Divine works

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Gift Economy vs. End of History:

The idea is to create an alternative to a dangerous hierarchical production system.
This system is dangerous because the production system is interested in the influence to workers.
- In the 2050s, the opportunities for this influence will increase dramatically, and may enter into a political "resonance" with the interests of authoritarian rulers.

The idea is to work without a labor payment contract.
Accordingly, workers will not depend on anyone, and will not obey anyone.
This does not mean that workers will work for free.
- They will receive income through the Exchange mechanism.

This System should start functioning - in the field of engineering development.
The idea is to integrate today's divided production process.
Participants will collectively independently develop business plans and then implement them using the growth of capabilities of AI-assistants.
Access to participation must be free and the System must be 100% open. Development results become Public domain.

The idea is to create a system that is more efficient and competitive to the Patent system.
- Developers will receive income through invoicing on the fact of using their developments, using E-reduced cost of judicial mechanisms. - Without monopolization of politically motivated fictional unnatural intellectual "property".
The purpose of monopoly intellectual "property" is protection from monopoly power.
But there is no need to protect authors from the flat community.
It is only necessary to develop procedures for horizontal interaction.

The idea is to create electronic network of proposals, similar to freelancing without orders.
The hierarchy of people will be replaced by a hierarchy of ideas.
Creator-men will be free to join in the analysis of those ideas that they deem more beneficial. As a result of the analysis, will increase the accuracy of the Project's financial forecast.
More participants will join the development of profitable and reliable Projects.
As a result, the overall effectiveness of such a Gift Economy system will increase.
It should be more effective than a voluntaristic, monopolistic, closed, uncompetitive economy of corporations.
The corporate economy can survive only by using AI against people - to deceive them and psychically manipulate their opinions.

Gift Economy versus End of Story - 2:

In the language of the communists, the Economy of the Gift is "From each according to his needs, to each according to his ability."
Why is the Gift Economy can will be the main form of labor today?
On the 1st hand, people do not need to work - to meet basic needs - in developed countries.
On the 2nd hand, there is an instinct for helpful activities - a human cannot but work.
But with a free choice of work, a person will prefer a freely chosen work, that is that is not imposed to him by either the boss or the customer.

The advantage of the Gift Economy is in collective creativity. -
Individual "professional", perhaps "cooler" - because of the greed of the person.
The excellence of the Gift Economy is created by IT - they make effective group communication. -
There is a transition from quantity to quality - 100 amateurs turn out to be "cooler" than the 1st "professional".

Today the share of complex, creative works is growing.
And the more complex, creative work, the more pleasure plays a role in it.

100 years ago were already in place the economic conditions for such work.
But bosses contrive to maintain the old forms of work - with the help of various perversions:
- Propaganda of a high standard of living;
- Monopolizations - so that people do not have opportunities for free work, so that they remain dependent on bosses.

However, no revolution is needed to overcome these imposings. -
Within the normal liberal Western society, people today can organize a Network of Needs, like Freelance Networks or Crowdfunding Networks, in which people would post justified needs without having to conclusion of ordering contracts.
Creators would be free to create - focusing on social needs, and they would be paid freely by a crowdfunding scheme.

However, the role of the Gift Economy is not to increase the level of happiness adequately to the growth of GDP, but to save humanity from death in 300 years.
When psycho-oriented Artificial intelligence surpasses the intelligence of people, there will be a leap in the ability of bosses to manipulate people.
And since the readiness for moral compromises is a more significant factor in a person's “success” than his intellect, then a moral inversion will occur - people who will receive a very large actual power over other people will at the same time be less moral.
For 300 years intellectual polarization will grow imperceptibly, but then the small number of “survivors” in the competition “symbiotes” will be able to completely painlessly for their eliminate humanity, which by that time will completely alien to them.

However, the Gift Economy may have time to eliminate the bosses before this irreversible process begins.
However, for this it is necessary to gather a group of "homo-ecologists" who are not indifferent to the death of humanity - perhaps a unique bearer of the "divine".

Reducing unemployment:

The gift economy is the solution to the problem of high latent unemployment in the 2nd and 3rd worlds.
The gift economy will eliminate employer monopoly. This will reduce labor competition and raise wages.

Happiness-Driven Economy:

When one hears about the `` Happiness Economy '', one usually thinks of something like Bhutan.
In general, there is a lot of `` speculation '' on this topic.

What's under the 'Happiness-Based Economy' I mean? -
This is the optimization of "labor" and consumption according to the criterion of happiness.

We could say that this is maintaining the required level of consumption while reducing labor costs.
But this is also extreme.
Optimal is the focus on happiness:
Labor, especially meaningless work, brings trouble and takes time.
Consumption gives pleasure, but labor is required first to earn money for consumption.
There is an optimal compromise between unpleasant labor and consumption.

In fact, this reasoning is very abstract. -
The unpleasantness of labor is different for different people, as is the pleasantness of consumption.
And the work itself can be pleasant.
In fact, the goal of a Happiness-Based Economy is precisely such an organization of work that the work itself, the work itself, is enjoyable.

Labor Productivity and a Happiness-Based Economy:

Another Difference Between the Happiness-Oriented Economy and Bhutan Is labor productivity:
This is not an attempt to make unpleasant work pleasant, as in Bhutan, but automation of it.
Moreover, it is the development of automation of routine work that can itself be a pleasant job.
However, the traditional corporate organization can make even the most creative work unpleasant, because it is based on incentives for work with wages, not pleasantness of work. The pleasantness of working for a corporation even runs counter to monetary motivation.

Conscious Consumption and Happiness-Based Economy:

Happiness-driven economy echoes Conscious Consumption:
Advertising and propaganda fuel consumer greed.
- People strive to earn more in order to consume more.
At the same time, they suffer from unpleasant labor and lose the pleasure of mindless consumption.
We can say that a Happiness-oriented economy is a combination of `` labor '' with consumption.

Ecology and Happiness-Oriented Economy:

Paradoxically, man and nature are not antagonists.
It would be more pleasant for people not to plow for fattening meat, but to consume the fruits of closed Agro-vending machines (see Agro-automaton FSO Proekt.docx ), travel not on prestigious huge crossovers, but on light Aerobikes.

The Ark of Freedom and the Happiness-Based Economy:

The above can be fruitless philosophizing.
However, the purpose of this essay is to propose for socially experimental Settlements.