-organizing "network snitches" are dominated by professional demagogues - corrupt lackeys and traitors to praying mantises, not moral `` repressive '' measures of society, and real - states, fines and criminal prosecution - of a real repressive machine.

The reactionaries of the Bogomolovs are not pulling into Old Europe, but simply trying to reverse History using sophisticated lies.

Not only do I not pretend to be `` angelic '', I do not pretend to be devoid of hatred.
I'm not only `` phony '' I'm not kidding myself. -
I do not `` castrate '' `` complex person '' in itself. And I reflect even more.
But the result of my reflection is the choice of my personality, the choice `` What to be. ''
I adequately accept the hatred in myself. But I create a hierarchy of feelings and values ​​in myself.
The goal is emotional consistency and `` wholeness. '' Hatred exists in me, but as a rudiment. I do not hate the Putinists, but I do feel deep concern for their, to put it mildly, criminal activities.
The highest value for me is the survival of the `` divine '', and for this - the survival of the `` complex person '', `` reflective '' - perhaps the only bearer of the `` divine '' in the Universe, and for this - the necessary destruction of Putinism, which, using IT, is able to realize not only the absolute manipulation of people, but also the physical degeneration of their small remnants - in 400 years.

Terminological manipulation:

This is one of the most effective methods of manipulating people.
It consists in naming things falsely.
For example, the GDR is called a 'democratic republic' when in fact it is not a democratic republic.
The court is called folk, although it is not folk.
In Belarus, military formations are called `` Workers' squads' ', although they are anti-workers.
" Soviet power " - power belonged to a group of party manipulators, not to the Soviets.

The effectiveness of this manipulation method is determined by the fact that:
- people know little about the meaning of terms,
- the objects themselves are very complex and abstract,
- misleading people effectively functions - convincing people that `` black is white. ''

Manipulators do not usually invent terms, but use the concepts of their opponents.
Manipulators parasitize on the concepts of opponents - they use everything attractive that is associated with these concepts, but only with the aim of obtaining power and money through manipulation.

" Inform-vinaigrette " - Propaganda Method:

It is necessary to be able to separate apolitical from political knowledge. - One of the methods of malicious deception of the people is the "inform-vinaigrette" : One message gives 2 information - apolitical and political.
1st - easy to check and always correct.
2nd - difficult to check and always turns out to be a hoax.
But, since the 1st is often true, the suckers take the 2nd part for the truth.

Alignment revision:

You need to check - 100% of your knowledge, first of all - school.
Old knowledge is an anchor for the current deception. - New fakes are in good agreement with the false picture of the world, which was invested by criminal imbreeding - underage children.

Rape of 100% of children in Russia:

How do you feel about the fact that in kindergarten your child is insidiously raped 5 hours a day?
But spiritual abuse of children is incomparably more dangerous than physical abuse.
Moreover, this violence is systematic.
Kindergartens are not licensed if they do not comply with the state. parenting standards.

Solution to the problem:

1. Alter kindergartens.
2. Settlement " Family community " ;.

Corporate propaganda is a threat to the United States:

America was swept by a wave of "anti-socialist" propaganda, despite the fact that propaganda is banned in the United States .
The Americans still have enough common sense. How long?

Utopias are good, but existence is more important:

Perhaps, and possible "theory" of "democratic socialism", the peoples of the Union "Soviet" or " New Socialism" Platoshkin and - without the KGB ( See. USSR without KGB.docx )
Perhaps possible and "democratic socialism" Movement for the People ' s Party ( of MPP ) in the United States. -
- Propaganda lobbyists in the United States deliberately mix the flies of redistribution of final = personal incomes with cutlets of state control of the economy.
And more important even than reducing the efficiency of the economy, and the role of state control of the economy in the control over people mi .

Yes, redistribute income safer and more effective than by officials and not by liberalization and building a universal business infrastructure against the employment of the corporation s .
But opponents of "socialism" as a reduction of freedom - in favor of the people , at the same time are the article on p of CENI reduce freedom - for the benefit of corporations.

Biden's "socialism" does not diminish the freedom of entrepreneurship and competition. State Biden's regulation of the economy does not increase. On the contrary, the same Musk is cutting the state NASA.
Is the market distorted by additional payments to low wages? - Is there an analysis of the harm from this to poor workers?

It is a myth that corporate profits to invest in innovation, and do not spend them for bonuses and propaganda support of the latter - like Putinists .
Probably, corporate demagogue lobbyists in the United States are even more dangerous than State Department services in this regard.
Public enterprise is simply a competitor for them in making profits.
That is, the existing political system in the United States may degenerate into the third - a non-socialist type of utopia too.

In the West, they began to talk a lot about Russian disinformation, but they say nothing about demagoguery, since propaganda is used in the West no less than in Russia.
Disinformation is easier to prove than demagoguery, tendentiousness and manipulation of information, therefore, in the "free" West, a compromise agreement has been adopted that the red line is only outright deception.
See: AI manipulation and End of History.docx

Demagoguery is almost the only subject of "lobbying" activity.
All «respected» press in the West distributes demagogic , biased, non-objective content, does not represent all points of view equally.
Yes, it is not their editor-in-chief who is to blame for this -  simply worksthe "money is power" mechanism.
Social networks have improved the situation, but recently even simple freedom of speech has disappeared from them.
See: Facebook - terrorists' accomplice.docx
That is why the "Deliberative Network" is needed today - as a structure that does not have censorship from above.

Perhaps, the mentioned 3 types of utopias are unstable only by one factor - the unreasonableness of a person. - There will always be a group of political crooks who will start deceiving the rest of the people - incrementally , using AI- intellectual superiority.
Yes, today it is more important to use the limited time and direct the limited minds of people - not to a mirage, but to survival.

Example: Fooling the people of the United States by the murderers of millions of people:

The killer “pharmacists” demagogically “prove” that copyright monopoly is market, when in reality it is anti-market.

An example of a corporation demagogue is Yuri Yarym- Agaev :

"We need to invest forward in controlled thermonuclear fusion, not backward in windmills and solar panels."
( Yuri Yarym- Agaev , 2021 www.svoboda.org/a/31232753.html )
- "This is nonsense." - Controlled thermonuclear fusion is a "cut" of the budget like the Russian one. A completely unpromising "cut".

On the second hand, Yarym- Agayev is right - Yuri should be left without sponsors, - it is more efficient for the state not to invest money, but to regulate with the help of policies:
- Tax - replacing energy generating corporations with personal solar panels, promoting energy savings that reduce the size of these corporations, and
- Legislative - replacement of energy grid corporations - distributed energy exchange.

Yarym- Agayev uses a demagogic technique, speaking of " investments in production ... in the semiconductor industry." - This is not a direct investment. In addition, the share of semiconductors is even less than that of " roads and bridges".
On the 2nd hand, the interns m- "infrastructure" today is incomparably more important for the sustainability of development than physical.
True, yes, we are not talking about its extensive development, which corporations are doing just fine, even in Russia, but about the democratic adequacy of infrastructure - the lack of control over it by corporations and about subsidizing an independent Internet, for example, satellite. Yarym- Agayev again demagogically rushes to subsidize use with investment. (Demagoguery is deliberate misleading.)
Today, when propaganda is the main weapon, it is necessary to zero the military budget - the United States has enough nuclear missiles, and transfer it to the Internet, counterpropaganda.
1 propagandist Yarym- Agayev is more dangerous than 10 terrorists.
- 10 terrorists kill 10 people today, and the manipulator N- " symbiotes " kill 10 billion people -. Tomorrow.

Yarym- Agayev uses a demagogic device, hanging the label of a "socialist" and making Alexandria Ocasio- Cortes a fool.
Yarym- Agayev uses a demagogic technique, generalizing the isolated case of Elon Musk - presenting all rent recipients as enthusiastic innovators .
Traditionally, since the French Revolution, a "shift to the left" has been a shift towards freedom.