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African Great Leap Forward - Project:

§ Project Goals:

1. Elimination of hunger on Earth.
2. Withdrawal of the 3rd world from the Malthusian path.
3. Withdrawal of the 3rd world from the path of Manipulative "democracy".
The last goal is actually the most important.

§ Project Ideas:

Biosynthesizers in the 3rd world .
See: Agro-automatic Mars Project.docx , Biosynthesizer Project.docx
Bionics (Electronic components of Biosynthesizers and Agro-automatic machines) and "seed" GMO plants can be supplied - from European anarchist producers.
2. Pay food to program participants in the 3rd world - only for :
2.1. Successful completion of training P 2 P -programs.
2.2. P 2 P -work, that is, work in P 2 P -organizations.
See: Effective Altruism.docx

50% of personal expenses people in the 3rd world spend on food.
Therefore, the basis of the Great Leap Forward is the production of food.

Biosynthesizers are designed to produce biofuels , not food.
However, they can be used to produce low quality food too - with almost no changeover.

Europe's "Energy Transition" (transition to Renewable Energy Sources) is pointless - while "dirty energy" is rapidly growing in the rest of the world

The high education of Africans will tear them out of the vicious Malthusian cycle - in a leap.
The time of "demographic transition" will be reduced by an order of magnitude.
The relative population growth during this time will also decrease by an order of magnitude.
And among the Germans there are marginal drug addicts who breed like animals.
1. Their share in the population is negligible.
2. The reasons for such deviations are almost 100% mental.
Thus, with the help of remote P 2 P - communication of volunteers, mostly African Americans with Africans, the share of marginals can be reduced almost to 0.




Network of Business Plans "Africa" - Project:

Issue: Poverty in Africa; 3rd world is the pillar of the 2nd world

"Developing" states are authoritarian, corrupt in the majority.
states of the 2nd world - pseudo- "democracies" to export to its rulers IT -technologies for manipulating people. True, the rulers of the 3rd world will themselves be the objects of manipulation.
Accordingly, the purpose of this Project is the development of non-hierarchical relations in the 3rd world - by building a 1-rank economy.

Idea: Network of Business Plans:

- This is a set of Business plans that form a single system of the Roadmap for Economic Development.
This is not a rigid plan for economic growth, but a Roadmap broken into a conditionally one million parts.
The System of Business Plans is developed by the Network of Volunteers, after which it is made available to the public.

Learning network :

Simultaneously with the Roadmap system, a distance learning network is being developed.
Training is conducted by volunteers with the help of AI, which increases the productivity and efficiency of their work.

Business plans are divided not only by sectors of the economy, but also by regions of the country.
Each Business Plan contains :
1. Qualification requirements, and links to relevant courses Study set and .
2. Production subcontractors - suppliers and buyers.
- Any local resident can register on the Roadmap website and take part in its implementation.
The participant is not obliged to comply with the instructions, but is responsible for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed.
The participant in particular is obliged to disclose all true current information provided in the Roadmap about his actions.

Export Orientation:

There is a " profane " approach to the development of African countries. - Orientation to help the traditional - subsistence economy, in particular - more primitive means of production, since more productive tools are too expensive.

more optimal to focus on the division of labor - the use of the most modern tools and technologies, but:
1. Simpler and cheaper options;
2. Development of the most profitable industries. For example, not the semiconductor industry, but the use of its imported components for the local assembly of tools used also - locally;
3. Embedding in the global market, finding the most profitable, adequate niches on it.
For Africa, these are, first of all, agro - technologies:
3.1. The population density in Equatorial Africa is still less than in Europe.
3.2. Year-round high temperatures and light.

Sabotage through propaganda:

The main saboteurs of the development of poor countries are Western corporations that use "competition" by non-market methods, falsely calling it " liberalism " and hypocritically providing "help" to poor countries with their products, which are incomparably less effective than the possible absence of economic sabotage.
People in the West must make a choice between supporting their politicians who protect the interests of corporations, or the survival of their grandchildren and Civilization.

To preserve the industrial security of the West in the global division of labor, it is enough to preserve agricultural technologies that can be quickly scaled up.
For example, "Agro-automatic machines" can be such technologies.
See PROJECTS SETTLEMENT Ark\Project Ag r o-machine