Divine works

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Ark of Freedom:

The Purpose of the Ark:

The Purpose of the Ark of Liberty - Civilization survival.
In the near future, there will be a threat of degeneration of historical, primarily all non-democratic states that make up 90% of humanity. - due to the use of psychic IT-polit-technologies in them.
For the survival of the earthly Civilization, it is necessary to create radical democratic Communities that are not subject to this threat.

Ark Organizational Form:

Ark organizational form should be determined by its purpose.
Accordingly, the `` Ark of Liberty '' should not be a single organizational entity, but a conglomerate of autonomous Communities with different democratic forms of organization.
The different forms of organization of the Communities is determined by the fact that:
1. It is impossible to calculate the optimal shape a priori,
2. Radical liberalism is the leading factor in the Communities' non-susceptibility to political manipulations.
In the context of liberalism, organizational uniformity is impossible.

Political dominant:

The participants will have many different temptations regarding the goals of the research programs of the Autonomous Communities - ecological, social.
However, all such goals should not interfere with the main one - the study of the possibility of organizing a community in which there is no psycho-political manipulation.

& nbsp;

The idea of ​​the Ark of Liberty is the organization of practical political competition - in addition to the competition of arguments.

The Purpose of the Ark of Liberty:

1. Debugging software of the Collective Intelligence,
2. Experimental verification of the possibility of solving the tasks that the executive branch is currently performing with the help of the Collective Intelligence.

What's the problem ?:

Liberals rightly accuse the rulers of authoritarian states that they do not allow the adoption of alternative laws that could provide greater growth in the well-being of the people.
At the same time, in words, the rulers of authoritarian states also claim that they do everything for the good of the people, they adopt all the `` progressive '' slogans and head all the `` progressive '' undertakings, emasculating their essence.
Liberals rightly accuse the rulers of authoritarian states of slyness, hypocrisy and deceit, of the fact that they do not even allow the swindlers to be exposed. - The rulers of authoritarian states organize performances demonstrating the alleged freedom of speech.

It would seem - no big deal:

- The whole history of mankind is a story of deception and deception,
- No war, thanks for that?
However, the situation in the 21st century is fundamentally different from the entire past history of mankind - the mechanization of propaganda, which will violate the `` homo-ecological '' stability and will lead in 300 years to the extinction of all the close-minded descendants of today's suckers.

Verbal competition is degenerating today.
New socio-historical laws begin to work.
For the first time, authoritarian regimes can avoid the 'transit' phase and become eternal.
Moreover, `` liberal-democratic '' states, having adopted from the psycho-technologically `` advanced '' advanced states technology.

Preventing Human Extinction:

The idea of ​​the Ark of Liberty is to prevent a negative scenario by complementing verbal competition with practical competition, by creating relatively independent Communities, which would consist of former residents of authoritarian states and would be able to demonstrate a better life for them.

Example 1 - North Korea. It is unstable for now. - If this dictatorship opened its borders, then there would be an informational positive feedback, and its rulers would not have `` fools-slaves. ''
Example 2 - Northern Russia. In this case, the border is foolishly created - the `` democratic '' themselves country.

The idea of ​​the Ark of Liberty is to remove visa barriers for former residents of authoritarian states.

There are 2 ways to do this:

1. Building Communities in Remote, Unpopulated Areas of 'Democratic' states.
2. Creation of Communities on neutral territory - at sea.

3rd way - creation of virtual Communities - there is also:

Its advantage is that there is no need for a physical move.
The disadvantage is the ease of tracking the overlap of financial and other flows for the Community. This flaw makes the 3rd way unrealistic.

Ark of Freedom Implementation Challenges:

Realize the idea of ​​the Ark of Liberty very difficult.
The main problem is not even the already begun tightening of the immigrant policy of the United States and similar countries, but the work of provocateurs of the special services of authoritarian states.
To solve the last problem you need:
1. Strict ethical voluntary standards of conduct.
2. Criteria mechanisms for identifying provocateurs.

The Advisory Network and the Ark of Freedom:

To implement the Ark of Freedom First it is necessary to create a 'Advisory Network', which would provide:
1. Development of the concept of the Ark of Freedom;
2. Identification of potential participants;
3. Cooperation with activists of 'democratic' countries;
4. Organization of the Ark of Liberty.

Analog: USA:

“When the Virginia Company tried to take most of the crop from the colonists, they would leave the company’s territories and cultivate the land outside of it.” (Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. Daron Acemoğlu and James Alan Robinson, 2012)
Protection - the function of the king - was not needed by the colonists. - They had guns against the bows of the locals.

In Greenland, polit. migrants don’t need land - There are better ways to earn money today.
But in Greenland it is watered. migrants will also not give away most of the 'harvest' & quot; relatives & quot; corrupt officials.
And, most importantly, like the religious & nbsp; indigenous dissidents, they will not risk persecution in their homeland.

Unlike the British colonists - modern polit. dissidents do not need protection against local residents at all, since they are beneficial to the latter, since they will not master traditional professions for local residents, but modern ones.

Islamism and the Ark of Freedom:

1. Benefits of Islamism:

Islamists are Desirable Members of the Ark of Liberty because in conditions of freedom and the absence of external coercive restrictions, developed internal, moral restraints are useful.
The main requirement for the participants is absolute non-violence, respect for other faith. - Today, universal video communication can be the most effective defense.

2. & quot; Heading & quot; Islamism:

& quot; Leading & quot; Islamism, competition, the suction of Islamists is the best method of combating its negative manifestations.
It was the uncontrollability of the process that led to the escalation of violence. - 90% of migrants who came to ISIS were not terrorists - they were seduced by ISIS leaders.

3. Jewish aid to the Islamic `` state '':

Jewish help to Arabs in building an Islamic `` state '' - act of reconciliation.
Jews have valuable experience in building a modern community from scratch.

Citizenship Discrimination:

Feminists Protect Women from `` Harassment '' look, but at the same time are indifferent to the girl who is executed for being raped.
The only difference between a woman and a girl is that they were born in different citizenships.
However, in today's globalized world, indifference is punishable. “If you don’t help the girls at home, you’ll have to drown them in the Mediterranean when trying to escape. And historically soon such `` feminists '' will drown also. Danes should not betray the memory of their grandmothers who saved Jews.
The best solution is to create shelters, but not in countries where they are impossible, but on uninhabited islands:
- not so distant,
- belonging to democratic countries,
- with a ban on moving from them to the metropolis,
- without being granted any rights in the asylum state.

A Russian person is a teenager who does not believe in himself (Leon Aron)

The Russian compensates for his feeling of inferiority with cockiness, a propensity for suicidal risk, like the hero of Notes from the Underground Dostoevsky.
How to convince him that he is worthy of all that a German has? - An example.