Divine works

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"Nationalism" in Ukraine:

Stupid European "analysts" are surprised - the President and Minister of Defense of Ukraine are Jews, the representation of nationalists in the Parliament of Ukraine is an order of magnitude smaller than, for example, in France, why then the Kremlin chose nationalism in Ukraine as the main pretext for its aggression against Ukraine.
European analysts do not understand - for the Kremlin propaganda, nationalists are all those who do not recognize Russia's power over them. Nationalists are all 100% of Finns because they believe that Finland should be independent of the Kremlin.
Europeans are not correct in trying to find meaning in the Kremlin's concept of "nationalism". - But there is only one meaning in this concept - instrumental propaganda. - The main thing is that it works, acts on Russians, including those living in Ukraine ..
And for the Western inhabitants - manipulations are organized using the oligarch Fuchs - drawing Nazi graffiti in Ukraine.
Fuchs is afraid of losing business in Ukraine.

Russia attacked Ukraine not in order to capture it, but in order not to lose it. The leadership of Ukraine, for example, Oboronprom, until now consisted roundly of Kremlin agents.
But the agents began to be replaced, first of all - for demographic reasons - the Kremlin agents began to retire.
Punin did not take into account the people of Ukraine. The weakness of the Putinists lies in the underestimation of democracy as a phenomenon. Putin is accustomed to the fooled people in Russia and overestimated the propaganda of the Kremlin in Ukraine.
The reason for the Kremlin's aggression is not Putin's fool, but the fact that under Putinism, political monopoly, those close to the ruler have a larger share of power and money than in democratic Europe.
Russia attacked Ukraine because it can no longer keep it in poverty. And rich free Ukrainians is the main, if not the only "existential" threat to the Russia's enemies (Kremlin), because of which the Kremlin is the main existential threat to humanity..

The denazification of Russia is necessary for the survival of mankind.
The nation of the Kremlin is not an ethnic group, but a state. Russians are infected with state nationalism almost without exception.
Germany was lucky in the 2nd World War - thanks to the US occupation, it was cured of Nazism.
There is no need to occupy Russia - it is enough to replace all the means of propaganda in it with the means of counter-propaganda.

Language as a provocation:

The traitors to the Russians bribed the traitorous Chechens to kill the Russians, they paid - by giving the traitors power - now they are the Kadyrovites.
Also, half of the known Nazi organizations in Ukraine are created or controlled by the Putinites.
Nazi provocateurs, in particular, turn Ukrainians against the Russian language and thus help the Kremlin's propaganda.
Ukrainians aspire to Europe. But first they need to take an example from neighboring Romania, where the official language is - if it is used by 20% of the population, or - from Switzerland, Belgium, even Zimbabwe, which has 16 official languages.

In Europe, language is a function of local government.

Denazification of Ukraine:

Even though accusing Ukraine of Nazism is an absolutely inadequate pretext for war, the government of Ukraine must eliminate this pretext.
The national legislation of Ukraine is quite consistent with EU standards.
But it is necessary to achieve - full compliance. -
It is necessary to declare the de-legalization of any truly Nazi organizations.
The Government of Ukraine must submit program, etc. documents of ultra-right organizations for examination in the EU.
If the EU recognizes some organizations as Nazi, then they must be declared illegal, and those responsible for the relevant acts should be prosecuted according to the norms adopted in the EU.

Denazification of Russia:

Half of the imperial and dictatorial policies of the Russian government can be qualified as Nazi.
In particular, this is the cultivation of hatred towards "unfriendly" nations.
The day before yesterday it was - Chechnya, yesterday - Georgia, today - Ukraine, "Pindosia" (USA) and most European nations.
This is the national exaltation of Russia, the brutal suppression of other freedom-loving national movements.
These are anti-liberal, anti-democratic and terrorist policies.

Yes, racist, etc. groups in Russia are persecuted. But they are pursued - selectively.
And at the same time, conditions are being created under which racist sentiments and hatred towards representatives of non-Russian ethnic groups are growing in Russia.

It is necessary to cooperate with European NGOs in order to formally qualify the policy of the Russian Federation as nationalistic.
It is necessary to develop and coordinate with European civil organizations - the Program of Denazification of Russia.

Demilitarization of Russia:

The Russian government is the largest terrorist organization in history.
It threatens with nuclear weapons. It threatens to starve and shut Europe off from fuel in the winter.
It uses its armed forces for terrorist activities in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, Ukraine and other places.
Therefore, the demilitarization of Russia is necessary.
This needs to be recognized by European governments.
The feasibility of this plan is another matter. Now it is only necessary to achieve recognition of its necessity.


Buchan Massacre is a Cultural Manipulation effect:

Buchanskaya massacre is an indicator of the effectiveness of cultural manipulation.
Today, the Putinists were able to set up the Russian people in such a way that they made the Buchanskaya massacre .
In 50 years, the heirs of the Putinists , with the help of AI, will be able to set up many nations in such a way that they will massacre humanity.

Putin did not give the order to massacre .
Moreover, " massacre " in the Russian Federation is also a war crime.
The reason for the massacre is just the system and, accordingly, the culture of violence.
Putin just created - Illegal System of Violence, in which the massacre is just one of its manifestations.

Another manifestation of the System is, for example, looting.
Russian propagandists claim that the impoverished soldiers could not take out the doors from Bucha in front of the officers in an armored personnel carrier. - They could, because the "legal" "Charter" does not work in Russia. – Officers themselves are criminals without exception, even according to the laws of the Russian Federation.
The soldiers do the work of executioners, and for this their superiors turn a blind eye to looting, pay off the soldiers with the property of the conquered. Giving up the city for plunder is a tradition of the "Traditional World", the remnant of which is the "Russian World".

Yes, and the raped and tortured are themselves to blame - orders in Russia are carried out - at any cost.
The intelligence of the Russian Federation was a little mistaken - the inhabitants of Bucha turned out to be against the occupation by the dictatorial regime.
The rank and file armies of the Russian Federation, as always, turned out to be just extreme ones who had to correct the mistakes of their superiors. And the soldiers have only one authority - violence.
The soldiers were just doing their job as executioners to "reconcile" the inhabitants of Bucha .

By the way, the Russian Federation not only suffered a military defeat near Kyiv, but ran into a massive rebelliousness of the population.
Zelensky himself is to blame - he called on citizens to resist - for the disobedience of citizens, they killed them. And what is the demand for animals ? - that's why they are cannibals.
Speaking in "Russian" language, they destroy non-humans, and do not try to talk to them, because they do not understand the human language, since they are deprived of the necessary empathy for this .
Putin really showed a kind of act of goodwill - he chose between genocide and retreat - retreat. A little forced, but he could still do genocide.
By the way, the Chechens in 2000 also had to be "reconciled" with the help of massacres, but then the Kremlin's propagandists managed to successfully fool the Europeans and make the victims of violence feel guilty. “If the women had given themselves up voluntarily, then they would not have had to be killed.

The reason why the Russian army left Kyiv for the Donbass is just - the greater loyalty of the inhabitants of Donbass to the "Russian world", or rather, the greater effectiveness of the FSB propaganda there.
The goal of the Kremlin is a victorious war. Either way, there must be a win.
- If Finland turned out to be too tough, then the goal of the war quickly turns out to be "pushing the border away from Leningrad."




The love of Ukrainians for the Buryats. Army "Free Buryatia":

The vile Putinists killed 2 dogs with one shot - Ukrainians and Buryats. Against each other.
Following the beloved policy of "Divide and Conquer", the Putinists have successfully created the hatred of the Buryats and Ukrainians for each other.
At the same time:
- Increased the mono-ethnicity of Russia.
- Released the discontent of the regions of Russia on the "scapegoat" - Ukraine.

In Europe, they are judged only for the manifestation of hatred, and the terrorists = the rulers of the Russian Federation purposefully instill hatred - among millions of people.

The Buryats suffered from the war no less than the Ukrainians - in terms of mortality, they took 1st place in Russia.
On the 1st side, the Buryats are to blame - they succumbed to propaganda.
True, if the Ukrainians were in the place of the Buryats, they would have succumbed to propaganda no less than they did.
On the other hand, in the massacres of Ukrainians in Bucha, the Ukrainians are more guilty than the Buryats, because they were previously in better conditions and had incomparably better opportunities to prevent the tragedy.
Ukrainians were supposed to organize counter-propaganda for the ethnic groups of Russia back in 2014. Not relying on the ineffective Radio Liberty. And even more so without relying on the sabotage government of Ukraine, which knew about the plans for the war in the summer of 2021, but was criminally inactive. Now the traitorous bosses use an excuse in the style of their masters - "If they were preparing an evacuation, then there would be a panic."
But the most effective means of organizing counter-propaganda and the liberation movement in Russia may be the "Deliberative Network".

Mariupol massacre:

Russia did not declare war. There is an agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the Sea of ​​Azov, the Kerch Strait is not internal. The French could rent a Turkish ship and intern Ukrainians from Mariupol.
I initiated 6 petitions about this in European countries, the USA, etc. - even before a similar initiative by Macron (President of France). The port was not yet occupied.

Yesterday Russia allowed 500 civilians to be taken out of Azovstal in order to kill the remaining civilians and wounded men by May 9th.
It is better to hand them over, but save their lives. To do this, it is necessary to take a couple of buses with observers to Mariupol so that they film all those present at Azovstal and escort them into captivity under the condition that they save their lives, etc. Then it will be possible to follow their fate.
I posted 6 requests about this to the heads of European countries, the USA, etc. too, when it became clear that no one could, and the Kremlin would not let them out.

The Deliberative Network is an organ of direct democracy:

But no one signed the petition. The Europeans didn't want to. They only know how to jump in front of the embassy.
Petitions as requests are generally useless.
Numerous NGOs proved useless too.
To develop such initiatives and organize effective lobbying, a civil Deliberative network is needed. There are many lobbyists for businessmen, but not for people :(

It is in Ukraine, where the Government is not effective, there are many FSB saboteurs, where there is an oligarchy, there is a chance to create a 4th body - direct democracy.