Divine works

eng deu рус

Mailing for US Democrats

We believe that America could doom as a result of psychological warfare.
Help find people who may be interested in the threat of death of the United States as a result of the use of psychic-oriented AI.
Please redirect this letter to people who may be interested in it, or give us their e-contacts.
This question is too serious, so it is necessary to get acquainted even with the alarmists.
The brief notes attached to this letter also have propose possible solutions.

I invite Americans who not indifferent about America's death to participate in the creation of the American Survival Club.
Moderators - if you are Americans, and not stupid executors, then first study what I write before you ban me.

Mailing 2

Americans' confidence in the sustainability of their political system will let them down. America will doom. Will not help neither the NSA, nor dozens of Think tanks, nor the Ministry of Defense with all its weapons that are completely inadequate to the new threat - of virtual "terminators".

In very brief attachments to this letter, we have presented:
- Why is psychological warfare so dangerous - in the 21st century?
- What are the best actions we see to prevent doom.

We're seeking for people who are truly concerned about the psychological warfare against Americans.
Our ideas about ways to prevent threats are only hypotheses. - For cooperation are important only concern about the threat. – Unlike others, for whom decisions are important only to attract supporters on the way to power.

You may be interested in my "research" – we are trying to find ordinary activists and independent social seekers who may be not indifferent to the future doom of Americans.
Google provides contacts of organizations, but not ordinary activists.
We made a mailing to these contacts (notes that are attached to this letter too).
Responses <1% so far
Can you tell me how to improve search efficiency?
Please help us find Western activists - people, but not organizations - to cooperate in creating the "Deliberative Network" - the Survival Club.

We live in the epicenter of zombieland, and for this reason we can be of interest to you.
We prefer communication via e-mail, rather than open - for our safety.

Our notes are open.
Please redirect this letter with attachments to people who may be interested in it, or give us their e-contacts.

Doom of America
English texts - below the Russian ones.

Mailing 4

§ Do we need to deal with the undefined?

Let's say the probability of death of humanity due to its sharp intellectual polarization = 0.1
Let's say the probability of humanity uniqueness = 0.01
That is, the probability of the death of a unique humanity = 0.1 * 0.01 = 0.001
For us, the value of the "divine", which humanity is the bearer, is very great. = 1000
Then the need not to be indifferent to this problem = 0.001 * 1000 = 100%

§ Can we wait for certainty?

We describe a pessimistic vision of the future - for attract attention.
It's good if pessimists are wrong. But can you prove today that they are wrong? - After all, when the evidence will already there, it will probably be too late and impossible to correct anything.

§ Should a terrorist cooperate with an atheist?

It doesn't matter whether you are racist, extremist or fascist. - The only important thing is whether you are indifferent to the death of humanity.
We can leave aside other disputes and cooperate only on this issue.

It does not matter for us whether there is God, for us it is important to "divine", the carrier of which is humanity.
Debates about God are political. - People call themselves its only representative in order to gain power among people.

§ Scientism:

We are not prophets. We are only trying to scientifically prognosis the development and application of psycho-oriented Artificial Intelligence.
The absolute intellectual superiority of the "Symbiotes" will give them absolute power.
The combination of absolute power with the moral degradation of the human component of the "Symbiotes" and is the greatest threat to humanity.

We may be wrong. But the importance of the question is worth that to refine the prognosis?
You can help us with this. - To refine the prognosis, it is necessary to gather a group of concerned citizens.
In the article "Deliberative Network" we explain why you cannot rely on official Think Tanks.
We did mailings to think tanks and parties. But they didn't answer us. Therefore, we are looking for ordinary free people who are not bound by responsibilities.

Until now, people were deceived by people too.
But in the 2050s, the equilibrium will collapse - the opportunities for those in power will dramatically increase - while maintaining external complete freedoms and democracy.
People are used to Electocracy and don't see it as a danger. People are seeing an increase in humanization even in Africa.
But the growth of the absolute real power of the "symbiotes" will stop this process, and in 300 years mankind may be threatened with death - already physical.

We are looking for people who are not indifferent to this - the biggest threat, who are really worried about the survival of their descendants and the meaning of the Universe.
Please, if you know such people, please let us know about them, or send them this letter together with the attached essays.
Even if we are wrong, the severity of the threat is worth not completely ignoring our plea.


English texts - below the Russian ones.
Doom of America

Broadcast 5

We also do not like loud luxury adjacent to poverty or, like Russians, same-sex marriages.
But they don't bother us. - Not everything is perfect in the world - it's too cold or too hot somewhere. - This is the world.
We don't like any more - dictators, corrupt officials and political scammers who deceive people by saying, “I don’t like homosexuals just like you, so let me deceive and steal from you.”
But for all these problems there is a better solution - in modern Europe. That is, we do not see a problem here either.

What really strains us is the threat to the existence of Civilization, and even to the survival of mankind, which has arisen in our time.
And this threat is connected with the same fraudulent politicians.
It would be possible to come to terms with the criminals-rulers, if they did not come from the most terrible threat in the History of the Earth, and, possibly, in the Universe.
Fraudulent politicians will inevitably use mental IT, AI, as it is effective.

The problem is that the effectiveness of AI is not limited, and the ability of people to recognize deception and false reality is limited.
The problem is that the growing efficiency of psychic AI will create virtually absolute power at a new technological level.
The problem is that the individual rulers who will exercise this power will be more vicious than the people they will manipulate with AI.
The problem is that soon people will become just a hindrance to them, which by that time they will be able, one way or another, to eliminate.

Announcement on the forums of Ukraine, West

We are concerned about the progress of human manipulation technologies and are looking for people who would like to discuss this problem and ways to solve it.
We fear that the use of IT and AI (artificial intelligence) may change the previous historical laws and not only make fictitious democracies eternal and universal, but also possibly even lead to the death of earthly civilization in a few hundred years

We post our more detailed vision of the problem on Facebook:
Link here to Facebook Vali or mine?
However, it is advisable that you answer us not on Facebook, but on the e-mail indicated there, because, despite the fact that we are anti-extremists, we have already blocked 4 of our Facebook accounts, and banned on ≈50 out of 53 Western forums - in violation of their own `` Agreements ''
Or not offer to write an e-mail and risk another Facebook account?
On Western forums - repeat this invitation - with new accounts?
The main advantage of the brevity of the Announcement is that there are few formal grounds for a ban (?)
That is, do not try to discuss directly on the Forums, but post only links there?
True, on many Forums, links are prohibited, and where they are allowed - there moderators are required to view the content on these links (?)