Divine works

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"Sofa army":

The phrase "Couch theorist" is abusive, derisive. -
The vast majority of "Couch theorists" are really useless .
Nevertheless, an "armchair" activist can be more effective than a fighter on the battlefield - today - in the face of a sharp reduction in the cost of communication systems and an increase in the efficiency of IT .
- Today the role of propaganda-counter-propaganda is very high. And the Kremlin understands this better than Western analysts.
- Today, the role of technological, IT development is not lower than the role of the same fighter on the battlefield.

Organizational factor:

At the same time, the role of the organization of counter-propaganda and development is even higher. -
Their existing organization both in Kyiv and in the West is very ineffective. -
- Kyiv "wins" the information war only thanks to the shutdown of the Kremlin channels in Ukraine.
- Most of the weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are even more ancient than in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
The centralized bosses in Ukraine could not even organize a safe evacuation of people, although they knew about the Russian invasion in the summer of 2021.

Monopoly in science:

By incorporating scientists into their monopoly system, the bosses are forced to endure the scientists' monopoly.
Chiefs are forced to adapt to the "theoretical" perversions, whims and corporatism of scientists.
Estate in science, the importance of regalia in it is one of the manifestations of its monopoly.
With a non-hierarchical system, the price/quality ratio can be much better.

"Theoretical" yet, but 100% real possibility:

Nevertheless, the possible effectiveness of "sofa" figures is still only - potential.
A flat structure may be more efficient than a hierarchical one today, but it still needs to be developed:
- Through theoretical research (There is nothing more practical than a good theory), and also -
- With the help of a social experiment - also through the Internet, and not on the battlefield.

Flat development:

The main idea here is not in technical Concepts.
Main idea - Flat development.

It is believed that freedom and democracy are useful for wealth, the economy, but in war, hierarchy and subordination are stronger than "anarchy" and " partisanism ".
However, this is a mistake - today.

It is believed that the main advantage of Russia over Ukraine is in the military, militaristic = hierarchical organization of the state.
Russia is a well-established mechanism in which every person = cog performs its function.
However, this was only the case until the 21st century.
Hierarchical organization is not the most efficient today.
It is more profitable for those who are hierarchically organized - both for customers and contractors - to improve old technical solutions that are far from optimal in terms of price / quality ratio.
They are preparing for past wars with the help of yesterday's, larger, faster, but only more expensive weapons.

If back in the middle of the 20th century in those. In a task for the development of, for example, a howitzer, only a few characteristics were indicated, and only a few constant characteristics were indicated to the developers of individual components of the howitzer, today the "communication" of developers in iterations - through the authorities, catastrophically loses to the direct interaction of specialists, for example, through a video camera that has hundreds of parameters, and signalmen - when developing a drone .

The devil is in the details:
In terms of final parameters, Russian weapons are usually not inferior to Western ones - tanks have the same caliber, aircraft are just as fast.
However, on the battlefield, in Iraq, for example, 1 US Abrams destroyed up to 20 T-72s, and 1 F -16 - 10

Analogy: Multiprocessor computer, Parallel computing:

The bottleneck of hierarchical development is the boss.
We have to weed out "crazy" ideas, narrow the range of consideration of possibilities.
But today's difference is an increase in the width of the horizon of possibilities.
There is a "Law of Madness": The most promising directions are the least unreliable.

Distributed processors do not wait for permission, but do everything only "proactively".
In the P 2 P -gift economy, they expose intermediate results to the scientific community, not the authorities, and receive - after-payment - not from the authorities, but - P 2 P - crowdfunding - by voting of the same scientific community.
Moreover, there are no "referendums" and consensuses on every small issue of the scientific spectrum, but there are AI -mechanisms of "relevance", in real time.

At the same time, the competitor s- "processors" are in a single network of interaction, similar to the Internet.
The "processors" themselves arise - spontaneously, without permission, like topics in a Web forum without censorship from above.
"Multiprocessor computer" is the optimal combination of cooperation competition.

The scale of the P 2 P development economy has not yet surpassed the traditional one, only because of the underdevelopment of the 1st.

Price competition:

In hierarchical design, cost is complexity as the main cost factor.
However, this is precisely the effect of monopoly and the links of a complex hierarchy.
The more complex the subject, the more P 2 P - development has a greater advantage over hierarchical .

That is, P 2 P - developers may not even come up with anything new, but start with the liberalization, demonopolization of patent law. -
Take initiative to take hierarchical developments and do "dumping", which in fact will not be dumping, but organizational superiority.

Transition jump:

On the second hand, the more complex the subject, the more difficult it is to build the P 2 P system itself .
But this situation is unstable due to positive feedback.
The goal is to overcome the barrier, launch a "snowball", after which P 2 P -development will quickly replace the hierarchical one.
P 2 P - development can be the best direction and the most important factor in the overall decrease in the concentration of power and money.

The most dangerous terrorist organization in history:

The terrorists took 8 people hostage. They threaten to kill 4 meters of them, using charges weighing 1 ton * kilogram. Terrorists do not represent a mass organization, but represent only themselves, thus they are pure terrorists.
(m.* = billion
m.* = trillion in equivalent mass of trinitrotoluene).
The terrorists are a cabal that has seized power in Russia.
The fact that the people in Russia support them does not mean that they represent the people, because the people did not make an informed choice.
The clique gained support only through deceit.
The people of Russia are also held hostage.

Remote bailiffs:

People in Europe should not just "support" the Ukrainians, but achieve - specific goals worked out with the help of a - flat = non-governmental Deliberative Network.
The main goal should be the recognition by the international court of the need to recover damages at the expense of the victims. – Payments to the relatives of the victims and compensation for material damage.

It will be a precedent and an institution that will end wars more effectively than all UN institutions today.
Ordinary people do not need war. Wars were the product of precisely hierarchical organizations.
However, to stop wars, an appropriate organization is needed - ordinary people.

The aggressor will pay with increased supplies of natural gas, oil, raw materials and gold reserves - 200 years - to Ukrainians. And the Ukrainians will be able to cash out all this on the cheap - to the Europeans.

Of course, no one executes a court decision voluntarily. -
Remote private enforcement officers are needed who will work for "commissions" - for a part of the money collected .
There will be a lot of performers. - Ukrainians are not enough. It will also eliminate unemployment in Europe and will be a useful profession for migrants in the Free Zones ("Arks").
The main thing is to achieve an official decision, and the free initiative of the flat web will find ways to execute, the effectiveness of which is now difficult to imagine.

Denuclearization of Russia:

Only interest can explain the surprising carelessness of powerful politicians.
But the inadequacy of other serious people is surprising. -
The world has avoided nuclear war - miraculously - several times already.
Decarbonization is being fought for more than denuclearization .
They are fighting against anti-personnel mines, although there are no weapons worse than nuclear ones.

"Putin's nuclear blackmail will increase the demand for nuclear weapons."
"The whole idea of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is going down the drain."
" Nuclear weapons are no longer a deterrent."
On the 2nd side, nuclear weapons are becoming more and more available.

Only a general ban on nuclear weapons, including in the United States, will effectively reduce the threat of their use.
Western democracy differs from the autocracy of Russia today in that if Russia is denuclearized , the people could very well force the US government to accept a nuclear ban.
The US is strong enough without nuclear weapons.
On the contrary, nuclear weapons rather weaken the United States, make it possible to blackmail them, as the Kremlin is doing today.

The prohibition of nuclear weapons does not mean their immediate elimination, but only the adoption of a plan for a phased reduction, forcing everyone who possesses them to reduce them.
This process is complex, and therefore it will stretch for decades.
However, it must begin - with the denuclearization of Russia as the most intractable, most dangerous terrorist today.

Western governments will quite agree if the denuclearization of Russia is carried out without their direct participation.
To do this, they will even agree to the development of P 2 P organizations that will not compete with them, but will take on the "dirty" work.
After all, the real rulers of the United States understand what money and position they risk in the event of even an accidental, even a single use of nuclear weapons.
And the Kremlin will not be able to "ask" anyone, since it will be a fundamentally decentralized people's movement.

The growth of the military-technological factor:

Today, the main success factor in warfare is not the military itself, but technological.
Already in the 18th century, the factor of military-technological advantage began to play a significant role. But today his role has become decisive.
However, the organization of technical development remained the same as in the 18th century - hierarchical.
- The chief gives the terms of reference to the performers. They break the task into subtasks, etc.

Musk's main advantage over NASA is freer development.
But Musk's firm is also far from optimal .

"Nano-tech stone ax":

Most of the techniques in use today are "Nanotech Stone Axes" - expensive but still ineffective.
The bosses give the terms of reference to improve the old technical solution. -
Efficiency increases - a little. But the cost goes up - more.

By the way, with stone axes, the problems were simpler - stone, wood and fastening.
Today, technical systems have Googles of interconnections.
Therefore, the organizational structures that are optimal for developing stone axes for today's systems are inadequate.

Flip the pyramid:

Today, technical specifications are compiled very poorly, but the execution is very high quality.
The reason for this is monopoly from above and competition from below.

The idea is to flip the development pyramid. -
drafting of the terms of reference by 90%, while only 10% depends on the execution

The point is not in the superior effectiveness of the proposed method, but in the fact that the traditional hierarchical pyramid method poses the main threat to the survival of mankind - today.

"Problem setting", or more correctly, finding the optimal general solution, requires an incomparably greater number of relationships and interactions than "execution", or, more correctly, a particular calculation.
A person "approving" the overall decision is not needed. - Competitive proactive private settlements - in the system of the Gift Economy - are more effective than the "responsibility" of the boss.

No cannon fodder without representation:

If the President of the United States approves the purchase of coffins-aircraft carriers, then let him lie down in them himself.
Non-volunteers "conscripted" into the army have the right to order weapons for themselves - themselves.
Free fighters must communicate directly with the developers, and the developers themselves must apply what they have come up with.
There should be one organization - fighters and developers - flat. It is not only more democratic, but also more effective - today, when using DAI - the means of interaction of a large number of people.

The right to choose weapons:

The "gladiators" sent by the Government to their deaths have the right to choose their weapons.
The mere implementation of this right in Ukraine will keep the ratio of losses of Ukrainians/Russians at 1:5, which levels out Russia's superiority in mobilization resources.
The Kremlin will not grant this right.
That is, it will be the realization of the benefits of freedom and democracy.
However, to realize this advantage, it is necessary to create appropriate organizations.

What to do:

Mothers of Ukraine should organize a Network to attract European feminists and so on. lobbying for permission to horizontalize aid to Ukraine.
How it's done now:
Europeans transfer donations to the fund. The fund transfers money to Oboronprom of Ukraine. FSB agents of " Oboronprom " decide what weapons to buy.
Administrative and commission costs are only a 3-fold problem in this scheme.

It should be:
The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers organizes a flat Deliberative Network which:
1. Analyzes the types of weapons in terms of effectiveness and safety for their operators. Security is understood here - in the sense of retaliatory defeat by the enemy.
It even organizes the flat development of effective weapons.
2. Organizes a P 2 P payment network.
Donations from Europeans remain in decentralized accounts, from where they are taken directly by soldiers for their intended use.

Feminists have the opportunity to prove that a woman is not only a "friend of man", but that her cognitive abilities are not inferior to men's.

The right to choose death:

The "gladiators" sent by the Government to their deaths have the right to choose the method of death.
Paradoxically, this will not reduce the combat effectiveness of the army, but, on the contrary, will increase it.
This, too, can be an advantage of freedom and democracy.

They wrote about the 2nd Chechen War that Russian generals killed (bombed) contractors in order not to pay them money.
This is probably a simplification.
But, indeed, Russian military leaders have little interest in reducing resource intensity, in saving cannon fodder.

Brigadier contract:

The public in Ukraine can seek the introduction of "brigade contract" in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. -
The military leaders set only general tasks, for example, to hold the area for 3 days, and the Brigade-group decides for itself - in what way.

tactical standards. Legal Army:

The public in Ukraine should seek the implementation of the Tactical Standards in the Armed Forces of Ukraine:
- Regulatory , for example - what should the Brigade-Group be provided with in order to hold the area with these characteristics - 3 days, and, as is customary in GOST-x - methods for recalculating to other tactical situations.
Today, such calculations can be done - in real time - automatically and not complicate the interaction of the Brigades with the authorities, but, on the contrary, simplify it.

"Sofa" fighters:

The most effective weapon today is - remote, controlled through IT networks - from the "sofa".
Modern warfare is not actually different from computer games in warfare.
Accordingly, it is not physical preparation that is important, but the ability to play.
The role of a fighter on the battlefield is actually reduced to logistical, transport, and then - temporarily.


Quantitative and economic factors:

Each "sofa" activist can not only be more effective than a fighter on the field, but the number of "sofa" activists and fighters can be orders of magnitude greater than the fighters on the battlefield.
At the same time, the "Sofa" fighter is an order of magnitude cheaper than a fighter on the front line:
- He risks his life and health incomparably less,
- His work is incomparably easier.

The "Sofa" fighters themselves are overwhelmingly free of charge.
- In fact, only volunteers fight on naked motivation.
The cost of "Couch" fighters go only to the computer "iron" communications infrastructure. But the cost of "equipment" can not even be considered the cost of the fighters themselves.

Flat network vs. "Method of Mutations":

Today, the traditional "Method of Mutations" is used -
Conditional Musk comes up with an idea, "hangs" investors, hires performers to invest, and ... burns out. For every successful Musk, there are 99 failures.

The idea is to replace the wasteful and inefficient "natural selection" at the implementation stage with selection at the stage of developing an idea, terms of reference .
Modern IT makes broad, participatory discussion and simulation - at the level of theory - not only possible, but relatively more efficient.

The point is not in the superior efficiency of the proposed method, but in the fact that the traditional hierarchical method of mutations poses the main threat to the survival of humanity today.

Performer culture:

Why can't we find unanimous people? -
Because people are brought up as executors not only in the 2nd, dictatorial world, but also in the 1st - the world of supposedly "democracy".
We are looking for ordinary people who can develop specific organizational and legal forms that have no analogues - on the abstract issues outlined here.
However, unfortunately, people are accustomed only to carry out specific instructions such as "take it, throw it there."
At the same time, the P 2 P economy itself, the lack of concentration of money, is the best way to get rid of the Culture of performers.

High level of abstraction:

Yes, questions and proposals are discussed here at a high abstract, "theoretical" level.
Do you know people who are able to think in the same way, and at the same time share the goals and values that are declared here at least a little?
You can greatly help a very useful cause if you introduce them to us.

"Couch Theorist":

One of the methods of cultural manipulation in the "Russian World" is to suggest to people that "independent" developments are useless. -
Allegedly, only developments approved by the responsible boss are effective.
However, in Europe, "independent" start-ups tend to be more competitive than government developments.

Yes, my suggestions, technical ideas without development are nothing.
But the main factor in the effectiveness of development is the primary idea.
It is here that Mr. institutions lose the most. -
The idea must be protected in a hierarchical system, which is completely ineffective for this.

My main proposal, idea, is not technical, but organizational. -
I believe that it is possible to achieve more efficient development - with the help of a non-hierarchical, "independent" organization - using IT .

90% of the development efficiency is laid down at the pre - iron, "theoretical" stage - today. – Today, IT tools, for example, modeling of physical processes, have reached a fairly high reliability.

"Theoretically" today it is possible to develop even Russian, but flat culture - in all its complexity and diversity.

Humiliation of "theory":

One of the methods of cultural manipulation in the "Russian world" is the humiliation of "theory" and the exaltation of "practice".
At the same time, practice does not mean amateur performance, but the execution of “tasks”.
It is also understood that the generals and staffs are also engaged in "practice", which, however, is absolutely no different from "theory".
However, 1 "nerd" can cost a platoon of jocks who perform "tasks".

"Gorbachev's method":

One of the methods of cultural manipulation in the "Russian World" is to reduce the effectiveness of the opponents' cooperation with each other - through the cultivation of disputes and the growth of the role of self-esteem.

I suggest sticking to a culture of fruitfulness. -
To criticize, for example, not to win the argument, and not even offering something constructive in return, but maintaining the desire to find the best result in the process of discussion.
"Whoever wants to work is looking for opportunities" (Gorbachev)

In this case , it should not be difficult, since the motivation of the participants will be much stronger out of self-esteem.

Principle "1 thought":

There is a moral norm not to interrupt the interlocutor until he finishes his speech.
However, this rule is not optimal. -
1. Several topics are mixed into one heap, while it is more efficient to analyze topics separately;
2. A lot of "water" "flows" in order to strengthen their arguments and theses with various psychological techniques.
Also, the Chairman is usually used to give the floor.

More effective is the norm - "1 thought" -
After uttering 1 thought on the 1st topic, another interlocutor can give a request for a word - raise his index finger.

Chairman absent

- any participant can make comments to the blocking interlocutor.
The proposed method is more effective precisely when there is a general interest in the effectiveness of the discussion.

More efficient also:
1. Preliminarily state your speeches - in shifts;
2. Discuss – in small groups – < 10 people.

Absence of monopoly assigned positions:

This opportunity appeared only with IT
Full competition with full cooperation aimed at a common goal.

Story fork:

The growth of the information factor:

Anonimus hackers have a chance to turn history in a different direction, save humanity and the meaning of the universe now.
They just need to find a way to deliver counter-propaganda to Russian phones.
There is counter-propaganda - the most effective weapon today.

A small victorious war is already ineffective. The Putinists took the risk of raising the stakes. - They went to a big victorious war and lost.
Now they have no choice but to bring the Russians to insanity with the help of extreme lies and terror.
However, this state is unstable. - The percentage of senile people, especially young ones, is declining in Russia. The time for manipulative AI has not yet come.

Flat Anonimus hackers can easily - with the help of space means of counter-propaganda alone - make a Maidan in Russia, remove the threat of nuclear annihilation of Civilization now and AI annihilation of humanity in the near future.

"Kyiv regime" - an ally:

Although Ukraine, in fact - according to the legal and political systems - still belongs to the "Russian world", and they are fighting among themselves - the Kiev hierarchy with the Moscow one. However:
1. It is precisely the Moscow regime that poses the main threat in the world and an unambiguous one today.
2. The people of Ukraine are set for freedom, unlike the Russians, and the war only widened the modern cultural gap between them.
The "Kyiv regime" has a chance of becoming one of the most democratic in the world.

The government of Ukraine admits the existence of autonomous communities, even paramilitary ones.
The Government of Ukraine may well allow the lease of extraterritorial free zones on the territory of Ukraine.

In Ukraine, which is more backward than the advanced, but stable European democracies, more effective anarchist solutions can be implemented.
And it is precisely the development of deliberative democracy, such as the deliberative network, that can help this.